29: “What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?” (Acts 6-9)
Who do you think of when you hear the title “captain”? Captain America? Captain Jack Sparrow? Captain Crunch? Our world has no shortage of high-profile captains. But what about Jesus? You might think that sounds like an unusual title for Christ, that is until we study Acts 6–9 and discuss some inspired words from President Ezra Taft Benson. Then “captain” may become one of the first descriptions that comes to mind when you think of the Savior. We’ll also learn that “Captain” is more than just a title for Christ—it’s one of His most important roles as we learn to follow Him and truly make Him the Captain of our lives.
Segment 1
Acts 6:1-2 (Daily ministering)
Acts 6:3-5 (Calling 7 to help with the needs of the church)
Words of the Prophets:
Men changed for Christ will be captained by Christ.
Finally, men captained by Christ will be consumed in Christ.
Their will is swallowed up in His will.
They do always those things that please the Lord.
Not only would they die for the Lord, but more important they want to live for Him. (Ezra Taft Benson, “Born of God”, October 1985 General Conference)
Segment 2
Acts 6:8-13 (The story of Stephen)
Acts 6:15 (Stephen is transfigured)
Acts 7:51-56 (Stephen testifies of Christ)
Acts 7:59-60 (Stephen is stoned)
Stephen = Crown
Words of the Prophets:
But great things do not come easily; events that shake the earth run into mountains of resistance. (Bruce R. McConkie, “Once or Twice in a Thousand Years”, October 1975 General Conference)
Mountains to Climb inspired by President Eyring’s April 2012 General Conference address
Doctrinal New Testament Commentary by Bruce R. McConkie
Segment 3
Acts 8:4-8 (Philip’s story)
Acts 8:9-11 (Simon’s story)
Acts 8:22-23 (The gall of bitterness)
Segment 4
Acts 1:8 (Gather Israel)
Acts 8:25-27 (Philip goes preaching)
Acts 8:32-37 (We preach Jesus)
Words of the Prophets:
How many times are we too busy to “come up and sit” with someone who needs conversation? You and I have divine promptings all the time encouraging us to do good, but we often deflect them instead of doing like Philip, who “ran thither.” (Neal A. Maxwell, “The Pathway of Discipleship”, BYU Speeches January 4, 1998)
For each of us to “come unto Christ,” to keep His commandments and follow His example back to the Father is surely the highest and holiest purpose of human existence. To help others do that as well—to teach, persuade, and prayerfully lead them to walk that path of redemption also—surely that must be the second most significant task in our lives. Perhaps that is why President David O. McKay once said, “No greater responsibility can rest upon any man [or woman] than to be a teacher of God’s children.” (Jeffrey R. Holland, “A Teacher Come from God”, April 1998 General Conference)
Segment 5
Acts 9:4-6 (Saul’s conversion)
Matthew 25:40 (Done unto the least of these)
Acts 9:22 (Conversion only happens through Christ)
Words of the Prophets:
I’m reminded of the words of a prison warden who taught this fact. A critic who knew of Warden Duffy’s efforts to rehabilitate men said, “Don’t you know that leopards can’t change their spots?”
Warden Duffy responded, “You should know I don’t work with leopards. I work with men, and men change every day.” (Thomas S. Monson, “To the Rescue”, April 2001 General Conference)
Segment 6
Acts 9:36-41 (Tabitha is raised)
Words of the Prophets:
Whatever Jesus lays his hands upon lives. If Jesus lays his hands upon a marriage, it lives. If he is allowed to lay his hands on the family, it lives. (Howard W. Hunter, “Reading the Scriptures”, October 1979 General Conference)
Tammy 0:06
Who do you think of when you hear this title: Captain? Do you think of Captain America? Captain Jack Sparrow? What about Captain and Tennille? Okay, and if that didn't just show you my age, I don't know what else will. How about Captain Crunch? Okay, but here's one. What about Jesus? Did He come to mind? He didn't originally come into my mind. But after reading Acts 6-9, which is what we're going to discuss today, I am confident that you will want to be captained by Christ.
Welcome to the Sunday on Monday Study Group, a Deseret Bookshelf Plus original brought to you by LDS Living, where we take the Come, Follow Me lesson for the week and we really Dig Into the scriptures together. I'm your host, Tammy Uzelac Hall. Now if you're new to our study group, I just want to make sure you know how to use this podcast so follow the link that's in our description. It's going to explain how you can best use this podcast to enhance your Come, Follow Me study just like my dear friends Kate and Jason Howard from Layton, Utah. Hello friends, and thank you for the delicious treat.
Now another awesome thing about our study group is each week we're joined by two of my friends so it's always a little bit different. And today I am thrilled and so excited. In fact, this morning when I was getting ready I thought, I cannot think of two women I would rather discuss this with than Laryssa Wilhelm and Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt. Hello. Oh, oh, Laryssa, I forgot to say your married name. Listen, I knew Laryssa back when we were single teaching seminary. It's now the Laryssa Wilhelm Waldron - two kids in the thick of it. And then these two women teach at BYU Idaho. Hello.
Jennifer 1:40
Well, Hello
Laryssa 1:40
Tammy 1:42
Okay, we've known each other for how many years now? Oh, like, I mean, we met when we were 28, teaching Seminary together. And here we are, a lot older than that. That's what we'll say.
Jennifer 1:55
Like, you're gonna have to really reveal how old you are to figure out how long you've known each other
Tammy 1:58
Not gonna do it, but it's been a while and Laryssa has a kid graduated from high school so that'll tell you something. Oh my gosh, this is so awesome. And again, I was thinking that yeah, these women, we get it. The three of us have just been in the trenches together. We've all taught full-time Seminary, Institute, and now both of you are at BYU Idaho. Tell me what that's like. How do you feel about teaching college?
Jennifer 1:58
Hmm. First, I have to tell you, it's unrelated, but the other day I played "Muskrat" song for my kids. And they were like, Mom, this is so weird. So Captain and Tennille.
Tammy 2:37
Captain and Tennille, I know, is that so funny?
Jennifer 2:40
So sometimes that's what it's like teaching college is that there's this huge culture gap, and that I am so not cool. I'm gonna that's just the first thing I'm tossing out. I'm not current, and when they'll say like little things. I often need translation. Like I remember one time saying, like a student saying YOLO and I had to learn what that meant. And then I had to, it's not doctrinally correct, tho.
Tammy 3:08
Of course you did. That's funny YOLO. NOLO, actually. I love it.
Laryssa 3:18
Yeah, and I, I think that the, the difference, I don't know. I love teaching in the college because they're, they're starting in their adult trials. And it's a different animal, right? There's an innocence still in there. I'm teaching Junior High currently, or just finishing up teaching junior high and I'll be back at BYU this summer. And a different animal to be with the, with the young adults, they're facing some things that that they don't face in those younger years.
Jennifer 3:47
Well, and you know, in all seriousness there is such a sweetness in helping to, to, like I teach a lot of freshmen. And to help shape their trajectory, as far as who they want to be as disciples of Jesus Christ, their first time living out on their own and figuring it out. And, and the practical life skills even that you can work into a religious education class to just say the Gospel is practical, and that it's going to help you in really relevant ways. But that's kind of a cool thing. And and something actually I'm thinking about with today's discussion is just to be able to be at the crossroads at such a formidable time in their lives.
Tammy 4:30
Oh, wow, what a great setup then for our discussion. Okay. Well, for those of you listening, if you want to know more about my guests, please, I implore you to go check out their bios and make sure you get their names. And if you know anyone going to BYU Idaho, tell them to take their classes. You want your child or niece or nephew or neighbor to be taught by Laryssa and Jennifer, I guarantee it. It will be the greatest class they ever take, so go do that. Okay, so here's what we want everyond to do: Grab your scriptures, something to mark your Scriptures with, and your scripture journal, and we are really going to Dig In today because there is so much to cover in Acts 6-9. You will NOT regret listening to this episode. Here we go. Okay, I want to know, did either one of you think of a different captain than the one I listed?
Laryssa 5:16
Moroni was who I thought.
Jennifer 5:17
Tammy 5:20
Of course you thought Captain, I didn't even think Captain Moroni.
Jennifer 5:23
That's so funny.
Laryssa 5:26
Cuz you're in the New Testament. You're immersed.
Tammy 5:29
That's exactly it, good answer - Captain Moroni. All right. This is why I wanted us to think about captains, because I felt like this quote was the perfect setup. And you, you probably knew the quote I was talking about because it's a classic seminary - we use it all the time. In fact, one year I taught I had it in gigantic letters on my wall. I wanted kids to know this. We have a quote by Ezra Taft Benson in his October 1985 talk called "Born of God." And here's the quote. Jennifer, we read it for us.
Jennifer 5:55
"Men changed for Christ will be captained by Christ. Finally, men captained by Christ will be consumed in Christ. Their will is swallowed up in His will. They do always those things that please the Lord. Not only would they die for the Lord, but more important, they want to want to live for him."
Tammy 6:16
Thank you. Okay, that line right there: "men captained by Christ." What does that mean? What you think it means to be captained by Christ?
Laryssa 6:24
You know, I used to be in the military, which was kind of weird, I know. But one of the things that I learned in the military is that we take direct orders, and you had to follow exactly what they asked you to do. And whether it be your captain or sergeant, right. You, Aye Aye, sir. And that saved lives. And that helped you be where you needed to be, and do what you needed to do. So the first thing I think of when I think of Captain Christ is when He asks you to do, you do because it will save lives.
Tammy 6:53
Wow, that was perfect. You did have captains. You're absolutely right, I completely forgot about that. That is cool. And I like how you said when you do what they say it saves lives, it puts you where you need to be. I mean, Larissa, those that was so profound, because then we talk about how if Christ is our Captain, does that save lives? Yeah. But does it put us where we need to be? Absolutely. And it will. And in your experience, Laryssa, did it always end up being best case scenario?
