Natural Stem Cell Nutrient Immediately Opens Your Arteries & Increases Your Circulation By 50% Compared to Only 5% Other Nitric Oxide Boosters
What is Nitric Oxide?
Nitric Oxide is a molecule produced in the lining of our arteries that opens (dilates) and keeps open arteries, veins, vessels to allow oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to flow to organs and cells. The doctors who discovered that Nitric Oxide was a vasodilator, won a Nobel Prize for their discovery.
We Lose 85% of Nitric Oxide Production as We Age. Results = Chronic Disease
As we age past 40, we lose 85% of our body's ability to produce nitric oxide. This impaired blood and oxygen flow to our organs and cells begins a decline in our health similar to how grass browns, withers and dies when its deprived of water and nutrients from the soil.
Without sufficient blood flow, oxygen and nutrients we begin to physically decline and suffer the ravages of the diseases associated with aging.
Age-Related Diseases Improved—Even Reversed
The Nobel Prize-Winning doctors also discovered Nitric Oxide production can be stimulated with the supplementation of certain amino acids and nutrients and can improve and even reverse many age-related diseases—similar to re-watering brown and withering grass to bring it back to life.
The Bad News: Arginine Requires 7,000mg to Achieve Only 5% Vasodilation & Will Harm You
Many cardio/nitric oxide boosters on the market today are primarily arginine and beet root-based. Arginine is a laboratory-produced amino acid. Large doses (7,000mg) of arginine can dilate the cardiovascular system only 5%. Large dosages of arginine also have many harmful side effects—a dangerous phenomenon called "The Arginine Paradox.”
Popular beet root extracts are more effective and safer than arginine. They are good in that they help repair the damaged cells that produce nitric oxide— but provide only a slightly higher level of vasodilation.
The Good News: It Takes Only 500mg of OxySpark’s™ ViNitrox™ to Produce 50% Vasodilation
A new, proprietary, all-natural Nitric Oxide booster, ViNitrox™ (consisting of highly concentrated (acute) cells extracted from the skins of grapes and apples) dilates the cardiovascular system 50% at only a 500mg dosage—making ViNitrox™ 10 times more effective than arginine in achieving and maintaining vasodilation and 5 times more effective than beet root extracts.
OxySpark™ incorporates ViNitrox™ and beet root extract as the active agents in its powerful proprietary formulation—resulting in the fulfillment of Nitric Oxide’s potential to dramatically improve our health and lives.
The Power of OxySpark's Grape & Apple Skin Acute Polyphenols
Acute polyphenols derived from OxySpark's grape/apple skin stem cells provide the following health benefits:
Through the production of nitric oxide, polyphenols relax and widen the circulatory system and reduce blood pressure so blood rich in oxygen and nutrients can nourish and revitalize your body's cells, tissues and organs. In the case of OxySpark, the acute polyphenols stimulate up to a 50% increase in vasodilation compared to approximately only 5% of arginine and 10% of beet root-based nitric oxide boosters.
Inflammation is a protective response of tissues against cell injury, irritation, pathogen invasions, as well as mechanism for eliminating damaged and necrotic cells. Chronic inflammation is the main mediator in the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, neuro degenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune and pulmonary diseases. Proteins called cytokines are responsible for inflammatory responses. OxySpark's acute grape skin polyphenols have been shown to decrease chronic inflammation by the modulation of cytokine inflammatory pathways and/or by reducing reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels—toxic byproducts produced in active cells. As natural compounds, acute grape polyphenols target multiple pathways to overcome chronic inflammation, and thus, studies show, they are more effective compared to many anti-inflammatory drugs.
Free radicals can cause damage to parts of cells such as proteins, DNA, and cell membranes by stealing their electrons through a process called oxidation. Free radical damage is associated with cancer and many diseases. Polyphenols scavenger free radicals.
They also affect the brain's appetite regulator (hypothalamus) to regulate and reduce cravings for refined carbohydrates (sugars, flours, etc. This results in the loss of excess body fat as the body begins to burn fat for energy (ketones) instead of sugar (glucose).
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