Sponsored: Retired Latter-day Saint Stanford researcher uses stem cells to stop senior memory loss


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In the 1980’s, Latter-day Saint Steve DeVore spent 8 years at the famed Stanford University Neuropsychology Research Laboratory researching the brain, memory and learning.


His research partner, the late Karl Pribram, MD, was the founder of the science of Neuropsychology and is considered to be the “Einstein of brain science.”

Steve and Dr. Pribram joined forces to create “The Neuropsychology of Memory Power”— a bestselling course on how to develop a “genius-type” memory-- as well as 52 other learning programs.

Mission Companion’s Mom Sent Sage Leaves to Finland As Learning Aid for Her Son

Twelve years before Steve’s Stanford experience, he served an LDS mission in Finland (1970-1972). Steve struggled with having to learn the most difficult language in the world. The mother of one of his companions would air mail “Utah sage” leaves to her son with the promise that if he merely smelled the leaves, his concentration, focus and learning abilities would be sharpened, his mood improved, and he would be able to better learn and master the Finnish language. 

At the time Steve thought this was silly and attributed his companion’s rapid mastery of the language due to diligent study and prayer. Yet, the notion of sage as a memory and learning always intrigued Steve.

Senior Moments” Begin a Quest to Improve and Maintain Memory

Little did Steve know 48 years later, as a 67-year-old beginning to experience “too many senior moments,” he would call upon his Stanford knowledge and mission “sage” experience to begin a quest to understand what was happening to his diminishing memory. And, he vowed to do something about it if he could. 


New Stem Cell Technology Revolutionizes Nutritional Supplement Industry

In 2017, Steve was introduced to a new technology that harvested and extracted microscopic stem cells from certain medicinal plants used in nutritional supplements.  The research showed these cells were up to 1,000 times more potent in delivering nutritional and health benefits than using the general constituents of the plants themselves.

Steve was impressed by how these plant stem cells were harvested.

How Plant Stem Cells Are Harvested

For example, in the case of Steve’s highly successful, stem cell-based nitric oxide boosting drink, OxySparkthat claims to increase circulation by 50%) a surgical incision is made in the skins of  unique varieties of grapes and apples grown in Southern France.

 The plants perceive these incisions as wounds and try to heal the injuries by sending thousands of cells to the surface of the injured skins.

These cells cluster in what is called stem “callus tissue.”

This stem cell-rich tissue is removed/harvested from the skins, the stem cells are extracted and then concentrated into a nutritional powder with properties up to 1,000 more potent than generalized plant tissue.

The Power of Sage Now at the Forefront of Senior Memory Research

In his research into his own, age-related declining memory problems and to his surprise, Steve came across numerous recent senior memory, dementia and Alzheimer’s studies that looked at the properties of sage leaves as a possible deterrent to help improve, prevent and slow the debilitating effects age-related memory decline.

(See Summary of the Most Recent Sage/Brain/Memory Research from the National Institutes of Health "Salvia (Sage): A Review of its Potential Cognitive-Enhancing and Protective Effects.")

Perhaps, Steve thought, his mission companion’s mom had been onto something.

Steve learned the science of what certain varieties of sage does to help the brain, why and how it works, was very impressive and quite legitimate. 

Traditional Sage and Other Memory Supplements Had Little Effect

He then did a search for various sage and other memory supplements available to the general public (i.e. popular jelly fish extract), tried them and experienced only a little improvement.

Sage Stem Cell Discovery Licensed. MemNivia Introduced

In early 2018, Steve learned the same laboratory in France that produced his OxySpark stem cells had just perfected a new method of extracting the memory-enhancing stem cells from the most memory-potent varieties of sage leaves.

Steve licensed this technology and the result is a new senior brain health and memory supplement called MemNivia. 

Does MemNivia Really Work?

A recent proprietary study proves the sage stem cells used in MemNivia have both immediate & long-term brain health and memory benefits.

In this in vivo study conducted by Adera/INSERM—Bordeaux University—France, the combination of two sage varieties found in MemNivia (garden sage and Spanish sage) showed immediate positive effects on:

1. Attention
2. Alertness;
3. Working memory;
4. Short and long-term memory,
5. Mental skills and cognitive functions;
6. Enhanced mood/anti-depression.

These effects lasted from 1 hour to 6 hours after intake.

Continued Use of MemNivia Over 3 Months Show Lasting Benefits

In addition, the study showed with up to three months of continued use (two daily 300 mg MemNivia doses) the positive brain, memory and mood effects were sustained over time.

A study of this sort is only good if the benefits it purports are translated into the real world.

Most Commonly Reported MemNivia Benefits

Before introducing MemNivia, Steve tested the sage stem cells on himself and on friends and family members who were all experiencing “senior moments.”

The results in all cases supported the formal research. MemNivia worked as promised. The most common feedback was: 

(1) “I no longer struggle for names and words.”
(2) “Mental fogginess is gone. My mind is crystal clear. My thinking is sharp. I can stay focused.”
(3). ‘I sleep better and more soundly.”
(4) “My mood is stable and positive. Fewer, if any, dark mood days.”
Since MemNivia was introduced to the general public in September 2018, MemNivia customers are reporting similar benefits.

If you’re over 50 and want a new, innovative and all-natural approach to help you preserve your memory/cognitive functions, MemNivia could be the solution you’ve been waiting for



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