Laryssa 7:25
Oh, of course not. Right? You always had issues, you always had problems. But you knew that you were doing what you needed to do. I mean, the other thing that I've learned this last little while, I've been a principal. And being in a role of leadership has really helped me see a lot of people have been questioning decisions that I make, because that's what happens when you're in a position of leadership.
Tammy 7:45
Laryssa 7:46
But being able to see all the decision-making things, right, that's been an incredible view, to say, Well, the reason I had to make this decision was because of all of these other pieces that were in play that you don't see. Right? And so sometimes when the Savior asks us to do things, even things that don't work out, you may sit there and go, but You've told me to do this. Well, yeah, He did because there are four or five different pieces. And when I say four or five, probably 4 or 500,000 pieces in play, that won't play out for a while. But what you're doing is doing exactly what He needs you to do in the moment. And years from now, you may find out why.
Tammy 8:27
Oh, gosh, great perspective on that. Well I thought of this quote because today's lesson is about people who were allowing themselves to be captained by Christ. And just like you said, you would never have imagined these - some people being captain by him - and then others, you're like, look how it played out because they allowed for that to happen. So this is gonna be a fun discussion. In fact, turn with me to Acts chapter 6. We're going to pick up right here. Because in Acts chapter 6, we're going to read about men who were captained by Christ, and the Christ-like qualities that they had actually helped solve a problem. Talk about things playing into the scenario, I think this is awesome. So here we go, Acts chapter 6. So here's what you want to know: the church, it is growing and things are going well. And they're going so well that of course, when the church grows, we're going to have some problems, there are going to be a couple, it's not going to be best case scenario, there will be issues. And so Laryssa, read verses 1 and 2 for us.
Laryssa 9:20
6:1,2 "And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. Then the 12 called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, Is it not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables?"
Tammy 9:38
Okay, will you please just tell us what they're saying in verse 2? That may seem odd to listeners like, serve tables? What What are they saying? What's going on?
Oh the waitresses, right? I mean,
I think that's what it's saying.
Jennifer 9:50
That's exactly it. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.
Tammy 9:54
Well, you read it and you're like, wait, what's going on? Did they leave the ministry to work in a restaurant? May I please take your order? What are they saying here; what's going on?
Laryssa 10:02
Well, I, for me, I think about the day-to-day work, right? There are things that, I remember a talk by Elder Oaks. This is October of 2010. Then Elder, now President Oaks, where he talked about two lines of communication. And he, he talked about the priesthood line, that there are things that the priesthood line shouldn't need to tell you, that you need to get the information from the personal line. For example, you don't need to ask your bishop if you should move or where to move. That's something that the personal line needs to get, right. But there are things that the bishop should be helping you with. And so in this moment, because they're not getting the help that they need, I think some of those daily things are not being taken care of. And they need to be working on the things that they were called to do. And other people need to step it up and help out with the things that they need to do.
Tammy 10:51
Excellent example. And so let's look at what the answer is. We're going to read verse 3. Here is the answer to the problem. And as we read verse 3, let's underline. See if you can underline qualities that were going to be necessary to do what you just said, Larissa, to take care of these daily problems that they're having with the widows, and those who needed help on a daily basis. Jennifer, can you read verse 3.
Laryssa 11:13
Yes. "Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business."
Tammy 11:24
Okay, what three qualities did we notice there?
Laryssa 11:27
So they're honest, full of the Holy Ghost, and wisdom.
Tammy 11:32
Very good.
Laryssa 11:33
I think that this is a good place for us to stop and say, What does my Patriarchal Blessing say that qualifies me for the work, that those things actually are all in my Patriarchal Blessing. And, and to be able to look at that and to say, and it doesn't have to be those three things for me to be able to contribute. But to be willing to say, I see these things in me and I'm prepared and willing to make an offering. We, we live in a ward that has a very needy community. And it's interesting because it feels like it's the same group of people that are going and taking care. And I sense this same sort of struggle of saying, What would it look like for me to just go show up at that place? And to say, I have the Holy Ghost and I have this capacity and I'm here to help with those that are, that are in need, the neglected and the widows, the neglected widows. Anyway, I just think it's important for us to pause and say, I qualify too, and I'm not Quorum of the 70, nor will I ever be.
Tammy 12:41
Yes, absolutely. In fact, I just wrote Patriarchal Blessing next to verse 3. What does my Patriarchal Blessing say that qualifies me for the work?
Laryssa 12:51
And honestly, some of those things are things that all of us can have, right? I mean, you look at this: be honest, that's my choice, right? to be
Tammy 12:51
Well, and of honest report, like, hopefully people are saying good things about you because you're making good choices. That's how I interpret that, of honest report. I'm not the best. Listen, there might be, there're people who don't like me, but overall, I'm a pretty good gal, right?
Jennifer 13:13
You are! 100%
Tammy 13:18
I'm of honest report, mostly.
Laryssa 13:19
Those are things that we can have, right? You can, you can do those. You can be honest, you can do your best, and you can be full of the Holy Ghost, which can give you wisdom, right, being close to the Lord, reading the scriptures, being close to the Holy Ghost will give you the ability to have wisdom. Yeah,
Tammy 13:36
Oh, absolutely.
Jennifer 13:38
And again, I love how you're making that invitation. Because we don't need an assignment to do it.
Tammy 13:45
Jennifer 13:45
And that's something like later on when we're talking about Tabitha.
Tammy 13:49
Oh, yeah, we get to talk about her.
Jennifer 13:51
That you don't have to be, you don't have to be assigned. You don't have to be called up. It's part of the baptismal covenant, which is also going to be important in our discussion today. That by virtue of being a follower of Jesus Christ, I qualify to go take care of people. And I'd love for us to collectively and individually learn that and feel that and just act.
Tammy 14:19
Yeah. Yep,
Laryssa 14:20
We had a 70 here just a little while ago in Rexburg, speaking to our stake who talked about my ministry, meaning his ministry and his discipleship. And in going along with what Jen is saying, I think we should talk about and think about what is my ministry on earth? What is my discipleship? What am I supposed to be doing here? And how does that relate to other people?
Tammy 14:43
Well, and that's exactly what we're going to see today. Every person we talk about really does ask that question, what is my ministry? In fact, look at verse 5. Just go ahead and circle the names of the people who answered the call to what is my ministry? I think that's beautifully set up. You can circle their names. We have Steven, Phillip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas. Boy, I did not say those well. I don't know, I can't say Greek names. Those are the names of the men who answered the call. And look what the result was in verse 7: "And the Word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of priests were obedient to the faith."
Awesome, right there. And I think that can be the result of all of us answering, what is my ministry? Because I do; I'm of honest report, I can have the Holy Ghost, I can have wisdom by virtue of the Holy Ghost. Read your Patriarchal Blessing, find out what is your ministry? And think about that this week, because as you answer that call, right, and just answering that call you being captained by Christ, and He will guide you. And we're going to see that play out in all of our stories. So in the next segment, we're going to jump in to one, a story about one of those men in verse 5, and how he answered the call of his ministry.
Segment 2 15:55
Tammy 16:10
Okay, I have this really cool quote by Bruce R McConkie; he said this in 1975.
"Great things do not come easily. Events that shake the earth run into mountains of resistance."
All right, can you two in your lives concur that that is a true statement?
Jennifer 16:29
Laryssa 16:30
As we laugh
Tammy 16:32
Give me an example from your own life of something great that did not come easily, that did run into mountains of resistance. Hit it. Hit it. I know you both have something.
Jennifer 16:44
(Laughter) Today's our 11th wedding anniversary.
Tammy 16:47
Jennifer 16:49
So there you have it. That did not come easily. We were 41 getting married, but we were, we've been reminiscing that it's like every move, every housing transaction has been massively challenging for whatever. I mean, and that's just a temporal thing that's really not that big of a deal, probably. But it just, there's just one example that it just feels like, I just told my husband this morning, that we're trying to move right now. I said, I'm never doing this again, never doing this again. Because every time we're just confronted with some massive mountain, that whatever it means there's something great on the other side. And I know that that again, moving, it's not that, well, maybe it is
Laryssa 17:32
It is
Jennifer 17:32
I'm not going to put you through what I'm going through. But yes, it just feels like everything. And I keep thinking about, don't you remember that beautiful talk by President Eyring, "Mountains to Climb". And that they, the church made that beautiful video to go with it. And I love how Laryssa, you got us thinking about how Christ sees the big picture, that we can't. And so if we want the high view, we've got to climb up. Thanks for helping me see that today. That if I want the high view, I've got to be willing to climb.
Tammy 18:03
Perfectly stated. Oh, so good. What about you, Laryssa? What mountains have you met?
Laryssa 18:08
You know, I laugh because I feel like, a little while ago, a friend of mine said to me, "Are you just afraid that your life is gonna constantly be in trials?" I think I may have a little bit of trial fatigue, I'm not kidding. I feel like I am constantly doing a spiritual workout. And the Lord is constantly saying, No, you have three more in you. And I'm like, No, I really can't hold that barbell up any longer, anymore. I just can't do that. And so I think being married has been a mountain, having children has been a mountain, my employment has been a mountain. I just feel like every time I feel like we have a layer of solid, something, an earthquake explodes or some rumbles and takes us to a different place. And yet, you know that firm foundation, the Savior has been there every step of those earthquakes. And so, there still is a foundation to stand on. But anything else that I would try to put my life on, whether it be employment or my spouse or our relationship or my children, it just always is always shaky. So that's the only thing that has been able to help me has been knowing that I am climbing on the Savior, that He's my sure foundation.
