17: “What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?” (Matthew 18; Luke 10)
Why is the sky blue? Why is the sea salty? How do birds fly? Kids always seem to be asking questions that are hard to answer—but did you know that their curiosity plays an important role in the cognitive development of their brain? Questions stimulate the mind and increase our capacity to grow. And in this week's study of Matthew 18 and Luke 10, we have an opportunity to become childlike and grow just like our young friends. So get ready to explore the spiritual questions in these chapters just like a child and discover the truths within.
Glue-Ins (free printables for your scriptures)
Segment 1
Matthew 18:20 (Where two or three are gathered)
Mosiah 3:19 (Qualities of a child)
Words of the Prophets:
Meekness is thus so much more than a passive attribute that merely deflects discourtesy. Instead, it involves spiritual and intellectual activism.
Meekness also protects us from the fatigue of being easily offended. There are so many just waiting to be offended. They are so alerted to the possibility that they will not be treated fairly, they almost invite the verification of their expectations! The meek, not posted on such a fatiguing alert, find rest from this form of fatigue. (Neal A. Maxwell, “Meek and Lowly”, p. 57)
Children's questions: a mechanism for cognitive development
Segment 2
Matthew 18:1-4 (Who is the greatest? A little child.)
Converted = stepho - to turn, change, switching direction (Greek)
Segment 3
Matthew 18:21-22 (How often should we forgive? Always.)
Matthew 6:14-15 (God’s law of forgiveness)
Matthew 18:23-35 (Parable of the unforgiving servant)
7 = completeness
70 times 7 = indefinitely
Words of the Prophets:
My call today, dear brothers and sisters, is to end conflicts that are raging in your heart, your home, and your life. Bury any and all inclinations to hurt others—whether those inclinations be a temper, a sharp tongue, or a resentment for someone who has hurt you. (Russell M. Nelson, “The Power of Spiritual Momentum”, April 2022 General Conference)
Segment 4
Luke 10:25-37 (How do we get eternal life? Love.)
CR: Deuteronomy 6:5
From Talmage’s Jesus the Christ:
If he had to love his neighbors as he loved himself, he wanted to have as few neighbors as possible. (James E. Talmage, “Jesus the Christ”, Chapter 26: Our Lord’s Ministry in Perea and Judea)
Segment 5
Luke 10:30-37 (The parable of the Good Samaritan)
Words of the Prophets:
We cannot truly love God if we do not love our fellow travelers on this mortal journey. Likewise, we cannot fully love our fellowmen if we do not love God, the Father of us all…We are all spirit children of our Heavenly Father and, as such, are brothers and sisters. As we keep this truth in mind, loving all of God’s children will become easier. (Thomas S. Monson, “Love—the Essence of the Gospel”, April 2014 General Conference)
Segment 6
Luke 10:38-42 (Martha, Martha chose the needful thing)
Sat at = tutored and taught (Greek)
Careful = overly concerned about (Greek)
Needful = necessary (Greek)
Tammy 0:00
Did you know that questions play a very important role in the cognitive development of a child's brain? So when there is a gap in their knowledge, something they just can't resolve on their own, they ask a question. Now, when a child asks a question they are ready to learn. They will then process the answer carefully and their knowledge moves them closer to becoming adultlike, and the positive outcome of a question asked and answered will help them develop their intellectual development. Now, all of that to say, our study this week of Matthew chapter 18 and Luke chapter 10 is about questions asked and answered. And we're gonna learn that every one of us is still becoming adultlike in our intellectual development.
Tammy 0:42
Welcome to the Sunday on Monday study group, a Deseret Bookshelf Plus original brought to you by LDS Living where we take the Come, Follow Me lesson for the week and we really dig into the scriptures together. I'm your host, Tammy Uzelac Hall. Now if you're new to our study group, we just want to make sure you know how to use this podcast, so please follow the link in our description. And it's going to explain how you can best use this podcast to enhance your Come, Follow Me study just like my friend Annjeanette Cummings. Hi Annjeanette. Thanks for coming up and saying hi to me in Zurchers; it's a little party store, I was buying some pirate stuff for my Sharing Time in Primary and she came and said hello, and it was awesome. Okay, now here's the other really awesome thing about our study group is each week we're joined by two of my friends, so it's a little bit different. And today we have - I'm very excited about this - so we have, you know Jalyn Peterson. She's a regular. Hey, lady.
Jalyn 1:27
Hey, how are you?
Tammy 1:28
Good. Coming in live from Tennessee.
Jalyn 1:31
Yep. From the big Memphis.
Tammy 1:33
Big Memphis. And then we have a new friend. Oh, how excited are we to introduce her! Her name is Michelle Bury. Hi, Michelle.
Michelle 1:40
Oh, hi, girl. Hey. (Laughter)
Tammy 1:44
Okay, I love Michelle so much. I have met her several times when we met for the first time like, two years ago, a year ago, something like that?
Michelle 1:51
Oh, like a year ago; it wasn't that long.
Tammy 1:54
Oh, yes. And so she's in my daughter's Singles Ward. And she is delightful. And I've spoken in her ward and in her stake a couple of times, and she is a self-proclaimed - tell us about yourself.
Michelle 2:04
Oh the Gospel groupies. Ya know, I heard you on another podcast. And immediately I was like, that is my kind of person. Like we would just vibed. And I was talking about your podcast in Sunday School and your daughter Anna turns around and she's like, that's my mom. And immediately I was like, We need to meet because I'm your mom's best friend and she just doesn't know it, so this is gonna have to happen.
Tammy 2:25
It's totally true, cuz I said to Jalyn if it was 20 years ago we would be Michelle's friends. Like
Jalyn 2:31
Tammy 2:32
These are our kind of people. And so yeah, no doubt. And when I met her, immediately I'm like, Huhhh, yes. You're my kind of people. So listen, when Anna's finished with law school, I really want you guys to live together, if you're still single, all right? Hopefully you're not, that's the goal. Right?
Jalyn 2:46
Always. Michelle, don't let people tell you being single forever is bad.
Michelle 2:52
Oh, it's the best. Being single's great.
Jalyn 2:54
Thank you. TAM, look at you all elitist now that you got married,
Tammy 2:58
I'm a big jerk. That's what I am. Now listen, being single is great. Spend money however you want, travel wherever you want to, go eat whatever you want.
Michelle 3:06
Jalyn 3:07
Well, I still believe in marriage.
Tammy 3:11
All right, if anyone knows someone single in their 50s or in their 30s, I got two fabulous ladies here. Just reach out to me on Facebook or Instagram, send me a little message. Let's see if we can match-make this out. How awesome is that? All right. Well, if you want to know more about my guests, you can find information about them and their bios which are in our show notes at LDS living.com/sunday on Monday. All right. For this episode, you are going to need a purple marker or a purple Crayon or a purple colored pencil. So go find one because we're going to use that in our scriptures. And we are going to - I'm really looking forward to today - because I hope that today's experience is a perfect example of Matthew 18:20. We're going to be in Matthew chapter 18. But verse 20 says, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." And I hope we get to have that happen today. So grab your scriptures and let's dig in.
Tammy 4:03
Okay, you two. Here's my question for you guys. You're both adults but do you still ask questions?
Jalyn 4:09
All the time. Every day I'm alive, all day long.
Tammy 4:12
Okay, what's the most recent question you guys have asked?
Michelle 4:15
Oh, I think I get stuck in the rut of like, Heavenly Father, why is this so hard? Like that seems to be my recurring question. Then something good happens. I'm like, Oh, never mind, I'm totally fine. And then like something bad happens, again I'm like, why is this so hard?
Tammy 4:32
Recurring same question. Okay. Very good. What about you, Jalyn?
Jalyn 4:35
Well, of course I ask a lot to Heavenly Father, but I was thinking like, you know, at work, um, asking questions of my clients because I need to understand them. I need to know their situation, understand them so that I can best help them. And then there's just knowledge questions that, you know, you're you're never, you know, done learning, in, in any of our professions. I don't think we're ever done learning that, especially at the rate technology and information moves now. I think we're, there's no way we can't continually to keep asking questions.
Tammy 5:14
Yeah, absolutely. You know, I was very intrigued when I was reading this introduction and when I was writing it. Because the all of the information that I found, it did say that when kids ask questions it moves them closer to becoming adultlike. And when I read that and wrote that I was like, Oh, my gosh. I'm so far from adultlike then because I feel like I'm constantly asking questions. And so I just thought, Wow. I am 100% like a child because I ask so many questions. There's, in fact that saying, "the more I learn, the less I know" has never been more relevant in my life than it is right now. Like the older I get,,,,
Jalyn 5:49
So true, that is so true.
Michelle 5:52
So true
Jalyn 5:53
I'm never done figuring it out, ever.
Tammy 5:55
Never. I feel like a kid all the time when it comes to my knowledge. So turn with me to Mosiah 3:19. We're gonna read the just quintessential verse of scripture about being childlike. So go to Mosaih 3:19. Okay, and if you have a journal, I want you guys to write these down. Or if you have a piece of paper, you're going to, we're going to make a list right now based on this verse of scripture. And Jalyn, will you please read for us Mosaih 3:19. We're looking for childlike qualities in this verse.
Jalyn 6:31
Mos 3:19 "But the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and become a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his Father."
Tammy 6:59
Okay, let's write all of these down on a piece of paper. So if you guys have paper, write them down. We're going to refer to this list several times throughout this lesson. So we have the qualities of a child are submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love. Then we have willing to submit - that's a hard one - submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict. Okay. Now, we are going to come back and use this today as we talk about being childlike. And as we do, there's a couple of things we want to make sure we understand. We know what these words mean. There's one though that's really pretty unique, and it's the word 'meek'. So let's just define meek really quick because often we think it means passive, submissive, but I thought this was pretty cool: these descriptions of what the word 'meek' means come from Neal A Maxwell. Michelle, will you please read that for us.
Michelle 8:01
"Meekness is thus so much more than a passive attribute that merely deflects discourtesy. Instead it involves a spiritual and intellectual activism. Meekness also protects us from the fatigue of being easily offended. There are so many just waiting to be offended. They are so alerted to the possibility that they will not be treated fairly. They almost invite the verification of expectations. The meek not posted on such a fatiguing, alert, find rest from this form of fatigue."
Tammy 8:31
Whoa. What stood out to you about meekness there?
Michelle 8:36
I love the idea of not being easily offended. I feel like offense is like the biggest thing in our day right now. People are just chomping at the bit to find something to be offended about. And it seems to be growing tinier and tinier of what the offense is. And so I love that idea of like waiting and just being patient and not, of kind of not seeking out the worse really.
Jalyn 9:02
Well, and that it's, that it involves activism. It's not just, I'm kind of sitting back. It's, you know, I, you know, like you said, Michelle, like, it's not just that we're sitting back, you know, and, and a lot of times that's, you have to defend the 'not being offended' to other people.
Michelle 9:25
Jalyn 9:26
You know, you're like
Tammy 9:27
Boy, that's true.
Jalyn 9:28
you know, I, I'm not, I'm just not offended by every little thing. So, yeah,
Tammy 9:33
Great point.
Jalyn 9:34
which some people find that offensive in and of itself, that there's no, that you're not stepping up on the pedestal with them, right? that you're not on their soapbox with them.
Tammy 9:44
So true. Absolutely. So thank you, both of you for sharing that. Okay, now we have this list right here. So we're going to refer to this list throughout our lesson because questions are going to be asked and we are going to enhance our intellectual development. So in the next segment, we're going to see just how important these childlike qualities are to our overall development.
Segment 2 10:07
Tammy 10:22
Let's turn to Matthew chapter 18, and grab your purple marker or coloring pencil or whatever you got. And we're going to underline in purple the question that the disciples asked Jesus. Now, why did I choose purple? Because this is kind of cool but purple symbolizes wisdom, nobility, royalty and ambition. So that's kind of what this is going to be with all of our questions. We're going to underline a lot of questions today in purple. So here is our question, Matthew 18:1. And Jalyn, will you read that for us, and as you read it, underline the question.
Jalyn 10:55
Matt 18:1 "At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"
Tammy 11:02
Okay, there's our question. Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? Let's add to our knowledge; let's read verses 2 and 3, and Michelle, will you read those for us.
Michelle 11:13
2 "And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
Michelle 11:17
3 "and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."
Tammy 11:25
Okay, this is fun. So we know according to these verses who is the greatest - it is a little child. But there's a word that's really neat. Look at the word in verse 3. The word 'converted'. Highlight that. And in Greek, this word means, it's STEPHO, and it means 'to turn, to change or to switch direction.' And I really like that. So, 'Verily, I say into you, Except ye switch direction and become like a little child.' What is that implying for us as adults?
Michelle 11:59
I think as we're adults we get really set in our ways. Like our brain is all about finding the path of least resistance and doing whatever is easiest. And that just becomes so habitual to just stay in that rut, to stay in your lane, to keep doing what you're doing because you're so used to it. And the idea of having to let go of that, of to pivot, to go off the path you were on and to go kind of truck through the mud and to refigure it out. It's a lot to do, but,
Tammy 12:31
Oh, yeah.
Michelle 12:31
That's what life is.
Tammy 12:33
Great, great observation. What about you, Jalyn?
Jalyn 12:36
Yeah, same thing. I was, I mean, honestly, Matthew McConaughey popped into my head because he always says, 'As kids, you know, we often grow up to do worse.' Right? So, so is life kind of, you know, you get beat around, kicked around by life a little bit. And so your lane just narrows, exactly kind of what Michelle was saying. Like we get down this path, and whether it's the right one or not, like it, we learn to like kind of put up these guardrails and these brick walls. And it, it becomes harder to change directions because those, you know, pathways - neural and otherwise - just kind of get set in your brain. And so I think it is, you know, to pivot and actually switch and change directions is more needed as we're an adult.
Tammy 13:33
Yeah. And it's so hard to do. And I think the Lord knows that; His use of words is very important here because He says, "I say unto you, Except ye be converted". And I always thought, I'm converted. I joined the church. I got baptized and confirmed, check. Yeah, check. I've done that . "Except ye be converted and become as little children." But no, 'Except ye turn, or like switch directions, change the way you're doing things.' And then we get verse 4. Jalyn read verse 4.
Jalyn 14:02
4 "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Tammy 14:08
Thank you. Now that is a big ask-to humble yourself as a little child. Why is that such a big ask for us? Or for you in general?
Jalyn 14:20
Well, I prefer to know it all. And just ask my family, I know it all. So yeah, but it, I mean, because you are kind of admitting that you don't know it all, you don't have all the answers. And you're right there is this period of life, we're little children. And like, we're like, Why? Why is this? why is that? and your parents are the smartest people you ever met. Your teachers are the smartest people you ever met. And then you kind of get to a point in life where ,especially like your 20s and 30s where you're like, you know how 20-year-olds don't, don't even, teens and 20-year-olds, they know everything, just ask them. You're the stupidest person they've ever met in your life. Right? And then, that then as you start to get older Tam, I think that's exactly what you said is that then the more you know, you know, the older you get, the more wisdom you have of realizing that you don't know anything. Right? And so I think, you know, I don't, becoming humble is just admitting that, that you don't have all the answers. And that is a little bit scary. But like, that's what faith is for. And that is hard. That's the hard part for me, Way hard.
Michelle 15:44
That's, and that's something I love too, the idea of like you are opening yourself up to the vulnerability of admitting that you got off, right? You were facing this direction, and you've missed, right? One degree off, and you get far enough down the road, and you are far away from where you wanted to be. And opening that up, just like cracks open the door to all of those negative thoughts you have in your head, for them to feel like you're confirming that they're true, right? Like if you're not going the right direction, oh, well, then you're not as smart as you thought you are. Well, if you're not as smart as you thought you are, then maybe people don't like you. And like the dominoes just topple. And so if we can kind of protect that foundation, it feels like everything will stay in place, we won't have to worry about the rest of it. But opening yourself up to kind of letting them fall where they may and just allow that to be a fact and to start over is a lot. It takes a lot. And that's why I'm not good at it yet. Workin on it.
Tammy 16:42
Gosh, yeah, absolutely. Okay, so I'm going to ask you a real-time question, then. This is going to, and I mean for it to feel like it's pressure, look back at the list we created in the beginning of the qualities that are childlike. Which one do you need to be converted to or switch course and direction to be more childlike?
Jalyn 17:03
Every single one of them, the whole list.
Tammy 17:07
You can only pick one.
Jalyn 17:08
Oh, really? I have to pick? Agh
Tammy 17:13
I mean, I know what mine is right out of the gate: patient. I have got to be more patient. Sometimes it's my ADD that kicks in or my ADHD. I'm not sure which one I have, it's self-diagnosed. But I think I got something there.
Jalyn 17:24
Tammy 17:27
But I'm like, I get so impatient right now. Agh, I have got to just take a big deep breath and let, just, that's what I have to do. That is my goal with my children and my family: to just be more patient.
Jalyn 17:43
I think that's what every mom would say, because you see it in light of your kids. But my, my two, it's hard to tell between the two. Well, they're the same: submissive and willing to submit all that the Lord seeth to inflict upon me.
Tammy 17:58
Jalyn 17:59
Those two are hard. Well, it's just exactly like we just said is I want to know the answers. I want to have - I'm very, like, you know, probably the lawyer brain of me - but you know, if you study it long enough, hard enough, like you should be able to find where the guardrails are and where stuff is. And, and I don't, I don't like that. I like to be, I like to know. I like to be able to, you know, it's just arrogance, right? on my part of thinking that I, you know, ever would know enough cuz, you know, you're always trying to eliminate any of the unknown variables, to feel safe in life, because that's my whole thing is feeling safe and secure in life. And so I'm always looking for the way of how can I, how can I feel the most on firm ground? And to me that's not only just having the faith part, but it's having the knowledge to back that up, my version of knowledge, even if it's not, you know, but how I come to like, you know, a decision.
Tammy 19:09
Neal A Maxwell taught that where it says, "Willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth to inflict upon him.' That 'inflict upon him' Neal A Maxwell taught, is 'customized challenges', which I thought was so profound. So Jalyn, you picked that; what is, in your opinion, a customized challenge that you're having difficulty submitting to?
Jalyn 19:37
I don't know if I can be that vulnerable on this podcast,
Tammy 19:40
I need you to be.
Jalyn 19:40
speaking of being like a little, a little
Michelle 19:43
We trust you, we're here.
Jalyn 19:46
Um, okay. Ask it again.
Tammy 19:48
What is the, what comes to mind immediately when I say, What is your customized challenge?
Jalyn 19:58
Hmm. It's a good question. And I'm trying to think of what it is.
Tammy 20:07
Don't fight it, just say it.
Jalyn 20:09
Um, well, the first thing that pops into my mind is always my struggle with body image, and eating disorder, and that whole thing. Lke that's always the thing that first comes to my mind. Because I always think, um, you know, we all kind of have our thing, right? I think if you asked anybody that question, anybody has that specific, if not one, several, right? Where it, where it's that thing that kind of keeps you humble, honestly, of like there is no other way to do it. But it's been such a challenge for me. And obviously, it goes in waves of whether or not, you know, how, how good I feel about myself or not, but, but allowing not to kind of control it. Getting over that, like that's Satan, right, being like, hey, if I can get her to doubt all of this, then I can keep her from going to church. I can keep her from trying to find a husband, I can keep her from, like, there's all these things that, you know, is a domino effect in my life because of that.
