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[00:00:00] Tammy Uzelac Hall: What do you believe about God? Do you believe that God knows you? Do you believe that God hears your prayers? Even including the ones that you haven't even dared to utter yet. Today we begin our study of the Book of Mormon, a book filled with real people who through their own experiences came to know who God is and that He did indeed hear their prayers.
I too have wondered the exact same things about God, and the song you are hearing in the background has easily been the anthem of my life. Hilary Weeks wrote this song and it's titled, He Hears Me, and the lyrics Oh, the lyrics, listen to this. Any hour, wherever I may be, in the silence of an empty room or on a crowded street, whether offering thanks or in urgency I pray, I never go unnoticed, I'm never led astray.
He hears me. These lyrics could also be the anthem for those we get to learn about in the introductory pages of the Book of Mormon, and I could not be more thrilled to introduce you to these pages and to our guest. Welcome to the Sunday on Monday Study Group, a Deseret Bookshelf Plus original, brought to you by LDS Living, where we take the come follow me lesson for the week, and we really dig into the scriptures together.
I'm your host, Tammy Usilak Hall. If you're new to our study group, please follow the link. In our description that will explain how you can best use this podcast to enhance your come follow me study, just like my friend, Shelly Keller from the Gather Conference. Shelly, I loved meeting you and you are doing great things, mama.
Now, another awesome thing about our study group is each week we are joined by two of my friends. So it's always a little bit different. And sometimes just one friend. And that is who I have today. One friend. I have been so excited for this episode. Are you ready? Drum roll, please. We have Hilary Weeks! Ah, did anybody just let out an audible scream while you were driving?
Because I just screamed a little bit. Hi, Hil! Hi,
[00:02:00] Hilary Weeks: Tam, how are ya?
[00:02:02] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh, yeah, and if anyone's wondering, wait, Hilary Weeks, the musician? Yes. The songwriter, yes. The award winning Hillary Weeks, I know Hillary hates adulation so much, so I'm just going to praise your name, Hill.
[00:02:14] Hilary Weeks: I am so excited.
[00:02:16] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh.
[00:02:17] Hilary Weeks: I have to, I have to interject like a really quick story that reminded me when you were doing this introduction. Yeah. When I just was walking to the church building a couple weeks ago and I heard one of my songs. And I'm like, wait a second, where is that coming from? And my husband, Tim is a Bishop in a married student ward in Provo.
And we go to this building that's so old, it has a, has three floors. It's an upstairs. It's a main floor. It's a basement. And so I'm walking through. I'm like, where is this song coming from? And is it a recording? But I knew that it was one of my Christmas songs. And so I follow my ear. It's like following the yellow brick road, but it was my ear.
And I open up this door and there's a boy at the piano and I shouldn't say a boy, you know, a man at that age, a young man, what do you call? And two girls, they're singing, but they stop when I opened the door and I said, what song are you singing? And they're like, it's first lullaby. Uh, Silent Night by Hilary Weeks and I look at them and I go, I'm Hilary Weeks.
I was like almost as excited to tell them that I was, I never get worked up about that, but I was like so excited to tell them and they were like, no way. So the introduction just reminded me of that. So it was pretty funny to see there.
[00:03:31] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Fun. That is so cool. Well, my girls sing one of Hillary's songs in church a couple of months ago.
Look at this full circle moment. I mean, we've been friends. I had children and now they're singing your songs.
[00:03:43] Hilary Weeks: It was such a cool moment to hear him and they did good. Wow. Like I didn't even have to fake. Texting you back and being like, Oh, that was good. They were legit.
[00:03:52] Tammy Uzelac Hall: They couldn't believe I knew you or their friend who sang with them.
And so when I sent them the message back that you sent to me, they were like, you know her? They were giddy. They were so excited. So. It is. Oh my gosh. Okay. This is going to be a fun discussion. And you guys, it's going to be unique because we've never had the opportunity to include music from the musician who is the guest.
So this is a musical episode and how awesome because it's the first episode of the Book of Mormon year. And I think we are just going to get things started off so well. So if you want to know more about my friend, Hillary. You can find her bio. You can find links to her. Just Google Hillary Weeks. Who are we kidding?
But if you want to read her bio in our show notes, go to ldsliving. com slash Sunday on Monday. So grab your scriptures and whether you are studying alone with family or friends, we are going to dig into the introductory pages of the Book of Mormon. Okay, so Hillary, first things first, this year in the Come Follow Me Manual, One of the questions that it wants everybody to be asked in Gospel Doctrine is, What has the Holy Ghost taught you this week as you studied, and then you're supposed to say whatever it was you studied that week.
So we're going to begin every episode with that question. So tell me, Hill, what has the Holy Ghost taught you this week as you studied the introductory pages of the Book of Mormon?
[00:05:11] Hilary Weeks: Okay, the first thought that came to my mind as I was studying was, Wow, I really don't know very much. And I, I, it's not, it wasn't in like a Um, demeaning or negative way.
I wasn't trying to put myself down, but the more I learned, the more I study, the more I realized there is so much to learn. I just feel like I could, I will do this my whole life. I'll study the scriptures my whole life. I'll study the gospel and I still will not know everything there is to know. And on top of that, sometimes I worry about how I can't remember.
Everything that I read as I study the scriptures, and maybe other people that feel that way, maybe you have felt that way. I don't know. Maybe you don't feel that way because you taught seminary for so long.
[00:05:56] Tammy Uzelac Hall: I wish. Sometimes I even pray, Heavenly Father, here's the funny thing. I can't even remember what it's called, what I want.
What's the thing called where you can remember things all the time? Oh, like photographic memory? Yes. I've even prayed for that. Please, Heavenly Father, just give me a photographic memory. No dice. He's not doing it. I know.
[00:06:14] Hilary Weeks: I know. And I'll go back and I'll, it'll happen this year as I read the Book of Mormon.
I'll be like, have I read that before? And I know I have, but it just sometimes doesn't stick. So I'm reading through the details of the. Introductory pages, the three witnesses, the eight witnesses, and I'm like, I'm not going to remember this again. But then I just remind myself, that's okay. It's right here.
I can go back and refer to it as many times as I need to. And then I thought of a cool experience when I was part of Time Out for Women. On the road somewhere, we were in some city, I don't recall which one. But President Hinckley's daughter was there with us, Kathleen. And she was talking about this same idea.
And she would tell her mom, sister Hinkley, who we all adore. I just love that woman. I wish so bad. I could have been her friend or met her or gone to lunch with me. She's just so good. So She told her mom, Mom, I read the scriptures. I study the gospel. I can't remember. I, I forget. And her mom said, essentially, and I'm paraphrasing this, of course, it's okay because we become the sum of everything that we read, everything that we read and study and learn shapes our lives and shapes who are we are.
Becoming, and that brought me a lot of peace. So, as I opened up these pages, and I'm looking forward to this year of studying the Book of Mormon, it was a good reminder that we don't have to remember every detail, and it's okay that we've read the Book of Mormon before, and this all still sounds new, and the experience shapes who we are.
the knowledge that we accumulate. Though it would be impossible to retain it all helps us become who we're supposed to become and some of the value is in the process because when we study we're creating moments of stillness where God can speak to us So don't forget the value of the process It's not just the value of the retention.
[00:08:27] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh, Hill, I'm writing this down so fast. I wrote, I wrote at the top of the page. So at the top of the title page, I wrote, we become the sum of everything we read. I can't think of a better mantra for this year as we study the Book of Mormon. Like if we can just read something from the Book of Mormon every day, that's going to really help in this whole equation, the sum.
Oh, that was awesome. Thank you.
[00:08:54] Hilary Weeks: Yeah, for sure. And if I can just share one quote, yeah, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the plan by which we can become what children of God are supposed to become. This spotless and perfected state will result from a steady succession of covenants, ordinances and actions and accumulation of right choices and from continuing repentance.
And I love the part that says, and actions, because then that takes in our studies, our prayers, our pondering. So yeah.
[00:09:27] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, okay. Well then let's do this. Let's put this into action. Let's do some actions and we're going to dive in. Two, the introductory pages of the Book of Mormon, and we're gonna start with the title page in the next segment.
Okay, everyone turn to the title page of your Book of Mormon. It's going to say in really big letters, the Book of Mormon. An account written by the hand of Mormon. And I say it like that because we have these things, the fonts are bigger on certain places. And then it says upon the plates taken from the plates of Nephi.
Now this is really cool. The title page, and this is from Joseph Smith, he said, this title page right here is from the last leaf. of the plates written by Moroni. It is Moroni's final testimony, the last thing he writes, and we're going to put this in. And so he is writing, this is the Book of Mormon. It's an account written by his father, the hand of Mormon, upon plates taken from the plates of Nephi.
Now, I was just struck, and I want to know what your thoughts are, Hill. What is the significance of all caps when it says written by the hand of Mormon? And why is that font bigger? Like why is it that we want to know it was written by the hand of Mormon? What's significant? You know, it's so interesting.
[00:10:56] Hilary Weeks: If you say that I, when I read that in preparation for today, the hand of Mormon stood out to me. And as you're saying that, I'm like, Oh, well, of course it did because it's bigger, it's a bigger font and it's more bold. But not only that, it stood out to me because our hands do amazing things. Um, think about the things we do with our hands.
We, we hold. We hug, we wave, we shake, we comfort, we, we do all the household thing, we cook, we, we type, we tech, you know? There's so many things that we do with our hands, and literally, they wrote this with their hand, and we keep journals With our hands, um, whether we type them or we write them now, I know not everyone is into journaling and that's perfectly okay.
I mean, to each his own, this is a plug for journals, but not a plug for feeling guilty about not doing journals. But I just feel like it's so, um, they can be so important in our lives. I, I, I remember when I turned eight years old, my mom gave me a journal for my. Birthday slash my baptism and from then on I was kind of hooked on journals, but that doesn't mean that I write down every single day what I did that day.
I'm more, these days I use my journals to write down things that happen.
[00:12:20] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Did you get the all about me journal? Remember that one the all about me journal that has a picture of like a baseball glove with a bit. Oh And ballet shoes on the front.
[00:12:28] Hilary Weeks: I think I'm old enough that it didn't exist when I was eight.
[00:12:30] Tammy Uzelac Hall: No, come on, we're at the same age. Old Deseret Books sold it.
[00:12:35] Hilary Weeks: But my kids have it. Yep,
[00:12:39] Tammy Uzelac Hall: I love that journal so much. Sure. Sure. Yeah, it's so awesome. But I'm with you. I'm all about the journal. Like I wrote so many journals growing up that I actually probably should burn them. They're so embarrassing.
[00:12:49] Hilary Weeks: No, seriously, that's what I've thought before.
I pull those out and I'm like, I do not want everybody reading about the boy that I liked in seventh grade and that I liked the same boy in eighth grade and that he still didn't like me. And in ninth grade, I just don't know if I want everybody reading those. And I've had the same thought. I'm like, I got to get rid of these or at least tear out the pages that would be embarrassing.
But this is something kind of cool that happened. This was a couple of years ago. My youngest daughter, Marley. Was struggling and it's with the same struggle that all I think all girls have, especially in junior high, high school. But let's face it, none of us, even as adult women, get rid of the struggle of self-esteem.
Right? We all struggle with feeling worth. And value and being confident in ourselves and she was going through a phase of that. So I pulled out my journal from when I was her age and it was like word for word what she was feeling. It was crazy. It had stuff in there about how I felt that it had stuff in there about how the boy that I liked liked a different girl.
It was all of the same things that she was dealing with. And for some reason, It connected with her. It helped her. It brought her comfort. It was nice to know that her mom felt that same, some of those same feelings at that same age.
[00:14:10] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Well, okay, this is really cool because when you said it connected with her, it helped her, I was thinking in my mind, going back to this title page, if this was written by the hand of Mormon, and Mormon compiled records together to give us what we have as the Book of Mormon, and he also wrote in this, I had that thought that you just said about your journals and Marlee.
Is it connecting with us? Is it helping us? I think that's might be the purpose of the Book of Mormon is for us to connect with it. And for, I do believe, I mean, I am a witness that the Book of Mormon has helped me on so many occasions. And so I really like that idea, Hill. Connecting with us, helping us. I think that's the whole point of the Book of Mormon.
[00:14:52] Hilary Weeks: Yeah, and if you were to think of it almost as their journal, I mean, essentially it is. Oh, yeah. It was something that they were, they were commanded by God to write. And of course, the Spirit influenced what they wrote. But is that any different from us? The Spirit can influence what we write in our journals.
And as if we, if we were to look at the Book of Mormon as reading journal entries from these, Men who were people who faced challenges and how does that relate to us? And how can these journal pages bring us light and comfort and feel like people related to us as well? And see how God helped them. Yeah.
Through this, through the things that they're going through. They went through
[00:15:32] Tammy Uzelac Hall: well, and now how cool is this? Because if people are thinking, well, I'm older, I don't need to write anything that happened in the past kind of stuff. It's really interesting to think like. They believe that Nephi wrote his first Nephi 30 years after the event.
So you don't have to be writing in your journal the moment that it happens. Everyone listening, go back and write about significant moments in your life because there are so many people will probably will benefit from that story. Can you imagine if Nephi would have said? Now that happened a long time ago.