Tammy 19:31
Wow, thank you to both of you. I like, Laryssa, in my mind I'm imaging Jesus, You got three more in you. Because you know, if anyone's ever worked out that's wording they use. Come on, you can do one more. And you're like, But I can't. So turn with me to Acts 6:8, and let's put a square around the name of the man who absolutely is going to be met with a mountain. And this is a beautiful story about him. What is his name, Jennifer?
Jennifer 20:24
Tammy 20:00
Steven. Highlight or put a square around his name. It says ".....Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people." And he did. And it was not without its mountains, and one specific mountain. And so we're going to try to tell you his story because he did amazing things. But boy, the Jews of the synagogue were not having it. They were upset with his words, they did not like what he said. In fact, verse 10, they, when they go up to battle against Steven, and Steven comes at them with his words, verse 10, says, "And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake."
And then verse 11, "they suborned men", I circled that word. Of course I had to look it up. We want to know what that word means. Suborn means they bribed to commit an unlawful act. So they suborned some men and said, Listen, we've heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and against God. And verse 12, they stirred up the people. Like they do not like Stephen. And they get all of these people accusing false witnesses against him. Verse 13, tells us that - highlight "false witnesses against him." And Stephen begins to speak to them. And verse 15, Laryssa, will you read that for us.
Laryssa 20:25
"And all that sat in the council, looked steadfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel."
Tammy 21:16
Now there's a word we want to associate with this verse. And the word is 'transfigured.' So just write that to the outside. He was transfigured, but I thought this was so cool. So, you guys, the name Steven means crown. That is his name. And I love the way one scholar said this, He was crowned with the glory of God in that very moment. Tell me about that. Larissa. You're, why are you smiling?
Laryssa 21:49
Well, I mean, I know what's gonna happen to Stephen.
Tammy 21:53
Laryssa 21:55
But I also know how the Lord has carried me through those trials that I've been talking about. And obviously, you can talk about your own trials, those who are listening can talk about their trials. And I think that those trials do crown you with the glory of God as you look steadfastly at Him. I love that about Steven, I love that there is power in who he is, in His Word, that the people can't speak against him because they know that he's telling the truth. And he does face some pretty difficult things, but always with his face to God. It's just beautiful.
Jennifer 22:31
But I just, it's so vital for us to live lives framed within the plan, that we've go to know this is a mortal experience. Recently, our stake president invited us in stake conference to study the first three chapters of the Handbook of Instructions, right, to go through. And look, this is the doctrinal foundation of the work of the Kingdom of God on earth. It's salvation and exultation. It's loving God and loving others. And for me that when that framework is secure, the crown will be placed. You know, we watched this recently with King Charles. And I loved sitting my kids down and saying, Watch this, watch and see. And my whole girl's name is Camilla, and I have called her The Queen since the day she was born. And I said to her, I said she's got nothing on you, Queen, because you're a daughter of covenant. And because you have been baptized and you're on the covenant path, you will be crowned in ways she will not comprehend in this life. And that to me, you know that this child of mine is going to walk her path.
And right now, you know, I'm thinking about Larissa. I love you. And I've watched so much of what you've passed through, just from a bird's eye, just from a glance, right? But I think this daughter of mine is gonna go through things, but that I trust she's gonna be okay, as long as she's, like you, a daughter of covenant who's got her eye fixed on being crowned, on being exalted, and to go no more out. And that it, I can do it, I can do it because this is God's work and His glory. This is the plan of salvation. And this is the objective: to be saved and exalted.
Tammy 24:33
Wow! Both of your comments were so perfect and beautiful. I love this idea of being crowned. Like it's almost like all of us could have 'Stephen' as our middle name, then. We are all crowned, every one of us, by being sons and daughters of the covenant. And that crowning is what's going to get Stephen through this experience. Just look at the section heading of chapter 7. So here's what Stephen does. Stephen recounts the history of Israel and names Moses as a prototype of Christ. He testifies of the apostacy in Israel, he sees Jesus on the right hand of God. I mean, chapter 7 is awesome. We're not going to go all into it, we're just going to go to Acts chapter 7, and we're gonna go to verse 51-53, bracket those off. And to the outside of 51-53 I wrote, 'Stephen calls them out.' And then I put in big words OUCH. It's a little painful for him the way he calls them out.
I love watching Laryssa, she's laughing like, I wish this almost could be in video so you guys could see the video of their faces. Because he just says, You're stiff necked, you're uncircumcised of heart. Listen, your dads didn't listen to the prophets, why would you? I mean, he really gives them the tongue lashing. And they're so mad about his words, in verse 54. It says that they were 'cut to the heart.' They knew what Stephen was saying was absolutely true. And as Steven's standing there, in verse 55, go ahead, Jennifer, will you read 55 and 56 for us.
Jennifer 25:53
Yes. "But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God. And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God."
Tammy 26:11
Oh, you have this beautiful testimony of Stephen. But then verse 57, "."...they cried with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord." And now grab something to highlight your Scriptures with and make it a color you don't like. That's what I, that's what I do in my scriptures. It's stuff I don't like that's sad or mean is in the color I don't like. And I want you to highlight in verse 58, "they cast him out of the city and stoned him." Now there's something you want to know about being stoned at this time. So this is really interesting. And this comes from a historian called Demello. And Bruce R McConkie is quoting him in his book called "The Doctrinal New Testament Commentary. And this is what he teaches about being stoned: So after a man has been condemned to be stoned, they bring him a good strong wine, and they give it to him to drink so that he's not going to feel too great of the horror of a violent death. Then come in the witnesses; they bind the hands and the feet of the person they're going to stone and they lead him to a place of stoning.
Then the witnesses take a great gigantic, large stone, enough to cause death, and they lay it upon his heart altogether, lest one should act before another. Then the hand of the witnesses shall be the first against him, and then all the Israelites can overwhelm him with stones. That's what happens here. So they didn't just chuck stones at him to hurt him. Like they would have just put the weight of a stone on his heart to just crush him. And that is what's happening here. He's being stoned. Then in verse 58, they lay their clothes down at the feet of a young man, whose name is Saul. Highlight that in verse 58, put a square around his name - you're gonna want to know that name. And they stoned Stephen. But then here we have verses 59 and 60. Jennifer continue to read what Stephen said and did in 59 and 60.
Jennifer 27:57
And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, received my spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not thi sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep."
Tammy 28:12
Thank you. So going back to that whole way we started, what is Stephen's ministry? I mean, what is his ministry in this? What can we learn? Because I had a student one time say, "So you gotta die to let Jesus be your Captain?" Like, that's a great question. How would you answer that?
Laryssa 28:28
I think sometimes you do. And whether that is a literal death, or figurative death, whether that's losing your life, figuratively, whether it's going down into the trenches and the work that He's asked you to do, or accepting a trial - that's laying down your life for the Savior. Sometimes you want,you think when you're in the middle of a trial, "You can take this away. I have faith that You have the ability literally to take this away from me. And He could have, you know, He could have come down, angels could have picked up Steven and carried him away like they did to the Savior in different times, You know. When the Savior was able to walk through a crowd and not be stoned, He has the power to save us from our trials. 100%.
And then when He doesn't come, it is one of the most overwhelming feelings in the world. Because you go through mentally, did I do something wrong? Have I sinned? I thought He loved me. Why is He not helping me, He has the power to help me. They told me if I have faith, I won't be harmed. And do you know what? That's true at the end of the day, but we're not at the end of the day. We're not in the, in the glorious resurrection. We're not at the place of those happy endings yet, at that third act. We're in the middle of the second act and as everybody knows in the second act, it can be pretty brutal. It can be really, really hard.
But the thing I think that is so beautiful with Steven here is that he is witnessing that the Savior and the Father are there with him. And I know that in the moments where I've been questioning, Why aren't you taking away this from me? I know He's there listening to me say, Why aren't you taking away this from me? right? He's literally there as we're having a conversation. And in my own dark night, when I ask those questions, I remember Him saying, You have to go through this for what's coming ahead. You have to carry this for Me for what you need for the future. And I did, I needed it. And it's helped me ever since.
Jennifer 30:40
I just, watching you, though, like I see your ministry to the one. Particularly Laryssa, like I, I've seen you firsthand help someone understand. Like, do you remember the other day and we were sitting and I had a student come up, and you knew how to address her mental health concerns. And you could directly and succinctly and so nurturing in the way you were able to say, Here, let's brainstorm some things you can do that are tangible and real. And that, that I, to me to be able to watch that and to know a little about maybe some of the things you're implying that you've been through, that your qualifications as a minister and a disciple of Jesus Christ now are so expanded, you know, that when you go backward and read the we were in Acts 6, the word of God increased? Well, one of the things that I wrote down is that I increase, my capacity increases as I'm willing to surrender.
Even that quote that we started with from President Benson, that surrender. And so I've been a witness to that, in watching the way your capacity has increased as a result of your willingness to surrender. And I think that's one of the beautiful things in discipleship, that we need each other, right, that we prayed together this morning our gratitude for sisterhood. And that that is so important, even when you were talking about lifting the weight, that in my mind, I could see, like, helping, helping hold up the edge to say, You can because we're going to help. And that's the beauty of discipleship, that in the lifting we don't have to do it alone. The Savior was really the only one that had to do it alone. But that also to have eyes to see, look what this has done to "more fit for the kingdom, more Savior like Thee'" The hymn "More Holiness Give Me." Anyway, I just, I don't know, I'm just enjoying watching you and seeing you and loving you and all that you give.
Tammy 33:10
I will back that up.
Laryssa 33:11
You're wonderful.
Jennifer 33:12
Oh, you guys.
