10: “Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee” (Matthew 8, Mark 2-4, Luke 7)
The famed poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once penned the beautiful words, “Be still, sad heart! and cease repining; Behind the cloud is the sun still shining; Thy fate is a common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall.” Longfellow is right—rain comes at different times to all of us. But his words also remind us that behind the clouds, the sun is always still shining. In this week’s lesson in Matthew 8, Mark 2–4, and Luke 7, we’ll read about when a tempest caught Jesus’s disciples unaware. And we’ll see that just as the physical sun always still shining, so too is the Son of God always there for us.
Glue-Ins (free printables for your scriptures)
Segment 1
Matthew 8:23-27 (Jesus calms the storm)
Mark 4:35-41 (Jesus calms the storm)
Luke 8:22-25 (Jesus calms the storm)
Words of the Prophets:
But as the days and the weeks went by, the God of life and love began to calm the winds and the waves of what this sweet woman called her ‘unsanctified heart.’ Her faith not only returned but it flourished, and like Job of old, she learned new things, things ‘too wonderful’ to have known before her despair. On the sea of Galilee, the stirring of the disciples’ faith was ultimately more important than the stilling of the sea, and so it was with her. (Howard W. Hunter, “Master, the Tempest Is Raging”, October 1984 General Conference)
Master, the Tempest Is Raging #105
Verse 3
Master, the terror is over.
The elements sweetly rest.
Earth’s sun in the calm lake is mirrored,
And heaven’s within my breast.
Linger, O blessed Redeemer!
Leave me alone no more,
And with joy I shall make the blest harbor
And rest on the blissful shore.
Be still, sad heart! and cease repining; behind the cloud is the sun still shining. Thy fate is a common fate to all, into each life some rain will fall. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The Rainy Day”, Ballads and Other Poems)
Segment 2
Mark 1:40-41 (Jesus has compassion on the leper)
Matthew 8:2-4 (Jesus heals)
Leviticus 13-14 (Law of the Leper)
Luke 7:1-10 (The centurion and the man with palsy)
Matthew 8:5-10 (The centurion and the man with palsy)
What is that one thing, which when you possess, you have all other virtues? It is compassion. (commonly attributed to The Buddha)
Segment 3
Mark 2:1-12 (The paralyzed man is brought through the roof)
Luke 5:16-26 (The paralyzed man is brought through the roof)
Matthew 9:1-8 (The paralyzed man is brought through the roof)
Tiling = keramos - ceramic (Greek)
From Talmage’s Jesus the Christ:
By some means they carried the afflicted man to the flat roof of the house, probably by an outside stairway or by the use of a ladder, possibly by entering an adjoining house, ascending the stairs to its roof and crossing therefrom to the house within which Jesus was teaching. They broke away part of the roof, making an opening, or enlarging that of the trapdoor such as the houses of that place and time were usually provided with; and, to the surprise of the assembled crowd, they then let down through the tiling the portable couch upon which the palsied sufferer lay. Jesus was deeply impressed by the faith and works of those who had thus labored to place a helpless paralytic before Him. (James E. Talmage, “Jesus the Christ”, Chapter 14)
Words of the Prophets:
I do not know why some people learn the lessons of eternity through trial and suffering—while others learn similar lessons through rescue and healing. I do not know all of the reasons, all of the purposes, and I do not know everything about the Lord’s timing. With Nephi, you and I can say that we “do not know the meaning of all things” (1 Nephi 11:17).
But some things I absolutely do know. I know we are spirit sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. I know the Eternal Father is the author of the plan of happiness. I know Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. I know Jesus enabled the Father’s plan through His infinite and eternal Atonement. I know the Lord, who was “bruised, broken, [and] torn for us,”2 can succor and strengthen “his people according to their infirmities” (Alma 7:12). And I know one of the greatest blessings of mortality is to not shrink and to allow our individual will to be “swallowed up in the will of the Father” (Mosiah 15:7).
Though I do not know everything about how and when and where and why these blessings occur, I do witness they are real. And I know that as you press forward in your lives with steadfast faith in Christ, you will have the capacity to not shrink. (David A. Bednar, “Accepting the Lord’s Will and Timing”, from a CES Devotional on March 3, 2013)
Segment 4
Matthew 8:18-22 (The foxes have holes)
Mark 3:31-35 (Behold my mother)

Segment 5
Luke 7:36-50 (The woman washes Christ’s feet)
Luke 7:41-43 (The two debtors)
Tammy 0:07
"Be still sad heart and cease repining. Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; Thy fate is the common fate to all, into each life some rain will fall." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Now I came across this poem and I memorized it during a time in my life when it was raining. Well, okay, actually, to say it was raining would actually be an understatement. It was more of a deluge. And actually, if I'm being honest, it was a billowing surge, a torrential storm with deafening claps of thunder and blinding bursts of lightning. And yet, behind the cloud is the sun still shining. The SU N, and I learned that it is also the S O N. The Son is still shining. Today's study of Matthew chapter 8, and Mark chapters 2-4, and Luke 7, along with my guests, is a guaranteed witness of this truth.
Tammy 0:59
Welcome to the Sunday on Monday Study Group, a Deseret Bookshelf Plus original brought to you by LDS Living where we take the Come, Follow Me lesson for the week and we really dig into the scriptures together. So I'm your host, Tammy Uzelac Hall, and I'm sorry, I'm already emotional. This is gonna be a crazy episode today. Ho, it's happy, and it's awesome. So if you're new to our study group, we just want to make sure you know how to use this podcast. So follow the link in our description and it's going to explain how you can best use this podcast to enhance your comm follow me study just like my friends that I met at the widow-widowers conference. Oh, hi friends, Kathy Roberts, Susan Slann, Janelle Thompson, and a special shout out to Charlene Jones, who did not attend the conference, but her sister did and said how much she loves the podcast. Okay, so another awesome thing about our study group is each week we're joined by two of my friends, so it's always a little bit different. And today we have two new friends. Well, we have an old timer, Becky Farley. Hello, Beck.
Becky Farley 1:52
Hello. So glad to be here.
Tammy 1:55
Oh, so glad to have you here. And we are both so excited to announce our friend. And we have Jennete with us. Hello, Jennete .
Jennete 2:03
Tammy 2:04
Ahhhh, okay. Well, we're not going to give away how we know each other. We'll have you wait for that till later on in the episode, but I am so excited. And if you want to know more about my guests, you can go read their bios which are found in our show notes at LDS living.com/sunday on Monday. So with that short intro, grab your scriptures, scripture markers, your journals, and let's dig in. Okay, you two. I know you both are very familiar with the storms of life. And I want to know what adjectives would you use to describe, because I used some pretty impressive adjectives, not gonna lie.
Jennete 2:40
Yah, those were good ones.
Tammy 2:41
Thank you. What ones would you use to describe your own personal storms?
Jennete 2:45
All right. So instantly when I thought about this, it was redefining, life-altering, all-encompassing, devastating, heartbreaking. And cleansing. The song "I Like to Look For Rainbows" came to my head, too, because now, "I like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain, and ponder on the beauty of an earth made clean again. I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain. I want to be the best I can and live with God again." That's storms to me.
Tammy 3:25
Wow. I didn't even consider, I like that you included the word rainbow.
Jennete 3:29
Becky Farley 3:31
Oh, I like that too. You know, you guys really have hit at all. I would just, I love that word Jennete, 'redefining'. I think that when we reframe our storm, when we reframe our thoughts, and we reframe our storms, we really come out of it cleansed, as opposed to drenched, you know. I think that cleansing is such a great adjective for storm.
Tammy 4:06
Great thoughtys, Beck. Thank you. Okay, well, let's go into our scriptures and read about a storm. We are each going to go to three different references where the same story is told and I wanted us to look at the way each author wrote about this story. So the first reference is Matthew 8:23-27. That's where I'l: l be. Becky, will you please turn to Mark 4:35- 41. And then Jennete, will you please turn to Luke chapter 8:22-24. Okay. We're gonna read this story and talk about it. And I would like to know what you guys noticed that's different from each account of the story because I think the differences are pretty significant, and they add to the overall story, especially in light of our own storms.
Tammy 4:52
So in Matthew 8:23 it starts "And when he was entered into a ship," and this is Jesus Christ, it's talking about, "his disciples followed him. 24 "And behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. 25: " And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. 26: "And he sayeth unto them, Why are you fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. 27: "But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?"
Tammy 5:30
All right, what were the some of the differences you saw that we need to add to the story?
