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2 Nephi 3–5: Joseph

Mon Feb 12 12:03:39 EST 2024
Episode 7

Even after experiencing loss and trials in the wilderness, Nephi says his family lived “after the manner of happiness” (2 Nephi 5:27). What does that look like for us, and how can we learn from Nephi and his people’s examples? As we study 2 Nephi 3–5, we can hopefully reaffirm, as Nephi did in his psalm, that despite temptation and conflict, our hearts rejoice—and we can trust in God forever.

Segment 1

2 Nephi 3:5 (The gospel brings freedom)
2 Nephi 4:35 (God will give liberally)

Words of the General Authorities:
People say, “You should be true to your beliefs.” While that is true, you cannot be better than what you know. Most of us act based on our beliefs, especially what we believe to be in our self-­interest. The problem is, we are sometimes wrong.

Never has there been more information, misinformation, and disinformation; more goods, gadgets, and games; and more options, places to go, and things to see and do to occupy time and attention away from what is most important. (Lawrence E. Corbridge, “Stand Forever”, BYU Speeches January 22, 2019)

Segment 2

2 Nephi 3:5 (Joseph of Egypt is a fruitful branch)
CR: Genesis 49:22
2 Nephi 3:6-10 (Covenants and saving ordinances)
2 Nephi 3:11-12 (Scripture)

Joseph = יוֹסֵף Yōsef - he will add or increase (Hebrew)

Study Helps:
In the Church, an ordinance is a sacred, formal act performed by the authority of the priesthood. Some ordinances are essential to our exaltation. These ordinances are called saving ordinances. They include baptism, confirmation, ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood (for men), the temple endowment, and the marriage sealing. With each of these ordinances, we enter into solemn covenants with the Lord. (Ordinance, True to the Faith)

Words of the General Authorities:
The ordinances of salvation and exaltation administered in the Lord’s restored Church are far more than rituals or symbolic performances. Rather, they constitute authorized channels through which the blessings and powers of heaven can flow into our individual lives. (David A. Bednar, “Always Retain a Remission of Your Sins”, April 2016 General Conference)

The worst of all human conditions in this life is not poverty, sickness, loneliness, abuse, or war—as awful as those conditions are. The worst of all human conditions is the most common: it is to die. It is to die spiritually. It is to be separated from the presence of God, and in this life, His presence is His Spirit or power. That is the worst. (Lawrence E. Corbridge, “Stand Forever”, BYU Speeches January 22, 2019)

Segment 3

2 Nephi 3:13-16 (Witness of the Lord’s strength)
2 Nephi 3:17-25 (Moses as an example of faith)
2 Nephi 3:24 (The restoration)

Words of the General Authorities:
The restored gospel of Jesus Christ gives us help in knowing how to qualify for the strength of the Lord as we deal with adversity. (Henry B. Eyring, “In the Strength of the Lord”, April 2004 General Conference)

Segment 4

2 Nephi 4:12 (Lehi passes on)
2 Nephi 4:16-35 (Psalm of Nephi)
2 Nephi 4:20 (God supports us)
2 Nephi 4:18-19 (We all suffer temptation)
2 Nephi 4:28 (Give place no more for the enemy of my soul)
2 Nephi 4:34-35 (Trust in God)

Segment 5

2 Nephi 5:27 (After the manner of happiness)
2 Nephi 5:10 (Keeping the commandments brings happiness)
2 Nephi 5:17 (Hard work brings happiness)
CR: D&C 58:27
2 Nephi 5:12 (Reading the scriptures brings happiness)
2 Nephi 5:16 (Temple attendance brings happiness)

Segment 6

2 Nephi 5:21 (Cut off because of iniquity)
2 Nephi 5:24 (Those who are cut off were the opposite of those who were happy)

Words of the General Authorities:
If you answer the primary questions, the secondary questions get answered too, or they pale in significance and you can deal with things you understand and things you don’t and things you agree with and things you don’t without jumping ship altogether. (Lawrence E. Corbridge, “Stand Forever”, BYU Speeches January 22, 2019)

I assure you that your standing before God is not determined by the color of your skin. Favor or disfavor with God is dependent upon your devotion to God and His commandments and not the color of your skin. (Russell M. Nelson, “Let God Prevail”, October 2020 General Conference)

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