Tammy 33:12
I will back that up. Well, again, going back to how we started with the quote, that great things do not come easily. And I want everyone to be thinking about what they're going through in their lives right now. And from what we've heard that great things don't come easily. But events that shake the earth, run into mountains of resistance. And many of us can witness of that. And Larissa did. And I think Jennifer and I are witnesses that were so sad is true. Absolutely true. So thank you to both of you. Okay, so what we'll do then is in the next segment, we get to learn another story about two other people. And again, going back to that question, are they being captained by Christ, and what is their ministry? And we'll look at that next.
Segment 3 33:48
Tammy 34:00
All right, here we go. We're in Acts chapter 8. And again, grab something to mark your Scriptures with and we're gonna put a square around two more names. The first name we want to put a square around is in verse 5. There it is, then Philip. So square that. And then we want to go to verse 9 and put a square around this name: "a certain man, called Simon." Now you're gonna want to bracket off verses 4-8, that's Phillip's story. And then verses 9-11 kind of leads us into Simon. Now. I did have you mark Saul back in Acts 7:58. We're going to come back to him but here's what you want to know.
While Philip and Simon's story's taking place, Saul is wreaking havoc on the church. He is awful. In fact, it says that in verse 3. "As for Saul, he made havoc of the church entering into every house and hailing men and women, committing them to prison." And not just committing them to prison, but killing them. Like he's awful. And they laid clothing at his feet when Steven was being killed, because that was a sign of: you are witness to this event, because you are here representing the people who want them dead. That's why you would lay your clothes at their feet, that's the symbol of that. So just know meanwhile, Saul - wreaking havoc. But we got a story about Philip. So let's read a little bit about Philip, and Larissa, will you please hit it for us and tell us about Philip. We're going to just read verses 6, 7, and 8.
Laryssa 35:26
"And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed. And there was great joy in that city."
Tammy 35:45
Oh, I love the word joy. Doesn't that verse make you so happy? Like, people are so happy about the work that Philip's doing - great joy. Okay, now let's read about Simon. Jennifer, will you read about him in verses 9-11.
Jennifer 36:00
"And there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one:" Oh, that line's good, isn't it?
Tammy 36:15
Yeah, tell me about that.
Jennifer 36:16
We were watching a basketball game the other day, and the guy afterwards said, "In my humble opinion, I'm one of the greatest basketball players in the whole world." And my kids keep quoting it to me, but we just keep laughing about this boasting of giving out that his stuff was some great one. I'm going to tell you all about it. Ohhh.
Tammy 36:38
Yes. Oh, so good.
Jennifer 36:43
To whom they owe
Tammy 36:44
Hold on. I just have to underline that, I've underlined and highlighted it. Because it is funny, some great one. Oh, he's so great.
Jennifer 36:51
Let me tell you about myself and how great I am.
Tammy 36:53
Oh, I love it.
Jennifer 36:54
10: "To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God. And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries."
Tammy 36:56
Okay. Now, he comes against Philip. Now Pass is going to tell us he's not going to listen to Philip. He's gonna hate Philip. But we really do kind of like Simon. Larissa read verse 12 and 13. Let's find out what happens with Simon.
Laryssa 37:19
"But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. (And) Then Simon himself believed also: and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done."
Tammy 37:35
Thank you. I like that verse 13..... "and wondered." Like, because he'd been doing some pretty great things, you know, he's pretty great, you know. So,
Jennifer 37:44
I just want you to know yesterday in church, my friend in Relief Society told us about, she's a convert to the church. And she was saying that before she was a member, she used the name of the Lord as a swear word. And that when she became converted, like that first year or so, she had to really practice using the name of Christ. And that she would say, Am I doing it right? Am I saying it right? Am I, and it became this wonder and awe for her. Like, just that line that the name of Jesus Christ that they, that in verse 12, and he was teaching the name of Jesus Christ. And that for her, that became so profound, His name. And the way she said it with reverence and wonder and awe. And now these 20 plus years later, that as she was speaking, for me, it was just this reminder of what Jesus can do in contrast of the world. And it reminds me of the Pharaoh and Moses, and that we're going to see these juxtapositions all the time. But if we can find the Savior Jesus Christ in it, we'll know the source and the power. And again, that I have taken His name upon me. And to be able to use His name with my name is so humbling. But that wonder, that sense of wonder at the things that come when we learn to be reverent and awed by Him.
Tammy 39:29
Wow. I really, what struck me with what you said was to find His name and things, because for me, that is a litmus test for where this person is coming from. Like, did they speak of the Savior? Was it about Jesus or about them being the great one? Like I really like that. And the wonder, yeah, how do we say His name? Is it in awe and reverence? Beautiful connection. So after this experience happens, we have Peter and John come back onto the scene, and they're here to give the people the gift of the Holy Ghost which they had not yet received. And when they start receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, Simon sees this and he's like, I want this power to do this, in verse 19. "Give me also this power that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost."
And I love Peter's answer. He says, Look, you can't buy the power. Like it can't be purchased with money. What are you talking about? You don't understand the operations of things, the gift of operations. I love that, this is where it comes into play. If you read about spiritual gifts, this is it the gift of operations, how things work. In fact, Peter calls him out and I wanted to look at this for a minute, 22 and 23. He's calling Simon out and we need to know this going into maybe what Simon's thoughts might be, how he might take these words, okay? So Laryssa, read 22 and 23.
Laryssa 40:47
Well, and really quickly. I mean, you remember when Stephen called people out? It was pretty ugly.
Tammy 40:51
Right. Yes. So it's about maybe to get ugly with Simon; here we go.
Laryssa 40:58
So 22 and 23?
Tammy 41:00
Laryssa 41:02
"Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity."
Tammy 41:13
Okay, highlight "gall of bitterness" and "bond of iniquity." We have to define these two terms, because we've heard it often in scriptures that you're like, what does that mean, gall of bitterness. And this is pretty cool. So gall, the word gall is bile or that which is bitter. It's the yellowish green fluid that is secreted in your liver. Like it's the most bitter, awful thing. So it's anything very bitter, or any bad passion of the mind. That's what gall is. Then the phrase "of bitterness" is a Hebraism. In Hebrew, "of bitterness" actually means "the mos"t, the most excessive bitterness. So it's a superlative. So a superlative is good, better, best. This is how "of bitterness" is: the most bitter. So he is of the gall of bitterness. Can you imagine being called that? You're the most - that's I would been translate as - you're the most bitter human being ever. Agh. Okay, so here's Simon hearing this.
And then we have "bond of iniquity." This is what you are bound to, and what rules over you and holds you captive. When you hear the word bond, that's what it's meaning. So he's saying bond of iniquity. The iniquity of Simon bound him like an iron chain to the habit he couldn't free himself from, Which, so now Simon's being called the most awful and bitter, and you are bound to iniquity, like nothing can free you. Okay, so just knowing that right out of the gates, how would you expect Simon to respond? What's the human in him? How would the human respond?
Jennifer 42:45
You jerk, you know. But but when you said, What holds you captive? I, of course, because of what we've been talking about, what holds you captive? And, and so for him, then again, to make the choice. What am I going to choose? Who is going to rule over me? Right? that, am I going to be bound by my iniquities? What will I choose in putting off the natural man? Because the natural man is going to be really angry. But here's the test of what's just happened with the baptism, that when you go back up, right, that it was the name of Jesus Christ that led him into the waters of baptism. Do you really want to receive the Holy Ghost or not?
Tammy 43:27
Oh, awesome. Okay, let's see what he does with the words then. Jennifer read for us verse 24.
Jennifer 43:32
"Then answered Simon, and said, Pray ye to the Lord for me, that none of these things which ye have spoken come upon me."
Tammy 43:43
What does that tell us about Simon in his heart?
Laryssa 43:46
He's a real convert. He really is willing to be captained by Christ. Yeah.
Tammy 43:52
Jennifer 43:53
Yeah. That humility can only come through Jesus Christ, that this to me is just pure evidence that he has been changed, that he absolutely has received the name of Jesus Christ.
Tammy 44:11
Yes. I have to write this stuff. Hold on. Well, recently, a cute sister returned home from her mission. She's my neighbor. Her name is Mackenzie Stokes. Hi, Kenz. And in her talk, she mentioned how her mission was hard. And I was listening. And I'm like, it is hard, it's so hard. And then she said to her mission president, "It's hard." And this is my favorite part of her talk. Because she said her mission president told her, "You bet it's hard. And hard is an acronym." And for anyone listening. It's the mission president serving in Riverside, California. I don't know his name, but I love what he taught her. He said, "Hard is an acronym and it stands for Humbling And Refining Days." And that just hit me like a ton of bricks because I thought everything good in my life has been hard. So I love that. And I think of Simon right here, that conversion was hard. He could have so easily been upset and walked away and said bad things and joined up and gotten in cahoots with Saul. But it was a humbling and refining day for him just then because he chose to be captained by Christ.
And from our last segment, and you both shared your mountainous experiences. I mean, those were hard, like acronym hard. And I love you both. And I have watched you come out on the other side, just beautifully refined. It's been awesome. I just love Simon's example. Humbling And Refining Days. And so here's his story. That's the end of the story of Simon. And then we go into this other really great story because Philip's mission isn't over though. And in the next segment, we get to see another example of someone choosing to be captain for Christ and asking what is my ministry. So we'll do that next.
Segment 4 45:53
Tammy 46:04
Okay, so I asked Jen to tell us this story because it's so good. And it's the most unlikely of people to choose the ministry and to be captained by Christ. So hit it, Jen, tell us the story.
Jennifer 46:15
Okay. So to begin, let's, let's just anchor back to Acts 1:8, that there's this charge given, "But ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the world, Earth, excuse me, and this charge to go and to gather Israel. And you just reminded us, right, in verse 5 of chapter 8, that Philip is being sent to Samaria. And so now the gospel of Jesus Christ is being sent into all the world and we get to witness it. And I would say, as we start to look at Philip and what he's about to do, how important it is for us to consider the prophetic charge: to gather Israel on both sides of the veil, and that we're still about this business. Do you guys remember before we jump in, do you remember when we were in high school, and mission calls started to come to places that were not typical? Do you remember what places you get excited about? Yours, Laryssa?