Jalyn 21:30
But there's been a lot of times in my life where I have been doing what, what I, the list, right? Like, I've been going to church and, and studying my scriptures, and doing everything and still feeling like God is silent on it. Right? Like, it's just, you know, I'm just allowed to still be in the struggle. And, you know, you always want the, the safety of the Scriptures and the gospel, to be that comfort, to be that place where you find peace. And sometimes it doesn't, for me, that's not, you know, what I mean? And that's been the hard part. That's been the part where it's like, well, if you love me, you know, little tests, setting up little tests for God. Like, you know, if, if you really love me, you'd kind of like, not take it from me necessarily, but at least let me know that you're there. And that I'm, you know, I've got you, we're gonna, we're gonna get through it either way.
Jalyn 22:40
And it's why the story of Christ on the cross, and I have studied this over and over and come to different conclusions every time of why I just hate it so bad of like when Christ needed his father the most, when He was on that cross, and He cried out, and God was silent. And God had to be, a) because you know God can't dwell where sin is. And people were, I guess, sinning. And that's how somebody explained it to me one time. But had He not done that, then the victory would not have been Jesus's. Right? It would have been, it would have been like, and then that would have been Satan's other tactic. Right? Well, he didn't really do it, God put the hedge up around Him. It didn't, you know, the same argument he'd used before. And so I think it's, it's that though, it's that, you know, being able to be like, Alright, He's given me the tools, and I know what I'm supposed to do and, and to kind of get through it. But that's always gonna be my, I mean I always hoped it wouldn't still be struggling with this, you know, this age, but I just think it's going to be there.
Tammy 24:03
I'm really thankful that you just brought in the experience of the Savior on the cross. Because what's so striking to me is, well, then I go back, I think of the Savior on the cross in that moment, and I read, "willing to submit to all things which the father seeth is fit to inflict upon Him. He couldn't have, He was the absolute essence of childlike on that cross.
Jalyn 24:24
Tammy 24:25
Still believing, still singing the Psalms. And, and so when He's saying to us become like a little child, He's, He's done it, He will do it. He knows what He's asking. That's a great example, Jalynn, thank you. What about you, Michelle? What's yours on the list?
Michelle 24:42
Um, I think mine on the list, like right out of the gate is probably the willingness to submit. Like, I feel like I'm actually oddly a fairly patient person. I am full of love and I'm, I like to think I'm humble. Probably not, who knows? But I really struggle with like when it comes to submitting, and being willing to submit, I get so afraid of, of potentially being disappointed. Like, I don't know how to describe that,
Tammy 25:22
Good description.
Michelle 25:23
But people, for example, they'll talk like I don't know if you've ever seen the little illustration of it's a little girl and she's holding a teddy bear. And then Jesus is down at eye level with her and He's got like a giant teddy bear behind Him. And He's asking for her little teddy bear and people are like, See, Jesus has something better in mind. And my brain is like, No! That is her precious treasure. Like that teddy bear means the world to her. If you have kids or nieces and nephews, like, you know that certain items are so precious and dear to them. And you can't replace it for anything.
Michelle 25:56
And I think that sometimes I have this idea in my head of what I want my blessings to be from Heavenly Father. I'm so afraid of asking Him and then having Him be like, Michelle, I'm so glad you came to me. I didn't know how to tell you this. Um, it's not going to be that. So, like, stop wishing for it, stop wanting it, stop trying it. Like, let's just push that aside, set it down. It's not going to be, I didn't know how to tell you this, but I'm so glad you asked because now I can break your heart. And I know that that's not Heavenly Father's intention, like, I fully believe that Heavenly Father loves me. But I'm child enough in my state, enough, I guess spiritually immature, as I like to think of it, that I'm just not ready to hear it yet. If that makes sense.
Jalyn 26:43
Totally makes sense.
Tammy 26:45
It does.
Jalyn 26:45
Makes total sense.
Tammy 26:47
Yeah. In fact, I just wrote in big letters next to that one "willing to submit all things which seeth fit to inflict," I wrote in big letters TRUST. Like, that's the essence of trusting, right?
Michelle 26:58
So hard.
Tammy 26:59
And it is so hard to trust.
Jalyn 27:02
Well, it's the whole Brene Brown and talking about being vulnerable. And how that, I mean, just fills you know, like, it's the hardest thing to do, but it is, it's the greatest strength anyone ever shows.
Tammy 27:20
Jalyn 27:20
Like, I'm always so amazed at the people who are willing to like, you know, let go of a teddy bear, as it were, you know, just trusting that there, that there's better or that, you know, what, whatever God has in store is going to be the exact design for them.
Tammy 27:38
Jalyn 27:38
So. But I think that's just a human condition of, of, especially as we get older, right, you know, depending upon what life throws at us just harder and harder to be vulnerable.
Tammy 27:49
Yeah. And trusting in the here and now and trusting in the life after. The whole plan. It's, it's, it's a lot. So of course, it's hard.
Jalyn 27:49
Tammy 27:51
Which is why we're why He implores us to be childlike. So
Jalyn 28:04
The other thing too, when you, when I think about that, is that kids are in the here and now. You know, as a child, I wasn't running around at recess worrying about what my future was gonna look like or what
Tammy 28:16
Jalyn 28:17
You know what I mean?
Tammy 28:18
It gets bigger
Jalyn 28:19
Yeah, our perfect gets bigger and bigger.
Michelle 28:20
Right there, yeah. But as you grow up, you're trying so hard to protect stuff that you're either worried about the crap you had to deal with in the past still following you around, or you are always trying to plan for the future, right? And that's where, that's why we don't want to be vulnerable. But time, as we know, is a man-made illusion. And all we really have is right here now because it is eternal. I say this all the time gonna get to the other side and go, Good Night Nurse, you worried so much about what your body looked like? It's like all the times you like spent on that? Like,
Tammy 28:58
all the joy you robbed yourself of.
Jalyn 29:02
Yeah. You cheered to get a body and come down here and do that. And then when you get to the other side you'd be like, Oh, that really was just the blink of an eye. And I spent the whole thing, you know, I spent way too much time worrying about stupid stuff.
Michelle 29:18
See, like, I think you got to give yourself some credit though. Someone in one of my Sunday School classes once said that time is extra hard for us because we are eternal beings, but time is mortal. And so your mortal side of you is constantly fighting the eternal side of you. Figure out something in the middle. And it's just so hard to grasp and to think of things in eternal senses because that's just too big. So we get stuck in the mortal side of it and like that conflict will not end until the other side. And so it's okay and it's frustrating. You are human, and that happens.
Tammy 29:53
Wow, you guys. This was such a good discussion. Oh my gosh, I love the direction that it took and how It has us thinking outside the box. So thank you to both of you for your points. And I liked that. I liked what both of you had to say. So thank you, that was really good. So, here's what we're gonna do. The next segment is going to have all of us switching course, and we're going to be begging to be more childlike when this next specific question gets asked.
Segment 4 30:21
Tammy 30:36
So last year in General Conference, April 2022, I want to know what you thought when you heard the Prophet say twice in the same talk, this was his admonition to us. He says, "My call today, dear brothers and sisters is to end conflicts that are raging in your heart, your home, and your life. Bury any and all inclinations to hurt others, whether those inclinations be a temper, a sharp tongue, or a resentment for someone who has hurt you." I want to know, what did you guys think when you heard that, to get rid of any rage in your heart, your home, or your life?
Michelle 31:11
I think the first time I was like, Okay, I can do that. And then the second time you're like, Whoa okay, I will really extra think about that, I guess. You know, you said it twice. And you know, a 10 minute span. It's got to be extra important. But I think something that I immediately turned towards. I like to think of myself as a fairly happy-go-lucky person. I tend to make friends with anybody I meet like, I could talk to anybody about anything, you couldn't tell. So I'm not big on conflict. I'm kind of like the natural peacekeeper. But I do serious damage with myself. Right? Like I treat myself so hostiley sometimes, if that's a word. It is, we're gonna say it is. In my head, right, I, like we are so quick. And I don't know if it's just the day and age we're in or if that's just how Satan has decided he's going to wield his plan.
Michelle 32:07
But I, that's, that's my biggest target and opponent. I will go after myself. I'll talk down to myself and question myself and belittle myself over tiny little things. Where someone else could do it and I'd be like, Oh, don't even worry, you know, you're human. It's fine, you're so great. And then something I do and I'm like, What are you thinking. Like you get yourself together. Come on, you shouldn't be doing this already. Like, quit it, you know? And I, like that's, that's what I thought of, oddly enough first. So
Tammy 32:39
That's powerful. The self-conflicts within your heart. Oh, Michelle. Okay, thank you. What about you, Jalyn?
Jalyn 32:47
That is exactly mine. Maybe it's cuz Michelle and I don't have kids, but like that was exactly mine. And not only like, what's raging in my own heart, you know, like, what am I doing to myself? But also in my life, like, where am I? Because I feel like every day I'm like, What am I going to do with my life? You think at 50, you know. Kids, I'm here to tell you, you never stop asking that question, right? And so, instead of doing that trusting, like, I let it rage, I let it like, you know, you can panic yourself, you can work yourself up into just a state. But if, so that was my whole thing too of like, where am I just, you know, where am I raging against God's plan period for me? right? instead of just letting go and trusting. So, yeah, it wasn't so much, because I'm, I'm just like Michelle. I don't feel like I have a lot of conflict that, I don't like conflict either so I don't let it rage in my heart, right? I just move on and if there's conflict in our family, usually that gets resolved. And so it's not like I'm holding grudges or anything with anybody. So it is just with me.
Tammy 34:12
Wow, those are powerful. Apparently I have a grandiosity complex because all I thought was I hope so and so's listening to this.
Jalyn 34:19
I was gonna say that first. At first you're like, I hope they're thinking about that.
Tammy 34:27
Maybe I should send this talk to 'em in an email. I don't know. Oh, my gosh, that's great. Yeah. Okay, grab your purple pencil or highlighter and we are going to underline in purple the question that Peter asked. So Peter has a question now for the Lord. Let's go to Matthew chapter 18. We're going to look at verse 21 for the question. So Jalyn, you're gonna be our question reader officially. Read the question. Here we go.
Jalyn 34:52
18:21 "Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?"
Tammy 35:00
Okay, so what's his question?
Jalyn 35:03
Can I just forgive somebody seven times and then forget about it, done?
Tammy 35:08
If there's been conflict seven times, then we're gonna rest this, right? We don't have to worry about it anymore? And then Michelle read the answer in verse 22.
Michelle 35:16
22 "Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven."
Tammy 35:24
Okay, let's, let's map a couple things. That is a lot, isn't it? So people are like, seriously? 70 times seven? Someone do the math. 'pi r squared, carry the one.' What is that?
Michelle 35:34
Tammy 35:35
490. Oh, Michelle
Jalyn 35:38
I got this calculator out. Michelles' just like, it's just sitting here, right in my planner.
Tammy 35:44
Someone's good at math. Okay, so you're you got a little checkmark and you're like, that's the 489th time and
Jalyn 35:51
I'm gonna make a paper chain.
Michelle 35:52
I could keep score.
Jalyn 35:53
Yeah. Now you're dead to me. The Sicilian in me isn't happy. Exactly. Yeah. So does He really mean that? Should you be keeping a check? No, He clearly doesn't. So here's what we need to know. The number seven in Hebrew means 'completeness'. But when you have 70, it is, 70 x seven means infinite. Like He's using this numerology here to go, There is just, you, you will forgive them always, complete, and fully. And so there's a great cross reference about the importance of forgiving, because this is hard, because then a lot of us are like, I understand we live in a day and age or we need to set up boundaries and all sorts of stuff, and that is true. Absolutely. And you still have to forgive. This is a hard scripture to read sometimes when it comes to forgiveness. Keep your fingers here in Matthew 18. And just quickly scroll back to Matthew 6:14,15. Matthew 6:14,15. And Jalyn, will you read these about how the Savior taught forgiveness?
Jalyn 36:57
6:14 "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Jalyn 37:02
15 "But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
Tammy 37:08
Wow. How serious is forgiveness?
Jalyn 37:12
Very serious. I mean, only if you want to be forgiven yourself. You know, I do.
Tammy 37:19
I do, I would like to be. It seems kind of like a good idea, doesn't it? Okay, now go back to Matthew chapter 18. So the Savior here teaches this important, He answers Peter's question "70 times seven" - you just have to keep forgiving and never stop. And then He gives this really great parable to help us understand exactly what this means because I'm sure they were kind of like, What? Really, that often? So I asked Michelle if she would just tell us this story. So in Matthew 18:23-35 is the parable. So Michelle, take us through it.
Michelle 37:54
Yeah, so in this parable, and it starts with a King who's going to kind of collect his debts and, and make a record and an account of, of all of his servants. He gets this servant who comes in who owes 10,000 talents, which is a lot. I think I looked it up and it's like, to 200,000 years of work.
Tammy 38:13
Yes, in fact, I'm so glad you said that. It's,it was meant to be an exaggerated sum so that the listener would go, No way. I mean, that is ridiculous. It's like, it's like when you're a kid, and you're like, One gazillion dollars, you know. That's kind of, Yeah, exactly. Okay, go, go go. You're good.
Michelle 38:31
Um, so he obviously owes this debt that there's no way he can pay. And so the Lord's decided that he is going to or this, this Lord has decided he's going to throw him in prison. And this servant begs, begs him not to and says, Have patience with me, I will repay you. And the king is moved, he has compassion on him and he forgives his debt, right? This insurmountable debt. So once the servant is free, he then goes to his own servant, someone who owes him money, kind of roughs the guy up and says, Hey, you, you got to pay me back. He owes him 100 Pence, which is pennies on the dollar in comparison.
Michelle 39:07
The servant asks the same question that he did and says, You know, please have patience with me, I'll pay you back. But there's no compassion in this individual. And instead he throws him in prison. He takes his wife, he takes his children, he takes his land, and and pretty much throws him into captivity until the debt has been paid. The King finds out - isn't too happy. And and then in verse 34, Matthew 18, it says, And the Lord "And His Lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto im. So that first servant who owed all that was forgiven, was eventually kind of passed on to the tormentors, because he wasn't compassionate.
Tammy 39:49
Well, that's a heavy story, isn't it? And so, ultimately saying to us, I mean, if you go to verse 34, imagine the Lord being wroth with us. And again, the word the 'tormentors'. Isn't that so fascinating? Delivering us to the tormentors until we paid all that was due unto him. And there's so much truth to that. That's the idea of Spirit world, Spirit prison. Eventually, everybody will have to pay their debt. We can either do it in this life, or we can do it in the next. But everyone's gonna have to do it and be forgiven and go through that whole process. And it's just, even though this sounds kind of odd, but it's easier now, according to Doctrine and Covenants, section 19, it's just easier now. And so, I want to know, from the two of you, what are some tips? Or do you have any suggestions on how to do this, either how to forgive someone, or to forgive yourself to be a little less harsh or critical of yourself?
Jalyn 40:49
But the last one is harder, right? The last one to forgive yourself, I think is much harder. Because, well, I think, for me, personally, I hold myself, you know, I want to hold myself to a higher standard. And it, and I think it is harder to give yourself grace, like, you know, Michelle already said. Like, honestly, the voice in your head can be so damning. And, and so it just has to be a continual process, right? That's why we have daily prayer. That's why we, you know, are encouraged to read the scriptures every day and pray every day. That's why we have the opportunity to go to church and, and remember our baptismal covenant and speak that remission of sin is because that's the only way for me that I can. It takes daily remembrance in order to be able to do that.
Tammy 41:57
Well, and look at our childlike list of qualities again; which quality would help you to forgive?
Jalyn 42:05
Being full of love, being humble.
Michelle 42:11
And kind of patient, too.
Jalyn 42:12
Yeah. Really patient, right? Because you got to be patient with with other people's flaws.
Tammy 42:19
Oh, well, then you go to the meek - you're not easily offended.
Jalyn 42:22
Mm hmm. Oh, that too. Right?
Tammy 42:24
How we talked about that. Not easily offended, that activism, a cause of action, to just do something, forgive.
Jalyn 42:32
Tammy 42:33
Michelle 42:33
I think something that I've learned lately recently, just to let myself do is to feel both. I think sometimes we have a tendency to get caught up of saying like, Well, if I've forgiven and I shouldn't be angry, and it shouldn't hurt me, and it shouldn't feel bad, and, and yada, yada, yada. And that, that's hard. And that hurts. I think when we allow ourselves to feel the feelings, you are a complex, eternal being, you can do both. You can still feel hurt, you can feel upset, it can still be incredibly hard. But you can both still choose to forgive and choose to let it go and to let the hurt have a time and and a season, and then let it pass. Because that's really what forgiveness is, right? It's not saying no one's ever gonna hurt you, this will never sting, everything will just roll off. Don't worry about it. Like that's not what the Lord's saying at all. But rather, instead that you don't have to feel that way forever. Right? When we just allow ourselves to feel it, and to let it be what it is, then it becomes easier to set, set down.
Jalyn 43:45
I like that. Well, and I think we have to allow it to keep coming up, right? Because there'll be times when I'm like, Oh, yeah, I forgave him for that. And then you'll get like mad and then be like, Oh, wait, I already, I already forgave them. So you don't forgive people to help them.
Tammy 44:03
Michelle 44:03
Jalyn 44:04
You forgive him to help you so that you don't have, you know, so you don't have to live with that. What, wasn't it Elder Holland who said, you know, it's like you drinking pickle juice and expecting them to suffer? Right. Like it makes it, it's, it makes zero sense to do that. But, you know, I also want to be very cognizant of people who have, you know, I've never been harmed or hurt in such a way where some people have. Where, you know, fortunately, I don't know that I know exactly the strength that that would require
Tammy 44:43
I'm so glad you pointed that out.
Jalyn 44:45
Yeah. For those people who have really suffered, you know, injurious things that are just beyond. Like if you just really sat with it and go, Hey, I'm really angry right now and anger is, feels like this in my body. And here, it takes 90 seconds for that to pass. Right? And so, you know, sit, you have to process that emotion and probably over and over and over again. So that you aren't keeping, so you're not taking the bitter pill over and over. But I think the actual forgiveness part just may take longer, or for some people, understandably,
Tammy 45:29
This is when time is on our side, for sure. And I really appreciated that Gerald Lund a few weeks ago taught us that the Spirit world is still part of our second estate. Like, once we die in this life, that's not, that's not it. It's not like, oh, well, that's all the chances you got. And that's one of my favorite teachings about the Joseph Smith History is when Moroni, he came. He taught Joseph that the scriptures in the book of Acts that he quoted hasn't happened yet. Like no one's been cut off, people still get chances to figure stuff out. And like you said, that's why we have 1000 years in the millennium to forgive. And so yeah, lest we think we have to just do it right now. We have to allow ourselves some grace. And that that's a power to do things beyond what we can do on our own. We know that from the definition of grace, which can only come from the Savior, and which comes to those who are childlike. These are heavy questions, aren't they? Super thought provoking. Okay, in the next segment, we've got a real doozy of a question. So we're gonna take that on coming up next.
Segment 4 46:32
Tammy 46:47
Okay, so this is a true story. When talking about kids asking questions, we have made a transition in my family from little kid questions to big kid questions. And tonight at dinner, we got a big kid question. And the question was out of my 14-year-old daughter's mouth: Mom, Dad, have you guys ever been in the negative in your checking account?
Tammy 47:11
Crickets chirped. We were like,
Jalyn 47:12
I would never ask my parents that.
Tammy 47:14
I know, Jim and I looked at each other and like, uhhhh. And then we just began this whole conversation about credit cards, debit cards, fees for when you do go in debt, all this different stuff. And Jim gives this whole history because my husband works for a credit card company. And so it was a fabulous discussion. Question. Yeah, big questions. And some questions are so big that kids ask that you can't even answer them. Right? Like, are you both aunts? Okay, have you ever been asked a big question that you were like, I don't know. What happens when, what happens when that question gets asked? What do you say? Do you make up stuff?
Jalyn 47:55
No, no, because if they're old enough to ask that kind of a question, then I think it deserves either, You know, I don't really know. But here's what I think about it.
Tammy 48:07
Jalyn 48:07
Or because, I mean, I have had my nieces ask me questions. And like when they were little or Jalyn goes off on this big soliloquy about an answer. And they're kind of looking at me like, What? What are you talking about? I just wanted like a little answer, like shut up now. Like, stop. But no, I think, I think and, and maybe sometimes I think the answer is, you know, I need to get back to you on that because that, that's a big question that requires some thought on how I want to answer that. But yeah, they - kids can just leave you dumbfounded with those questions where you're like, Oops, like, where did that come from?
Tammy 48:54
What about you, Michelle? What do you do when they ask you?
Michelle 48:56
I mean, I've, I've run into issue. I mean, I have one niece who's just cut-throat who will just ask questions that cut to your core. We were at dinner and she looks at me and she's like, How come you're my only aunt that doesn't have a husband? And I'm like, Okay. Thanks.
Tammy 49:12
That's a big question that you don't know the answer.
Michelle 49:15
And that'll happen sometimes where they'll ask a question that's like six answers down the road.
Tammy 49:20
Michelle 49:21
And then I have to think about like, how do I get there without just opening the Pandora's Box of the endless 'Why?' And what about that? Why, why why? Like, trying to kind of dumb it down so that we can jump straight to it. But usually I'm like, you have skipped like eight building blocks of questions. We'll see how we get there. That's usually what I run into.
Jalyn 49:43
Wait till you're sitting in a Primary class full of eight-year-olds, and one of them asks that question, and then they're like, yeah, why? Why? Like they all start going down.
Tammy 49:54
Quick, quick, quick downward spiral.
Jalyn 49:56
Oh, no, I loved it, was awesome. conversation.
Tammy 49:59
Okay. Well turn with me to Luke chapter 10. So now we're going to spend the rest of our time in Luke. And Jesus gets asked a very interesting question. Here we go, Luke chapter 10 and we're gonna go to verse 25. Grab your purple pencil or pen or marker, and we're going to underline the specific question. And, Jalyn, I want you to tell me what is unique about this specific question. And you're our question reader, so hit it, verse 25.
Jalyn 50:26
Luke 10:25 "And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"
Tammy 50:35
Okay, so here's the question, What shall I do to inherit eternal life? But what wording in that verse teaches us about the type of question he's asking?
Jalyn 50:44
It says he tempted Him?
Tammy 50:45
Yeah. What does that mean?
Jalyn 50:47
Well, it's kind of, you know, like if, if you are a lawyer, and you put like an opposing party on the stand, you want them to kind of use their own words against him at some point. So you want them to like give you an answer that then you can turn around and be like, but didn't you just say it was this? Because once you can do that then, you know, no jury is going to believe anything else that comes out of the person's mouth.
Tammy 51:21
Ah, excellent description of how this question was asked. That's exactly what's happening in verse 25. So when it says that he's a certain lawyer, what you want to know is that he's a lawyer of the law of the Mosaic law. So he actually knows the answer to the question, when he says, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" That's why the Savior says in verse 26, "What is written in the law?" You can put the cross reference Deuterono 6:5; this is where the answer to the question already exists. So that's why the Savior's saying, Well, what does it say in the law? "How readest thou?" So He's turning the question back to the lawyer like, Well, you're the lawyer of the law, you should absolutely know what the answer is. Right?
Jalyn 52:00
But that's the most genius-like cross examination technique.
Michelle 52:07
Good response, Jesus. Good response.
Jalyn 52:08
Yeah, because now the lawyer thinks he's going to catch Him in His own words, and be able to go, HaHA. And Jesus is like, I thought you knew everything. Like you're the lawyer, why don't you know it? And then He's going to, He's going to do the same technique only lovingly, back to, back to this, this certain attorney.
Tammy 52:33
Okay, let's find out what the attorney said, then. Michelle, read verse 27.
Michelle 52:38
27 "And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself."
Tammy 52:49
So that's Deuteronomy 6:5, you can just put a little bracket there and put that scripture reference. So the lawyer recited the Scripture, like, Alright, here's the answer. And then here's what the Lord says to him in verse 28. "And He said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live." So that's what the Savior says to him. But then we get verse 29. Now Jalyn, read this and talk to us about this verse. What did the lawyer say?
Jalyn 53:15
29 "But he willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, and who is my neighbour?"
Tammy 53:20
Now, what's unique about that verse? What's He doing there?
Jalyn 53:23
So it's saying, willing to justify himself, right, as to why he even asked this question in the first place. So he wants to drill down. And mean you can have entire legal cases based on the meaning of one word. Right? So what does neighbor actually mean? What does that mean? So, is it, you know, he wants to pin the Lord down to something specific, like, is it within 10 houses of me? Is that within, you know, is that what I'm supposed to do? Like, And I think, you know, we're, we're looking at this certain lawyer of like, you know, really trying to put one over on the Lord.
Jalyn 54:08
But I think we all inadvertently do that ourselves. I do that myself, where you're like, just give me the parameters. I don't like, you know what I mean? Oh, yeah, we love that. Show me, we love that. Show me the box. And I think we always ask that of the church too. Like, well, where are the little lines? And that's where it's kind of like, yeah, we're leaving that up to you to figure out; that's between you and the Lord. And that's, that, this is why we have agency right? is is to figure some of that out. So, you know, before, at least before I like look too harshly on this attorney, I am one. No, I, I can see that behavior in myself in certain, certain respects. Right? I'm just not standing in front of the Lord going, trying to trip Him up in front of everybody. I just want it in my personal life. I
Tammy 55:04
Well, I, that, I like that idea how you just taught us about parameters, like, tell me where this fits. Where's the box? Like, how does this fit? Because Gerald Lund did a great job when he said, specifically speaking of this story when he asks, Who is my neighbor? What he's really implying is, Well, who isn't my neighbor then?
Jalyn 55:23
Hmm, who can I not love? Is it the man who I've forgiven 490 times or whatever that crazy math Michelle did in her head was? Yeah. You know. Is it that person? Like, just tell me who I can hate. I want to, I want to put them on my list and go off for them.
Tammy 55:44
Because if you're a little child, who is a child's neighbor?
Michelle 55:48
Jalyn 55:48
Michelle 55:50
Everybody, they're friends with everybody. It's like when you go camping. I don't know if any of you guys like go camping growing up, like immediately if there is any other kid in the campground, you're like, We're best friends. And we're going to start a club and go off on adventures and you're seconds ago.
Jalyn 56:02
So true.
Michelle 56:03
But it doesn't matter. All of a sudden they're your best friends.
Tammy 56:06
Jalyn 56:07
Tammy 56:08
Oh, that's absolutely true. And that, I mean, can you imagine if we could all be more like that? I remember when - this is one of my favorite stories for my daughter, Lilly - I put her in a ballet class. She was six years old and we borrowed a little ballet outfit from my niece, cute little blue. And we, I combed her hair up into a bun on the top of her head. And she walked into that ballet class, never having danced before in her life, first time ever. It's through the rec center ,right? neighborhood ballet class. It was one of my favorite moments ever. She walks in and she was a little bit late and there were all these girls standing in a circle. And they all looked at her and they went, Huuh, you're so pretty. Come and be our friend! And they grabbed her hands and pulled her into the circle and my heart melted. I thought, oh my gosh, if that isn't the greatest story that I've ever heard of. how we can just just, deal with everybody. Like, instead of all, Can you believe what she's wearing? I mean, just to acknowledge You're so pretty, come and be our friend. I mean, that is the most childlike response. Where as adults we're just snarky.
Michelle 57:18
You know, where's that policy right now for adulthood?
Jalyn 57:21
Tammy 57:21
We need the 'ballet policy'
Jalyn 57:24
You're looking at it, Michell.Come on in.
Michelle 57:25
Just tell me I'm pretty. and let's be friends.
Tammy 57:26
You ARE pretty.
Jalyn 57:26
You ain't fat, you're beautiful. Now put down the potato salad. (laughter)
Tammy 57:31
That's your favorite line from Karina, Karina? Isn't that that movie?
Jalyn 57:36
But, yes. I love that you know that.
Tammy 57:37
You bet I do. I learned that line from you. Now, here's another bit of insight then into this whole neighbor discussion. And this is from James E Talmage in "Jesus the Christ". And this is what he had to say about this young lawyer. Michelle, will you read this quote, please.
Michelle 57:52
"If he had to love his neighbors as he loved himself, he wanted to have as few neighbors as possible.
Michelle 58:00
" (laughter) Ah, that's a good one. Easier to love people if there's just less of them.
Tammy 58:07
I just think it's so fascinating. Yeah. Isn't that the truth of all of us as adults unfortunately?
Jalyn 58:13
Tammy 58:14
Yeah. So who isn't my neighbor?
Jalyn 58:18
That makes me think of though, too, is look at how big our houses have gotten. And how our neighborhoods have like spread out. At least, you know, here in, in the West, I guess, and in the United States. But, you know, you don't have to, now, now we live in houses where everybody has their own room and their own TV and their own, you know. Whereas, you know, when I grew up and seven people and one and a half bathrooms. Like, you know, you're gonna fight it out. But I don't know, I don't know if that's relevant. It just made me kind of think about like, I think it's easier. We do have less neighbors in a lot of respects.
Tammy 59:06
We absolutely do. That is a true statement. And so I think it's interesting because we have this setup right here, Who is my neighbor, who is not my neighbor? And this idea of are we trying to get rid of neighbors, or do we want to invite more people in? And so we're gonna find out the answer to the Savior's question and the story that He tells to help us understand exactly who our neighbors are. And we're gonna do that in the next segment.
Segment 5 59:31
Tammy 59:46
All right, everybody, we are in Luke chapter 10 still, and we're going to begin the story in verse 30. And I've asked Jalyn to tell this story. Now. we are very familiar with it. Many of you will be like, I've heard this story before. But here's what I want you to do. As she's telling the story, I want you to write down the names of every character in the story. That's your assignment. So listen, write down the character names, and Jalyn will kind of point them out as she tells the story, and then we're gonna come back to that list. Alright, you ready, Jalyn?
Jalyn 1:00:13
Tammy 1:00:14
Hit it. Tell us, first of all, what we should label the story as, and then give us the story.
Jalyn 1:00:21
Well, first of all, this is Jesus's response to the lawyer as to who your neighbor is. And this is the parable of the Good Samaritan. And we all know it well since we were in Primary. And it, it's about a man who went from Jerusalem to Jericho, he was heading on that road. I think it's a really long trek, like 18 miles, something ridiculous that would take about eight hours to walk. And Jerusalem is very high up on a hill. So you're walking downhill and it's total desert. And there's part just rugged terrain, just out in the heat, very little road at some point, very narrow trails. And as this man was going on this road, he fell among thieves. And the thieves stripped him of his clothes, they wounded him, and then they left leaving him half dead. And there came a couple other people coming down the path that way. And so the first man that comes down, in verse 31, a priest passes by him and just walks on the other side of the trail. Verse 32, a Levite, comes down. And when he sees him, he also passes by on the other side.
Jalyn 1:01:48
And then in verse 33, we have a Samaritan, which we all know at this point in history - the Samaritans were very looked down upon by the Jews and the Israelites because they didn't feel they were from the pure, you know, lineage of Christ and weren't entitled to the blessings of Abraham. But when this Samaritan sees him, he had compassion on him, and he takes him you fixes up all his wounds, he puts him on his mule or whatever beast he was, had with him. And then he took him to an inn and took care of him, and then he had to leave. But he said to the innkeeper, you know, here's some money now. When I come back this way I'll stop by and if you've taken care of him above and beyond that, then I will pay for that. I'll repay you for that.
Tammy 1:02:49
Excellent. Great explanation of the story. Okay. So we have all the characters. Now let's go through and let's reframe this story, because I thought this was really, really cool. So you told us about Jericho, Jalyn, that was so cool. Jericho is the absolute lowest town on earth. It is 825 feet below sea level. So I want you to think of this in terms of, here we are with our Heavenly Parents, and we come down to the lowest town on earth, right? That's the 'fall' that we have going on right here. This story is about all of us. And have we fallen among thieves, every one of us? Oh, gosh, right? Like
Jalyn 1:03:31
Hello, mortality.
Tammy 1:03:34
Agh, have you been stripped of your raiment? Have you been wounded? Have you been felt the part of and left for dead at any time in your life?
Jalyn 1:03:41
Yeah, yeah.
Michelle 1:03:43
Tammy 1:03:43
I think verse 30, perfectly sums up our mortal experience. So here we are. We're on this earth and all of our neighbors are everybody, everyone we know. And we are passed by by a priest, by a Levite, but then we have a Samaritan. And the Samaritan is Jesus Christ, because He has compassion, in verse 33. And we've learned that this year that compassion is the moving factor for the Savior to perform almost every miracle in the New Testament. It will say He had compassion on that person. So that word is a really important word. So the Samaritan is the Savior. The Savior binds up our wounds. I love this idea of pouring oil. Wine is a symbol of Christ's blood. Oil is a symbol of the Holy Ghost. He sets him on His beast, which is really interesting because now the Samaritan or the Savior, He can't ride the animal. But He will walk beside the man on the animal.
Jalyn 1:03:43
Tammy 1:03:51
as He's taking him to the inn, right? So the Savior walks beside us. He brings him to an inn for food and shelter. And then here's what's so cool in verse 35, He gives him to the host. Now, who is the host? And this is the story. The host is me. How many times has the Savior brought neighbors or people to me and then said to me, take care of him.
Jalyn 1:04:59
And I'll pay you when you return.
Tammy 1:05:01
Yep. And then I'll cover it, whatever you need. I just think this is so powerful that, who is my neighbor? Doesn't matter. Whoever I bring you is your neighbor, and I want you to take care of him. But then what's so significant about that take care is it's different for everybody. Michelle's gonna take care of someone much differently than I would. Jalyn. We all have our skill set. But the thing is, is that the Lord needs all of us to join together as that, that group of ballerina girls, right? The ballerina troupe joined together and then just help each other out. Okay, what can I do? I mean, I thought of this story and all the people in my life and how they would do this.
Tammy 1:05:40
You know, I made a list like Holly woud tickle the person's back; Farley would cook him a really good meal. I was just laughing as I made this list. Susan would offer the most empathy anybody ever could and she'd coordinate around the clock help. HB, she would do all the research in the world to find the most effective way to heal the person and she'd get the supplies that were necessary. My friend Amy, she would track down the family, find out their favorite food, their favorite snacks and all of their comfort foods. Sarah, she would listen to the endless stories of this person. And then she'd check for any outstanding balances and pay it without anyone knowing. Brown and her kids, they'd make the greatest chocolate chip cookies you'd ever have. And she'd bring you a pair of pajamas because everyone needs pajamas as they're getting better. Right?
Jalyn 1:06:22
Tammy 1:06:23
Me, if you came to my house, you would lay in a bed with the sheets smelled like Tide and Downy. And I'd give you like clean towels, and let you take a shower that lasted an hour long, however much time you needed. And I just I think this is so fun to think of everybody in my life who I knew could take care of him. And who does that is my neighbors and I want you to think right now in your life, What do you each, how would you take care of him? What are your strengths?
Michelle 1:06:50
I, you know, growing up anyone who knew me - I guess people who still know me now - I used to be an extreme talker. Like if there wasn't like an iota of silence I'm like, I'll just fill it, it's okay. I'll just start talking about whatever. Um, but I had a roommate who really taught me the skill of listening, of, of just sitting with people in the moment. And, and then another skill I have, is just being real, and which kind of comes with empathy. I won't sugarcoat anything. I'm exactly what you see is exactly what you get with me. And I think kind of allowing, as we kind of talked earlier about feeling those feelings and allowing things to be real. And sitting with people in that is is my specialty.
Jalyn 1:07:39
Oh, that's a good one. That's a good one. Being able to hold space for people is a huge skill. And not a lot of people have. I, I'm not gonna lie, I'm real stingy with my time, but I will throw money at the problem all day long.
Tammy 1:07:56
You bet. Hey,
Jalyn 1:07:57
I will like you give them first class room. You feed him, you do all of that. And I'd be crying. I'd be like, Oh my gosh, poor him. Like, not in front of them. But I would feel every light ounce of pain that they would feel. Yeah
Tammy 1:08:13
Yeah, it is her spiritual gifts. She fills all the fields. You've always been able to do that. Yeah, I thought about you in this: Jalyn fills the fields.
Michelle 1:08:21
Tammy 1:08:23
Now let me ask you this. Has anyone ever taken care of you?
Michelle 1:08:27
Um, I really struggle at accepting help. I pride myself on being a very self-sufficient gal. And I like to do it all. I don't, I don't like the idea of burdening someone else. I'm very much like, I'll figure it out. It's okay. Just pile it on me. Like, let's see what these shoulders can hold, baby. Like just bring it on. That's, you know, I'm the workhorse of pioneer stock, born and bred to just carry it all. And I was really struggling at a time and just life seemed awful and hard. And I remember I randomly texted a guy in my ward where I was like, Hey, can I just get like a blessing? Which for me, like you text it into the abyss and you're like, Well, I hope that goes well. Like
Jalyn 1:09:13
That is vulnerability, right?
Tammy 1:09:15
Jalyn 1:09:15
That's huge vulnerability, because that's so hard for me to
Michelle 1:09:19
Yeah, and you'd like, you're just waiting for their response. And of course you then eventually start being like, You know what, if it's inconvenient, don't even worry about it, I'll be okay.
Jalyn 1:09:26
Forget about it. No pressure.
Michelle 1:09:27
Nevermind. It's yeah, it's okay. Um, and so I went over to their house and we chatted and like, I remember in the middle of the blessing or at the end of the blessing, like the weight was just gone, nothing was solved. Like there wasn't some profound like, this is your solution from the Lord. That's not how heaven usually speaks to me but like I, just the amount of relief that came from it. And it was care that I wasn't expecting. I think I was kind of just expecting like, You'll be okay sport; don't worry about it. Heavenly Father loves ya. Chin up.
Jalyn 1:10:01
Michelle 1:10:03
But instead it wasn't. It was just like the Lord taking the feelings. And I mean, afterwards, it had been something. I'm a crier, it's, it's one of my spiritual gifts just to cry at myself over things. And like, I couldn't even muster up the emotions to feel sad at the end. And that relief was something I'll just never forget.
Tammy 1:10:27
Wow, thank you.
Jalyn 1:10:29
I wonder, Michelle, people like you and I. Because I've often thought of this, of how many times have we blocked our own blessings because we haven't been vulnerable enough to ask?
Tammy 1:10:43
Jalyn 1:10:43
And I think, you know, asking for a priesthood blessing or asking someone else to minister us in whatever way they want, I think is, that is being childlike, right? That is humbling yourself enough to be like, K, I need some help here, you know? And I just wonder how many times Heavenly Father's just like, Girl, if you'd just asked Me?
Tammy 1:11:08
Jalyn 1:11:09
If you'd just ask, you know? Not that He isn't willing to provide. But that is my exercise of agency and being able to humble myself enough, you know, to really, really ask. And so
Tammy 1:11:23
Jalyn 1:11:24
you know. I, I get that. And, and, what, by us not even asking for help, like, you're not giving the Samaritan, the Levite, the priest, anybody even the opportunity to serve in the way they know how,
Michelle 1:11:38
No one gets a chance.
Jalyn 1:11:38
yeah, no one gets a chance. Yeah.
Tammy 1:11:40
Well, and that goes, that goes back into Luke chapter 10. And it's verse 37. And he said, because he asked the question in verse 36, "Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among thieves? 37 "And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise." I think it's interesting when He says, "He that shewed mercy on him," meaning the Samaritan. And the host, like the host was blessed.
Jalyn 1:12:08
Tammy 1:12:09
The man was blessed. And the host, like the host had to have shown some level of mercy to take care of him, even though he was going to be paid. But the host still had to do everything that the Samaritan originally did. Who's going to continue to help his wounds, who's going to feed him?, even though he knows he's getting paid back. But that's us, we do get paid back. That's our
Jalyn 1:12:26
Tammy 1:12:26
We believe that as a people. Oh, I'm doing it for the blessings. I know I'll be blessed. I don't know how yet. Like, we think there will be payment given to us for serving. And so that's so powerful there. So do this. For those of you listening, find a sticky note, find a card and just write in big letters, "Take care of him." Have that be your motto for the week. Look for opportunities, because the Lord, He has compassion on every one of us. And we all are in need of help. And look for opportunities where you can do that where the Lord is going to bring someone to you and say, take care of him. And the promises are that you'll be blessed. So thank you, both of you, for that awesome discussion on that. And Jalyn, for retelling that story.
Jalyn 1:13:06
I also just like to point out that sometimes the lawyer is the other character in the story, right? And the lawyer who starts out all cocky, and I think I'm gonna catch him in this. He doesn't hesitate at the end. Like, he is humbled
Tammy 1:13:24
Jalyn 1:13:24
by that story. And he immediately recognizes the truth and says, it's Him who showed mercy. Yeah, right. And so, like, there is, there's redemption and hope for all of us, even if we're in that like, oh, yeah?
Tammy 1:13:39
The snarkiest of us all.
Jalyn 1:13:40
Well who can I hate?
Tammy 1:13:42
I love that.
Jalyn 1:13:45
Tammy 1:13:45
Oh, so good. Okay, well, we are learning so much from questions being asked. How is your guys's intellectual development doing? You feeling a little bit more adultlike, as we've discussed these?
Tammy 1:13:55
No, I'm feeling a little bit more childlike.
Tammy 1:13:57
A little dumber. Sure, sure sure.
Michelle 1:13:57
The more I know, the less I know.
Jalyn 1:13:59
Childlike. Supposed to feel like, yeah.
Tammy 1:14:00
Okay, well, we have one last question to study before we do a final assessment on our intellectual development. And we're going to do that question in the next segment.
Segment 6 1:14:08
Tammy 1:14:23
I'm just going to start out by saying I have taken umbrage with this story for years. I hate the way it's told. I don't like songs written about it. And I'm just gonna blow it out of the water because I'm sick of it! (laughter) How do you like that set-up?
Michelle 1:14:37
She's taking umbrage.
Tammy 1:14:39
I've taken umbrage with this story.
Jalyn 1:14:40
Tammy 1:14:40
Okay. Bracket off verses 38-42 in Luke chapter 10. So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm going to give you guys a scenario and I just want you to immediately give me your reaction. Ready? Here we go. We just finished the morning session of General Conference. There's a knock at your door, you open it up. It's the Prophet and the apostles and they're hungry and they need lunch. What do you do?
Jalyn 1:15:03
I panic. I panic. I'm running around. I'm trying to throw together a charcuterie. I mean, it's conference. So that means there's like dishes and blankets and everything strewn about the house, shoving everything in closet trying to make it presentable. That's what I'm doing.
Tammy 1:15:22
Oh, yeah. And you're in your pajamas.
Jalyn 1:15:25
Tammy 1:15:26
Forget that point.
Jalyn 1:15:27
Cinnamon Roll icing's probably slobbered down one side of my face.
Tammy 1:15:31
Okay, what's your, what's your reaction, Michelle?
Michelle 1:15:34
Uh, I'd probably have a nice smile. Like it's so great of you to come. Would, do you want some nachos? Because that was our Sunday go-to like right after church, the fastest thing you can come up with. It's like, spread the chips, add some cheese, broil it, and it's an appetizer. And the ninas, just try to figure out something from there. Just raid every cabinet, throw a blanket over the stuff you can't hide. Like, if there's a blanket over it, no one can see it.
Tammy 1:16:03
Okay. I want us all to be in this mindset, because that is exactly the scenario and the setup for this story in Luke 10:38. Let's start with this verse, here we go. All right. We're gonna start with Michelle, and then when we get to the question verse, Jalyn, we'll have you read that. So Michelle, start the story for us in verse 38.
Michelle 1:16:22
10:38 "Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house."
Tammy 1:16:31
Okay, it's in verse 38, where it says "as they went." We're talking about Jesus and the apostles. Okay, so that's who's showing up to Martha's house. I love it. It says, "Martha received them into her house." This is her house, ladies, don't we love that? We don't know if Martha is married, we don't know if she's a single gal. But we know she has a house. And so they're coming into her home, so that tells us a lot about her. Keep reading verse 39, Michelle,
Michelle 1:16:57
39 "And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word."
Tammy 1:17:03
Okay, underline "which also". Because this implies that Martha is also like Mary, who sits at Jesus's feet, when it, when it says "sat at Jesus's feet". The Greek interpretation of 'sat at' means to be tutored and taught. So, there we go. So we know that Mary and Martha have been tutored and taught at the feet of the Savior. Now Jalyn, please read verse 40, because here's a question.
Jalyn 1:17:30
40 "But Martha was cumbered, about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me."
Tammy 1:17:41
K, underline the question. So basically, Jalyn, come on, what's going on here? What's Martha saying to the Savior?
Jalyn 1:17:47
Like, are you kidding me? Like, I'm the one running around doing all the stuff to feed your 12. Like, can I get some help? Can a sister get a hand?
Jalyn 1:17:57
I think this church is entirely made up of Marthas; who's getting this stuff done. Am I right?
Jalyn 1:18:02
Tammy 1:18:03
All the Martha's put your hand in the air.
Jalyn 1:18:09
Michelle 1:18:10
The church is maybe the doers.
Tammy 1:18:12
The doers, exactly. So she's, she, and rightfully so, she has every right to ask that question. Can you please have Mary give me a hand? Okay. Then we have the Savior's answer in verse 41 and 42. And here's the lesson. So Michelle, continue to read for us verse 41 please.
Michelle 1:18:30
41 "And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:"
Tammy 1:18:37
Underline the word "careful". In Greek, the word "careful'" means 'overly concerned about'. So He's saying Martha, Martha. Thou art overly concerned and troubled about many things. Now, okay, again, Marthas, put your hands in the air. Like who are my Martha's, right?
Michelle 1:18:54
Show me a woman.
Tammy 1:18:55
You bet I am. Tell me about verse 41, though, when He says her name twice. What does that kind of imply?
Jalyn 1:19:02
I don't, you know, I don't know what it implies. But to me, it feels like a little pat on the head of like, oh, you crazy lady. Just settle down. You know? Like, if a man tells you to calm down or settle down.
Michelle 1:19:18
Oh, the worst.
Jalyn 1:19:19
But, because it feels patronizing to us; but I think He is more like, I don't know, like, You are my student.
Tammy 1:19:29
Jalyn 1:19:30
Right. Like I am in the teacher role or the almost not parental, but He is definitely her, her senior, right? as far as, as the Gospel goes.
Tammy 1:19:44
I like that. I like that in the way you've just described that. Okay. So He says, Yeah, you are very concerned about things. Absolutely. You bet she is, 100%. And then Michelle read verse 42.
Michelle 1:19:57
42 "But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."
Tammy 1:20:03
Okay, the word "needful" is in Greek, 'necessary', or to take advantage of.' So He says one thing is necessary, or one thing you need to take advantage of. And then we have "Mary has chosen that good part." Now, "that good part" in Greek means 'intrinsically good portion', 'intrinsically good'. It doesn't say she's chosen the better part, let's be clear, because I don't I don't like the way it's been interpreted to imply it's better than what Martha chose. He's saying what Mary has chosen is intrinsically good, which shall not be taken away from her. So what is He trying to say to all of us with this story? Why are we including that in here? Is it to make all of the Martha's feel bad about the work they're doing?
Michelle 1:20:48
Hope not
Tammy 1:20:49
I don't think it is.
Jalyn 1:20:49
No, I think it's, I think it's taking advantage of the opportunity to, you know, sit at the feet of the Savior, as it were. Like I mean, I, I think we've all been around people who stress about way too much, right? Have you, like I have a sister - bless her heart, she knows who she is. - who stresses about everything. But it's also her biggest strength, because she could worry about you and before there were even cell phones, she could have located your GPS coordinates, by, I don't know how. So, like, really good skills, having those, that Martha set of skills, is really good. But I think we've all been around those people that are frantically trying to do something, right? And the people who they're serving or who they are just kind of sitting back going, kind of, Relax, we're, we're okay, we're not gonna die of hunger right now. Like, throw some more nachos and be okay. Like, you know, it doesn't have to be this, 12-course spread. Right?
Jalyn 1:21:01
And, and it reminds me of like, you know, Relief Society or church back in the day where it was very checklist oriented, right? You have to do this, this, this and this. And it was very judgmental, right? The church wasn't true if there wasn't a lace tablecloth on the, you know, the Relief Society table. So, you know, a lot of times worried about that stuff and the temporal things, instead of just I'm going to partake of the eternal things. And the goodness of that, and not necessarily the, that that's better, because you absolutely need those other things, right?
Tammy 1:22:59
Jalyn 1:22:59
But, but a lot of times we do it at the expense of the better thing.
Tammy 1:23:05
Yeah. Michelle, what does it speak to you as a Martha?
Michelle 1:23:08
Um, so there's actually reminded me of an experience. I work in the Jordan River Baptistry, and helping the youth do baptisms for the dead. And there was one experience, I was working up at the font handing out towels. And schedules are really tight, right? We're trying to get a lot of people through and make sure everyone has a good time. And there was this, there was a brother in baptizing, he was probably barely 16. And he was very slow and deliberate with his speech. And we had one of the senior temple workers come in and was like, Hey, you know, we got to get him out of here. Like, let's swap him after this. It's going to take too long, we'll get backed up. And I just remember having the feeling of this is his experience, and he gets to take all the time he needs.
Jalyn 1:23:58
Michelle 1:23:59
I think of that when I think of Mary in this situation, right? Of it, it's less that, Oh, this is necessary in general. But this is necessary for Mary. And she can take all the time she needs. And I think that that's something that's so true in my life as I'm learning lessons from the Lord and as I'm struggling through things. Sometimes I get upset that it's not done faster, and that things aren't moving along, that we're not progressing. Because I just want to do it and I just want to get done. But I have to remind myself, like, this is my experience, and I'm allowed to take all the time I need. That's, that's what the Savior wants from, for us, right? So that's kind of what it makes me think of. Do I still get frustrated as the Martha type, like, Okay, but can we take like five minutes and then be done? Like can we set a time limit to this? That's still the natural man in me. But, but it does remind me to slow down and to just, if you don't slow down, you'll miss it, right? That's, that's kind of what this is saying in a sense, that it's going to pass by so quick. I mean, when you think about it, in reality, the Savior is only there for a brief minute in His mortal life. If we don't slow down, we're gonna miss it.
Tammy 1:25:07
Well, He's just a couple months shy of the crucifixion. Yeah, like, it's, it's almost coming to an end for Him. In fact, I really like how you just said that Michelle. Take all the time you need because, you know, He didn't disparage Martha, in a way; He didn't say, You know, you'd do well, if you sat down by Mary too and just listen to what I have to say. Why don't you just calm down and come listen, like,
Jalyn 1:25:58
Calm down!
Tammy 1:25:28
He didn't say that. Yeah. He just said, But Mary, I liked this inference for us, But one thing is needful. Circle "the one" right there. That "one thing is needful", and He's saying 'that one thing' is Me. That's the only thing that's needful right here. And it's not gonna be taken away from her this time; let her just take as much time as she needs. And I really like that take on it, Michelle. And He's not saying what Mary, what Martha is doing isn't important, because it is. She's got, she knows she needs to feed people. But the Savior's like, I can feed these people; give me, you know, give me two fishes and five loves and we're good. We've done that before, it's going to be fine.
Tammy 1:26:09
And it kind of, it reminds me of this new push right now to let the youth lead. That is really hard for a lot of people because, I love how Neil Marriott, Sister Marriott taught at a training for Young Women leaders years ago: 'no more backup brownies. 'Do not bring stuff. If your girls don't bring what they said they would, then that's that. Okay. That's the whole Mary principle there. Like, let them learn from this experience, it's going to be just fine. And I like, because to me, the application here is exactly that. Like let these youth lead because what their 'that one thing is needful' for them to learn how to lead, to be responsible, and this is the time to do it. And we all get those, those times in our life to learn. And I love that, I really like that, Michelle. Take the time. All that you need.
Jalyn 1:26:54
For me too, it's like allowing others to take their time because I guarantee I would have been that brother who was like, Come on, move along. You are slowin stuff down. We gotta like get these people through, like. And I also think on the other end of that, Michelle, of what you were saying of like, I wonder how many of those kids who were doing it for the first time that day, or observing, were like, Ah, that's what the prayer says, right? Or, you know, who'd come back are even those people on the other side of the veil waiting. Maybe they were lke, Oh, good. Now I can go down and take a minute instead of, you know, feeling like I'm at the auctioneer office and being hogtied any second's they're like,
Michelle 1:27:29
go, go, go.
Tammy 1:27:39
8 seconds!. Look at your list. Look at the list we made at the very beginning. What childlike quality do you think Martha would have needed to receive the Savior's answer?
Michelle 1:27:50
Probably a whole dose of meekness.
Jalyn 1:27:54
Tammy 1:27:55
yep. Absolutely.
Jalyn 1:27:57
And patience, right?
Tammy 1:27:58
Jalyn 1:27:59
You needed some patience.
Tammy 1:28:00
Jalyn 1:28:01
Like you would have had to be very submissive. It'd be like, oh, yeah, you're right. Sorry.
Tammy 1:28:06
Yeah. Great answers all of those. So now I like the story a lot more than the way we tell it. Because what Mary chose isn't better. It was what was needful for her. And it's just a reminder to all of us is what's needful for us. And I like that: to take all the time we need because it can't be taken away from us. So,
Jalyn 1:28:25
And allow others the time they need. To me that's the lesson is allowing others. Yeah.
Tammy 1:28:31
Amen. Oh, my gosh. Well, that's it you guys. That's the end of our episode. That's our discussion. Michelle. You were awesome. That was fabulous. Okay, so take a minute, gather your thoughts. And what is your takeaway from today? Look over everything we discussed. The three story, four stories. And when you have it, just give us a quick little two sentence takeaway.
Michelle 1:28:56
Think my takeaway is with the Good Samaritan story, that the Lord is not only paying me immediately, but He will pay me more than I ever, ever thought that I needed. I think that's something I need in my life, right? As life is hard, it's hard to remind yourself that the Lord will return and, and will pay us for, for what we've helped contribute for taking care of one another. But the blessings will always come back to you every time, it's a guarantee that just can't be broken.
Tammy 1:29:32
Ummm. Yeah. I just added that in my scriptures next to verse 35. And how you said He will return. Oh, that's good.
Jalyn 1:29:40
That was really good. That was what I was gonna say, is the Good Samaritan. Like I'd never honestly I must have missed that day in seminary, where it was equated to, you know, Christ and us descending from heaven and being beaten and battered and bruised. And the other take away is I've never like sat, have just written out all those characteristics. I mean we know the Scripture, right? And I could kind of go, you know, this, the men and all that, but to look at it just in, you know, writing of those characteristics and think about what are my strengths, and what are my weaknesses on there? I'm gonna post that little list on my fridge and, you know, work on those. So
Michelle 1:29:42
That's awesome, good takeaway.
Jalyn 1:30:00
I like that. Mine was verse 42: go ahead and take all the time you need. And then, Jalyn, I love how you brought in and let other people take all the time they need. For that one needful thing, for Christ., for all the different stages, that one part.
Jalyn 1:30:44
It's a little smarter. I feel spiritually smarter, okay, in the fact that I, 'stead of being an adultlike, I need to be childlike, so there you go. That's wisdom. Right? Like that,
Jalyn 1:31:19
Jalyn 1:31:19
There's a difference between being smart and being wise. And you can go through your life getting all the smart you want. But then I think it takes wisdom to know that you know nothing. And to become as a little child, so, yeah.
Tammy 1:31:36
How about you, Michelle?
Michelle 1:31:37
Uh, yeah, I would echo that. I feel maybe not smarter, but a little wiser in terms of, of thinking about purposely being a child and, and turning towards that, and looking towards it as a positive and not a negative.
Tammy 1:31:54
Sounds good. Thank you, ladies. Boy, l lovel you both.
Jalyn 1:31:58
Thank you, Tam, that was good.
Michelle 1:32:00
Love you, Tam.
Tammy 1:32:01
okay. Well, I want to know, how about your intellectual development? You guys feel a little bit more childlike or adult- like? Leave me a message on Instagram or Facebook. I would love to know what your thoughts were from this discussion, and even your takeaways. And if you haven't already joined our discussion group on Facebook or Instagram, go and do it. It is such a great place to share what you've learned throughout the week. You can even ask questions, I try to answer them. And every week at the end of the week on a Saturday, we are going to post a question from this specific episode. So comment on the post as it relates to this lesson and share your answer and thoughts. You can get both to our Facebook and Instagram by going to the show notes for this episode on LDS living.com/sunday on Monday and it's not a bad idea to go there anyway, because that's where we're going to have the links to the references that we used today as well as a whole transcript,as well as a transcript of this whole discussion. And we're going to have a glue-in for this episode, so go check it out.
Tammy 1:32:50
The Sunday on Monday Study Group is a Deseret Bookshelf Plus original brought to you by LDS Living. It is written and hosted by me Tammy Uzelac Hall, and today our incredible study group participants were Michelle Bury and Jalyn Peterson. And you can find more information about these friends at LDS living.com/sunday on Monday. Our podcast is produced by Cole Wissinger and me; it is edited by Hailey Higham, and recorded and mixed by Mix At Six Studios. And our executive producer is Erin Hallstrom. Thanks for being here. We'll see you next week.
Tammy 1:33:17
And please remember, you sweet little children, that you are God's favorite.
Jalyn 1:33:21
"Gospel Groupies"?; she is my new favorite.
Michelle 1:33:27
We're gonna make T-shirts. It's gonna be a thing: "Gospel Groupies".
Jalyn 1:33:32
We should!
Tammy 1:33:33
"G Squared".
Transcribed by https://otter.ai