I don't need to write about how my brothers were jerks or whatever, you know, he's like, they think it was 30 years later. He's like, I probably should write about this. And so I mean, there are so many stories I would love to know about my parents, grandparents that I wish they would have written. But that happened a long time ago.
So it's never too late to start a journal. It's never too late to have written by the hand of Tammy, written by the hand of Hillary, so that people can connect with you and learn from you. So, I think that's awesome, Hill. Yeah. Great point. Great approach to take to that. Okay, so, then let's dive into what is written on this title page, because there's two important paragraphs.
So, in the next segment, we're going to jump into a word that stands out, and why it's significant in the first paragraph.
So, this is kind of fun, a fun fact about Hillary. She is a first time grandma. What's it like being a grandma? Dreamy.
[00:17:00] Hilary Weeks: Amazing. I love it. It's everything people would say. People who are ahead of me in the grandparenthood world would say, you're going to love it. It's so great. And I was like, yeah, I think, I think I will.
Oh, they were right. It is so great. You just can't believe how much you love him.
[00:17:17] Tammy Uzelac Hall: How old is your little one? He's one. He's a little over one. Okay. Now tell me, what was it like for his first birthday? When you give, you give him presents.
[00:17:27] Hilary Weeks: You betcha. And I was waiting for that moment when he would eat cake.
I wanted him to stick his head in the cake and just, you know, start gobbling, but he was just more like, huh? Should I be, is this healthy? Should I get started down this path?
[00:17:42] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yeah. Start down this path, that's so funny. Oh my gosh, and then for Christmas, buying him Christmas presents, I mean, I just think this is so Awesome.
To be able to buy gift presents for your little one. Now I'm a gift giver. Like that is my love language. I love to buy presents for people. If I see something I think someone would like, I'm going to buy it. And so it is 100 percent me. How are you? Is that, are you a gift giver? Really? Yeah.
[00:18:08] Hilary Weeks: Okay. On the five.
You know, the five levels of showing love and gifts is the bottom for me. It is. I need to buy you more gifts. Well, and don't ever buy me a gift.
[00:18:20] Tammy Uzelac Hall: And it's not like I want gifts. I love a surprise more than anything. I love to surprise. I didn't think I was. I some one day a woman who she's my friend and she actually does really, really well.
Her name's Stacey. She's all about. The love languages. And I was telling her, I don't know what mine is. She was listening to me talk about a family party I was having and how I go all out. Like there's a theme for my family party. It was a Willy Wonka theme. We had a candy table. We had decorations. I just was so excited.
And she goes, Oh, your love language is gifts. Like you love to just give things to people and surprise them.
[00:18:56] Hilary Weeks: Mine is words, words, words, words.
[00:18:58] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Of course it is. You're a songwriter. Yeah.
[00:19:00] Hilary Weeks: I do love words. I love, I love complimenting. I love building people up. I love it when people, like it's the beginning of this, the podcast and you're like, we love you.
I just felt loved.
[00:19:09] Tammy Uzelac Hall: I love words, words of affirmation. Okay, well, if gift isn't your thing, then what's Christmas like for you? Are you uncomfortable on Christmas? Okay. Well,
[00:19:19] Hilary Weeks: I mean, I do love gifts on Christmas. Oh my gosh. I have to tell you about this one Christmas when I was about, Oh, I was probably 16 or 17 years old, old enough to know better.
I took all of my presents that were wrapped and under the tree up to my bedroom when my parents were gone out of the house. Yes. And this was just a day or two before Christmas. I don't know what possessed me. I took him up to my room. I carefully unwrapped them, looked at all of them. Then wrapped him back up and put him under the tree.
It was the worst Christmas ever. I hate it. That was such a bad idea.
[00:19:54] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Hil, that is. Oh my gosh, I can't even imagine.
[00:19:58] Hilary Weeks: I know, but I will tell you this. Okay. So I no longer do I ever do that. I never peek. I never want to know what the gift is. But when we are speaking of gifts from God. And the gifts that Heavenly Father has to offer us, those I will take any time.
Yeah. I'll open those anytime. I don't want to wait. I want to know what he has in store for us.
[00:20:21] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yes, that's so good. Okay. So I want us thinking about that idea, Hill, gifts from God. I'm so glad you just brought that up. Because what struck me was how many times we found the word gifts in the introductory pages of the Book of Mormon.
So let's just go to the title page. Here we are. I found this word twice in the very first paragraph. And so as you read it, you're going to want to go down to, there's a couple of long dashes, and then you see the word written. Do you see that a couple times? Long dash written by the Lamanites. Then we have another long dash written by way of commandment.
Then another long dash written and sealed up. Okay. Then another long dash. Here it is. To come forth by the gift and power of God. And then in fact, let's just read that whole last paragraph, Hillary, will you read this for me? So go to the long dash and then it starts with the word to, will you please read that for us?
And as Hillary reads it, let's mark the word gift when we see it,
[00:21:17] Hilary Weeks: it comes forth by the gift and power of God unto the interpretation thereof, sealed by the hand of Moroni and hid up unto the Lord to come forth in due time by way of the Gentile, the interpretation thereof by the gift of God.
[00:21:34] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Thank you.
There it is twice. This is really awesome that here we have this idea, the gift of God is how we have the Book of Mormon and that the Book of Mormon is a gift. from him. And Hill, you pointed this out to me earlier. You said that you also found the word gift. Where else is it?
[00:21:52] Hilary Weeks: I believe it's also mentioned in the introduction.
Oh, it is.
[00:21:55] Tammy Uzelac Hall: And the testimony of the three witnesses. So if you go to, everyone turns to the introduction, you're going to find it in the one, two, fourth paragraph. There it is again, gift and power of God. And then you're going to find it in Joseph Smith's testimony, very last paragraph, gift and power of God.
Okay, this is so awesome. So let's talk about gifts of God. And right out of the gate, I want to know your thoughts on just off the top of your head. What are some of the gifts from God? Now, your gift, I mean, we know what your gift is. Your gift is the gift of writing, the gift of words, the gift of music. In fact, when you were talking about your hands, how important hands are for you.
And because of your hands, what you've been able to do for us, I mean, your song, He Hears Me, has gotten me through so many dark times. And my kids. I introduced all my teenage girls to He Hears Me. So I'm grateful that your hands, are your hands insured? I'm just curious.
So talk to me about what are some of gifts from God that you think of, because that's what I think of your gifts.
[00:23:10] Hilary Weeks: Man, I mean, it's like everything, everything in the whole wide world is a gift from God. I love how some of the gifts are personalized in form of our talents and the things that we're capable of doing.