Laryssa 47:21
Tammy 47:24
You! You went to Bulgaria!
Jennifer 47:26
Were you one of the first missionaries?
Tammy 47:28
Fresno, California.
Jennifer 47:30
Yeah, my gosh, finally!
Tammy 47:31
That was it. Go ahead, Bulgaria. Were you one of the first Bulgarian missionaries?
Laryssa 47:36
I was within the first five years. So I wasn't the very beginning, but we were there during the Missouri Days of Bulgarian.
Jennifer 47:46
What did you see? What was it, I mean, what did you experience in those days that you would say was pioneering, was opening, was was preparing Bulgaria? I don't even know what's happening in Bulgaria, except for yesterday, that our friend brother Palmer said that he was on his way to a mission reunion or a mission departure to go to Bulgaria. So what did you see?
Laryssa 48:08
It was really rough. I mean, it was within the five years of The Wall falling down, they were inundated with people teaching the gospel, which is wonderful, the good news of God. But for the time we came, there was this severe persecution, like Saul was giving to the people, right, and that I was there during the persecution days in Bulgaria. And those members are true saints of God. Those that stayed with God, they are true saints in Eastern Europe, I love them. And you can say that across the world, of course, our members are incredible, absolutely incredible. But yeah, it was amazing because there were people who were afraid to talk about the gospel. I remember sitting in a woman's home and she said, as I was talking about the Book of Mormon, she said, Shush, be quiet. They'll hear you. And we were in her apartment. It was so shocking, to have come from the United States of America, where I can say what I'd like. But to have her be so afraid that someone would hear me through the walls speaking about God, and that something would happen to her. It was a very humbling and intense experience to be there.
Jennifer 49:23
I think one of the things that matters when we start talking about Philip, there's a couple of things that are going to be important. One is Philip is a teacher come from God, and that his willingness to respond and to be prepared and ready to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ is foundational and important to the gathering. But the other is the sacrifice of those that are hungry to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ, and then to pioneer and move forward. And that's, I mean, I love the way you've got us thinking about Bulgaria and what's happened - can we say in a couple decades since you've been there? And the work there. But to see what's going to happen in this story. Sorry if I just called you out there.
Tammy 50:07
Nobody ever, I'm sure everyone's still stuck on "five years since the Wall came down." Oh boy.
Laryssa 50:16
What Wall?
Tammy 50:17
We're all doing the math on that.
Jennifer 50:19
She does have a graduate, high school graduate, right? Old lady, I still think I'm the oldest. But this idea of how God is going to work His work, and that He needs us to be ready and prepared to be big players in it. And so as we look at this, I want us to think about, so we're all passionate about teaching. And I believe this is the heart of ministry is to be able to know how to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, with whatever gifts we have, with whatever capacity every one of us, and we don't call it home and visiting teaching anymore. I loved that because we could say every one of us is called to be a teacher, but to expand that to ministering - every one of us. And so my invitation would be for all of us to consider now what are my gifts in teaching? And how do I strengthen those so that I can be better prepared to receive those that cross my path who are seeking to be gathered. And, and so let's think about that as we unpack this story. And let's look at a couple of things.
So one thing that I want us to understand as we look at the story of Philip is that this is a fulfillment of Acts 1:8, to go preach beyond, to go expand the work and preach beyond, and that there is space for all - an Ethiopian eunuch - that you belong here, that you fit here, and that there is a place for you. And then the importance of gospel teachers. So let's do this verse. And I would say, so when I was studying this, this is how I went about it. I went through it first and I saw the players, and I squared them off. And how we all learn to do that, I don't know. But I squared the names of the Ethiopian eunuch, and the angel, and Philip, and I created columns, I made notes with columns. And I wanted to unpack and say, What happened for each of these people? What are the qualities, the attributes and the responses? And how does it help me to develop in my various roles? So let's start out and Tammy, will you read for us a couple of verses? And we're going to try and understand what Philip is doing? And will you read for us 25-27?
Tammy 52:37
8:25-27 "And they, when they had testified and preached the word of the Lord, returned to Jerusalem, and preached the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans. And the angel of the Lord spake into Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert. And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, a, eunuch of great authority under Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship."
Jennifer 53:13
Let's tease out from those verses. Philip, first. What does Philip do?
Tammy 53:18
Well, I like how Phillip, Phillip is doing what he was asked to do. He's going and he's preaching the gospel in the village of the Samaritans. And he's in a position where he can receive revelation.
Laryssa 53:31
And how wonderful when the Spirit says, go get into that carriage. He goes. I mean, I love that so much that he is so in tune with the Spirit that he knows, he doesn't have to question:Now is this me or the Holy Ghost? He spent enough time with the Holy Ghost that he knows, Okay, I'll get in that carriage. And I'm sure it was kind of one of those moments like, What are you doing here? Right?
Jennifer 53:56
Right, right. Elder Maxwell calls these A Pattern of Divine Promptings. And that's from an article in what was formerly known as the Ensign, "The Pathway of Discipleship" from September, 1998. We're, I'd like to just invite us to think for a minute. Can we, in any given day, that I think sometimes we want the grand experiences to be, Oh, when I was on my mission, or when I was in this certain contest. But my experience of late has been on any given day that I can track patterns of divine promptings. That, and that's the beauty of discipleship is that it doesn't have to be in a grand assignment. In this instance, he's just doing what he, what an angel asked him to do. And so there's this pattern: Okay, I got up and I went, and I observed and I saw, and I was willing to get into a carriage and that availability to be generous. And to say, I want to act generously on this circumstance; I want to get in and do something. Right? Any thoughts on that?
Tammy 55:13
Yes, I'm so struck, I love that you just said this, Jennifer. In verse 27, "he arose and went;" Those two words, that construct "arose and went," it is everywhere in Scripture. And just what came to mind was the widow of Zerapath. So she arose and went, she went and did. Like when you see those two words, anytime you see those two words, it is a signal to me that a miracle is about to happen. The Shunammite woman in Second Kings chapter 4. So she went and did. And I just love seeing that right here. He arose and went. No, we don't know if there was a dialogue in his head, like, I don't know what's going to happen. Boy, I hope this works out. This sure is crazy. What am I doing? We don't care, like the Scripture, it doesn't matter what the inner dialogue was. It's what he physically did, he arose and went.
And I think one of the things I have learned is that is priesthood power, for all of us. Like, we all get impressions to do things through the gift of the Holy Ghost. But it is the priesthood power that were given it eight years old, through our baptismal covenants, that gives us the confidence to go and do, to arise and go. I can, there's no other way to explain it in my world. And you don't know what the outcome will be. I think that for me is priesthood power: impression, action, outcome. The thought, All right, this might turn out crazy, I don't know. But I'm gonna go and do and then you're going to wait for the outcome. Hope this turns out. Not sure what will happen. But I have to, I can't deny the impression. So I love those two words. And I'm thankful you brought that up. He just went and did.
Jennifer 56:44
Well, and that in this case, it's grand, right. It's a grand outcome. And again, in our lives, it can look pretty mundane. The other day I was just going about the day and I had this thought, why don't you go outside and go for a walk? It's about 10:30 in the morning, it wasn't too hot yet. And I just started walking and I thought, Okay. So I started walking, and as I just got about, I don't know, half a block, a block away from my home, I ran into a friend. And she said, Can I join you? And we walked for hours. And we sat and sorted through things and processed things, and talked. And I got home and I thought, That wasn't accidental, that I had just a simple prompt: go for a walk, and I was available. And then we walked and we talked and it was a ministry for me. Anyway, Laryssa, did you have something?
Laryssa 57:46
No, I love that. And I think that is what we're talking about - my ministry, my discipleship, right/ My being a follower of Jesus Christ puts me where I need to be at the right time and in the right place. And even if you don't know what you're gonna say, right, the Holy Ghost says, Fill your minds with the Holy Ghost, fill your minds with the words of God and you will have in the moment exactly what you need to say. And, and I know all of us can testify of those moments where we didn't know why we were going where we were going. And we didn't know what we were gonna say when we got there. But we open our mouths, and the Lord filled them with exactly what was needed. And the beauty of that is that there have been moments where you see, like Jen talked about, why you needed to be there at that specific time. And then there are moments you don't know why, and won't know for a while. But if you give the faith that this is what I'm supposed to do, then He can Captain you the way that He needs to, to save lives. (You like how I put that back?)
Tammy 58:47
I love it!
Jennifer 58:49
Well, are we content to be satisfied that we obeyed? That's what we need to learn is I'm going to be content that I obeyed. I don't need it to have a very obvious outcome. I am going to practice obedience and really see what happens. And as he's going, verse 28, he's returning and sitting. He sees this man reading Isaiah. Laryssa, will you read for us 29-31, and let's put particular emphasis on what Philip is doing. We're still focusing in that column of identifying. You know, we can write "the Ethiopian man, that he had gone to Jerusalem, and that he's sitting and he's reading Isaiah." But let's still focus on what's going on for Philip.
Laryssa 59:38
Jennifer 59:40
Laryssa 59:41
Okay. 8:29-31 "Then the Spirit said into Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot. And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest? And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him."
Jennifer 1:00:02
Okay, so let's tease out Philip, and then we're gonna get this really important question from the Ethiopian man. What do you see that Phillip's doing in being generous in the divine promptings?
Laryssa 1:00:15
I love that he, he follows promptings, that he runs up, right? That he hears and assesses the situation. He doesn't barrel in with what he wants to teach or what he wants to preach. He's assessing what is happening. And then he's asking questions to find out the heart of the learner. He's not going in with his own agenda, he needs to find out what is this man thinking about. He has his scriptures open, that's a win. So, but instead of just saying, Well, let me tell you everything. He wants to find out where, where this man is?
Tammy 1:00:51
'Missionary 101' right there, "How to be a good missionary." That's what you start with. Yeah.
Jennifer 1:00:58
But how do we teach that to our children, to the people close to us, to all of us that it doesn't have to be a mission call, that it doesn't have to be an assignment. That the widows are among us, that the Ethiopians are there among us and these people that are hungering and thirsting. Just open your eyes to it. How do you help someone to develop that mindset?
Tammy 1:01:24
Just to look for opportunities to be empathetic, and to ask questions. And to not, like you said, Laryssa, not to have it be about your own agenda. Yeah, to listen.
Jennifer 1:01:38
Yeah. And what's the Ethiopian man's question to him? What does he say?
Laryssa 1:01:44
Well, he says, Are you understanding what you're reading? I mean, it's Isaiah, you know, it's hard for him, then as it is for us.
Tammy 1:01:50
It's so hard.
Laryssa 1:01:52
So he's going, I can't. I can't unless someone teaches me. So he's, he's requesting, right?
Jennifer 1:01:59
Yep, yeah. How can I "except some man should guide me." And isn't that word 'guide' powerful, to be able to say that it's not 'come and tell me, don't', and Tammy, this is what you do so powerfully. That, that I'm just so proud of you with what you do in this podcast, that you're not telling us. You're saying, come sit with me. In fact, I think you're such a model of this. I'm intrigued. I have wanted to ask you this for a long time: How do you go about preparing for it in a given podcast? Do you have a systematic approach? How do you, how do you help guide what you do?
Tammy 1:02:43
Oh, that's such a good question. I mean, for sure I, I pray. That's it. I pray, "Heavenly Father, help me to know what to teach and how to teach it." I think we were taught that as early Seminary teachers - what to teach and how to teach. What will be the best thing that people need to hear from this verse of scripture? And then the Spirit just guides. And again, I think it's the adage that we also were taught to "not be a sage on the stage, but to be a guide on the side." That's what our job is. Isn't that the best. We love that saying, don't we?
Jennifer 1:03:13
It was totally what we heard all the time. But so but I want to ask you this, because so this, this story of Philip comes up in a couple of places where we have church leaders that have talked about it. And most recently was Elder Suarez, and he's cited in the Come, Follow Me manual. And I would say go dig up. Let's see, the talk is called "How Can I Understand", and it was April 2019. And that it's worth going and looking at that. But the other one that I have been drawn back into so gratefully is Elder Holland and "A Teacher Come From God." Do you remember this one? And I've gotta pull it - I had it open. Laryssa, you tell us too, while I'm pulling this back up. How do you go about getting ready? How, how would you help anyone to say, I want to be better equipped and prepared for the moment where I can guide someone to have an experience with the scriptures?
Laryssa 1:04:17
I mean, it's a good question. When you were asking that earlier, how do we get people to do that? I think as parents, we have to model it for our children. I think we have to have those moments, those quiet moments in the car where we're asking them questions, very Spirit-directed, guided, pointed questions to open up their hearts. And I think that as we talk through the experience after, I mean, that's one thing I do with my students a lot. Let's think about your learning here. What did the Holy Ghost teach you here? Right? We'll not only study the scriptures, but then we'll come out of the scriptures: "Okay, what did you learn about learning when you did this? When we talked about that, how did you feel?" What did you, you know.
And so I think learning to be a teacher who asks questions is really important. It's something that you see the Savior doing. You see the prophets and apostles asking questions. Elder Uchtdorf is a wonderful example of that, President Nelson is a wonderful example of that - asking questions that will allow people to look inside themselves. And I think if we can train ourselves to ask questions. I worked for two years asking Heavenly Father to help me know how to ask questions because I think when I was an early Seminary teacher, I was a sage on the stage. And I would yearn to have more discussion. And I would pray, How do I do that? How do I get them to talk to each other? And anyway, I began to start asking more questions. And that changed my teaching.
Tammy 1:05:52
And Philip beautifully does this.
Jennifer 1:05:55
We, we're seeing our church leaders do this a lot in gatherings right now. There was just one with Elder Rasband at the BYU Idaho center with all the youth of - I don't know, there were 1000s and 1000s I hear - and that he asked them, What are your questions? And certainly there wasn't time for him to address all of them. But the invitation to become someone who can help an inquirer, and to follow up and to say to, for instance, say to a youth that was there, If you had had a chance, what question would you have asked, and how can I help guide you in this? I want to be that person that someone says, I can go to Jen and ask her a question, and she's going to guide me in faith. And I don't want to give the answer necessarily, but can I guide you to find Jesus Christ? And that's what's going to happen here in this section, that they're going to get into Isaiah.
I want to read you, this is from Elder Holland. The talk is "A Teacher Come From God", also April 1998. Do you hear that? Two times I'm taking us to 1998. Do you remember that year? I gotta think about what I was doing. But it's fun that I've taken us twice there. So here's what Elder Holland says. He says,
"For each of us to "come unto Christ," to keep His commandments and follow His example back to the Father is surely the highest and holiest purposes of human existence. To help others do that as well - to teach, persuade, and prayerfully lead them to walk that path of redemption also - surely that must be the second most significant task in our lives. Perhaps that is why President David O. McKay once said, "No greater responsibility can rest upon any man [or woman] than to be a teacher of God's children." We are, in fact, all somewhat like the man of Ethiopia to whom Philip was sent. Like him, we may know enough to reach out for religion. We may invest ourselves in the scriptures. We may even give up our earthly treasures, but without sufficient instruction we may miss the meaning of all this and the requirements that still lie before us. So we cry with this man of great authority, "How can [we understand,] except some [teacher] should guide [us]?"
Part of our work as disciples of Jesus Christ is to be teachers come from God, every single one of us. And for us to invest ourselves in developing and improving and the resources from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are so abundant, that there is no greater work than for us to develop in our capacity to bring others to Jesus Christ. Was it passionate enough? I just, I love this charge, that we can be, I want to come and sit with you and your carriage and open up the scriptures and help you to find Jesus Christ. And, and that that, to me, is the heart of our purpose here on Earth.
Tammy 1:09:09
Jennifer 1:09:09
what do you think?
Tammy 1:09:10
I think it's beautiful, Jennifer, so beautiful. In fact, Jennifer, tell us what the result was then. Like, everybody go in and read the interaction in verses 32-37. Like, read the interaction between Philip and the Ethiopian. Because the outcome of being an effective teacher and the way everything - Jennifer you beautifully set this up - what was the result? What happened?
Jennifer 1:09:34
Philip opened his mouth. This is verse 35. "......Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus." always. Go study Elder Uchtdorf with the recent teaching about Teaching in the Savior's Way. It's always about Jesus. [36] "And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunich said, See, here is water: what doth hinder me to be baptized?" Let's go. Let's get in. [37] "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." And he was baptized.
Tammy 1:10:14
Wow. I mean, yeah. Beautiful,
Jennifer 1:10:19
Beautiful. I had an experience last semester in the, I was teaching The Family Proclamation. And I had a student that was not a member of the church. And I had said something about the spirit world, we were referencing and studying the spirit world. And after class she walked up, and she grabbed my arms, and she said, What is the spirit world? When you said that, every bit of me responded to it. And so I said, What did you hear and understand from what we had talked? And we talked for a minute, and then I, we opened up the scriptures and we studied it together. And she looked at me and she said, "Sister Platt, I need to be baptized. "And I said, Yeah, I think so. And I said, What are you feeling, what's going on? And she said, "Not just for me, but for my grandmother that passed away unexpectedly." And I had the opportunity to witness her baptism a few weeks later. The gospel of Jesus Christ, the Plan of Salvation speaks to earnest souls. And if we're prepared to witness Him and speak of Him, people were will respond.
Tammy 1:11:30
Absolutely. What a beautiful story, Jennifer. Thank you. Thank you for teaching us about Philip. I knew you were the right person for that job. That was awesome. So thank you, thank you, my heart. I know. So great. Okay, so thank you. Now. Meanwhile, while all this awesomeness is going on, Saul, you guys, he is still wreaking havoc on the church. So in the next segment, we're going to find out what happens.
Segment 5 1:11:57
Tammy 1:12:09
Okay, so we are going to go into Acts chapter 9. And I have really been looking forward to this because here's what I told my guests. I said, help me tell this story and as teachers, what point or points do you want to get across to your student when it comes to the story of Saul. So here we go. We're going to be in Acts chapter 9. Let's start with verse 1 because here's what he's doing. It says ".....Saul yet, breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest. And desired of him letters to Damascus", like he is trying to get as many people on his side as he can to destroy the believers. I mean, how are you framing this picture of Saul to your students? What do you want your kids to know about him up to this point?
Jennifer 1:12:56
He is not a nice man.
Tammy 1:12:57
I mean, gall of bitterness would be a really nice thing to say, actually. He's worse than that
Jennifer 1:13:04
He's out of it.
Tammy 1:13:06
Laryssa 1:13:06
He reminds me so much of you know, when Alma the Younger, later, after his comeback he says, I have killed many people. And then he says, Well, I don't mean that I really murdered them. But I murdered their spirits. I took them away from God. And that's one thing that I think this is who he is, he wants both physical and spiritual death of all the people that he is getting into contact with. I really have come to believe that we may not believe exactly the same as other people, but our job is to build people and to bring them to Jesus Christ, to build them to God, to bring them to a better life, whatever they're willing to accept. But to just wreak havoc and destroy a group of people that we don't agree with. That isn't a godlike attribute that isn't a godlike thing to do. And for him to do it in the name of God shows you that he is like you said in the gall of bitterness, he's in a place where he wouldn't even want to build them up in what they believe. He wants to completely tear them down; it's an ugly, ugly place to be in.
Tammy 1:14:13
Definitely. So then right, I mean, out of the blue then it almost seems like you get verse 3. That as he's journeying wreaking havoc, suddenly - and let's highlight this - "there shined round about him a light from heaven." I mean, and as that happens in the 4th, Laryssa, read for us verse 4.
Laryssa 1:14:32
"And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?"
Tammy 1:14:41
And then I think we get one of the greatest verses of scripture in all scripture. I love verse 5. Jennifer read it.
Jennifer 1:14:47
"And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks."
Tammy 1:14:58
What does that mean? How do you teach that to your students? "It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." That's a phrase we all love to teach.
Laryssa 1:15:05
Well, a prick is going to be a good sharp stick or spear that they would use for the animals to goad them along. And when a stubborn animal would kick against it, to retaliate, when they kick back, then they would be hurt by the stick, right? by the sharp object. It would go into their legs as they would kick up against them. So they're hurting themselves by their resistance. And this is a moment where the Lord is saying to Paul, what you're doing is not only hurting others, but it's hurting yourself. You're fighting against God, you're fighting against me.
Tammy 1:15:05
Perfectly stated.
Jennifer 1:15:06
Well, I think it's important too. "I am Jesus whom that persecutest, that what we do, that "inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these," that the, what we're, our behaviors go both ways. That when I'm serving and lifting others, it's in the name of Jesus Christ and it's glorifying Him. But when I'm punishing and persecuting, I'm punishing and persecuting Him. And so to be able to see where my behavior is directed, and again, to be singular, Jesus Christ, it's always about Him.
Tammy 1:16:15
You know, I'd never connected that verse of scripture to it. Let's cross reference verse 5 with Matthew 25:40. Like, yeah, it's what you just said, like you, and he has been persecuting Jesus, but he's been persecuting the saints, which is persecuting Jesus. I like that connection. Jennifer. I just put that cross reference. Okay, so there we go. That is, that's what you need to know. And now I want you guys to teach me, what do you want your students to know about Saul and Ananias and the story in the rest of Acts chapter 9. Go.
Jennifer 1:16:45
People can change. I kept thinking about President, do remember President men...'scuze me. President Monson used to talk about the Warden Duffy, and that a leopard can't change it spots. And that men, but men can change. And this is complicated for me, because so often I can be an Ananias, right? where will I give people space to change? Or, and he does, he gives them space to change. But I think that a lot of times we fault like maybe a sibling that we grew up together, and this is who I know you to be. And I'm going to hold you in that box forever and not allow you to change. A spouse, someone really close to us. And I don't know what their relationship was, but enough for him to know who he was, and to have the courage to go to him and to say I'm going to be a part of this because I'm on an errand of the Lord. It's just a powerful thing to trust the change and the repentance, that we can have individually, but with each other.
Tammy 1:17:58
You know, Jen, I'm grateful you brought that up, especially as you put it to real world application of family members. Because Saul is told to go forth and an angel comes to this man named Ananias. It says you're going to help take care of this man named Saul. And it's what you just said, Jen, in verse 13, Ananias answered and said, "I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to the saints of Jerusalem." Like, he's Bad News Bears, I am not going to help this guy out. This is, this is Danger Bay because I'm a believer, he's not, he's going to kill me. So he has the reasons to really put him in a box. But Ananias doesn't, and he helps him. But before he even reaches Ananias, I'm struck with verse 6, because Saul has this experience. And what is Saul's response in verse 6?
Jennifer 1:18:44
".....what wilt thou have me do?"
Tammy 1:18:48
Yeah, it's striking. Now, we don't know how much time has passed, I always wish there was an asterick in scriptures because, like, for instance, the brother of Jared, like, I need lighten and air. And then you turn the page and all of a sudden he's there with with stones. Like I wish it said six months later. How much time did it take him to come up with the stones? You know, like, I wish I knew how much time was he in this trance or in this experience, and what exactly took place? But what we do know is whatever it did take place, Saul's heart turned enough for him to say, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? I mean, that is right there saying what is my ministry?
Jennifer 1:19:22
But don't you get the same sense from Ananias right? in verse 17? "And Ananais went his way, and entered into the house." That that's the same message of, Okay, I'll do it. If this is what you're asking me to do, I'm going to go and do it. And it's complicated for me when it gets personal like this. And when someone's been a certain way in your life and you're seeing change, it's not easy to receive the difference.
Tammy 1:19:49
Right. Well I'm grateful you brought up verse 17, because there's my two words: "he went and entered." It was so good. Okay, what else stands out to you? What do you want your students to know? or what have you marked in these verses?
Laryssa 1:20:04
I marked in verse 15, ".....he is a chosen vessel unto me." And sorry for the emotion. But as you start to become like the Savior and you start to look at other people, you can see through all of the steps, and you can start to see who they are underneath, that you can see through the pain. You can see through the, you know, the years that they've lived, the hard years, and you start to see why they're a chosen vessel to God. And I agree with Jen, if you can allow what's happened to you to be put on a back burner, and allow you to see the person as the Savior sees them as a chosen vessel. And the Savior doesn't mince words to Ananias. He's going to "bear my name before Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel;" And in verse 16, "....I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake." Oh, it's not going to be easy. Oh, suddenly, I'm fine and I'm back and everything's happy. Right. This is going to be a hard ministry for Paul. And it is
A very, a "humble and redefining days" ministry, right.? Redefining Days ministry for for Paul. Saul-Paul.
Tammy 1:21:24
Oh I'm so glad you brought up 16, because yeah, he did suffer. Oh, and he will suffer from here on out. It will not be rainbows and unicorn mission at all. Yeah. And so, highlight verse 20. "And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God." I mean, I love that he received a blessing from Ananias in verse 18: "immediately there fell from his eyes" the scales that had been guiding him. I mean, he was able to see clearly. He got baptized, he preaches Christ. And then we have verse 21. Everyone's like, but wait, this was the man that was trying to destroy the church. What about his reputation, going back to how we started, he was not of good report, of honest report at all. He's got a bad reputation, and it's going to follow him. But I like verse 22. Go ahead and read that for us, Laryssa.
Laryssa 1:22:17
"But Saul increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ."
Tammy 1:22:27
"Proving that this is very Christ." Oh, love that. I mean, it's one of the best messages.
Jennifer 1:22:34
And I'm struck that how many times today have we seen people enter the waters of baptism? Covenants are essential. That as our brothers and sisters struggle in their faith and have so many questions, the gospel of Jesus Christ as restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith is the only place that we can have Priesthood power and authority to enter into covenants to be saved. And that this was an end result for many of the people that we're studying about today. Baptism is essential, covenants are essential.
Tammy 1:23:10
Amen. I'm thankful you said that because I've often wondered, why covenants? Like when people leave the church, they seem okay. But you just answered a prayer of mine, Jennifer, because covenants allow us Priesthood power. That right there. I don't want to live my life without that.
Jennifer 1:23:28
No, and we can wrestle and struggle.,Yyu know, that maybe even it was a priesthood leader that's wronged us. And that you look at that and you say, I don't want to do this anymore. But where else are you going to have that binding nature of covenants that will tether us to Jesus Christ? Nowhere else. It's not anywhere else.
Tammy 1:23:52
So good. Thank you. Oh, gosh, thank you. Okay, so that's Acts chapter 9. And that is an incredible example of someone who you would never expect in a million years to captain himself to Christ, and being allowed to be told what to do by Jesus. And it will be hard; he will suffer for my name's sake, and we get to study that next week. But in the next segment, we get to learn about another person who will be captained by Christ and it's a woman, and so we'll do that next.
Segment 6 1:24:19
Tammy 1:24:25
Okay, I asked Laryssa to tell us this story about this wonderful human in Scripture. And of course, we have to talk about her, because it's a woman! Hello! Alright, Laryssa hit it. Give us her story.
Laryssa 1:24:35
Okay, we've got Tabitha or Dorcas, you can call her whichever you prefer. Dorcas was the Greek name. And Tabitha is the Jewish Hebrew name. And either one means 'gazelle'. And/or 'gracious.' You can see her with a spring in her step and/or the 'graceful gazelle', right? And she is a woman, and let's read. Tammy, would you read verse 36, and let's find out about her.
Tammy 1:25:03
Yes, I'm thankful you told us what her name means. Because when you said gazelle, I was like, ugh. Who wants to be named after that? But then you were like, but a gracious gazelle. And gazelles have to be smart. You have to like fend for yourself and you have to be careful and calculated so you don't get eaten by a lion. I love that. It just gave me that whole new vision of her gracious. Okay. "Now there was a Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did."
Laryssa 1:25:33
She is wonderful. She's like many of our women that we know in and out of the church, wonderful, wonderful, good women who just are trying to make a difference in the world, full of good works and almsdeeds. And 37. Jen, can you take that.
Jennifer 1:25:48
"And it came to pass in those days, that she was sick, and died: whom when they had washed, they laid her in an upper chamber."
Laryssa 1:25:57
And those that love her, go to Peter in verse 38, and they send "him two men desiring him that he would not delay to come to them." And in 39, would you read that Tammy.
Tammy 1:26:10
"Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas had made, while she was with them." Oh, I love that verse.
Laryssa 1:26:26
This is such a beautiful, good woman. And you know, it was so interesting because as I was getting prepared for this, I thought, we could talk about the wonderful works that we do, we could talk about service, we could go through it. But the Spirit directed me to really, really look into verse 40. And 40 and 41, Jen, can you take those for me.
Jennifer 1:26:46
"But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed: and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up. And he gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her alive."