Becky Farley 5:35
Well, in mine, in Mark 4 of verse 37, I just, when I was studying this, I've marked that the ship was now full. I mean, I just think when we're thinking about our own storms, you know you've got the little storms that you're not all the way full, they were full. They were full of water; that boat was sinking. And then in 38, just that, and I think I think that your, your Scripture said this too, Tam,: "Master, carest thou not that we perish?" I think we're always asking that. And we should be asking that. Heavenly Father, do You really care? Do You really care? Because we, we constantly have to have a knowledge, I think, of His care and His love in order for that peace to come in. I don't think that the ipeace is ever going to come in, the wind is never going to stop blowing unless you realize that He cares. And, and you have to ask, like, you know, I feel like you have to ask, so. And then just that, "Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?" That's verse 40 in mine in Mark 4 that fear and faith, I don't, I mean I've heard this, I don't know if it's real or whatever, but that fear and faith can't exist. I mean, I don't know. I feel like I have faith but I'm really fearful too at the same time.
Tammy 7:13
Becky Farley 7:13
But I think the focus of your faith versus your fear helps you to move through the storm.
Tammy 7:21
Wow. Great, great, Becky. I love what you've just mentioned in the differences from your account. What did you notice Jennete, in Luke?
Jennete 7:30
Well, Luke 8:24, it doesn't actually mention "Carest not that we perish?" It just says "Master Master, we perish." And then also in verse 25, He doesn't say or mention that they have little faith. He just says unto them, "Where is your faith?" I like that these, this version seems to be more of just, this is the situation,Tthis is how it happens. And then the fear came in after and them wondering what kind of man is this? Not that He said, you had fear or you had little faith, or any of these things. It was just more of where is your faith?
Tammy 8:17
It's great question that He would be asking all of us in this situation: Where is your faith?
Jennete 8:22
Because it doesn't matter how much faith we have, it's just a matter of if we have faith. So it's not little faith, or I think that's kind of like a human term that gets thrown into the Scripture sometimes, but I think it's just Where is your faith? It doesn't matter the amount of faith that we have.
Tammy 8:40
Okay, that's good. Let's go back to Becky's scripture reference. I want to look at Mark 4:39, because one thing that this story has that none of the stories have is the wording the Savior used to calm the storm and I want us to highlight it, underline it, star it, everything. Becky,Wwat did He say?
Becky Farley 9:01
He said, "Peace, be still."
Tammy 9:04
There it is. And then at the end, I love love, love, love, love verse 39. "Peace, be still. And the wind ceased and there was" what?
Becky Farley 9:14
"a great calm."
Tammy 9:16
Wow, okay.
Becky Farley 9:19
Even saying that. I mean, just even saying that helps. Helps me almost at any time, regardless of where I'm at. That "Peace, be still." And I feel like so many of us say that in our worst moments when we really are feeling like, God help me. I can't be in this storm any longer. Peace, be still. And that calm just comes right in, no matter where you're at.
Tammy 9:59
Yesh. And I like how I can feel as you talk about that, Becky, you know it's true. It's personal. It's real for you.
Becky Farley 10:07
Oh, yeah.
Tammy 10:08
Wow. I have to tell you, these verses are so real for me, and they became real. When I took, and many of you know I worked in the women's prison, and then just want to share this with you because I remember learning from the man who hired me, his name's David Lake, and he was an Institute/Seminary teacher. And I'll never forget the words he said to me. He said, "While you are teaching in the prison, you will learn about the atonement in a way you could never imagine." And I kind of giggled because I was like, I've been teaching seminary for like eight years. I'm pretty sure I understand the atonement. And I even thought, I've repented,. I get it. Boy, was I mistaken. I learned about it in a way I had never, ever imagined. And I have written to the outside of these verses: "This is the atonement in action." Like we think it's a story about a storm and calming a storm.
Tammy 10:56
I really appreciate in Becky's scriptures how in verse 38 it says He was "asleep on a pillow." Here He is trying to just sleep and there's this storm, and we all will have storms in our life, we are all going to have these. And whatever your storm is, the only answer is Peace, be still. And there will be a great calm. And everyone's storm looks different. In fact, I would love to know what other people's adjectives are for their storms. We're going to ask that question because I want to know how you would describe your own personal storms. Here's a storm I want to share with you. This was shared by President Howard W hunter in the October 1984 General Conference. So sit back and enjoy the story. It's a story of Mary Ann Baker. So her beloved and only brother suffered from this respiratory illness that her parents also suffered from, and they actually ended up dying from this respiratory illness. And so this brother of hers wanted to live. And so he moved from Chicago to a warmer climate because that was what the doctor said, like, if you want to be better, you've got to be in a warmer climate.
Tammy 11:55
So he moved down south, and for a time he seemed to be improving. Then all of a sudden, there was a turn in his health, and he died almost immediately. So Mary Ann Baker and her sister were heartbroken, not only at the loss of their parents and their only brother, but also because they did not have enough money to even claim their brother's body and bring it back to Chicago for burial. They were devastated. And Mary Ann Baker writes she was born in a Christian home, she believed in Jesus Christ. And in this moment, in her diminished circumstances she says, quote, "God does not care for me or mine. I have always tried to believe on Christ and give the Master a consecrated life. But this is more than I can bear. What have I done to deserve this? What have I left undone that God should wreak His vengeance upon me in this way?" Jennete, will you read for us what President Hunter then said about this story?
Jennete 12:51
"But as the days and the weeks went by, the God of life and love began to calm the winds and the waves of what the sweet woman called her 'unsanctified heart'. Her faith not only returned, but it flourished. And like Job of old, she learned new things, things too wonderful to have known before her despair. On the Sea of Galilee, the stirring of the disciples' faith was ultimately more important than the stilling of the sea, and so it was with her."
Tammy 13:20
Okay. Now the cool part of the story is, later on in her life as a personal testimony, she ended up writing the song "Master, The Tempest is Raging." And Farley, I want you to read the last verse, because if you sing it this Sunday, which I highly recommend - whoever's in charge of music, make this your opening or closing hymn - and the last, Howard W Hunter actually said, "please pay attention to the last line of the song". And I'm just gonna have Becky read it.
Becky Farley 13:48
"Master, the terror is over. The elements sweetly rest. Earth's sun in the calm lake is mirrored, and heaven's within my breast. Linger, O blessed Redeemer! Leave me alone no more, And with joy I shall make the blest harbor And rest on the blissful shore."
Tammy 14:10
Thank You. So with that, in this idea, do either one of you have anything you'd like, to add, your own testimony from your own experiences of your storm?
Becky Farley 14:24
Terror is a really great adjective of a storm if we're talking about describing.
Becky Farley 14:34
And the elements like, I don't know. I think about the elements sweetly rest, my elements being my heart and my head and my stomach, my body. That my body can rest, my mind can rest when I recognize that Jesus has taken care of that storm for me.
Tammy 15:05
I like how you connected the elements to your body, your mind, your soul. Thank you, Becky. Go ahead, Jennete.
Jennete 15:12
Well, just going back to the Scripture reference where in all of them, they talked about the calm that comes with it. I see that with this story, of course, as well. And for me, there's just this underlining confidence or power that comes from that calm that gives you the ability to sleep on that pillow through those storms, because you know that the Lord is mindful of you, that He is watching over you and caring for you. And it does bring you peace, even though you're in the middle of the storm. Somehow it gives you the ability to feel His love more powerful than you have before. And even though your heart is breaking, and you don't see the storm clouds ever leaving, there's this underlining calmness that it'll be okay. And even if it never ceases, there's this beauty and this love that is connected with it.
Tammy 16:20
Amen. There is a beauty and love connected with it. Thank you, both of you. Thank you. So storms come with other adjectives. And they do come in the form of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual distress. I like how Becky connected that to the elements. When they asked "Carest thou not that we perish?" Of course He cares. And I again I love how you pointed out, like it's okay to ask that because we're acknowledging that He is God, He is our Father. And of course He cares. So for the next two segments, we are going to study some of the storms found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and exactly what the Master cared about.
Segment 2 16:54
Tammy 17:09
In the Come,Follow Me manual it points out for this specific lesson, this is the exact quote. It says, "The Savior can heal infirmities and sicknesses." So we all know what a sickness is, but describe an infirmity. What is that?
Becky Farley 17:22
I actually looked it up.
Tammy 17:24
Oh, tell us.
Becky Farley 17:26
So an infirmity is a physical or mental weakness. Or the other thing I liked is it, another word, some other words for it are flaw defects and faults.
Tammy 17:43
Okay, that is so good.
Becky Farley 17:45
I know. I thought it was like, when I thought of infirmity, like you just think of like a hospital or you think of a, but its flaws, defects, or faults.
Tammy 17:56
Who, raise their hands, who has an infirmity?
Jennete 17:59
You, seriously, seriously. Several
Tammy 18:02
Everybody. Wow.
Becky Farley 18:04
And I also, I mean, my thought was, is when you look at it as a flaw, defect, or fault. And Jesus, like, they really can be healed. It's so much easier than thinking of it as like this, I don't know,this thing that you're always going to have with you, that you're always, no. You can, you can heal. Jesus can really heal those flaws, those defects and faults. For some reason that felt doable to me. I don't know why, more doable than an infirmity. I don't know. Kind of a big word.
