Sponsored: A Career Path in One-to-Two Years


Whether you’re in the market for an educational refresher for yourself or someone you know, or you have college-aged children, perhaps it’s time to take a look at LDS Business College.

At LDS Business College, we have one-year certificates and two-year degrees that launch careers. We only offer programs that lead to skills-based, in-demand jobs.

We’re a great alternative to expensive four-year degrees that don’t always lead to employment.

Becoming independent and successful is a life goal every parent has for their children. Traditionally, a four-year college experience, and often, the student debt that accompanies it, has been the primary path to success.

At LDS Business College, we offer a hands-on, affordable, skills-based education that provides a quick start to a career. Plus, our professors have real-world experience, delivering practical, hands-on training for today’s workplace.

We’re More Than Business

Yes, our name includes ‘business,’ but our programs are in many different kinds of businesses. Professional certificates and associate degrees are available in social media, interior design, IT, paralegal, and accounting, to name just a few.

Enrollment for Spring Semester has begun. Apply by April 9, 2018. Classes run from April 23rd to July 23rd.

We offer convenient schedules and scholarships to help students claim their new future.

Learn more at ldsbc.edu.


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