Some of them are in the form of blessing and they're so personalized. To us and then some gifts are available to all of us in the form of mountains and ocean Sky and sunshine and snow and I just feel like God is so good and so generous I love the thought that he never runs out. There are enough Gifts and more for all of us.
Sometimes I fall into the trap of looking at the gift that someone else has been getting been given and I want that one or I think that one is the one that would be best for me. But he's a perfect giver of gifts and he knows what's going to be best. For each of us. And, and when I do feel that twinge of jealousy that somebody got something that I would have liked, I just remind myself that God knows really what will make me the happiest and he doesn't run out.
So it's not like he ran out of that gift. And although I do want to ask him when I go to heaven, like the hair, could you not have given me thicker hair? I mean, did you, did you run out?
[00:24:29] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Was there a shortage? He may have run out for some. There's many people who really wonder about that gift, the gift of thick hair,
[00:24:37] Hilary Weeks: the gift of thick hair.
Um, also in elder Stevenson's talk from general conference. If I could just share a quote that, that I, that stood out to me about gifts. Ooh, please. He said, we speak of their God given talents or gifts. This includes those gifted in dance, gymnastics, music, art, drama, mathematics, science, and more. Each such person demonstrates God given gifts that are then refined and honed by a lifetime of hard work, study, and practice.
God given gifts make gifted. people. Looking through a gospel lens, God endows his children with many spiritual gifts, making them spiritually gifted people. Covenant keeping members of the church are bestowed with gifts of the spirit, which include the gift of a testimony of Jesus Christ as our savior.
The gift of the Holy Ghost, the gift of faith to heal and be healed, the gift of discernment, the gift of receiving miracles, and the gifts of wisdom and knowledge. The Lord invites us to earnestly seek the best gifts, even spiritual gifts. He gives spiritual gifts to bless us and to use in blessing others.
[00:25:51] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, that's beautiful. Yeah, I loved that quote. I liked it when it said, God given gifts make gifted people. Because it takes me back to the Book of Mormon. If the Book of Mormon is a gift from God, then surely the Book of Mormon will make us a gifted people. And so I thought of, I like this quote from President Nelson.
He said, The Book of Mormon is a gift from God to all humankind. So, if the Book of Mormon could possibly make us a more gifted people, I want to know from you Hill, how has the Book of Mormon been a gift for you?
[00:26:26] Hilary Weeks: There is no denying in my life that as I study the Book of Mormon, I feel its power, and I feel the Spirit more richly.
In my life, I feel more in tune with the Holy Ghost and the ability to receive personal revelation. As I read the Book of Mormon and been seeking answers and guidance, it has come and not necessarily every time through exactly what's written on those pages, but it opens my heart to feeling the Spirit.
And even when I maybe don't exactly understand what I'm reading, Like when you come across second Nephi and there's a lot of Isaiah in there or other things, or maybe we're reading in the war chapters, but we're seeking an answer or guidance in our lives. We are opening our hearts up to the spirit to receive revelation so that when the answer comes, we can hear it and we can feel it.
[00:27:19] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, I like that. Brilliant. Brilliant. How you just described that. We have a quote. I want us to read this. This is by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, and this is what he talks to us about this idea about the Book of Mormon being gift. And my question to everyone listening is, what will you do with this gift this year?
We, for those of us who open gifts or love gifts, you have one in your hands, the Book of Mormon, this gift from God. And so here's what Elder Maxwell has to say about the Book of Mormon. Thus, the Book of Mormon We'll be with us as long as the earth shall stand. We need all that time to explore it. For the book is like a vast mansion with gardens, towers, courtyards, and wings.
There are rooms yet to be entered, with flaming fireplaces waiting to warm us. The rooms glimpsed so far contain further furnishings and rich detail yet to be savored, but decor dating from Eden is evident. There are panels inlaid with incredible insights, particularly insights about the Great Question.
Yet we as church members sometimes behaved, like hurried tourists, scarcely venturing beyond the entry hall. I thought that was so good. He is description of this beautiful mansion. And so as you enter this mansion this year, this gift from God, take time to not just hurry and rush through it, but savor everything in it and set a goal right now.
I want everyone listening just to write down, jot a goal on your journal page. What is doable for you? To really have this gift of God in your hand and and again, going back to what Hillary said, how will it become the sum of everything we've read? How will it help you? So just set a little goal right now.
If it's just reading a verse when you wake up in the morning, great. God will take whatever you're willing to give. And I think for me, I've done that. I've done a verse, and then I've done two. And then it evolves. And so if you haven't ever had a goal to read the Book of Mormon, set one that works for you.
Because the promise is, and I just want to go back to what Hillary read, when Elder Stephenson said, God given gifts make gifted people. Who doesn't want that? I think that is a great way to start out the year 2024. So thank you, Hill. Thank you for sharing that. Okay. So coming up next, then we're going to discover what according to Moroni are the five purposes of this gift.
We'll do that next.
Okay. So Hillary, when someone says, Hey, I want to show you something, does that invitation carry an expectation?
[00:29:57] Hilary Weeks: I would say yes, and an obvious expectation would be I'm about to look at something, I'm about to see something, witness something.
[00:30:07] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Like, and when you say it to your kids, now how about this, when you say it this way to your kids, you guys, I have got to show you something.
What reaction do you want from your kids?
[00:30:15] Hilary Weeks: I want them to be excited.
[00:30:17] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Right? I'm that way too. And when they don't, when they roll their eyes, Mom, I'm like, no, seriously you guys, I'm going to show you the coolest thing ever and you better be excited about it. Right. Like I wonder if that's how the Lord is. I wonder if that's what is the intention here when Mormon, when Moroni wrote this because he uses the word show.
So go to the second paragraph on the title page, and we have a long dash again. What are those even called? Is it an n dash? Good question.
[00:30:43] Hilary Weeks: Look, I like that you're calling it a long dash because I knew exactly what you were talking about.
[00:30:47] Tammy Uzelac Hall: It might be called an m dash, but we're going to stick with long dash because I'm not that smart.
Okay, go to the long dash where it says which, and highlight and circle the word show. Here's the point of the Book of Mormon, which is to show. So show, you guys, I'm going to show you something, show unto the remnant of the house of Israel. So here's some incredible things that were going to be shown. But before we label these and the word of show, I want to talk about this word for a little bit because Hillary, you had a great story.
Tell me about that. What does it mean to show unto the remnant of the house of Israel?
[00:31:21] Hilary Weeks: Well, when I read that, it immediately reminded me of the story in Joshua in the Old Testament. I think it's in Joshua four. And they are crossing the river Jordan, and Tammy, correct me if I've got any of these details wrong.
[00:31:38] Tammy Uzelac Hall: You're doing great so far.
[00:31:40] Hilary Weeks: But, they're crossing the river Jordan, and God asks Joshua to ask the men to carry 12 stones. In fact, let me just read this out of Joshua, so that it Comes out better than how I would paraphrase it. Then Joshua called the 12 men who he had prepared of the children of Israel out of every tribe, a man and Joshua said unto them, pass over before the Ark of the Lord, your God into the midst of Jordan and take you up every man of you, a stone upon his shoulder.
According unto the number of the tribes of the children of Israel. So God is saying, have these men pick up a big stone, put it on their shoulder, carry it clear across the river. And this is what he wants them to do with it, that this may be a sign among you that when your children ask their fathers in time to come saying, what mean ye by these stones?
So in other words, make a big pile of these 12 stones so that when your kids see this pile, then. They'll ask you, what's this pile for? Then ye shall answer them that the waters of Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord when it passed over Jordan and the waters of Jordan were cut off and these stones shall be a memorial unto the children of Israel forever.
So I, I think God loves it when he shows us something And we remember it. And he wanted the people of Joshua to remember what he had done for them. He wanted them to remember the parting of the seas. And God wants to show us so many things. In the book of Mormon, and again, we're back to those gifts. It will be the kind of things that he shows us personally that matter to us and that only God sometimes knows that we need to be shown.
And sometimes the things that he shows us will be things that he's showing the whole world because it's testifying of his goodness and his greatness and his power. And he'll be showing us. How good his son is and what Jesus Christ can do in our lives. And just as a small segue that sort of ties into where we began, began the podcast with the journaling, our family wanted to have a way of remembering the things that God had done in our lives, like the 12 stone monument that Joshua's people built up.
And so years ago, we got a journal and at the end of each year. Or this would be a perfect time for the beginning of the year for people to do. We each, at the time there were six of us in the family, so six times two equaled 12. So we each shared two things that had happened to us that year that we felt like God had shown us his hand and, or I guess you could say.
We each said two things that were a miracle to us or two things where we had seen God's hand in our lives, and we've been doing it every cent ever since. So at the end of the year, we write down, we each say two things, but before we do that, we read every miracle from the past years before. And it has become such a gift.
We love that. And our sons in law who have joined the family are part of it too now. And last year when our son, one of our sons said, are we going to do that? And it melted my heart. I'm like, Oh my gosh, that's so cool that he would ask that we're going to do it. Now let me just say this about traditions and starting traditions.
Sometimes we think, well, I haven't been doing that my whole life, or I didn't do that the whole time with my kids. So I'm just not going to do it. Um, we can start a tradition anytime we want. It is never too soon. It is never too late. So anything, any new tradition or any way of studying the Book of Warming this year or any habit like you were talking about, um, at the beginning of our studies, like setting a goal for ourselves, it's never too late.
We can always start something like that.
[00:35:51] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, Hillary, I think that is awesome. And this idea, and I wrote it down when you said, God wants to show us things and he wants us to remember them. And I think that's really cool how you've done that with your family, to remember the miracles of God in their lives.
That is a great tradition.
[00:36:08] Hilary Weeks: And it ties in well, as we study the Book of Mormon this year, maybe we can write down the things that we learn or the things that God shows us. And it doesn't have to be elaborate or overwhelming or, you know, every day, anything like that. But just when we have those moments where we feel like we've learned something, maybe we can just jot it down.
[00:36:27] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Maybe that's the question we're going to ask this week is what has God shown you last year? Maybe that's what we say. What did God show you? What miracle happened in 2023? And I'd love for people to share. What has he shown you and what do you remember from 2023? There's my question. Oh, that's awesome.
Okay. Well, let's dive in then to the second paragraph of the Book of Mormon and let's see what he wants to show us. What the purpose of the Book of Mormon is, and we're just going to underline these and number them. Here we go. We have them. Number one is, so he says, which is to show unto the remnant of the house of Israel one, what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers.
There it is. He'll. Look, you're doing it. That is so cool. 2. That they may know the covenants of the Lord. 3. That they are not cast off forever. 4. He wants to show and also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the eternal God. And 5. To show us that he is manifesting himself unto all nations.
So there are the things he's going to show us and the things he wants us to remember. And when you're doing this, you know, as we've been studying the scriptures for the past couple of years, we've had themes for every year. So Old Testament, our theme was to find Jesus. In New Testament, our theme was to follow Jesus.
And so this year for the Book of Mormon, our theme is going to be Anticipate Jesus, because that seems like what everyone's doing in the book of Mormon. They're talking about this savior who's going to come. And then the crowning achievement and moment is when he does in third Nephi. And I feel like that's what we're doing today.
We've been hearing so much about how Jesus is going to come. He will come second coming and. We are anticipating His arrival, His second coming, and I am so excited, and I think it's really powerful. And Hill, you actually, this is really neat because I'm thinking you have a song that connects us to the Savior and His coming.
I want you to tell us about that and, and share a snippet, if you will. How did you write that song?
[00:38:23] Hilary Weeks: And I love so much that our theme is anticipate. Yeah. And not. I mean, that can mean so many different things in our life. That got me so excited to anticipate how I will see him in my own life. Yes. I am going to anticipate his miracles in my life and look forward to how he shows up for me and how I can show up for him.
I love that. I'm so excited about that.
[00:38:49] Tammy Uzelac Hall: I just got chills when you said all that. That is so cool.
[00:38:52] Hilary Weeks: So good. So this song he came for me is an oldie but a goodie. Just, I can't remember how long ago I wrote it, but it was a long time ago. And it is all about that moment in the Book of Mormon where the Savior appeared to the Lamanites.
That's what this song, He Came For Me, it's summing up. And so I just wanted to play for you today a, just a snippet, a short snippet. Segment of the song, and so that's what you'll hear. But it is called
[00:39:21] Tammy Uzelac Hall: He Came For Me Hill. Every time I hear that song, I feel the Spirit. It's one of my favorite song. Again, I have so many favorite songs of yours, but that one
Um, just so everyone knows. A lot of times I get asked to go speak at different places for awards and stakes or whatever, and every time I drive, I put on Hillary's soundtrack. It's the only thing I listen to. I have the compilation of all of her music. It always gets me into the spirit, and that is the one where I put it up so loud.
It's so loud, it's beautiful. He came for me. And I just, it's a perfect way to just think about this year as we read the Book of Mormon. Keep thinking that and even write it on this page. He will come for you. Well, thank you, Hillary, for sharing that. Okay. Well, we're going to hear some more music. But before we do, we're going to jump then into a really cool prophecy because the book was written by many ancient prophets by the spirit of prophecy and revelation.
And so in the next segment, we're going to read about what happened that the prophet Nephi revealed some 2000 years. before it ever happened. We'll do that next.
All right, everyone turn with us to 2nd Nephi chapter 27. We're going to read this verse of scripture. So 2nd Nephi chapter 27, and we're going to read verses 12 through 14. You can just go there with us. 2nd Nephi chapter 27 verses 12 through 14. And Hillary, can you read those for us, please? We have a prophecy here.
Now, it's written by the hand of Nephi, and he is writing the prophecy of Isaiah. You can compare it to Isaiah chapter 29. And Hillary, will you please read for us verses 12 through 14 about this prophecy? You bet.
[00:41:20] Hilary Weeks: Wherefore, at that day when the book shall be delivered unto the man of whom I have spoken, the book shall be hid from the eyes of the world, that the eyes of none shall behold it save it be that three witnesses shall behold it by the power of God.
And there is none other which shall view it, save it be a few according to the will of God, to bear testimony of his word unto the children of men. For the Lord God hath said that the words of the faithful should speak as if it were from the dead. Wherefore, the Lord God will proceed to bring forth the words of the book, and in the mouth of as many witnesses as seemeth him good will he establish his word, and woe be unto him that rejecteth the word of God.
[00:42:13] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Thank you. To the outside of those three verses, let's write, Witnesses of the Book of Mormon. This is the prophecy that there will be witnesses, and there were. So, we want to turn back to the introduction and turn to the page that has the testimony of the witnesses. This is so cool. Okay. Now, what you're going to do is you're going to skip the contents page.
I'm just telling you that right now. So, anyone in your scriptures, if you're like, but what about the page that lists all of the books in order? Don't worry. I promise we're going to get there, but not in this episode. But when we do, you're going to love it because I'm going to tell you what everything is and where it came from and all that fun stuff.
So, just turn the page, pass the introduction. And let's go to the testimony of the three witnesses and the testimony of the eight witnesses. All right. So here we go. Little bit about these witnesses for the eight witnesses, what you want to write below that below where it says the testimony of eight witnesses is this.
Their witness was to emphasize the tangible reality of the plates. So that was the point of their witness that they really did exist. Now above where it says the testimony of the three witnesses, there's a little space right believe beneath that, that their. Witness had an additional responsibility, which was to testify that their experience as witnesses and the translation itself.
Had been made possible by the power of God. So not only are they witnessing that the plates do exist, but that Joseph did translate and it came by the power of God. So I thought that was really cool. There's this really profound, awesome witness page and what these men had to witness of. And so I want us to think about this idea of witnesses and I have a good quote.
This is my elder Oaks, and here's what he has to say about these. Witnesses. Hill, will you read this quote for us by Elder Oaks about witnesses? And this is like one of the greatest talks I, we're going to put the link to this talk in our show notes so you can go read what he has to say about all of the witnesses, specifically Martin Harris.
It's so good. But here is a great quote that he says, Oh yeah, you'll like that talk for sure. Um, he'll read this quote that he gives us about witnesses and witnessing from a, I thought this was cool from a lawyer perspective.
[00:44:24] Hilary Weeks: Ok, it says, Witnesses and witnessing are vital in God's plan for the salvation of his children.
In the Godhead, the function of the Holy Ghost is to bear witness of the Father and the Son. The Father has borne witness of the Son, and the Son has borne witness of the Father. The Lord has commanded His servants to testify of Him, and all of the prophets have borne witness of Jesus Christ. The scriptures state that in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.
The most important ordinances of salvation, baptism, marriage, and other ordinances of the temple are required to have witnesses.
[00:45:08] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Thank you. So I thought this would be cool if we took the opportunity for Hillary and I to, in the mouth of two or three, to bear witness of the Book of Mormon. So I just want to witness right now, this is my witness, that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God.
And truthfully, in my patriarchal blessing, it encourages me to study the Book of Mormon every day and to find something. That's all it says. Find something in that book that will help you and so I have tried to do that just to find something I like how it doesn't say read it for 20 minutes every day or study for hours.
It just says find something that will help you and I am a witness. That there are countless times where I have just played that game where you open the book and just read something and my answer was there. There have been times when I've just been reading, just for reading's sake, because it was part of my goal for the day, and then something has struck me that has, the Spirit has said, you need this today for the situation that you're in.
And so I will absolutely bear witness that the Book of Mormon It is the Word of God. It is the most correct book on the earth, as Joseph Smith has said. The most correctly translated, and I am so grateful for it and the power that it's given me in my life.
[00:46:26] Hilary Weeks: Oh, I love that, Tammy. And I just want to build upon what I said earlier about when I read the Book of Mormon, I receive power, just like you were saying.
And when you talked about your patriarchal blessing, it reminded me, mine says something very similar. Similar. It tells me to I read the scriptures every day and to ponder the things that I read. And can you imagine if I was a little bit better about that? I mean, I, I, we all try, right? We don't all always hit the mark every time, but can you imagine how powerful it'd be if we were each just thinking about the scriptures throughout the day in the things that we were doing?
We'd just have more inspiration and more revelation, probably more peace too in our lives. I also witness that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God. It is true. It was received, interpreted, um, by Joseph Smith. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and I'm so grateful for the way in which the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, the Gospel have blessed my life.
I can't imagine life without them. And as I was reading through the testimony of the witnesses, I thought, what would I write if I actually took the time to write down and with the mindset of this was going to go out to the world? What would I say? And I was like, that could be a good exercise to do. Oh, I like that.
That could be a good family home evening, or we could even write it out or type it out and place it in there next to the three witnesses and the eight witnesses. It's our personal witness. It could be a good exercise.
[00:48:03] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, absolutely. I think that's fantastic. Well, and as we were talking about what it means to be a witness, I remember there was one time in my life where someone challenged me to bear my testimony at work or something.
And I was kind of like, Oh, I'm not like that. Like that's super uncomfortable for me. I'm not going to stop and like, I'm not going to have a conversation with someone and then go. You know, I just really want to bear my testimony to you that, like, go down that path. And so I found myself in a situation where a woman came up to me at work and she said to me, you know, I know you're a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints and your missionaries just keep coming to my house all the time and it's super annoying and I don't know how to get them off my porch.
Like, can you call somebody or give me a number or whatever? And my heart was racing because I'm like, Oh gosh, I hate confrontation. I don't know what to say. I'm so nervous. And then this thought came, Okay, well, bear your testimony. And I'm like, Heavenly Father, I am not doing that. That is, this woman hates me.
Like, there's no way she wants to hear my testimony. And so my heart's racing. I'm sweating. And she's looking at me, and all I said was, Oh, I can totally understand, and I'm sorry that has been annoying, and I will see what I can do to help you out. But I will tell you this, that the message these two men have for you will change your life.
It will change your family's life, and it will bring you closer to God. But I'll see what I can do. Have a great day. And I walked away.
[00:49:34] Hilary Weeks: Wow. And do you know the end of the story? Probably not.
[00:49:36] Tammy Uzelac Hall: You know what? I actually, a couple weeks later, I asked her and I said, Hey, I was just wondering, how did that work out?
I didn't really get any information for you. I'm sorry. And she just smiled and she said, I let them in. Like, and that's all I know. I never heard anything else. I love that.
[00:49:52] Hilary Weeks: I had a similar experience when I was in high school. You're gonna die. Oh, I, a boy came over to my house who I was dating and oh my gosh, I just really had the hugest crush on him.
I really was so excited to be dating him and he came over to break up with me. It was in the afternoon. I remember we were sitting in my living room. He's not a member of the church, not very many kids were up in Alaska, um, and so he came over to break up with me and he did. And then at the end, when he was all done, the spirit said to me, go upstairs in your room and grab a copy of the Book of Mormon and give it to him.
And I was like, you have got to be kidding me. I just don't want to do that. I mean, this boy just broke up with me. He obviously thinks I'm weird enough already. And I'm not handing him a Book of Mormon as his goodbye gift for breaking up with me. But I couldn't deny it, Tammy. The spirit just flooded over me.
And I knew in that moment that's what I was supposed to do. So I awkwardly went upstairs, got my Book of Mormon, came back down and said, I actually don't remember exactly, but if I had to guess, it was probably like something that you said. Like you said, this is a really important book to me and I just want to give it to you.
And if you ever have a chance to read it, you know, maybe it will be a blessing to you too. And honestly, I have no idea. And as I, you know, when it popped back into my head, that experience, I've often wondered maybe he tucked it away, but maybe his mom found it one day when she needed it. Or maybe, you know, it.
I don't know how God works, but maybe somehow it was a blessing to them and I'll, I'll never know. But I know that I did what I was supposed to do and I opened my mouth when I was terrified to do it.
[00:51:43] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh. That is such a good story. Well, and what I like about it is that it's easy to be a witness and you can do it in your own way.
Like, you don't have to, and God will also empower you to be his witness in the moment. I mean, how scary to give the boy that just broke up with you a copy of the Book of Mormon?
[00:52:03] Hilary Weeks: You're like, I felt like a, like a total weirdo, but I did it. And you're right. Heavenly Father asks us to witness in a lot of different ways, and we'll just have the courage when the Spirit moves us just to follow through.
[00:52:18] Tammy Uzelac Hall: We just never know. Yeah. And to witness for our entire lives. Has your witness changed throughout your life? Has your witness grown?
[00:52:29] Hilary Weeks: I feel like my witness is so simple. It feels basic, but it also feels deep. And I know that I'm not super knowledgeable and I know that I can't quote and recall scriptures and my love for the Book of Mormon and my love for the gospel is deep.
And that, that goes a long ways. And so, how has it changed? It's just gotten deeper and deeper.
[00:52:54] Tammy Uzelac Hall: So we get to listen to another sound clip that has to do with witnessing. So Hillary, tell us a little bit about this song. Like, how did you write it? What is it about?
[00:53:03] Hilary Weeks: Um, that one is my testimony that even though We don't necessarily physically get to see the savior, his hands.
We don't get to touch them like some did in their lifetime. We don't get to see or look into his eyes. Um, but there are so many other ways that we can witness him in our lives through his love, to the peace that we feel. And that's what this song's goal was to express. So this is called Still Believe.
[00:53:34] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Thank you. That part, I still believe. I will still witness. I feel that in my core, Hill. I will still believe. So I encourage everyone, take a few minutes right now to read the testimony of the three and then the eight witnesses because it's so powerful. So thank you, Hill. Thanks for writing and sharing that song with us.
[00:53:56] Hilary Weeks: Thanks for letting me share music on this episode.
[00:53:58] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, well, we have one more song. And we have one more witness to discuss. So we're going to do that in the next segment.
Okay, here we go. So we have talked about the title page, the introduction, the testimony of witnesses, and now we have one last testimony. Turn to the page that says the testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith. And he tells the story about how he got the Book of Mormon. I think what's interesting is that when Moroni came to visit him in this vision, he has told so many incredible things.
But if you go to, I think it's the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5th paragraph down, where it says, he called me by name. That struck me, that he knew his name, and we've talked about this before, in the first vision, God knew Joseph's name. Here Moroni, I mean an angel knows Joseph's name, it makes me think, I wonder who knows my name?
I don't know. Might that be kind of cool? Who knows who Hillary is on the other side of the veil? Called him by name and said unto me that he was the messenger sent from the presence of God to me and that his name was Moroni, that God had a work for me to do, but here's what gets me. And that my name should be had for good and evil among all nations, kindreds, and tongues.
Or that it should be both good and evil spoken of among all people. And we have seen this fulfilled. We absolutely know this is true. But I wonder what I would have done if someone had said that about me. Would I have been like, I'm out? Yeah, I'm not the person for this job because I don't like it when people say mean things about me.
[00:55:40] Hilary Weeks: It hurts my feelings and right or the flip side. Would your, would our head get big? Like, wow, everyone's going to be talking about me.
[00:55:49] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, hey,
[00:55:50] Hilary Weeks: I didn't know that side too. And, and he, and he is encouraged not to use anything for his own. Oh, yeah. His own advantage.
[00:56:00] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yeah. In fact, go to that paragraph. It's the paragraph that starts with, by this time, so deeper the impressions made upon my mind.
So then he goes on. He says that the spirit rehearsed unto him, says, but what was my surprise when again I beheld the same messenger at my bedside? And then he repeated me the same things over again, but then he added caution. This time he said he added caution to me telling me that Satan would try to tempt me.
In consequence of the indigent circumstances of my father's family, to get the plates for the purpose of getting rich. I mean, they could have used that money, that would have gotten them out a couple of jams for sure. And he's being warned. Yeah. And for him to write that. I that's really,
[00:56:44] Hilary Weeks: yeah, I know, that's really cool that he'd let her.
Um, into that insight, right? Mm hmm. In his heart. I mean, it's hard to want to admit that we would be vain or we would think about ourselves. Right. Or we want to picture the, anything but giving glory to God.
[00:57:03] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yeah. Well, I knew I like how you said that Hillary, but giving glory to God, because then he ends almost the very last paragraph he says, but by the wisdom of God, they remained safe in my hands until I had accomplished by them what was required in my hand.
So he's saying like, listen, and it probably was true. He probably was tempted. I like how he gives credit to God by the wisdom of God. They remain safe in my hands. It wasn't because of me. I love how he's getting credit to God there. It wasn't of anything I did that these remain safe in my hands. So I just, his testimony is so awesome.
And from the math, we all know I'm not real good at it, but I did, I kind of crunched the numbers and it seems like he's writing this. 18 years after he has the first vision. He's 32 years old and now he's finally writing his history. And so again, it's not too late to start a journal, everybody. It's not too late to start a history.
In fact, I'm just gonna do a little plug for Hillary. If you guys want a really cute journal, go visit Hillary's website because she sells amazing journals and conference journals. She's all, journaling. It is her passion. It is. Next to music. So, I highly recommend that.
[00:58:07] Hilary Weeks: And we have a really fun come follow me.
Journaling called Kung Palami Treasures. You just write down each week the little snippets, the nuggets that you glean. It's not overwhelming. It's just little. Oh, little bits.
[00:58:20] Tammy Uzelac Hall: That's so doable. That you glean and gather. Yeah. Well, we'll put your link in our show notes so people can go find that for sure.
Indeed. So here we have all these testimonies, the witnesses, Hillary and I shared our testimony, testimony, testimony, testimony. So let's read this last paragraph. And then I have one last question for Hillary. I want us to go back to the introduction. So we're going to read a little bit from the introduction.
Scroll down to the paragraph that says, in addition. So right here we have, in addition, we have Joseph Smith. We have the 11 others who are the witnesses, so they witnessed of the testimony of the Book of Mormon. Then we get an invitation. We invite men everywhere, and women, to read the Book of Mormon and ponder it in their hearts, the message it contains.
So if we can do that and read it, then Hillary, will you read this last paragraph for us?
[00:59:08] Hilary Weeks: Yes. And I, can I just say one thing that stood out to me as you were reading that right after that, in that same second to last paragraph, it says those who pursue this course, it almost seems like if you'll, you'll read it, you'll ponder it in your hearts and then ask God.
and then pursue this course almost like a secondary step there. And that stood out to me because that's kind of how my testimony of the Book of Mormon came. I read it when I was in high school cover to cover. And then I got down on my knees. And when I did, I prayed about it and I did not receive an answer that I thought I should receive.
I didn't have a super warm feeling. I didn't have tingles. I didn't, I didn't feel an overwhelming feeling of the spirit and I was a little taken back by it. So I remember going into my parents room and it was probably 10 or 11 at night. They were asleep and I woke them up and just told them what had happened and they encouraged me to.
Keep, keep going and keep trying. And so this idea of those who pursue this course and ask in faith will gain a testimony really hits home to me because the second time I read the Book of Mormon, I did it a little differently instead of just reading it cover to cover. I was studying in seminary and I would read and then study from the seminary guide and read extra information and extra quotes that were there in the guide and it took a lot longer to do it that way.
But my testimony came. Page by page, day by day, chapter by chapter, and at the end of reading it that way and studying it after pursuing that course, that's when my testimony of the Book of Mormon was solid and sure. And at first I thought I was weird and I was It's probably one of the only people who had that type of experience, but I have heard lots of people testify that their testimony of the Book of Mormon came over time like that as well.
So we, I guess I just want to reassure anyone whose testimony has come in a unique way or in a different way that that's okay too. And sometimes it takes time or. Um, continued study and prayer and faith till that testimony comes.
[01:01:34] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Thank you for sharing that. I'm writing in my scriptures right next to that word, an additional step that takes time.
Oh, Hil, I'd never noticed that word before. That was so cool. Thank you for sharing that. For sure.
[01:01:47] Hilary Weeks: And so now if you'd like, I can finish up that last paragraph because it's so powerful because it says what will happen after we have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Here's what's about to happen. This is so cool.
Those who gain this divine witness of the Book of Mormon. From the Holy Spirit will also come to know by that same power that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world I just got chills. What other testimony could we possibly want or need? But it doesn't stop there that Joseph Smith is his revelator and the prophet in these last days And that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is the Lord's Kingdom once again established on the earth, preparatory to the second coming of the Messiah, anticipating the second coming of the Messiah.
That beautiful full circle theme of the Come Follow Me study with the Sunday on Monday podcast, The Anticipation of the Messiah. Those are incredible promises. And what do we have to do? Ponder. Read. Ask in faith, pursue that course, ask in faith, and the Holy Ghost will witness that to us.
[01:03:10] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, Hillary, so beautiful.
What a great way to end this whole discussion of the Book of Mormon, except for this one last question I have for you then, because I want to know. Of all your songs, which are many, do you even know, how many songs have you written? Can you just name off the top of your head, do you know? Good question. I don't know.
[01:03:29] Hilary Weeks: I don't know the answer to that. Hundreds.
[01:03:31] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Hundreds, for sure. Okay. Of all the songs you've ever written, which one would you say is your testimony?
[01:03:37] Hilary Weeks: Oh, Tammy, that's, it's like asking which of my kids is my favorite. I don't know. I love so many of them. There are thousands. There are some that are definitely very, very Christ centered, and I think if I had to narrow it down today to one, I think I would choose He is, because it is so full of the ways that We can see the Savior in our lives and the ways that He tries to show us that He is in our lives.
And so I think that's the song I would choose for today.
[01:04:14] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Okay, listen, here's our invitation to everyone for this song because we get to listen to the whole thing, not just a soundbite. So here's my invitation to all of you. So, sit back and get comfortable. Like, put everything down. Close your eyes if you want to.
If you're driving, maybe pull over. I don't know. Or just listen. But, I want you to take in this beautiful testimony of the Savior, and you will not regret it.
Oh, gosh. Okay, that was remarkable. I mean. I cannot think of a better way to end this episode and begin a new year committed to reading and studying the Book of Mormon. So thank you, Hill. That was wonderful. I loved it and I love you. So what we want you to do is go and join our Facebook group. or join us on Instagram, because throughout the week, we're going to post thoughts.
We're going to post questions. And at the end of the week, we're going to post one last question asking what the Holy Ghost has taught you this week as you've studied the Book of Mormon. And I cannot wait to read what you've learned. So comment on the post that relates to this lesson and share your thoughts.
You can get to both our Facebook and Instagram by going to the show notes for this episode on ldsliving. com / Sunday on Monday. And it's not a bad idea to go there anyway, because that's where we're going to have links to all the references as well as a transcript of this whole discussion and links to Hillary's website and songs.
So go check it out. The Sunday on Monday study group is a desert bookshelf plus original brought to you by LDS living today are incredible. So talented. I love her so much. Study group participant was Hilary Weeks. And you can find more information about my friend at ldsliving. com slash Sunday on Monday.
Our podcast is produced and hosted by me, Tammy Uzelac Hall, and our editor is Cole Wissinger. Our executive producer is Erin Hallstrom. Thanks for being here, and we'll see you next week. And please, please remember that he is and you are his favorite.