I’ve been on over 5 difference medications for depression, and numerous other prescriptions for chronic fatigue, Chronic pain, fibromyalgia, severe migraines, erratic hormone levels, and other health issues.
“FindingCardio Miracle the past couple of years has given me my life back. I'm no longer dependent on medications for depression, for other immune disorders, fibromyalgia and migraines are gone. I haven't been sick in bed for over two years.
“My doctors are shocked by the total health improvement I have experienced.
“My life has been so dramatically improved by Cardio Miracle.., It really works!! Every woman with the health issues I have had should take it every day.
Jani Duffin. Age 61, St. George Utah
Three scientists won the Nobel Prize when they discovered a gas called Nitric Oxide (NO) — that’s produced in the lining of our arteries — with the responsibility of increasing blood circulation, oxygen and nutrients to your body’s cells, tissues and organs such as the heart and brain.
NO is the mastermind molecule that signals our arteries to relax, allowing them to open up to increased blood flow and then relax again.
Major Cause of Aging & Again Maladies is Loss Of Blood Flow and Oxygen
In our youth, up to our thirties, our body is flush with NO. As we age into our forties, fifties, sixties and beyond we lose up to 85% of our ability to produce NO.
The result is narrower and clogged arteries, veins, and capillaries, reduced blood flow and less oxygen and nutrient absorption.
When this happens we begin to experience the onset of disease common to aging such as:
* high blood pressure;
* heart disease;
* muscle, joint and skeletal pain/deterioration;
* high blood sugar levels, obesity and diabetes;
* loss of memory;
* reduced eyesight and hearing;
* loss of energy and vitality;
* reduced and loss of libido;
* mood swings and the desire to participate in life with joy and excitement (depression).
The Good News: Nitric Oxide Production Can Be Stimulated & Increased
The good news the Nobel-winning nitric oxide researchers discovered is that nitric oxide production can be stimulated and increased on demand by taking an amino acid called L-arginine. As a result, it can not only improve the many maladies associated with aging but it can REVERSE many aging diseases? The key is increased circulation, blood, flow, and oxygen.
Bad News: Must Take Large Doses & Lasts of Only 2 Hours
The problem is you need to take large amounts of L-arginine and its NO-stimulating effect lasts on average, for less than two hours per dosage.
If you take too much L-arginine it becomes a free radical and it's NO producing benefits diminish and neutralized.
There Had to be a Better Way
John Hewlett, a 65-year-old LDS businessman from Kamas, UT, experienced a dramatic reversal of heart disease by taking ever-increasing dosages of expensive L-arginine supplements. He experienced a miracle but had learned that less L-arginine combined with more L-citrulline, and organic beet powder created more extended and effective nitric oxide. This advanced combination would be more effective, eliminate excess arginine side effects, and COST LESS per dose.
Cardio Miracle: Small Doses & Lasts for 12 Hours Per Dose
So, Hewlett turned to top nutritionists, PhD's, and NO researchers to formulate an NO supplement with 1/3 the arginine that he had been taking, and that would last for over 12 hours per dose, versus a few hours from his previous experiences.
The result of their research is Cardio Miracle — a pleasant-tasting NO-boosting powder that mixes with water and is taken twice a day.
Does CardioMiracle Work?
Here’s what some recent Cardio Miracleusers report:
Dixie State Head Football Coach: High Blood Pressure Gone. Walks 10 Miles a Day After Knee Replacement
“My results with Cardio Miracle have been amazing. My once high blood pressure is now normal without medication. I am also able to walk 10 miles a day with my new knee replacement. My results have been amazing!” Ron Haun, Head Football Coach, Dixie State College
LDS Pro Golfer: Practice Longer, No Back Pain
“Cardio Miracle is the finest supplement I've ever found in my lifetime search to stay fit, and on top of my game. It has made a huge difference in my ability
to practice longer, with no back pain, and recover from travel and other aging issues. I highly recommend it." Keith Clearwater, 57, Former PGA tour champion, and Rookie of the year
Walked 4 Miles Unassisted the Day After Back Surgery
Beverly Haun, age 72, from Washington Fields, Utah recently underwent major back lumbar surgery. The day of the surgery she was out of bed, and walked 4 miles unassisted, while other patients needed support on both arms to walk down the hallways.
When she prepped for surgery, the nurse reported her oxygen level at 100%, a shocking level. Asked what could be the reason, Beverly replied, "Cardio Miracle."
Her recovery was brief and complete, and she now walks pain-free
every day near her home. She monitors her blood pressure and oxygen, and her oxygen maintains at 98% daily in their 70's!!!
Diabetes: Facing the Reality of Amputation
“Cardio Miracle helps me manage my diabetic issues better than anything I have ever tried. My legs were once so dark with calcification, that I couldn't wear regular shoes, and was facing the reality of amputation in the years ahead. Taking Cardio Miracle every day I can wear any type of shoes without discomfort, and my legs and feet are now normal colored. My experience has been life changing for me, and my family."Lance Voss, 65-year-old computer specialist, Evanston, Wyoming
Chronic High Blood Pressure Resolved
"Cardio Miracle has resolved my blood pressure issues, helps my diabetic concerns and blood levels, and when I had my teeth extracted both the dentist and his assistant said they had never had a patient recover so completely and quickly. I was able to cut the process time in half, with minimal discomfort. I will never go a day without Cardio Miracle." Ted Dodge, age 69, St. George Utah
Congestive Heart Failure. “My Hopes for the Future are Optimistic, Instead of Fearful.”
“My heart function was significantly impaired as the result of a major heart attack and triple bypass surgery and gradual progressive Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) since.
“I first heard about Cardio Miracle in LDS Living. My initial reaction was skeptical, but in desperation for anything to improve my heart and my life I decided to order.
"Now with Cardio Miracle, my heart stamina has improved significantly! My wife has said numerous times how we are experiencing a miracle with my increased energy, ability to walk further and have greater mobility. I have felt so good, that I even went back to hitting golf balls, and other activities that previously were impossible. I have had to slow down several times, and pace myself because I have felt so good, and have to pace myself with my very compromised heart condition. The bonus quality of life, extra time with my family, and attending church activities have been a priceless gift. I'm so grateful I gave Cardio Miracle a chance, it has been a late life "Mulligan "for me.
Mike Farthing. 72. Vancouver, Washington
Renewed Energy, Better Sleep, Mood Improved
“I am a 44-year-old mother of six active children. When I turned 40, I found myself exhausted from my child bearing years and not having taken very great care of myself through that time, depleted in every way.
“Within a month of taking Cardio Miracle I felt energy that I hadn't felt for a long time, I slept better at night, my mood improved (I am a depression sufferer) and my overall health improved. Now, I can't live without our Cardio Miracle! “ Diane Bayles, Kamas UT
Ten Heart Bypasses Later: Cardio Miracle Works as Promised
I'm 82 years old now, and thanks to Cardio Miracle my heart is strong and my formerly dangerous blood pressure is now 127/62. I had ten bypasses several decades ago and didn't think I would live to be over 70. I been able to travel, work, serve in the church, and enjoy my wonderful family much more because Cardio Miracle has worked as promised these past years.
J. Gary Sheets Green Valley, Utah
If you have any of the health concerns like those shared above by numerous grateful Cardio Miracle users, you should give this amazing product a try. Take Advantage of Cardio Miracle’s 90-Day Risk Free Guarantee.
For a limited time, LDS Living readers can receive a special discount on Cardio Miracle and even receive a 30-day supply for FREE. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE