Maybe you’ve heard about a profession where, after a medical exam, workers use physician records to document patient diagnoses and treatments? It’s called medical billing and coding.
Medical coding is an international system used in 100 countries.
Did you know that medical coders in Salt Lake City make, on average, $41,830 annually, and there’s a growing need to hire more coders?[i] Additionally, recent reports by groups such as AARP and the Utah Foundation project an increase in salaries for medical billing and coding professionals.
Also, after a few years as a medical coder, there may be an opportunity to become an auditor or instructor, which brings additional earning potential.
Medical coders work in clinics, hospitals and billing centers, and at insurance companies. Work hours can be relatively flexible, especially if you’re a part-time freelance or contract employee.
If you’re efficient, detail-oriented, interested in medical topics and able to read and analyze data, medical coding may be a good career choice. It may even be the next right step for a career change or to create a work-from-home situation for you, a family member or friend.
LDS Business College offers a Medical Coding Certificate that only takes two semesters to complete. Students are taught medical coding skills quickly and efficiently in classes that focus on personalized attention. Instructors help students prepare for the certification exam, and an internship is offered to help students gain valuable work experience.
Whether you’re about to start college, a working professional, considering returning to college or wanting a career shift, the medical coding program could be for you.
The College has a full suite of scholarships that range from return missionary to single parent scholarships to help all kinds of students achieve their educational goals.
To learn more and find out if medical coding may be right for you, visit or call 801-524-8164.