Laryssa 1:27:08
And this is the thought and the message that the Spirit taught me: when she died, those that loved her went to the chief apostle to bring her back to life. And so I know that with all the good works that women do, I know there's some of us that feel dead, that feel physically, emotionally, spiritually dead. And what I would ask you, all of our listeners and everybody that gets in contact with this, is, what is our chief apostle's message to you that can help bring you back to life? Because He will lift you up and say, "Arise", and bring you back to spiritual, emotional, physical health. I really, really, truly believe that. And what I spent my time prepping for was I went through his conference talks from the time that he's been prophet, up to the last most recent message. And I felt so lifted from so many heavy things, just in the time that I spent preparing. And I would recommend if our readers have time, our listeners, excuse me, if our listeners have time to go to the church's website under General Conference.
And if you go onto, into that part, they'll have the conferences and then they have it by speaker. And if you click on President Nelson's and go back down to the April 2017 conference, and then just go through those the main talks, you'll see this progression that he's been teaching the saints. And if I can for just a moment, just a couple of things. Do we have a moment for that?
Tammy 1:28:54
Laryssa 1:28:56
Just before I go into that, Howard W Hunter, he said, "Whatever He, the Savior lays His hands upon lives. If He can lay His hands upon a family, it will live. If He can lean His hands upon a marriage, it will live. If the Lord can lay His hands upon you through our Prophet, through our chief apostle, you will live. That's the promise, both that He gives and that I testify of." In our last closing remarks of April of '23, President Nelson stated, "The answer is always Jesus Christ. Come and He can heal." Well, I'm just going over a few. If you have your notes and you're listening, there may come one or two that the Spirit will impress on you to go back and look at or read. And I invite you to go and look at those and read those. I'm just gonna go from April 2018. In that conference session he asked us to increase our capacity to hear the Holy Ghost.In April 2019 he said, "If you're not sure you even believe in God start there. Understand that in the absence of experiences with God, one can doubt the existence of God. So put yourself in a position to begin having experiences with Him."
In April 2019, he said to the brethren in a Priesthood meeting, focus on daily repentance so that you can have greater power. In October 2019, to the sisters, he gave a talk called "Spiritual Treasures." And that is one that I recommend that you go to with pen, and underline. He said to "gain more spiritual power. Part of it will require you to put aside many things of the world. And the Holy Ghost will prompt you about what is no longer needful, or worthy of your time and energy." In October of 2019, he asked us to "help reach out to others to help them have joy." That was right before COVID. In 2020, he asked us to "hear Him." He said that "When we are surrounded by uncertainty and fear, what will help the very most - to hear His son." In October of 2020, he asked us to "Let God prevail. By choosing to let God prevail in our lives we're choosing to find peace." In October 2020, he asked us to "Embrace the future with faith." He said, "We're not supposed to just endure, but to embrace the future with faith. Turbulent times are opportunities to thrive spiritually."
In April of '21, "Faith in Him will move mountains." And he gives these beautiful steps to help with our challenges. In October of 2021, he asked us to "Build our foundation on Jesus Christ, to look at the Salt Lake Temple as an example and to build on that." And in April of '22, "The power of spiritual momentum." We can create spiritual power that grows and grows and grows. It's as if he gave us stepping stones over the last few years.
Tammy 1:32:48
Yeah, I'm seeing that.
Laryssa 1:32:15
and being of Christ. October '22, "Overcome the world and find rest." And just this last conference, April 23, "Peacemakers are needed." He said, "Anger never persuades, hostility builds no one. Contention never leads to inspired solutions. One of the greatest ways to identify a true follower of Jesus Christ is how compassionately that person treats other people. Contention is a choice. peacemaking is a choice. I urge you to be a peacemaker now and always."
When I was in a really hard time, as a young mother, and things were really difficult, some of those dark nights that we were talking about earlier, I remember listening to President Monson, who was the prophet at the time, and thinking, Okay, I can't do much, but I'll do whatever he asked me to do. And I remember in one conference sitting there, very overwhelmed with my life. And he said, "Have fun with your family. Make sure you take photos twice a year, make sure you serve them."And I thought, Okay, I can do that. I can do that much. I don't have very much breath in me but I can create beautiful experiences for my babies, and I can serve them. I have a friend who always said, "Find joy in the service of changing diapers. You are blessing lives, but also find joy in the snuggles in the library, going to the library in reading and outings and playing games and walks." I remember swimming with my sister and taking the kids to the zoo and going, This is motherhood? This rocks. It's hard.
Tammy 1:34:02
I waited this long for this?
Laryssa 1:34:05
Awesome. I mean, it's, it's hard. But I know that by listening to the Prophet and taking those little tiny steps, that we can be brought back to life, like Tabitha was, and we can continue to do the work that Heavenly Father had us do, will have us do in our ministry.
Tammy 1:34:22
Wow.You know what, Laryssa, thank you so much for following your impression to teach us about Dorcas or Tabitha in such a profound way. I would never have considered that. And you know what, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna take your challenge and I'm going to read the talk that stood out to me. So thanks for putting in the time to find the names of all those talks. That was powerful. Thank you, ladies. Thank you. What a beautiful discussion that was today about being Captained by Christ, and what is my ministry? I love you both. Okay. Gather your thoughts for a minute and just what is your takeaway from today's discussion? What struck you or what will you remember?
Jennifer 1:35:00
For me, it feels like we've we've followed a cycle of birth and death and rebirth, that we've seen it in a lot of different people in a lot of different ways. And Laryssa, the way you just taught that with, sometimes we feel dead. And that when we were married, we made a decision, we had one family rule, and it was follow the Prophet. And that the second rule is like unto it, see # 1. And, and to be able to say, right now I'm immersed in peacemaking, whatever that looks like, and however I can pursue it. And so thank you for that reminder that I'm going to come alive, I'm going to be emboldened, and that I can live my covenants more profoundly as I rivet myself to the teachings of the living prophet.
Tammy 1:35:57
Laryssa 1:35:57
I just think, hang on, face the future with faith, there will be better days ahead. Being captained by Christ can be very difficult. But it can also bring us to beautiful valleys, views, vistas, and to be able to know that we're walking with God, that we're walking with those who have gone before. It's a beautiful way to live life, as hard as it is. He makes it easy, as the prophet has, has promised us. He'll help lift us up and help us be able to walk forward and shoulder our burdens so that when the Savior is giving us those trials to do push ups and pull ups and all,
Tammy 1:35:57
You got one more in you.
Jennifer 1:36:02
One more in you, one more.
Laryssa 1:36:07
What I found is that He's kind, because even in the trial fatigue that sometimes I get, there are moments that He's like, Okay, you can breathe for a season. And then I gather, and I get ready for my next one. And I think that all of us can do that. And we're just becoming like Him. And there is hope in the future. Hope that the workout will be done, hope that our spiritual muscles will be strong. And I believe that we all have the power to change, not just dramatically like Saul,, but then in our daily lives, the power to change to be better. And Tammy, I love you. Thank you for having us be here. This was beautiful. I love your energy. I've always loved your capacity to teach and bless. Jen, you're such a beautiful woman, being able to teach with you is such a privilege. It's such a blessing. Thank you ladies.
Tammy 1:37:32
Thank you. I will tell you mine was back in segment one, the direction that both of you took, how you were both inspired to say what you said. I mean, there's no other way to say it, but you were divinely guided to share your experiences in your words, because I had never seen it in that way. And when the challenge was What is my ministry? And Jen, when you talked about how they weren't willing to help the widows, the widows who were neglected and how every one of us can do that with our spiritual gifts, our Patriarchal Blessing. And when we got to the story of Tabitha, I've never noticed this before, but in verse 39, when it says that all the widow stood by him weeping and showing the coats and garments which Dorcas made while she was with them. I was like, she was helping the widows - a woman - when no one else was. And she was just doing what she could do. Her ministry was to make them clothes. And I've never noticed that verse before and I don't think I would have if the two of you hadn't started us out the way you did in segment one.
Because we all have something to contribute. We all can be captained by Christ. Tabitha was captained by Christ by sewing? Yes, by sewing. What a beautiful and what a beautiful thing she did because she did what she does well. And I think that's my message like, what do I do well, and how can I be captained by Christ? And we all have a role to play. Phillip taught the Ethiopian. He's an excellent teacher. I mean, we all have something we can contribute. So thank you, both of you for starting us that way in segment one. It just made this whole episode beautiful. So, I love you both. You're the best.
Jennifer 1:39:09
So cool, thanks.
Laryssa 1:39:10
So good.
Tammy 1:39:12
That's it. Go enjoy your day.
Laryssa 1:39:14
Atammy, take care.
Tammy 1:39:16
Oh, gosh, that was such a good episode. I love those women so much. Okay. Well, we want to know what you're learning. So if you haven't already joined our discussion group on Facebook or Instagram, go do it. And you can ask questions throughout the week or just make comments about what you're learning and just it's such a great community where people respond to your comments and your stories. So do that. And then at the end of the week, on a Saturday, we post a question from this episode, so comment on the lesson related to this episode and share your thoughts. You can get to both our Facebook and Instagram by going to our show notes for this episode on LDS living.com/sunday on Monday, and if you go there, we're going to have links to all the references we used as well as a transcript of this entire discussion and a glue-in for this episode. So go check it out.
The Sunday on Monday Study Group is a Deseret Bookshelf Plus original brought to you by LDS Living. It's written and hosted by me Tammy Uzelac Hall, and today our awesome study group participants were Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt and Laryssa Wilhelm Waldron. And you can find more information about my friends at LDS living.com/sunday on Monday. Our podcast is produced by Cole Wissinger and me; it is edited by Hailey Higham and recorded and mixed by Mix At Six Studios. And our executive producer is erin Hallstrom. Thanks for being here you guys. We'll see you next week.
And please remember, oh please remember that you are crowned because You Are God's Favorite.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai