Latter-day Saint Life

Start a Holy Week tradition you’ll cherish with these simple study cards

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If you want to study Holy Week but aren’t sure where to start, the Holy Week Study Card Set is a straightforward and family-friendly resource.
Deseret Book

As Easter approaches each year, I always intend to study the last week of Jesus’s life, also known as Holy Week. Unfortunately, my good intentions often aren’t enough, and I’ll simply forget my goal or feel too intimidated to start.

But Jesus’s life and Atonement deserve better. As we decidedly learn how He spent the days before His Resurrection, we will not only draw closer to Him but will also be following President Dallin H. Oaks’s recent challenge to prepare for Easter by

(1) studying the teachings of Jesus Christ and

(2) establishing Easter traditions (especially within our families).

Let’s take him up on this challenge, in honor of our Savior.

Holy Week Cards

If you want to study Holy Week but aren’t sure where to start, the Holy Week Study Card Set is a straightforward and family-friendly resource. Each of the eight cards has an illustration, a summary of what Christ did that day, a few related scriptures, and a reflective question.

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The Palm Sunday card from the Holy Week Study Card Set
Deseret Book
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The Monday card from the Holy Week Study Card Set
Deseret Book
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The Tuesday card from the Holy Week Study Card set
Deseret Book

How to Use the Cards

Here are a few ideas on how you can use the cards during the week before Easter:

  • Put a card on your fridge at the beginning of each day. 
  • Read one card during daily family scripture study. 
  • Read all the cards together during home evening or a Sunday family devotional. 
  • Keep the cards on your nightstand to read in the morning or before you go to bed. 
  • Incorporate some of the events into your week, e.g., display palm leaves in your home in honor of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. 
  • Have your kids read a card on the way to school each morning in the car. 
  • Read one card each evening around the dinner table. 

Cherishing the Miracle

Joseph Smith Jr. said:

“The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it.”

This year, I am going to cherish the miracle of Easter and keep Christ’s Atonement central to my religious practice and my life. I know that as we take time to ponder this truth and study the Savior’s example, Easter can become more than a spring holiday—it can become a celebration of the hopeful reality of our existence.

Holy Week Study Card Set

Prepare your heart for Easter by studying the events of Holy Week. Each card is designed to enhance your study with a beautiful illustration, a brief description of an event from that day, recommended scriptures to read, and a question for you to ponder throughout the day. Set of 8 cards. Each card measures 4" x 5". Available at Deseret Book.

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