Brick’Em Young began in 2014 when Suzanne and Tim Caltonhad a desire to teach their children about the importance of temples while living in Shanghai, several hours away from the nearest temple in Hong Kong.
Inspired by their son’s love of small plastic building blocks, Suzanne and Tim decided to create and sell a large model of the Salt Lake Temple with about 1,500 pieces.
Six years later, both their family and product line have grown. The Calton's have expanded their temple sets to include more than a dozen models, with new sets and figurines added each year. Not only has Brick’Em Young helped teach children about the importance of temples, but it’s created an opportunity for families to grow closer together.
"Many parents have expressed excitement about having a project for their children to do which does not involve electronics," said Suzanne Calton. "It makes an ideal gift as it connects faith, family, and fun."
Temple sets
This year marks 200 years since Joseph’s Smith’s First Vision, which led to the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ in the latter days. With that topic sure to be at the forefront of conference this year, your children might find it especially meaningful to build the pioneer-era temples, such as Salt Lake, Logan, Manti and St. George.
Additionally, Brick’em Young currently offers temple sets for Provo City Center, Cedar City, Idaho Falls, Bountiful, Cardston, Oakland, and the small temple design used by 40-plus temples around the globe.
The larger temple sets take anywhere from 3-8 hours, depending on the design. A smaller Salt Lake Temple set is also available for younger builders.
‘Come, Follow Me’ made easy with Book of Mormon figurine set
In addition to their temple sets, the Caltons recently released a variety of figurine sets, including a nativity and Book of Mormon set — perfect for use with the 2020 "Come, Follow Me" focus of studying the Book of Mormon.
When speakers quote the Book of Mormon in conference this year, your children will be able to engage more thoroughly as they bring Enos, Ammon, Lehi, Sariah, and other scriptural characters to life.
The Brick’em Young website also includes a free downloadable instruction manual to give a better idea of the different scripture stories kids can tell with this set. Once conference is over, your children can teach you what they remember using their Book of Mormon figurines.
Limited Time Promotion!
The larger Brick’em Young temple sets are recommended for ages 12 and older, though younger children may enjoy working with an older sibling to build the models.
For a more simple activity for ages 8 and older, the missionary, nativity, bride and groom and Book of Mormon figurine sets are easier to assemble, along with the small Salt Lake Temple set.
With an average build time of 3-5 hours depending on the set and number of pieces, this is the perfect activity for the whole family to enjoy during conference weekend or any other time.
Now thru June 1st, Brick’em Young is running special 3 for 2 promotion on select temple sets as well as free shipping on all orders in the continental United States. Visit the website today to purchase your sets!