Editor's note: This is an advertisement and LDS Living does not endorse Cardio Miracle or other products mentioned in this article.
"I'm Sure You Receive Letters Like This Often, But, I Still Want to Share with You "My Two Miracles" Using Cardio Miracle!"
LDS Living Reader Karen Mitterholzer, Strongsville, OH
Unsolicited Letter to John Hewlett, Founder, Cardio Miracle.
July 22, 2017
Dear Mr. Hewlett:
In an effort to find anything that could offer my 80-year old mother some relief from the debilitating symptoms of congestive heart failure, I scoured the internet, tried many, many products, and then I came across an [advertisement] in LDS Living magazine about Cardio Miracle.
With nothing to lose, on March 7, 2017, I ordered a month supply, figuring it would take that long to receive results, if any at all. Not only did Cardio Miracle transform my mom's health but it miracously relieved my painful neuropathy.
I'm sure you receive letters like this often, but, I still want to share with you "My Two Miracles" using Cardio Miracle.
My Mom's Cardio Miracle
My sweet mother has congestive heart failure. Two years ago, she had heart valve replacement surgery. The surgery went well and "on paper" she was a success story.
However, she was not the same active, vibrant woman she had been. She was "out of breath and "heaving" whenever she tried to walk or do the simplest activities.
Even with the use of a walker, she could hardly make it from one room to another around the house.
She was retaining water which was hard to control even with a prescription. One of the worst issues she had were debilitating "Charlie Horse Leg Cramps." They struck at night, causing such pain and interrupting her sleep on a daily basis.
The pain and lack of sleep caused her to be depressed and out of sorts.
Within a week after starting Cardio Miracle, my mother was walking on her own, breathing normally, swimming three days a week for 40–60 minutes, and although she occasionally has leg cramps, they are mild and tolerable. She has not had the horrible Charlie Horse Leg Cramps since. She is once again, an active and happy woman...and it truly took just a week using Cardio Miracle to achieve such a great quality of life again. I never thought that I would see her health improve like this...it is a miracle!
My Neuropathy Miracle
So, seeing what Cardio Miracle did for my mother, I decided to see what it could do for me. Although I am not diabetic, for the last nine years, I have had neuropathy in my hands and feet.
I would wake every morning with what I call "dead fish" hands and feet. I had no feeling whatsoever in my hands and feet. I had to shake and slap them to get the feeling to come back and it was so painful when the tingling started and they would throb.
During the day, my hands and feet would "fall asleep" constantly. I was always wiggling my fingers and toes and shaking my hands and feet in an effort to keep them from going numb and to keep the tingling and discomfort at bay.
I was either in pain or in fear of the pain that I knew was coming.
I tried Cardio Miracle for the first time at night and woke up without "dead fish" hands and feet for the first time in years! One dose and the suffering I had endured for years was gone!
I have taken Cardio Miracle every day and I have not had any painful episodes since. None! No "dead fish"! No "numbness"! No "falling asleep"! No "tingling"! No "shaking and slapping"!
In addition, I have more energy now and I am able to focus better!
I don't know how or why Cardio Miracle works, but it does and I am forever grateful. I never thought that I would find a solution to this condition...it is a miracle!!
From the bottom of my heart, I, sincerely, thank you!
Karen Mitterholzer
Addendum August 15, 2017: "'Oma' just saw her cardiologist for her semi-annual checkup. Her heart ejection fraction was 15-20 before her open heart surgery two years ago, and 25-30 a year after the surgery. It hadn't been improving. Her visit to the doctor the first of August showed an improvement to 55, now in normal range, to the surprise, and astonishment of both the physician and nurse. The only change in her regiment, introducing nitric oxide supplementation with Cardio Miracle less than four months ago." Karen Mitterholzer
To Learn What Cardio Miracle Is and How & Why it Works Go to:
If you suffer from the ravages of aging with maladies such as high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, chronic pain and soreness, high blood sugar levels, obesity, impaired cognitive and memory function, immune system insufficiency and /or depression you should learn what Cardio Miracle can for you.
None of the content in this article is to be construed as specific individual advice. The product Cardio Miracle and information discussed are not intended replace professional medical advice or treatment. Cardio Miracle not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Individual results may vary. Results may vary from those expressed in testimonials. There is no guarantee that others will have the same or similar results.