Tammy 18:44
It is. I like how you looked that up. Thank you. That is excellent. Okay, let's turn to Mark chapter 1. And we're going to look at verses 40-41. This is so amazing to me, because I want you to look at verse 41 and tell me what word gives us the why for Jesus healing infirmities and sicknesses. So Mark 1:40 and 41. Mark, but specifically in verse 41. Again, what word tells us the reason that Jesus healed peoples' infirmities.
Jennete 19:16
Tammy 19:18
Ooh, good job, Jennete. It is; highlight 'compassion'. Circle it. And for those of you who know Becky Farley, this is her word. She loves to teach about compassion, self-compassion. And it's interesting because Matthew, Mark, and Luke, while recording the miracles throughout their narratives, they frequently note that Jesus was filled with compassion for those who are sick or had infirmities. So Beck, just tell us really quickly, I'd love to know your viewpoint on this. Why is it significant that this is the reason for miracles being performed: compassion?
Becky Farley 19:51
Well, okay, I do love that word. The first quote I want to give is from the Buddha and he said, "What is that one thing which when you possess, you have all other virtues? It is compassion. Compassion is the thing that brings all other virtues." So when you think about any other virtue, wisdom, honor, truth, you know all of those things, the root is compassion, when you really think about where it comes from. And so if you take just a second and think about what it feels like to have compassion for another person, so our hearts feel that softening, they feel this tenderness, something that maybe wasn't there before you saw the person or came in contact with them. But we, we recognize the person, and we're moved by their suffering. Because at the end of the day, compassion comes from a desire to want to alleviate suffering. That's where it comes from. And our heart responds to that pain, by this softening, by this desire to help them. And then I think that's where all of those natural gifts that God gives to us blossom at that point. They blossom from this innate desire of compassion, of wanting to help someone else. And then that's when you discover, really who you are, and who that other person is. And I think it's the light of Christ, When they talk about every, to every person is given this light of Christ. You know, we always talk about it as being this sense of, you know, knowing right from wrong. But I think it's actually deeper than that. I think it's the sense of compassion, which leads you to want to have these other virtues, not only for yourself, but the other person.
Tammy 22:08
Wow. Thank you. Thank you. I needed that lesson just then. That was so good, this idea of compassion. Thank you.
Jennete 22:19
And Becky, the the word that kept running through my head over and over and over again as you were describing compassion was charity. Those words could be easily replaced, because the pure love of Christ is compassion. Right? It is.
Becky Farley 22:36
Jennete 22:37
And so that was just amazing to me that people struggle with the word charity and trying to understand. And that's our motto, "Charity never faileth." And how do you put that into understanding and I think you just wrapped it up perfectly with the definition of compassion.
Becky Farley 22:52
Well and I love that Jennete, because charity never faileth. Compassion never faileth Compassion never fails. And also, the other thing that I've been thinking about is that compassion also comes from a sense of receiving, that, you know, the disciples on the boat, as their boat was filling with water and sinking, they had to receive Christ's compassion at that point, They had to receive and that otherwise they can't be healed. Their infirmity, our infirmities aren't healed unless we receive compassion first. That's the first thing with all of these stories. I mean, if I'm going to say if there's one thing of all the stories that we're going to talk about, it's this receiving. Because if we're just going to sit there with our arms folded and say, No, you know. I'm going to do it the way I'm going to do it. I'm going to, you know, you can't be healed. You have to open to Christ's compassion, whatever that looks like. I mean, and that may look so different than what you ever expect it to look, but it's there. And if you can just have that Peace, be still, then it's then that you can receive the healing, I feel like.
Tammy 24:15
I like how you put 'receive' with it. I wrote "Compassion never faileth next to Mark 1:41. And Mark 1:4o-41 iis the beginning of the story that correlates with Matthew chapter 8. Let's go back there. We're going to read this story in Matthew chapter 8. He does have compassion, and talking about the receiving is so perfect, Becky, because in Matthew chapter 8, we're going to start with verse 2.
Tammy 24:42
Matt 8:2 "And behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean."
Tammy 24:49
I want us to underline "if thou wilt". You see this "if thou wilt", this is not the same phrasing as Satan when he came to the Savior and said, If you be the Son of God". The leper's not trying to challenge the Savior, his i"f thou wilt" is proven in verse 3. "And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will". What the leper's asking is not can Jesus heal me, but will Jesus heal me? Because I'm willing to receive whatever He can give me. That's the "if thou canst heal me", like, I believe, will He do this for me? And then verse 3 He does, He puts forth His hand; He touches him and says, I will, I will do it. "Be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed."
Tammy 25:33
But verse 4, "And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer a ....... testimony unto them." Next to verse 4, you can put the cross reference Leviticus chapter 13-14. In Leviticus, the Old Testament law of Moses, anytime you had leprosy, you were by law to go to the priest to be either deemed clean or unclean. And every leper had to do that. So the fact that in the story we already know he's a leper, he's already been to the priests. So why do you think the Savior is then saying to him in verse 4, Go shew yourself to the priest" now? What's the poihnt of that?
Becky Farley 26:15
HI think that at that moment, the priest would see a miracle. He would, he would also be a recipient of the miracle to not just the man, the leper, but the priest also.
Tammy 26:30
Exactly. Excellent. And he's told not to tell anyone, but of course he's going to. When people are going to find out. And His fame is, the Savior's fame will spread to the point where we have another storm/miracle. Let's turn to Luke chapter 7, and we're going to look at verses 1-10. And I'm going to be in Matthew 8:5-13, because the stories are told here, and again, we're going to look for differences. So Matthew, I'm in Matthew 8:5-15; Becky and Jennete are in Luke 7:1-10. There's a couple of differences. But there's one significant one that really stood out to me. So let's talk about this. Here we go. We are introduced in verse 7. "And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came into him a centurion, beseeching him. So a centurion is an officer in the Roman army. And he's in command of a century or basically a company of 100 men is the belief. So this is a man with a lot of authority. And he approaches the Savior in verse 6, saying, "Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. 7: "And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him." Now what is different already in your story as he describes his servant? There's one word.
Jennete 27:45
He was dear unto him.
Tammy 27:49
Yes. Tell us the verse again. It's Luke chapter 7.
Jennete 27:53
Luke 7:2 it says, "And a certain centurion's servant, who was dear unto him, was sick, and ready to die."
Tammy 28:02
Wow. So there's this beautiful relationship between this, this Roman officer and his servant, and he's very concerned. So he just comes to the Savior and says, Can You heal him? Now what's interesting about this story is the Centurion answers in verse 8; I'm gonna go back to Matthew 8:8, and he says I'm not even worthy that you should come under my roof. So if you just speak a word only, my servant will be healed. That's, that's my faith. Don't come to my home. I'm embarrassed. Whatever it is, whatever reason we have for not letting the Savior come. Just say the word and I know he'll be healed. And then verse 10, "When Jesus heard it, he marveled and said unto them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel." And then here, here's how it ends in Matthew 8:13. ".....Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour." Tell me what strikes you about the centurion's faith.
Jennete 29:06
I see it goes back to Becky's favorite word, compassion when he mentioned who was dear unto me. He obviously had compassion for his servant. And that is the motivating or the powerful feeling that gets us to do and have the faith that we need to have in the Lord. And I just, I thought that was really cool that after all that discussion of compassion I could clearly see the compassion.
Tammy 29:35
Wow. I had not connected that, that in this experience, his, the centurion's compassion brought about the miracle or the healing.
Becky Farley 29:44
Yeah, well, and I think there's a ton of stories. I mean, I'm just thinking about, oh, who's, what's his name, Tam, that was healed of leprosy and dipped....
Tammy 29:56
Becky Farley 29:57
Naman. And the little servant girl. And then let's just talk about Abish.
Tammy 30:02
Becky Farley 30:03
Like she, she had compassion on her people, despite the fact that nobody cared about, you know, she was just kind of a nobody at that moment, but she still had compassion. I mean, I really do think that it probably is the driving force of everything.
Tammy 30:27
Okay, this is so good. This is so good. Okay, so here's what we're gonna do. In the next segment, we're going to study two more stories, and now that we've reframed it with compassion, it is everywhere. And I, oh, okay, this is so good. I can't wait. So we're gonna go to two more stories of infirmities and the role that compassion played, and we're gonna do that in the next segment.
Segment 3 30:43
Tammy 30:58
Okay, let's go to another story about a sickness or infirmity, there's three different references. We're each going to take one and see what the differences are. We're going to start - Becky Farley, will you please go to Mark 2:1-12. Jennete, will you please go to Luke 5:16-26. And I will be in Matthew 9:1-8. If you want to go to our show notes, you can go there; we'll actually have all of the links linked up to the gospel app, so you can just click on them and follow us along. But in your scriptures, just choose one of them and then later on you can go, don't feel like you have to flip back and forth. Okay, here we go. This is a classic story, I love it. And I'm excited to discuss it with my friends. Verse 1 says ".......he entered into a ship and passed over and came into his own city." So just as a little reminder, he calmed the tempest, he calmed the storm, and now he's come into this his own city.
Tammy 31:50
Matthew 9:2 says, "And, behold, they brought to him a man, sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee." And that's the end of that story. Now, there's so much more to it. So tell me, Becky and Jennete, what are some things and parts of the story that we need to know for this to be so good?
Becky Farley 32:15
So in mine, Mark 2:3 it says, "And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four."
Tammy 32:26
Now the word 'borne' means carried. So he's being carried by four friends,
Becky Farley 32:33
Yeah, four friends, four brothers, four someone?
Tammy 32:36
Becky Farley 32:36
And then they bring him down from the roof. They, because they can't fit in the house, so they actually take the roof off or uncover it. Because wasn't the roof like with straw or I mean, what was it Tam? Like, what, what is it made out of?
Tammy 32:53
That's a great question. Jennete, look in your scripture reference in Luke 5:18 and 19 give us a word that describes what the roof was made of. Can you tell us what that word is?
Jennete 33:04
Tammy 33:05
Tiling. Highlight that. In Greek it's KERAMOS. In English, it's ceramic. And so isn't this interesting? Because I always thought it was like a thatched, how do you say that?
Tammy 33:18
Tammy 33:20
You're just going to take leaves and pull them off, or branches? And it wasn't. They literally had
Becky Farley 33:25
It's tiles.
Tammy 33:27
Now, some people believe at this time Jesus Jesus the Christ actually states that it may have been a trapdoor that houses at this time were usually provided with. I thought that was pretty interesting.
Becky Farley 33:38
so, so they could go up on the roof when it was hot and sleep or, or whatever.
Jennete 33:43
Oh, interesting. Oh, I like that.
Tammy 33:45
Yep. So they would have opened that right up and lowered this person's body down into the home.
Becky Farley 33:51
Okay, so then, in Mark 2:5, He, He says, Jesus sees him and says, "Son, thy sins be forgiven thee." And then there were certain of the scribes that were, well in verse 7, the scribes say, "Why doth this man speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?" And then immediately, Jesus recognizes that they are questioning that, and He asks
Tammy 34:25
Oh, now, pause there, pause there for a second. Jennette, in yours, in Luke 5:23, it says something different. Mark 2:8 says, when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they had reasons within themselves, but Jennete in Luke 5:22, it gives more clarity on what Jesus did. What did it, what does it say He did?
Jennete 34:44
Verse 22, says, "But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answered saying unto them,
Tammy 34:50
I like that, he perceives their thoughts.
Becky Farley 34:52
Yeah, yeah.
Tammy 34:54
Ohhh, okay. Now, here's something interesting. If we go back to how it started in Matthew when He, the first thing He says to this young man is "Be of good cheer". That is what strikes me, because it says that he was sick of the palsy, which means a lot of different things. But he's not addre........the Savior's not addressing his palsy. He is saying, "Be of good cheer."
Becky Farley 35:20
Yeah, yeah.
Tammy 35:21
What does that teach us, or tell us?
Becky Farley 35:23
Well, okay. I, this story has always been slightly confusing to me. Because I couldn't understand how his sins being forgiven would heal him. I mean, I'm kind of like the scribes, like, going, What in the heck? I mean, but the more I've thought about it, the more I've realized that my sins, and take this, I mean, take it with a grain of salt, right? My sins cause so many of my storms, because I don't have the faith that it's going to happen, that Jesus is going to calm the storm. Now that storm may take a good portion of my life, of my time. But that faith, and so I think when He says, Be of good cheer, what He's really saying is, Have faith. I'm here, I'm here. And, and, and, and your, and your sins are forgiven. Also, the other thing is that the shame from my sins often causes, often causes the infirmity. It does cause my flaw, my fault, my, you know, hardship, whatever it is, that shame. So when I think actually knowing 'Thy sins are forgiven, Becky', would take away a lot of, it would take the shame away, which in turn would take the infirmity and heal me.
Tammy 37:05
And make you of good cheer.
Becky Farley 37:07
Tammy 37:08
I'm so thankful you explained it that way. That is what a lot of scholars believe about that statement, "be of good cheer". That it has more to do with sins, and the results of sin in this man's body than it did about having the palsy.
Jennete 37:21
Yeah, so I was thinking, I, I love to be symbolic in things and know that there's just so many different ways to look at things instead of maybe just the actual literal thought. And when we are stuck in our sin, when we focus on it, and it causes us torment and that's the only thing that we can focus on, it cripples us. It keeps us from going forward and moving and being of good cheer. And it keeps us stuck. And so I look at that symbolically that this man was in palsy. Like he, he couldn't move, he couldn't do these things for himself because he was allowing that focus; instead of focusing on the Lord he was focusing on his struggle, and that was keeping him from being able to move forward.
Tammy 38:13
Oh, I like that. What touches you about the four friends? Connect now the four friends that lowered him to this narrative or this story or our own circumstances?
Jennete 38:24
Well, they had compassion on him. They knew that he was stuck. They knew that he couldn't do this on his own, but they also had faith that the Lord could heal him. And if they could just get him to him, then then maybe his faith would give him enough to be able to trust in the Lord. They had compassion on him.
Tammy 38:45
It was their compassion. Becky, I know you want to say something.
Becky Farley 38:50
They're 4 really good friends. They're just, they really care about him and they're willing to get up on the roof and it couldn't have been easy to carry his body. I mean, up on the roof. Like I think about trying to get up; I just picture that ladder made out of, you know, wood or whatever and trying to get him up and he couldn't move and jostling him around. And those four friends had to really think about - they were, they were desperate to help him. So desperate that they didn't just wait, they knew it had to happen right then and they were willing to just come in and get it done. Just get it done.
Tammy 39:35
Because I look at that and I'm like, well, I would have easily given up. Like, listen. Seriously just tell everybody get out of the house, okay? This, we can't lift her; there's no way, it's way too difficult. They didn't, they didn't give up
Becky Farley 39:46
And they must have, have talked about it and maybe argued about the best way to do it. You know, I just, I don't know Tam. I think about about you, you guys, you know, and how you you would sit there and argue and, Okay, well, how are we going to get Farley up? I mean, what are we going to do? How are we going to, you & HB? You know, maybe Holly and HB'd be arguing? I mean, it would be like trying to figure this out, and then they came to this solution. And they worked very hard to find it and it worked.
Tammy 40:22
It did work. In fact, let's read it working. Jennete, will you please read for us in Luke 5:23-25. And just as a reminder, Jesus perceived their thoughts, because they were like, Who is this guy to forgive someone of their sins? We had a great discussion about this. And here's what His responseis, verses 23-25.
Jennete 40:42
23 "Whether is easier to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk?
Jennete 40:48
24 "But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (he said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house.
Jennete 41:00
25 "And immediately he rose up before them, and took up that whereon he lay, and departed to his own house, glorifying God."
Tammy 41:11
That part, "glorifying God", I just took a big deep breath. Like I felt that, I think, and there was a great calm for him. And then glorifying God.
Becky Farley 41:24
Peace, be still.
Tammy 41:26
Peace be still. Absolutely. And then what he'll do through his experience, glorifying God. Have either of you had an experience or a time where you have been able to glorify God after you've come out of a storm?
Jennete 41:41
I don't think you can glorify God without feeling that calm. There's, it goes hand in hand. And when you have come through the other side of the storm, you just want to scream it from the house tops about how much you love the Lord, how He's saved your soul and given you the peace and the love, and the strength and the happiness that has now come from this that felt like it was going to destroy you. I've had many situations in my life that have been absolutely devastating. And I've handled them, some in good ways and some and not ways. In my younger ways I did not turn to the Lord; there was no glorifying of the Lord. There was confusion, there was struggle, there was, 'Why me? My life is miserable and I can't take this anymore.' And then there's the other struggles where I just completely rely on the Lord and say, I can't do this. I can't go another day wthout You. This weight is too heavy for me to bear, and then relying on His strength. And He helps me through that. That's when I can just let go, have that calm, and glorify God.
Tammy 43:13
Ah, thank you, Jennete. Thank you so much. Becky, tell me where you're thinking.
Becky Farley 43:21
Yeah, when it just gets too heavy, it's, there is nothing more you can do than rely on Him. And then you really do see that miracle. That rainbow does come out in the storm. Like what Jennete said - that rainbow comes out, and then you can see Him. Because it just, sometimes those things are so heavy. So often, and it feels, I don't know, it just feels like this world is so heavy right now. Everybody I know just keeps saying, 'Jesus, can you just come?' It's so heavy with the mental infirmities and with the physical infirmities. And it just feels like they're both so intertwined. They've never been this intertwined, at least not in, that in my lifetime, the mental and the physical infirmities. And it just makes it 10 million more times heavy it feels like, because you don't know which way to turn. And then turning to the Savior and recognizing that He does forgive all. He forgives all sins, and He heals all infirmities through His compassion.
Tammy 44:42
Yes, definitely.
Jennete 44:44
Have you ever looked at a rainbow and not wanting to share that beauty? Like you see a rainbow in the sky and you're like, look, there's a rainbow or rainbow, and you want to get out your camera and take a picture and share this beautiful picture that you just took of the rainbow. I've never seen a rainbow in the sky and not pause to say, Look.
Becky Farley 45:07
Oh, that's good.
Jennete 45:09
Tammy 45:10
Great analogy.
Becky Farley 45:11
Good analogy. Yes. You just really want people to know of the beauty and the healing and the peace. And you do want to scream it from the rooftop. But it's so hard when people don't hear it or want to hear it.
Tammy 45:30
Wow, both of you. I've, just thank you. Thank you for sharing what you shared. That was, your answers were incredible. So thank you. Now in Luke chapter 7, I just want everyone to bracket off verses 11-18. We are not going to go over this, but I want you to be aware of this story. It's the Widow of Nain, and I'm just going to put a little plug in here, because we are going to discuss this story in depth on the "Unnamed Women of the New Testament podcast with Camille Fronk Olson. And so you're going to want to go check that out. It's on Apple podcast, wherever you get your podcasts. It is, again, another story of compassion. In fact, Luke 7:13, (I'll just tease it a little) it says,
Tammy 46:11
Luke 7:13 "And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not."
Tammy 46:17
And that's all I'm gonna give away. But it's such a good story, so go check that out. So thank you, thank you to both of you. It's really pretty incredible that we have these stories in Scripture about how compassion relates - compassion from everybody - to the healing of people, their sicknesses and their infirmities. And so what we're going to do, we're going to end with this quote from Elder Bednar about just storms and tough stuff. So we'll each take a turn reading a paragraph from this, and I want you to hear what Elder Bednar has to say to us. So, Jennete, will you please read the first paragraph.
Jennete 46:52
"I do not know why some people learn the lessons of eternity through trial and suffering--while others learn similar lessons through rescue and healing. I do not know all of the reasons, all of the purposes, and I do not know everything about the Lord's timing. With Nephi, you and I can say that we "do not know the meaning of all things."
Becky Farley 47:12
"But some things I absolutely do know. I know we are spirit sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. I know the Eternal Father is the author of the plan of happiness. I know Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. I know Jesus enabled the Father's plan through His infinite and eternal Atonement. I know the Lord, who was "bruised, broken, and torn for us," can succor and strengthen "his people according to their infirmities." And I know one of the greatest blessings of mortality is to not shrink and to allow our individual will to be "swallowed up in the will of the Father."
Tammy 47:54
"Though I do not know everything about how and when and where and why these blessings occur, I do witness they are real. And I know that as you press forward in your lives with the steadfast faith in Christ, you will have the capacity to not shrink."
Jennete 48:09
So, as I kind of mentioned before, I've gone through some serious things in my life. And there have been so many times that I've said, What is wrong with me that I have to always go through trial to like, prove myself? Or what is it, like was I like that evil of a person that something has to be purged out of me tremendously? And as I read this quote, and going through the experiences that I have now and looking hindsight, I think the Lord knows the quickest way to help me. Whether that be through trial, or through a healing. He knows which way to bring that to me, to bring me to Him. He's not going to do something to torture me. He's going to speak through my language. And for some reason, I'm a tough cookie. And so going through trials, that must resonate with my soul, because that's what brings me to Him the quickest.
Tammy 49:15
Wow, I have never considered that before, why some people go through trial and suffering and others get rescue and healing.
Becky Farley 49:25
Aren't they all linked, though? I mean, at the end of the day, don't we recognize when we really do accept, accept and receive the Savior's compassion? Don't we go through the trial and suffering and then also the rescue and healing? Because I mean, Jennete, with all of your trial and suffering, you are screaming from the rooftop your rescue and healing. It is your main desire for people to know your rescue and healing.
Tammy 50:02
I would agree with that. Yeah. Wow,
Jennete 50:07
He gives us our challenges and our trials, are custom. You know, we seem to think we want one size fits all for everything, and that's not fair, and we compare and we do all these things and. But really deep down inside, we want that personal, intimate, custom trial for me. That the Lord knows all of my little insides and outsides and what's going to work perfectly for me. And at that moment you think, I don't want this trial, I would rather have her trial. But when it's all said and done and you step back and you look at somebody else's trial and you look at what you've been through, you know that what you went through gives you a special gift for you. It gives you a more light and understanding of His love for you. And that's more powerful than somebody else's trial.
Tammy 51:02
Well, and only someone with compassion can have that vantage point. And you have, you have compassion in spades through your trials. I think that's what you have been afforded - the blessing of compassion.
Becky Farley 51:15
Oh, yeah.
Tammy 51:16
Becky Farley 51:17
And one size never, 'one size fits all' never fit me anyway.
Tammy 51:24
Can I get an amen?
Jennete 51:25
Amen. Hallelujah.
Becky Farley 51:27
One size fits all what?
Tammy 51:29
Never fit anyone. That's perfect, Becky. Oh, I love you both. I love you both. Okay, so at the very end of that statement by Elder Bednar, he again, he's just like, "I don't know everything. But what I do know is, as you press forward in your lives with steadfast faith in Christ." For all of us who are in our storms right now, what does this look like? We are going to discuss this in the next segment.
Segment 4 51:52
Tammy 52:07
Okay, so I want to go back to how we started, I shared that poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. And the line that I love is when he says "behind the clouds is the sun still shining." I asked my guests to do this, because if I was teaching Seminary class, I'd give all my kids a piece of paper and crayons, and I'd say, 'I want you to draw a picture of what it looks like behind the clouds is the sun still shining.' And it can be S U N or S O N. Now, I'm going to put everyone's pictures in the show notes, so you can go to our show notes and see the pictures that they chose. So the first picture that Becky chose, show it to us, Beck and we'll describe it. Oh, it's a sun piercing through clouds, like with red rays. How would you describe it, Jennete?
Jennete 52:49
I would say that it is the sun rising after a cold, dark night.
Tammy 52:59
Oh, that's a good way to describe it. Tell us about your picture. Farley.
Becky Farley 53:03
Okay. So I took this picture on the top of Cadillac Mountain, which is in Acadia National Park. And it's actually the sun setting. And I don't know if I have ever, and I've seen a lot of sunsets and a lot of sunrises. But for whatever reason - and and, and it was cold, Jenetet. I'm so fascinated that you knew that it was cold by that, that's so interesting. Because it was in Maine, right. And we took, we were there in September, and was cold on top of the mountain. And there was a whole bunch of people that were watching this sunset altogether. And you could hear a pin drop, that everybody was just quiet, watching the sunset. And I actually at the time had thought that everyone was having their own experience recognizing God's creation, His love, whatever, at that moment all together. And when those clouds just parted a little and that sun, those beams just came out. Whoo, it was just a really marvelous experience.
Tammy 54:27
It's a beautiful picture. Yes, please go check the show notes. You guys are gonna love that picture. Oh, thank you Beck. Thanks for coming prepared. All right, Jennete, what's your picture?
Jennete 54:36
So I am horrible at drawing. But when we discussed this, instantly, like there was no hesitation, instantly this picture came to mind.
Tammy 54:47
Okay, tell us about this picture, Jennete.
Jennete 54:51
So I've seen this picture so many times and the first time I ever saw it, it just spoke to my soul in so many ways. It is so beautiful as He's reaching through - I know it's water - but He's reaching through heaven and grasping my hand and pulling me up towards Him. And the shining light behind Him. Like it's just so inviting, so warm. And you can tell like the area that you're in is a little darker. And He just is there reaching His hand out to bring me to Him. And I love the feeling and the hope and the joy that this picture brings me.
Tammy 55:38
Great picture. Wow, I'd never considered that. It's a great - behind the cloud or in the depths is the sun still shining. Beautiful. So the painting I chose, I saw for the very first time in the Provo City Center Temple. This painting is so awesome. I was just looking at it. And this cute matron came up to me and she said, Do you know about that painting? And I said, No, I've never. My husband and I were looking at it. And she said, Oh, it's a picture of what the artist thought it may have looked like on the morning of the First Vision from afar on another hill looking down.
Becky Farley 56:11
Tammy 56:12
And look at all the clouds
Becky Farley 56:14
Tammy 56:14
And the sun shining right down into the sacred grove.
Becky Farley 56:18
Oh, I love that, Tam.
Tammy 56:18
Isn't that neat? Like it's a
Jennete 56:19
It's beautiful
Tammy 56:19
A different perspective of The First Vision.
Tammy 56:23
See, now that is the sun behind the clouds. Is the son (s-o-n) still shining? And this beautiful moment in? And we know how. And the word terror is a perfect adjective to describe the terror that Joseph Smith was going through, leading up to this miraculous moment. Okay, so
Becky Farley 56:44
Oh, I love that.
Jennete 56:46
I love how we all cheated.
Tammy 56:48
Oh, we totally did. I can't draw. I told you I'd make my seminary students draw it. Now listen, if you're listening, and you kids, here's the deal. Anybody who draws,ase send it in. Like post it on Facebook, I would love to see what people come up with or what pictures you have that perfectly declare "behind the cloud is the sun still shining." So share it on social media, I think it'd be so cool. So here's what I want us to talk about, then. All of this, the Savior gives us the ultimate example of what it looks like for Him to still shine through our clouds, the requirement for us to be steadfast in His faith. Let's go to Matthew chapter 8, we're going to Mark verses 18-22. Okay, Matthew 8:18-22, and here's what the Savior has to teach us in these short verses. Becky, can you read those verses for us.
Becky Farley 57:40
Now when Jesus saw, is that Matthew 8, do you want me to start on 18?
Tammy 57:45
Yes, please.
Becky Farley 57:45
Okay. "Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him, he gave commandment to depart to unto the other side.
Becky Farley 57:54
19 "And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee withersoever thou goest.
Becky Farley 58:01
20 "And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." That just, I don't know why that just is so tender to me.
Becky Farley 58:13
21 "And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.
Becky Farley 58:16
22 "But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead."
Tammy 58:27
Tell me why that's so tender to you, in light of what He's asking this man to do. Seems harsh, like you can't go bury your dad.
Jennete 58:33
Becky Farley 58:34
Well, I guess that verse 20 is tender to me in that everything has a home: foxes and birds and fish and everything. But Jesus doesn't have a home here on Earth. His home is heaven. And yet He was here. It's just really speaks so loudly in His condescencion to us that it was never His home. Heaven was always His own. And He stayed here with us, because of His compassion for us unworthy creatures, that He had compassion. And I mean, suffer. I just think verse 21 and 22 goes back to that story, that you told at the beginning, Tam, of the the woman that couldn't bring her brother, you know, from Chicago. That we do have these things that make us so sad. And we have to let them go. So often, in following Jesus, that we hold on to.
Becky Farley 59:51
I mean, I think with writing, you hear this phrase, "Let let your little darlings die, or, let them go." That you'll write something so what you think is so prolific. And yet you have to just, you know, if you're editing that out, you have to just let go of it. Just let go of that thing that was so tender, that little darling that you felt was so tender, in order to make something better that people will want to read and will, you know, really affect them. And so I think when He's saying, "Follow me and let the dead bury their dead", let go of your little darlings. Let Me show you the right way. Let God prevail, let God prevail. Let go of your little darlings, and then you will find "peace, be still" at that moment.
Tammy 1:00:51
Well, now for the first time I'm connecting it to how tender verse 20 was to you. Like everywhere has somewhere to live except Me. Are you going to let Me live with you? Can I, will you give Me your home? Because He's saying "Let the dead bury the dead." That's basically Him saying the dead is going to be fine. He's already got a place to live up in heaven. Now he has a home. But you're not even finding space for Me. I, I need a home.
Jennete 1:01:14
That verse has always been tender to me, for some reason. When I read it, I just think wow, foxes and birds and yet Jesus doesn't have a home, except with us.
Tammy 1:01:25
Right. Exactly. Yes, k. Let's do another one. Let's turn to Mark chapter 3. Jennete, I'd like you to read this. And then share your thoughts on what it means to truly be steadfast in the Savior. Mark 3:31-35. And the Savior uses extreme examples to get emotion out of us. Like that's why He's saying what He says; I think He's just obviously the most brilliant teacher ever. Jennete, will you read 31-35, and then share with us your thoughts on it.
Jennete 1:01:56
Mark 3:31 "There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.
Jennete 1:02:04
32 "And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.
Jennete 1:02:11
33 "And He answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren?
Jennete 1:02:15
34 "And he looked round about on them which thought about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!
Jennete 1:02:15
35 "For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother."
Tammy 1:02:29
How is that an example of being steadfast in Christ?
Jennete 1:02:35
It's really easy to get distracted by things that seem so important in the moment. I mean, of course, His mom and His family are extremely important to Him. And He would never want them to not be within His circle. And so I think that that's a really good symbolism for us, that He's saying all of these people, everyone's equal. Like His mother's not more important, His brethren aren't more important. There's not one person in this world who needs to be raised up above Me. We are all equal. You are all My brothers, you are all My sisters, you are all My mothers. And I care for all of you the same.
Tammy 1:03:26
That's a great way to view those scriptures and describe them. Jennete, thank you. So good, so good. So I want us to think about this. And I'm gonna give everyone a challenge to write this down in your journal or just think about it this week as you're driving. What one thing can you do to make sure that the sun is still shining? How will you give Him place? Can He live with you? How will you become His mother or His sister? Just kind of think about some things that we need to do to be more steadfast in Christ. And I just, I love this idea, to make sure that the sun is still shining. So in the next segment, we're going to learn about a woman who took this challenge on and how the sun shined in her life.
Segment 5 1:04:10
Tammy 1:04:25
Alright, everybody, turn with me to Luke 7:36. To me, this is the story of all stories. There's a really awesome Seminary video about this and every time I would show it to my students I'd sob like a baby. Oh, it's so good. Okay, Luke chapter 7, and we're going to begin with the story in verse 36. Get something to mark your Scriptures with and highlight them. First thing we need to do is set the stage for where the story is taking place. Verse 36 says, "And one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him. And he went to the Pharisee's house, and sat down to meat." So if you had a dinner party, He got invited to come and eat with a Pharisee. And while he's there, Becky read verse 37.
Becky Farley 1:05:09
37 "And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster box of ointment."
Tammy 1:05:21
Tell me in verse 37, what did it just tell us about her? It gave her, it described her. What is that?
Becky Farley 1:05:27
She was a sinner.
Tammy 1:05:29
Gosh, okay. Scholars believe the fact that it says "she was a sinner" meant she had a reputation. They knew, Oh. for the Pharisee to know this woman, she's a sinner, that's pretty powerful and hurtful. Like, she's got a reputation. And she brings an alabaster box of ointment. Now alabaster is a translucent stone, and it's very costly what she has. Now I need to let everybody know right here in the story: This is not the same woman who did this before the Savior was crucified. If you check out the Gospel Harmony in the Gospel app, there have been some changes made. Originally we conflated this woman with Mary, who, who anoints the Savior's head and feet right before He's crucified. It is not the same person. There's two stories of women who do this to the Savior. So this is different. We just want to know that. Okay. Now, here's what she does. Jennete, read verse 38.
Jennete 1:06:24
38 "And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment."
Tammy 1:06:38
Okay, next to verse 38, we just have to write "tear jar" right there. There are many who believe that this woman had been collecting her tears of sorrow for her sins, and then she poured them on the Savior's feet to wash them. It could be that she cried enough tears to wash them. Or she brought them in, poured them on his feet and wiped it with her hair. So many of you're like, Okay, I know this story. So I've asked Jennete to sum up the rest of the story for us, verses 39-43. And teach us her take on it, because she told me this, and I thought it was so cool and I asked her to share it. So Jennete, go ahead.
Jennete 1:07:13
Well, I have to go back to verse 37 real quick, though, talking about the alabaster box, as I love symbolism. And as you mentioned, an alabaster box is clear. It's like a translucent, like she has nothing to hide. I think that's important to show. When she comes and approaches the Savior, she is who she is. She knows that everybody knows who she is. And she comes transparent. There's nothing, she's not hiding anything. She's not being pretentious. And then there's the Pharisees. And Luke 7:39. The Pharisee says to himself, If the Lord knew who this woman was, He would never allow her to touch Him. And then Jesus, like in verse 40, says that He can hear that, like He senses this judgment that's going on from this Pharisee.
Jennete 1:08:17
It's interesting to me that the Pharisee spake within himself saying this judgment of this woman, because there's fear. There's fear in him, that what if the Lord knew who I was? Because obviously, He doesn't know who the woman is, or He wouldn't let her touch Him. And so there's this judgment going on saying, If He does, he's projecting his own fear of if the Lord truly knew who she was, would He allow her to approach Him? How many times do we say, If the Lord really knew who I was? where I've been? what I've done? Would He still love me? Would He still accept me for who I am? And we're scared to be translucent. We're scared to be vulnerable with the Lord.
Tammy 1:09:14
I've never considered that. Every time I've read the story it's about the Savior and the sinful woman. And now in that light, the story is really about the lesson the Savior is trying to teach the Pharisee, not the woman.
Jennete 1:09:27
Tammy 1:09:27
Oh, I think that's great. Okay, keep going. Tell us the rest of the story.
Jennete 1:09:33
Okay. So then in verse 40, Jesus answers him and says, "I have somewhat to say unto thee. And he sayeth, Master, say on." Like, he's proud. He's like, Go ahead, tell me. Tell me what you're thinking. And in verse 41, He says
Jennete 1:09:49
41 "There's a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed 500 pence, and the other fifty."
Jennete 1:09:56
Now, I feel like the amount means absolutely nothing. He goes on to tell the story in 42, where he says he frankly forgave both of them, and then asks the Pharisee which one of them will love Him most? In verse 43, Simon answers
Jennete 1:10:19
43 "and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave them most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged."
Jennete 1:10:27
I think that it's really easy to get caught up in the amount. One was 500, one was 50. And when Christ says, "Thou has rightly judged", it wasn't about the amount. The answer that He is saying that he rightly judged to, was the one who forgave, He forgave the most. That's the right judgment. Because I think it's really, people can get caught up in like, Well, I'm not a huge sinner, like that person has so much more to give and so much more to repent of. And so what is this story telling me? that I have to go out and commit a bunch of sins so that I can be loved most, so that I can experience that love? That's not what He's saying. He's saying the one that gave Him his sins, all of his sins. It doesn't matter the depth of the sin. It's the amount that you give your entire heart and soul and just want to hold nothing back. You're giving Him it all, and that's the one that loves Him the most.
Tammy 1:11:40
Jennete 1:11:40
So then in verse 44, he says, "And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou this woman? I entered into thine house, and gavest me no water for my feet: but she hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head.
Jennete 1:11:55
45 "Thou gavest me no kiss: but the woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet.
Jennete 1:12:00
46 "My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment.
Jennete 1:12:07
Now, verse 46, I find very, very intriguing as well, because He talks about having His head anointed. So thoughts and perception: when you use oil that's set apart. So Simon, with his thoughts, and thought that he was set apart from the sins of this woman, but she anointed His feet. Anointment is a healing. And with her feet, that's movement, it's not just thoughts. It's not just words, it's action. She took the action to seek the healing. And then in verse 47, He says,
Jennete 1:12:51
47 "Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little." Why is little forgiven, because they don't give all of themselves they just give a little, they only allow the Lord to see them to the level that they think is safe. And then you can't fully love the Lord, if you do not give Him your heart, give Him all of your sins, all of your struggles, all of your burdens.
Tammy 1:13:30
Wow. And how does He end it in verse 50?
Jennete 1:13:34
He says, "And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace." It's not a matter of being healed. He said, her "faith hath saved thee; go in peace."
Tammy 1:13:54
I am connecting this now. Because when He says in verse 47, "Thy sins, which are many are forgiven; for she loved much. "And it goes back to what you taught us about when He asked the question in verse 42, which of them will love Him the most? And it's not about the quantity, it's about the love. "But to whom little is forgiven the same loveth little." And so whatever that looks like, I mean, it's the compassion. She had her own self-compassion, Becky, right? Is that what that is? Like she had enough compassion on herself to just go and get help and do and seek an action. The action words right there that you taught us about, Jennete, to ask to ask the Lord to forgive her. And her sins are forgiven, in verse 48. He says unto her, "Thy sins are forgiven." Because she loved much - her own,own compassion. Pharisee didn't have any for her.
Becky Farley 1:14:50
And I want to bring back that very first part, Jennete, where you were talking about the alabaster box being clear, that you can see it, you're holding back nothing. That that's the most compassionate you can be on yourself, when you hold back nothing from the Lord, because you want all, everything to be healed. And I think about Peter when, you know, when Christ goes to wash all of the disciples' feet, and Peter says, No, I'm going to wash YOUR feet, don't wash MY feet. And then He says, Well, you can't have part with me unless I wash your feet. And he says, "Lord, wash my head, wash my arms, wash my legs, wash everything, then, if that's what it is. Wash everything. At that point, don't hold back. Like, don't hold back, because you want everything healed. And that was the most, you're right. I mean, that is so self- compassionate. That was the most self-compassionate we can be is giving everything. Gving our sins to the Lord is the most compassionate thing we could do, becoming completely clear with Him. holding nothing back.
Becky Farley 1:15:11
Oh my gosh. Because how many times have you taught us this - Satan loves secrets. He doesn't like transparency at all. He wants you to be shame. He wants you to be infirm. He wants, Satan loves infirmity.
Becky Farley 1:16:20
I do think shame is equal with infirmity. I do. "Thy sins are forgiven thee." I think there's something that shame is a big piece of that, that once you let go and you're completely transparent and clear with the Lord, not only are your sins forgiven, but your infirmity. You do get better. I don't know what that means for everybody. But you do get better as you become clear and transparent with the Lord.
Tammy 1:16:50
Yeah, and you love much.
Jennete 1:16:53
Well, I think it's also important back into verse 47, that we realize, it says, "But to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little." It doesn't say, 'The Lord loves little.' The same loveth little, they don't have compassion on others. They don't love others with depth, they just, it's all surface because they aren't being transparent.
Becky Farley 1:17:23
Yeah. Oh, my gosh.
Tammy 1:17:26
I have loved the theme of compassion throughout our discussion today: compassion for ourselves, compassion from others, the compassion that we can give. This is the Atonement in action and it is all about compassion. And so I want us to continue this discussion. And so we're going to do that. And I want us to focus on verse 47, back in Luke chapter 7 where it says, "for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. Because Jennete is someone who I know that loves much, and we're going to tell you about her story and how Becky and I know her in the next segment.
Segment 6 1:18:00
Tammy 1:18:00
Okay, so here we are. I want us to go back to Mark 4:35-41. Because at the end of that story, the Savior calmed the storm by saying, "Peace, be still." And then there was a great calm. And the woman who was a sinner, He said to her, "Go in peace," This idea of "Peace, be still" and "Go in peace" has everything to do with our friend Jennete. Jennete is who taught me about the Atonement. We met her in the Womens' Prison, and she was a prisoner. And we've learned a lot from her. And we, that's why we invited her to be on this episode today. And we didn't want to start with that because we didn't want it to be about her. And she even said that when we met. She's like, I don't want this episode to be about me, because it's about Jesus. Anything you want to add about her, Becky, that you knew when you met Jennete for the first time in prison?
Tammy 1:18:00
Well, Jennete taught the classes.
Tammy 1:19:16
She did.
Becky Farley 1:19:18
She, I don't know.
Jennete 1:19:19
Becky Farley 1:19:19
Like Jennete, like you, you. I mean, I'm gonna just echo what Tam said, that I learned more about the Atonement from watching you and your faith and your desire to understand the Savior and His love and be in that situation. And, and loving, loving people that I'm sure were the most difficult, and including yourself, feeling that shame and understanding Christ's compassion. Like you are a true example of compassion and how it heals and brings you forward.
Tammy 1:20:07
Amen. So, Jennete, I want you to talk to us a little bit about this idea of "Peace, be still" and "Go in peace". Like, did you ever feel peace in prison? And can people ever feel peace again who are in just the worst storm, the word you used was terror? Will they ever see a rainbow again?
Jennete 1:20:30
I did find lots of peace in prison. It was a long road to get there. I was incarcerated for six years. And when I left, my children were all very young. I have five girls. My youngest was six months old and it was absolutely devastating to be ripped from a place of safety and security and peace, thrown into a world of darkness. A world of fear, anger, violence, a world I did not comprehend or know. And it terrified me. I could barely breathe the first few weeks of being incarcerated. It was just a lifestyle that I had no compassion for. I was terrified and focused on my own fears and what had brought me there, my own shame, my struggle of how how do I get through this? I had a blessing before I left that told me that I had always passed through my trials that had come upon me. And that the Lord had put friends in place for me to watch over me. And at the time, I thought it was a past Bishop, because he was actually teaching out on the prison.
Jennete 1:22:17
I had no idea the lengths and the depths of the volunteers and the program that's there to help the women. I didn't know how it worked. And that blessing came true in so many ways. I had so many friends that brought me peace, that looked out for me. The Chapel was a place of rescue for me. I could, when I found out that there was Institute that I could go hide out in every single day, I think I about fell off my bunk in joy. The scriptures, and prayer, that's where I found my peace. I called home every morning and had scriptures and prayers with my kids and my husband. But it was interesting, like the power and the ability to find peace in such a storm. It amazed me of the love and the spirit that is there in prison. It's not necessarily in the actual place, as strong as it is in the Seminary building and in the Chapel. And His love is just so tangible for all of those women. And it was incredible to watch the love of the Lord and the power of the Atonement work miraculously for six years. I've never seen it so intense as I have there.
Jennete 1:23:57
Wow. I mean, Becky and I can be witnesses to that in our short experience there. We saw the transformation on many women. It's interesting because that that building where the Chapel and the Seminary room existed was a dedicated building. That always blew my mind. A dedicated building on this piece of land where so - like you described it - so much darkness, and sadness and filth, and yuck. And yet here is a dedicated building to the Lord where people could change. And they did.
Jennete 1:24:33
Over and over again they did. It was, and the incredible thing is is it was dedicated. And there were so many different religions that were allowed to use this building. The Lord works through so many ways and so many people. He just wants people to feel His love. So,
Tammy 1:24:56
Peace be still and then Go in peace. What was peace feel like for you today, now that you're out?
Jennete 1:25:05
I love peace. Peace to me does kind of have a different feeling in my mind maybe than most. It's not necessarily this, just like super quiet and no chaos or anything like that. To me peace is power; peace is so powerful, because there's chaos and there's struggle. I come home and there's lots to face, just in being home. And the peace that I received, the forgiveness that I received, the love and the knowledge and the hope and the power of the Atonement. That relationship that I have with my Father in Heaven because of the depth of hell that I endured. gives me such peace and power. It gives me hope and happiness when all the world seems to be crashing around me. I'm like, yo, I'm good. Anybody got some M&Ms? Like, I just I, yeah, I cry. I have fear. I have all those things, but underlining, I don't.
Jennete 1:26:25
I know that the Lord's in charge of everything. And that is so powerful. That is so peaceful to know that I don't have to stress or control or worry about the little things. He's got all of it. And that is peace. I can go and I can serve. I don't have to question who I am. I don't have to question where I'm going. All of my skeletons are out of the closet. I am who I am. I am transparent. I don't care if you don't like me. I wouldn't like me if I was the person that everybody thought I was. I would hate me too. So I'm good with it. Like, I just want to go and serve and love and do what the Lord wants me to do. And that's my peace.
Tammy 1:27:12
So on your journey, Jennete, then, I just have this other question for you. Is there anything specific that stands out when you had, when you felt the peace? Or when the Savior said, 'Alright, Jennete, now. Go in peace?
Jennete 1:27:26
Yeah, so there are a couple instances that gave me a lot of hope and strength. The first time that I took the Sacrament after seven and a half years of not being able to was incredibly powerful and moving for me and for my family. It was very intriguing to me that it wasn't just the bread and it wasn't just the water. It was the combination of both. It wasn't till after I had partaken of the bread and the water did I feel that completeness with my commitment and my covenants. And then shortly after that, I went back to the Temple for the first time. And I have always loved the temple. It was really hard to go from one day being in the temple, to the next day being in prison. And then coming home, and waiting so desperately to go back. Walking through those doors is home. The power of the Temple is real. I go every week, I go on a cute little 'daughter's Friday date' with my daughter every Friday. And there's just a sweetness and a power that comes from sitting in the Lord's House and knowing that you are clean. Knowing that the Lord loves you, that you are forgiven, that you can go in peace. And that that you can bring that feeling to others.
Tammy 1:29:06
Jennete, Thank you. Thank you so much! I love you. And thank you for being my friend.
Jennete 1:29:13
I love you, too.
Tammy 1:29:13
Thank you for being willing to come on and just talk scripture and share your story. You taught me about the Atonement. And I remember the spirit saying to me after I met you, 'It either works or it doesn't. And that is where your testimony is going to have to lay.' Because like you said, I, I didn't have tolerance or compassion for people in prison. I do now. It either works or it doesn't. Becky, what did Jennete teach you about the Atonement and getting to know her?
Becky Farley 1:29:40
Well, I wish that everybody could hear some of the stories that Jennete has told us to see how much she does love. And I guess I'm just blown away by the ability to be in such a storm and yet have the faith to know that it, it, it will end. That you will, that you will go in peace. Because what I remember teaching you is that you always knew that; you always knew at some time you would have that peace. And you'd have your family and the blessings would come back and all of that, and that that did sustain you. And that that's difficult for me to hang on, to keep hanging on and knowing that, Okay, it's, it's going to happen. And I know that you were in your scriptures and praying, and you know, all of those things all of the time. And I suppose that that's how you did keep knowing that the storm would end, is just staying focused on Jesus. And I mean, I'm just, I'm just going back to this verse 47, which I think this whole, this whole segment, this whole episode, "she loved much." And so it was all forgiven, because you were so transparent. And I thank you for being transparent with me and with all of us because it's such an example. And I love you too, Jennete. Thanks for being my friend.
Jennete 1:31:22
I love you, too.
Becky Farley 1:31:24
Thank you, thank you, both of you. What a great discussion. And for anyone wondering why she couldn't take the Sacrament, because I didn't know this. But in prison, in the Chapel, it is a dedicated chapel, but they do not serve the Sacrament to anyone in prison. It's just one of the rules they have. So that's why she didn't take the sacrament for all those years. So, anyway. Thank you, ladies. That's the end of our discussion. And it has been a sacred space. K. So gather your thoughts, is there anything you're going to take away or anything that stood out to you that we discussed. Look over your notes, anything you may have written down? All of that, when you have it, just go for it.
Jennete 1:32:00
I think my takeaway goes back to the story of your mother, your brother coming home. It's really easy to be distracted, and to be distracted by good things, and to not stay as vigilant in my scriptures, to not do the things that kept me where I needed to be. And so that's my greatest takeaway is like, I need to realize how important it is to continue to focus and to press forward and do the little things. Don't be distracted by the big things.
Tammy 1:32:41
Beautiful takeaway. Thank you, that's great.
Becky Farley 1:32:45
I think my takeaway is that alabaster box, that desire to be completely transparent with the Lord, because I don't want Him to just love my head, or. I want Him to love my heart and my hands and my feet and my legs. I want Him to love everything. And in doing that, I have to give Him all of my sins. And just thinking about President Nelson talking about the joy of repentance. That That's what it is, it's the joy of having the Lord have compassion on all of me, every part of me.
Tammy 1:33:31
Thank you, Becky. And thank you for teaching us about that. Because that was my takeaway was our discussion on compassion. And and both of you offered a beautiful discussion on that. And then compassion never faileth.
Becky Farley 1:33:41
Compassion never faileth.
Tammy 1:33:44
That is the theme through every story here is the amount of compassion from others, for ourselves. And Becky, you've always taught me this. I mean, you talk a ton about self-compassion, and we just aren't good at it. We need to be so much better at having self-compassion. Because Jesus Christ has plenty of compassion for us. And so going back to that leper, it's not, Can You do it? It's, Will You do it for me? You bet, you bet.
Becky Farley 1:34:09
And it's so different than like going to get your toes done or going to the movies or whatever. It's giving your sins to Jesus. Self-compassion is really about giving your sins to Jesus.
Tammy 1:34:19
being transparent. Here I am. Thanks, ladies. That's it. That's our discussion.
Becky Farley 1:34:25
Ah, thank you. It's wonderful.
Tammy 1:34:29
Ladies, I love you. That's it.
Jennete 1:34:30
I love you, too.
Becky Farley 1:34:31
Love you, too.
Tammy 1:34:34
Ahhhh, I gotta take a big breath after that. Wow! Okay. Well, I would love to hear what your big takeaway was from this episode, or your thoughts, or anything. Throughout the week you can share them on Facebook or Instagram. And if you haven't joined our Facebook or Instagram, go do it. It is so awesome. And then at the end of every week, usually on a Saturday, we are going to post a call asking for a question that we discussed this week. So go on and give us your answer. Comment on the post that relates to this specific lesson and let us know what your thoughts are. You can get to both our Facebook and Instagram by going to the show notes for this episode at LDS living.com/sunday on Monday. And it is such a good idea to go there because it's where we have the links to all the references and a transcript of this whole discussion, as well as a glue-in, which is the poem that we started out with at the beginning, so you can put it in your scriptures.
Tammy 1:35:22
The Sunday on Monday Study Group is a Deseret Bookshelf Plus original brought to you by LDS Living. It's written and hosted by me, Tammy Uzelac Hall, and today our awesome study group participants were Becky Farley and Jennete. And you can find more information about these friends at LDS living.com/sunday on Monday. Our podcast is produced by Cole Wissinger and me; it is edited by Hailey Higham, and recorded and mixed by Mix At Six Studios. And our executive producer is Erin Hallstrom. Thanks for being here.
Tammy 1:35:47
We will see you next week. And please remember, He has so much compassion for you because you are His favorite.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai