Season 5 Ep. 19

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[00:00:00] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Exactly one month ago today was general conference. Now in the come follow me manual this week, there's teaching point number three and it says this quote, last month we heard from our prophets, Sears and revelators in general conference. What messages inspired you? What will you do differently based on what you learned?

What did the Lord's Sears say about things which are to come? Unquote. With my guest today, we decided to answer these questions and apply them to the scripture block that we're going to be studying this week, which is Mosiah chapter seven through 10. And I am amazed at the connections that I found, and I cannot wait to share them with you.

Welcome to the Sunday on Monday Study Group, a Deseret Bookshelf Plus original brought to you by LDS Living, where we take the come follow me lesson for the week, and we really dig into the scriptures together. I'm your host, Tammy Uzelac Hall. Now, if you're new to our study group, please follow the link in our description.

And it's going to explain how you can best use this podcast to enhance your come follow me study. Just like my friend, Heidi Sobieski. Hello, Heidi. And thank you for coming to the women's conference. Okay. Now here's my favorite thing about our study group is each week we're joined by two of my friends.

So, you know, it's always a little bit different. And today I have one friend and it's going to be a lot of bit different because this person I think is so fantastic. Her name is Amy Reading. Hello, Amy.

[00:01:22] Amy Reading: Hello. I'm so happy to be here. Tammy.

[00:01:24] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh. Okay, Amy, just tell everybody a little bit about yourself.

[00:01:28] Amy Reading: Oh, I am a mom of four darling children. They're all teenagers. Well, two are not anymore. They're in their 20s, but they feel like teenagers. And um, I teach seminary, um, in Draper, which is just outside of Salt Lake City. And I love it. I love teenagers and everything about them. I think they're amazing.

[00:01:46] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, I love how you just said that.

Here's how I know Amy. I got to hear Amy speak at a women's conference and I was in awe. She is a phenomenal teacher and speaker. And when she got done, I'm like, I have to have her on the podcast. You're a little, you're a little hesitant. I forced you. I pretty much stalked you. I'm like, Amy, just give me your information.

You're doing this. And that was like, that was last year. It's taken me a while to get you on here, but I knew we needed you on here. I was so excited because you know your stuff and this, I think is going to be such a fun discussion. How are you feeling about it?

[00:02:19] Amy Reading: Well, I'm so excited. Like, it's just so fantastic to just dive into the Book of Mormon and find all the goodness that God's given us.

[00:02:27] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Well, and I, one of the things I love about you is when I texted you the idea when I said, Hey, what if we apply conference talks in the way that it didn't come follow me and have two women talking about conference and the scriptures. And I love your enthusiasm. You're like, yes, I love it. Let's do it. And we sent emojis to each other, people dancing and sharing.

It's just power. So much power. It is going to be so fun. And so as we do this, I just want to know before we even start, because what was it like listening to conference in an attempt to apply it to our verses of scripture? What was that experience like?

[00:03:04] Amy Reading: Okay, so that was really fun because usually I, I give my seminary students a paperclip challenge to have a prayer that they go into conference with that the Lord can answer for them.

Oh wow. And every time they see the paperclip for the week before conference, they offer that prayer, right? That they'll have open hearts and that they'll have a question answered. And so I did it with help me to find insights from Mosiah seven through 10 and it was wild. Like almost every single talk taught me something about these verses.

I've gone crazy since general conference. It's been so fun. God is good.

[00:03:34] Tammy Uzelac Hall: God is so good. Amy, I would agree with you. In fact, I was laughing at myself because I've never done this. I have never gone to conference with an agenda. Like help me answer, help me find connections in the scriptures. Cause usually I'm listening for who, what people need to hear that talk.

I'll be honest. Like, Oh, I know someone who should have heard that. So to apply this, I'm, this might be the way I study. This might be the way I listen to conference every year. right? Yeah. Like it was so fun.

[00:04:01] Amy Reading: It was as the heavens just open and teach. Yes. Fantastic.

[00:04:05] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh. That's exactly how I feel.

Okay. Everyone listening. You guys, I know you're so excited. This is going to be so much fun. So grab your scriptures and no matter how you're studying alone with family or friends and let's dig into Mosiah chapter seven through 10. So Amy, the first question we ask all of our guests is as you studied Mosiah seven through 10.

What did the Holy Ghost teach you?

[00:04:28] Amy Reading: Oh, like, I don't even have words for the pages that I wrote, of what God taught me. But as I was looking through the lens of General Conference, I thought about, um, President Pace, who's in the General Sunday School Presidency. And he said, as you read the Book of Mormon, he said, what did the Holy Ghost teach us this week during your study of the Book of Mormon?

And how does this bring us closer to the Savior? So as I listened to General Conference, I was. Those questions just struck me about what was the Holy Ghost teaching me about the power of the Word, right? And who was it that talked about the power of the Word? The Word of the Scriptures and the Word of the Prophets.

Elder Rasband. Elder Rasband, right? Amazing. And so the words just, just spoke to me. And I think the greatest lesson that I learned, that the Holy Ghost just taught me, Oh, taught me for, for myself and for teenagers is here's a group of people that had gone against a prophet in essence, right? They had decided, you know, they told Mosiah back in the day, Mosiah is like, God said, you got to get out.

This isn't safe. And so they leave. And then there's a group of people that's like, ah, I want to go back. And God didn't want them to do that, but they did it anyway. Right. They went against the prophet. And they had some consequences. They went into bondage, but I love that God didn't turn his back on them.

And that the minute that they turned back to him, right, it says in Mosiah 7, 33, it says, He will deliver you out of bondage as soon as you turn to the Lord. And that was so clear to me that he did not abandon them, even though they'd made bad choices. And even though they've gone against the prophet, that the minute they turn back around, he was there to help them be delivered.

And that was such a strong lesson, that even when I make mistakes, and even when I go against what I know I should be doing, God will be there, uh, the minute I turn back and invite him in to be better. And that just struck me in these chapters, as I listened to conference, all the leaders saying, Oh, God's there, and God is gonna help you, and he's never gonna turn his back.

I saw that over and over and over.

[00:06:19] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh, Amy, I think that is incredible. What a great, just what a great way to sum up what the spirit taught you. And I agree. I think that how you just described that, especially that you went back to chapter seven, verse 33, that he just never abandoned his people.

That may be the whole message of these chapters. So Right. Oh, it was so good. Thank you. I appreciate you sharing that. You know, as Amy was talking and she said, you know, Mosiah left and then people went back and they didn't follow the prophet. It's funny as you're describing the back and forth movement because that is what the spirit taught me as I was reading this.

The spirit taught me, yeah, you better know what's going on because there's so much back and forth and groups and stuff. So in the next segment, I'm going to help you guys learn. What all the back and forths are and a way to remember them so that all of these stories will make sense. We'll do that in the next segment.

Segment 2


[00:07:21] Tammy Uzelac Hall: All right, let's draw a map. Everybody get a white piece of paper. That's what you're going to need. And then some colored pencils. You might want a ruler if you like straight lines and you're going to need a pencil and a pen. And when you have this white piece of paper, we are going to draw a map. Now we did this old Testament year when the kingdom split apart and it worked so well for everyone listening and again, because you know, I'm visual.

And so I like to see things. And so I thought, I'm going to draw a map for this one because it's everywhere. So here's the first thing you want to do with your white piece of paper. Fold it in half, like hamburger half. Or if you don't want to fold it in half, draw a horizontal line right through the middle of the page.

Okay. Now once you have it in half, at the top of the page, write the name Zarahemla. The city, Zarahemla. We're going to just put Zarahemla up there and then put an equals sign because we're going to define what Zarahemla means in Hebrew. So the word Zarahemla means seed of compassion. Zarah is seed and hemla is compassion.

Now at the very bottom of your map page, I want you to write the city, Lehi, Nephi.

Okay, now in the very middle where your horizontal line is or your fold, I grabbed a brown colored pencil and a green colored pencil and I just squiggled all over the middle because that's going to be the wilderness. So just make all of this like kind of messy stuff, maybe put in some trees if you want, but right along that horizontal line, make something that looks like the wilderness and you could even label it wilderness if you want to.

I just drew some green trees in there. Now, once you have your wilderness in, up in the top right hand corner where we have Zarahemla and then in the bottom right hand corner in the land of Lehi Nephi, do you remember when you were a little kid, Amy, and you draw suns on a piece of paper and it was like a half circle in the corner?

Oh yeah, for sure. And you'd stick out the little, okay, I want a half, yeah, I want you to draw like a little half circle. Like it's going to be a sun up in the right hand corner where Zarahemla is just a little half circle there. Like a sun. And then do the same thing down in the bottom of the land Lehi Nephi.

[00:09:38] Amy Reading: This is so fun.

[00:09:39] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Those are going to be two different lands we're going to talk about in our story. And we'll get to those later. I'm not going to have you label them yet, but we just need two little places for that. All right. Now that we have all of that, we are going to go to a very important chapter in all of this map.

It's in the book of Omni. Let's go there. We have already studied it, but there's a reason we didn't do the map back then. And it was because I knew we were going to get to it in Mosiah when it would all make more sense. So go to the book of Omni. Now, remember in Jerem, we have the son of Enos, and he has handed the plates to his son, Jerem.

And then Jerem's handing his plates on, and we have father to son, all of these names in the book of Omni until we get to chapter 12, where it says, I am Amalekai, the son of Abinadam. And then Amalekai gives us some really important information that he wants us to know. And he starts out. And so, Amy, will you please read verse 12 for us?

[00:10:34] Amy Reading: Yes. Behold, I am Amaleki, the son of Abinadam. Behold, I will speak unto you somewhat concerning Messiah, who was made king over the land of Zarahemla. For behold, he being warned of the Lord, that he should flee out of the land of Nephi, and as many as would hearken unto the voice of the Lord, should also depart out of the land with him into the wilderness.

[00:10:55] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Thank you. Let's put a square around the name Mosiah in chapter 12 and next to Mosiah put a number one. There are two Mosiahs. This is Mosiah number one. After you've marked his name and put a little number one there, we were just told he left the land of Lehi Nephi and he was desirous to go somewhere.

The spirit guided him somewhere. So I've put Mosiah one down here in the land, Lehi Nephi on the left hand side of my page and I wrote Mosiah number one. Let's find out where he goes. In verse 13, I love this because we're going to cross through the wilderness. So if you want to start your line while I read verse 13, start at Mosiah one, it says, and it came to pass that he did according as the Lord had commanded him.

And they departed out of the land into the wilderness as many as would hearken unto the voice of the Lord. And they were led by many preachings and prophesying, and they were admonished continually by the word of God. And they were led by the power of his arm through the wilderness. until they came down into a land which is called the land of Zarahemla.

There it is. So draw a line from Mosiah 1 to Zarahemla and put Mosiah one at the top. Now, when he gets that pair to Zarahemla, he doesn't know he's in Zarahemla, but he finds out in verse 14 and they discovered a people who were called the people of Zarahemla. Now there was a great rejoicing among the people of Zarahemla and also Zarahemla did rejoice exceedingly.

Put a square around that Zarahemla. That's Zarahemla, the man. Isn't that fun? So we have the city of Zarahemla and Hugh Nibley teaches named after the man, Zarahemla. He did rejoice exceedingly because the Lord had sent the people of Mosiah with the plates of brass, which contained the record of the Jews.

All right, pause there for just a second, Amy. What are you thinking about the fact that we have this guy, Zarahemla, who's probably running the land and he's so excited that Mosiah brought the record of the Jews. What does that tell us about scripture in this context?

[00:12:53] Amy Reading: I love that it's so important always, right?

They'll do anything for plates and to have God's word and, and to be able to read it and, and have that power in their life.

[00:13:02] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yes, I think. And here's the amazing thing. They were so excited about Mosiah and his people coming that they let Mosiah teach them in his language. Turn to verse 18. It says it came to pass that Mosiah caused that they should be taught in his language.

And it came to pass that after they were taught in the language of Mosiah, Zarahemla gave a genealogy of his fathers. Like they're so excited that now we love this in verse 19. It came to pass the people of Zarahemla and of Mosiah did unite together and Mosiah number one was appointed to be their king.

So I put a little crown next to Mosiah number one up there. He's the king, but he's not going to be king forever because look how sad in verse 23.

[00:13:43] Amy Reading: Don't you think when 19, when it says they unite together, don't you find that your relationships that involve Christ are stronger, you're more united when Christ is at the core.

I just think that's why they united. Just a thought. But anyway. Okay. Oh my goodness. No, you're absolutely right. I have friends that I was EFY counselors with a hundred years ago, and they're still, we can get back together and we're just immediate friends. And like, no time has passed because Our relationship is on Christ.

And I just wonder if that's why they united so easily. They have his scriptures.

[00:14:15] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Well, and I can't, you know, I'm excited to meet Zarahemla. He has zero pride or hubris. I mean, don't you think about this man? He's like, he's not like who are you to come in here and take, he's like, we're so glad you're here and you have scriptures.

You be king. Yeah. Maybe he's like take over, I'm tired. I don't know. Like, yeah, you be king. It's just so beautiful. But I think, I think you're right. I think it is because Christ is at the center of this union and what they gave to each other. Oh, that's so neat. Well, because then in verse 17 it talks about right there that, um, oh my gosh, that's so cool.

At the top of the page, he taught them the language. They had brought no records with them, and they denied the being of their creator in Mosiah, nor the people of Mosiah could understand them.

[00:14:59] Amy Reading: Oh. No scripture means lots of problems, right?

[00:15:03] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Mm hmm. Oh, so good. Okay. What happens in verse 23 then? Read that for us.

[00:15:08] Amy Reading: Behold, I Amaleki, was born in the days of Mosiah, and I have lived to see his death, and Benjamin his son reigneth in his stead.

[00:15:16] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Okay, so right up where I put Mosiah in Zarahemla, underneath him I wrote King Benjamin. This is King Benjamin. And King Benjamin is, we've already studied his address, King Benjamin's address, and we love it.

It's awesome. So we have this address right here. Okay. Now this is not all we're going to put on our map because right here in Omni we get another group of people that we're going to talk about. Let's go to verse 27. We've marked and studied verses 25 and 26. And we talked about what a Malachi had to say about the importance of the word and believing in God.

And then he gives us this information in 27. It says, okay, now get your pens and a ruler. If you need to, we're going to draw. Two expeditions right here. Here we go. And I'm going to read it and you draw it. And now I would speak somewhat concerning a certain number who went up into the wilderness to return to the land of Nephi for there was a large number who were desirous to possess the land of their inheritance.

So a large group of people left Zara Hela and went into the wilderness. Now, when they're in the wilderness of verse 28, wherefore they went up into the wilderness and their leader being a strong and mighty man and a stiff naked man, wherefore, he caused contention among them and they were all slain.

Save 50 in the wilderness, and they returned again to the land of Zara Hemla. So I drew a line to the wilderness, then I put some dead faces like I did a smiley face with Xed out eyes, , and a tongue out of the mouth. And then I drew a U and draw and wrote it right back up to Zarahemla. So this sort of little U turn.

That's ill fated expedition number one. So look at verse 29, they're going to try again. And it came to pass that they also took others to a considerable number and took their journey again. Into the wilderness, and I am, Malachi had a brother who also went with them and I have not since known concerning them, and I'm about to lie down in my grave.

And these plates are full and I make an end of my speaking. So then we have journey number two. Now I'm gonna give you the name, spoiler alert a little bit, but we'll talk about it later. The man's name is Zenith. Z E N I F F, I put Expedition 2, Zenith, and I drew a line all the way past through the wilderness into the land of Lehi Nephi.

But don't take Zenith all the way to the bottom because we're going to put a couple of names underneath his name. And we're going to do that. In the very next segment,

Segment 3


[00:17:49] Tammy Uzelac Hall: let's dive into Mosiah chapter seven. Let's go there. Turn with me to Mosiah chapter seven, and we're going to look at verse 17.

[00:17:58] Amy Reading: Oh, this is the best.

[00:18:00] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Tell me why it's the best. Amy, hit it.

[00:18:02] Amy Reading: Oh, oh, because it says King Limhi sent a proclamation among all his people that thereby they might gather themselves together to the temple.

Tell me that isn't the theme you heard in general conference.

[00:18:13] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Right. In fact, I was so struck that there was a temple in the land of Lehi Nephi. I drew a temple there. I'd never considered that because I just figured, why would there be a temple there? There's Lamanites. They don't believe it just seemed, but of course, before that there were Nephites.

And so he did, he's like, everybody gathered to the temple. So you just gave us some important, important information for our map. You said Limhi.

So let's go to this verse and we're going to read some important information that we need about this. Let's go to Mosiah chapter 7 verse 9 because Amy gave us a name of a person and we need to add them on our map. So Amy, will you please read verse 9 for us?

[00:18:52] Amy Reading: Yes. And he said unto them, behold, I am Limhi, the son of Noah, who was the son of Zenos.

Who came up out of the land of Zarahemla to inherit the land which was the land of their fathers who was made a king by the voice of the people.

[00:19:06] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Thank you. Okay, so go back to Zenith on our page in the land of Lehi Nephi. And we just learned something that Zenith's son is Noah. That's wicked King Noah.

That's a bad guy. That's the one we learned about that killed Abinadi that Alma fled from. And then Noah has a son and his name is Limhi right here. This Limhi that we're talking about who told the people to gather around the temple. Oh, we love this. Here's how they find Limhi. Here's how this story goes.

So in Mosiah chapter seven, we now have a new King. In fact, Mosiah chapter six is what you want to look at in Mosiah chapter six, verse three. It says, and again, it came to pass that when King Benjamin had made an end of all these things and had consecrated his son Mosiah to be a ruler and a King over his people.

So go back up to Zarahemla. Cause we put Mosiah number one, we put King Benjamin, and now the next ruler will be Mosiah number two. So put Mosiah number two under King Benjamin with a crown. So now we have him and he is ruling in Zarahemla. And in chapter seven, he starts to wonder about all of the people that left a while ago back in Omni and went to the land of Lehi Nephi.

And so he decides in verse two, that he's going to grant 16 of their strong men to go to the land of Lehi Nephi. So here we go. Another expedition. So I put 16 strong men. And I drew a land to the, I drew a line to the wilderness and these 16 strong men are going to camp in the wilderness. Verse four says, and now they knew not the course which they should travel in the wilderness to go to the land of Lehi Nephi.

Therefore they wandered many days in the wilderness. Even 40 days did they wander. Okay. I mean, we love the number 40 in Hebrew because it means it could really mean 40 days, or it could be a period of test or trial, or the time it takes to learn a lesson. So 40 days could be a big, big number, or it could mean they were just there for 40 days until they figured out what they were going to do.

And then they do figure it out in verse six. It says, Ammon took three of his brethren and their names were Amaleki, Helam, and Hem. And they went down into the land of Nephi. Now this Ammon is not the same Ammon that's going to chop off arms in Alma. Different Ammon, because I was confused about that too.

So they go down to the Go. Sorry.

[00:21:23] Amy Reading: Who do you think your 16 people would be that would bring you strength that you'd take with you on your journey in life, right? Oh my gosh. Who are the 16 people that point you to Christ and that give you spiritual strength and that, what a fun thing to make a list, right?

[00:21:39] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, it is. I'm going to write people you're taking.

[00:21:42] Amy Reading: I have them. I don't even know why I wrote that, but it's there. Like, who are the 16 people I'm grateful to do life with? Who gives me strength? Because it talks about they were strong, right? Who gives me spiritual strength and emotional strength and all the things.

I think that's a great little

[00:21:59] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, I like that so much, especially in light of that word. 16 strong men, because in my mind you're immediately thinking, well, they have big muscles, but that words, the word strong right there could mean so many beautiful things. Oh, Amy, that's really cool. Give me some of yours.

Who are they? Right off the top of your head. Oh, well, for sure. My sweet husband.

[00:22:21] Amy Reading: And, um, Oh, I, you see, I didn't think about it long enough. I wrote the question down. Um, I, I just have so many dear friends that make me better when I'm around them. Right? As I left, um, I had an experience over spring break where I got to go work in an orphanage and there were families with strong people who taught me and who showed me how to serve and to be selfless.

And those are the people I want to surround myself with, right? That just, I want to be better every time I'm with them and they are a type of Christ in my life. And I feel like God has blessed me in abundance with those sorts of people.

[00:22:54] Tammy Uzelac Hall: I like how you just said they're a type of Christ. I want to know a little bit more about that.

What, what, how are they a type of Christ? Like what qualifies someone? What characteristic would you have to have to be a type of Christ?

[00:23:07] Amy Reading: I think every chapter, in fact, I had my seminary students do this today, actually. I said, find me an example of Christ serving in the four Gospels. And then I said, I take it back.

Find me a single chapter in the Gospels where Christ isn't serving, right? That's what he does. Is he, he, he looks at work. He's on the cross struggling and he looks outward and forgives people. He's in Gethsemane and has had the worst night ever in the history of the universe. Comes out and, and Judas, Judas betrays him and, um, Peter gets all grumpy, right?

And cuts off the ear of the servant and Christ, who rightfully could have said, So I've had a rough night. I'm going to let you go with that. Right? Rightfully. Yeah. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm covered in blood. I'm exhausted. Right? Uh, he heals them. And I thought, he is always outwards. And so many times I'm like, eh, it's been a rough day.

I'm gonna turn inwards. It's about me right now. But I think a type of Christ is someone that is always turning outward. Always seeing how to make life better. Always. Um, just pointing to goodness. I don't know.

[00:24:12] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh. You know what, you just said that because I was writing down qualities of strong, strong in faith.

Um, I like how you said seeing how to make things better because that, that's important to me as a type of Christ.

[00:24:30] Amy Reading: And probably gratitude too, right? People that are grateful. Seem to be those that point outwards and everything they see, they recognize is from God and so then they're uh, more inclined to be able to part with it and bless others with it.

I don't know. I think gratitude is in there too.

[00:24:47] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Well, I really like that, Amy, in a way that had me think about that idea. I'm excited to just kind of continue to think about who I 16 people are because Right. Well, one of the things I always say when there are certain people in my life that I have met.

And one of the highest compliments I can give is, I'll say, I want you on my wagon train. Like, if we ever had to walk back to Nauvoo, I don't, I'm not saying we will, but if I was a pioneer, I would choose these people to be on my wagon train because they're organized. They have a good attitude. They're, they're doers.

They're hard workers. And so now, Yes. Like now I'm like, not wagon trained. I'm like, Oh, you'd be one of my 16 strong men. Oh, I think that's awesome, Amy. I like how you just did that. Isn't that a fun thought? Yeah. It's a really fun thought. Well, and then I'm going into these qualities that you just, you just talked about, because here's what happens is.

They, they go into the land, these Ammon and his men, they end up going into the land of Lehi Nephi and they meet up with a guy named Limhi, but first they're imprisoned. And it looks, it looks pretty dire and pretty scary. And so Limhi comes and they see, Limhi meets with Ammon and the men. And they're like, who are you?

And I love how Ammon says, if you knew who we were, you wouldn't have put us in prison. Kind of like a little jab.

[00:25:58] Amy Reading: I love his confidence.

[00:25:59] Tammy Uzelac Hall: That's in verse 12. Like you would have, you probably wouldn't have done this, but since you did, I'll, you know, I'm going to be, it's all right. I'll still like you. But he explains who he is in verse 13.

He's like, I've, I'm from, in fact, look at verse 13. Now that we know that Zarahemla is a man, this is cool. Reread that for us, Amy.

[00:26:16] Amy Reading: Yes. But look at the last line of 12. Yes, hit it. He says, I will endeavor to speak with boldness. And when do we, who do we know? I mean, my 16 people, I want somebody that will speak and testify with boldness that will gather Israel every single day.

Who can they bring in to teach about Jesus Christ and that everything is better with Jesus. I love that he speaks with boldness and I want somebody in my 16 that isn't afraid to testify and isn't afraid to let everybody know. That everything good in my life is because of the Savior. Oh, anyway, that's a great line right there.

[00:26:48] Tammy Uzelac Hall: That is such a great line.

[00:26:51] Amy Reading: Okay. 13, for I am assured that if ye had known me, ye would not have suffered that I should have worn these bands. For I am Ammon and I'm a descendant of Zarahemla. And have come up out of the land of Zarahemla to inquire concerning our brethren, whom Zenith brought up out of that land.

[00:27:07] Tammy Uzelac Hall: I love that. He's like, Zarahemla, that guy, I'm a descendant of him. And then Limhi, oh, he just starts to talk. It came to pass that Limhi had heard these words and he was exceedingly glad. I think it goes back to that idea again, how Mosiah connected with Zarahemla. Uh, because of Christ. And here's Limhi.

He's like, Oh my goodness. I'm so happy you're here. There's so much goodness in these chapters. And he's so thrilled because like we have been in bondage in verse 15, we have been taxed. Like we are in bondage to the Lamanites. Times are tough. for us. It has not been easy at all. And so he does in verse 17, there's a verse you talked about, Amy, we read that for us about the temple.

[00:27:47] Amy Reading: Yes. And now it came to pass on the moral that King Limhi sent a proclamation among all his people that thereby they might gather themselves together to the temple to hear the words, which he should speak unto them.

[00:27:59] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Thank you. Okay. And now here are the words that just struck me when I was reading this in verse 18.

It came to pass when they had gathered themselves together that he spake unto them on this wise saying, Oh ye my people, lift up your heads and be comforted for behold, the time is at hand or not far distant when we shall no longer be in subjection to our enemies, notwithstanding our many strugglings which have been in vain yet I trust there remaineth an effectual struggle to be made.

Oh, like that. So good. So like, it's, it's still going to be hard. You guys, we're still going to have a struggle, but there's hope. That's what I think. I think that verse gives me a little bit of hope. There's an effectual struggle to be made, but lift up your heads and rejoice. Look at that in verse 19. And then he gives this beautiful example.

He's like, he did it for Moses and his people when they came out of Egypt. Remember that story? We know that story. It's rooted in scripture. He'll do the same thing for us. Oh, it's so beautiful.

[00:28:58] Amy Reading: He's the God of miracles. Then and now, and for us today, right? He is a God that gives us miracles.

[00:29:06] Tammy Uzelac Hall: He absolutely is.

Okay. So let me ask you this question then. What from conference supports this idea that this effectual struggle to be made life is going to be hard, but we can face our challenges with God when the strength of the Lord, we can face them.

[00:29:21] Amy Reading: So I had to look up effectual because I wasn't certain what it meant.

And I love the definition. Yes, tell us. Is that effective or produces a desired result? And, um, it immediately made me think of Elder Renlund's talk, right? Where he's on the kayak, and his desired result is to get to the other island. Do you remember this one? And he's rowing, and he's rowing, it was the best.

And he tips over, right? And he gets stuck. And then he gets back on, and he tips over again, and he's just exhausted. And, um, I love that he talked about spiritual momentum. Because we're going to tip over in our kayaks. But if we just keep rowing and we just keep going and pointing towards Jesus Christ, right, the island that we want to get to, He will be there to help us get back up.

And Elder Renlund says if we are honoring those covenants, Christ will give us strength or greater power from God. Um, and I just, I love that, that he's not going to necessarily take away the struggle. Elder Renlund still had to row. He still had to get there. The struggle to make us, the result he wants is for us to become like Jesus Christ.

And so he can't take the struggle away or we fail, but he's going to be there along the way. That cute little guide on the kayak cheering us on, helping us get back up. Just keep rowing. Right. I thought of Dory. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Um, and, and we'll get there and we'll be stronger because we'll rowed.

Right. And I just loved Elder Renlund teaching us that. So many. Amazing analogies in that story. He taught.

[00:30:46] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, I completely agree. I really like how you connected that talk to this idea. Like he didn't take it away. He had to finish the course. He had to get to the point he was going to. I just think nobody told him in.

I like, yeah, I think this is so awesome. Um, the one that I thought of was elder Bednar's when he said, be still and know that I am God because he was explaining how the saints at the time were under extreme duress. Yes. When they received this revelation, and then he says, I believe the Lord's admonition to be still entails much, much more than simply not talking or not moving.

Perhaps his intent is for us to remember and rely upon him and his power at all times and in all things and in all places that we may be in. Thus, be still may be a way of reminding us to focus upon the savior unfailingly as the ultimate source of the spiritual stillness of the soul that strengthens us to overcome hard things.

And so. I just think connecting this to that. Yeah. Like focusing on the savior. He's not going to take it away. He wants us to learn what we need to through this experience. Going to back to what you said, Amy, you're absolutely right. And that is what helps draw us to Christ. And then just to be still and keep our eyes on him.

Oh, so good. That's how we're going to get through it.

[00:31:57] Amy Reading: Yeah. I read one other quote from Elder DeFeo. Please do. He said, the gospel does not remove challenges, but is the way through them. And I'm like, yeah, everybody has challenges. You can either do them with Jesus or do them alone. Right. Yeah. The choice is obvious.


[00:32:13] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh. Yeah. That gave me chills. It's just the better way to do it

[00:32:18] Amy Reading: is with the savior.

[00:32:19] Tammy Uzelac Hall: It always is. It always is. Wow. Okay. Well thank you for sharing that. So let's turn the page in Mosiah 8. Here's what you want to know in Mosiah 8. So, 43 people, Limhi speaking, and Limhi tells Ammon, listen, I sent 43 people to find Zarahemla, and they got lost.

So, on your map, right there in the land of Lehi Nephi, you're going to draw number 43, and draw an arrow now up to the right hand corner that I had you put the little sun by Zarahemla, and write Jaredites. He says, I sent people up and they, they didn't find Zarahemla, but they found this Jaredite land and they found some plates and then they brought them back to me.

And so Limhi brings these plates to Ammon and he asks, can you read them? Like, can you translate them? And Ammon says, I can't, but I know someone who can, and we're going to find out who that is and how he can translate them in the next segment.

Segment 4


[00:33:27] Tammy Uzelac Hall: We're in Mosiah chapter eight, and we're going to look at verses 13 through 16. So bracket those off because sure enough, here are these plates and Limhi says, can you translate these for me? In verse 12, I say unto thee again, knowest thou of anyone that can translate? Amen. Amen. Because I, and I love how he's like, I'm desirous that these records should be translated into our language.

And Amon says, I don't, I cannot translate them in verse 13. That's not me, but I know someone who can. And so we're going to look at Miah chapter eight, verse 13. And Amy, can you please read that for us?

[00:33:58] Amy Reading: Yes. Now, Amon said unto him, I can assuredly tell the O king of a man that can translate the records for he has wherewith, that he can look and translate all records that are of ancient dates.

And it is a gift from God, and the things are called interpreters, and no man can look in them except he be commanded, lest he should look, for that he ought not, and he should perish. And whosoever is commanded to look in them, the same is called seer.

[00:34:25] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Okay, let's highlight the word seer right there. We're going to learn a really cool principle, a true principle about being a seer and a prophet.

So as he continues to speak, he says in verse 14, and behold, the king of the people who were in the land of Zarahemla is the man that is commanded to do these things and who has this high gift from God. This is King Mosiah 2. Mosiah the second that can do it. Verse 15. And the king said that a seer is greater than a prophet.

So yeah, on your map next to Mosiah to put right there, seer. Then we have verse 16. This is such a great chapter. Amy, will you read verse 16 for us?

[00:35:02] Amy Reading: Yes. And Ammon said that a seer is a revelator and a prophet also, and a gift, which is greater can no man have except he should possess the power of God, which no man can yet.

A man may have great power given him from God.

[00:35:17] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Okay. So we have this difference. We have a seer and a prophet. Now here's what we want to know about this. A seer is a revelator and a prophet. And when necessary, he can use the Urim and Thummim or interpreters, which is what they're called in verse 13.

Highlight that word interpreters right there. And to the outside of your scriptures, write Urim and Thummim, and this is so neat 'cause I'm now making this connection. Urim and Thummim are two Hebrew words. They're plural. Anytime you see a word in Hebrew and in I-M, it's a plural word. So Urim and Thummim are the words we're dealing with.

And er means light. So plural is lights, and then thumb in Hebrew is perfection. Oh, I just think that

[00:36:09] Amy Reading: we're getting God's word, which is he is the light, right? The light of Christ is his word, and he is what makes us perfect. We can only become perfect through Jesus Christ. I just think that's brilliant. I never knew that.

[00:36:20] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Well, I've never connected it to when a prophet speaks, he's giving us added light. And when a prophet speaks, it's his words will make us more perfect, like more holy. And we know we're not going to be absolute perfect in this life. We've had a whole lesson on that, but we are striving for it for sure.

[00:36:37] Amy Reading: Who spoke in conference about the rays that make the pillar?

[00:36:41] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh, that's great.

[00:36:43] Amy Reading: But that's just this, right? More light, more rays,

[00:36:45] Tammy Uzelac Hall: more rays, more, yes, more rays, more light, more lights, more perfections. So when we have this idea, then something else you want to know this, there have been many seers in the history of God's people on earth, but not so many as there have been prophets.

So this is interesting. A seer is greater than a prophet and a gift, which is greater can no man have. Joseph Smith is the great seer of the latter days. In addition, The first presidency and council of the 12 are sustained as prophets, seers and revelators. So that is very interesting to know is that seers and prophets can be separate.

We've had many prophets in old Testament time that weren't necessarily seers. So it's a gift to be able to see and then to be a prophet and to give revelation.

[00:37:32] Amy Reading: Do you wonder what the prophets are seeing to have so many talks on the temple and temple covenants? I asked myself that 10 times. Yes.

[00:37:42] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yes. Okay.

So tell me what talks stood out to you then about this idea. If we have the mouthpiece of the Lord, a prophet, a seers and revelators who spoke to us in general conference, what was it? Because there's so many great quotes. I have all these awesome quotes about, you know, we can always trust the living prophets.

Their teachings reflect the will of the Lord. Oh, this one's great. Our greatest safety lies in strictly following the word of the Lord given through his prophets. So what word of the Lord did you hear at conference that we should follow? I mean, temples right there, but I don't want to give your answer to me.


[00:38:18] Amy Reading: Well, no, like I, I actually went through all my notes to find all the temples and there were in, in the first session, three people talked on temples and covenants. three in the second session, four Saturday night, three Sunday morning, and two in the second session Sunday. I mean, that's bonkers,

[00:38:33] Tammy Uzelac Hall: right?

[00:38:34] Amy Reading: But when you look at the promises that our prophet made, if we go to the temple, my mind was blown. He says a promise of what will happen to those who serve and worship in the house of the Lord. Here we go. They can expect to receive answers to prayer, personal revelation, greater faith, Strength, comfort, increased knowledge, and increased power.

Time in the temple will help you to think celestial and to catch a vision of who you really are, who you can become, and the kind of life you can have forever. Regular temple worship will enhance the way you see yourself and how you fit into God's magnificent plan. I promise you that. Like President Nelson stopped and said, I promise you that.

[00:39:14] Tammy Uzelac Hall: I, when that's, that stopped my heart. When a prophet says, I promise you that

[00:39:19] Amy Reading: chills all over your arms, he cannot lie. And those are killer promises. You could spend a whole week on all of them. Then he says, we are promised that in the temple we may receive a fullness of the Holy Ghost. Imagine what that promise means in terms of having the heavens open for each earnest seeker of eternal truth.

All who worship in the temple will have the power of God and with angels having charge over them. I mean. Bonkers promises. Yeah, how much does it increase your confidence to know that as an endowed woman or man armed with the power of God? You do not have to face life alone. What courage does it give you to know that angels really will help you?

We are promised that no combination of wickedness will prevail over those who worship in the house of the Lord I mean promise after promise after promise from a seer to a believer Who knows what's coming, right? Who knows the crazy that Satan's going to bring in this world. And that if we have these promises, we're with Christ and He will win.

It was amazing. I've never heard that many promises in one talk ever.

[00:40:23] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Amy, I felt the spirit so strong when you said with Satan and all of his stuff in the world we are in right now, like that hit me hard that, yeah, that's why we need to go to the temple. Oh, I wrote down, I wrote down his nothing promises cause he kept starting the sentence worth the word nothing.

And then ended this is, he said, nothing will help you more to hold fast to the iron rod than worshiping in the temple. As regularly as your circumstances permit, nothing will protect you more as you encounter the world's mists of darkness. Nothing will bolster your testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and his atonement or help you understand God's magnificent plan more.

Nothing will soothe your spirit more during times of pain. Nothing will open the heavens more. Nothing. And then he's, I'm here

[00:41:12] Amy Reading: crazy help protection, bolster your testimony, revelation, soothing. Who doesn't want all of that? And the answer is the temple. Like I left conference and thought I need to be there as often as I can make it happen.

[00:41:29] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Well, now it makes me go back. How much more do I love limb high in his people then? Cause he said, meet me at the temple,

[00:41:35] Amy Reading: gather at the temple.

[00:41:36] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Gather the temple like there is, there is hope, like we might get out of this situation, out of this time of pain that we've been in for so many years. Oh, that's so good.

Okay, so I have a question though, Amy. What about people who don't have a temple this close? What is your advice for people who can't go regularly, who don't live near a temple?

[00:41:56] Amy Reading: Oh, President Nelson gave us that during COVID, right? When the temples closed, he said, study temples and do temple and family history work and get names to take to the temple for when you can go.

I think you can bring those blessings in, in so many ways as you study, study the promises that happen in the temple. Study section 109, which is what the prophet counseled us to do, right? We want to read it and read it and read it. The Kirtland Temple dedication. So many things we can do if we can't go.

Because there's times in life, you're, you're a nursing mom, or you're pregnant and sick, or you have 15 little kids running around, you can't go every week. Right. And, and God understands that, right? And so we just, if our heart is facing the temple and, and our focus is there in whatever way it can be, I think he, God loves effort.

He's going to accept that.

[00:42:44] Tammy Uzelac Hall: I completely agree. I will double down on what Amy just said. What she said is absolutely true. Like if, if all you can do is get a temple recommend, yeah, great job. You're doing great. Being worthy of that blessings will come. So yeah. Hang a temple in your home

[00:42:59] Amy Reading: every day. Am I living worthy to go there when I can't write so many ways to invite the temple in.

[00:43:05] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, that's so good. Okay. So that's the story about the seers. And that's the story about the prophet and needing the plates that you will, you wanted him translated. So we're going to continue on more with this story and we're going to see how more recent conference talks support doctrinal principles that are taught in Mosiah chapters nine through 10.

Segment 5


[00:43:32] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Turn with me to Mosiah chapter nine, and we're going to add a little bit more to our map right now. So here's the story we have in Mosiah chapter nine. We've got the situation we are going back to now. Isn't this interesting? If you look at not the section heading, but the kind of chapter info, you'll see, it says the record of Zenith and account of his people from the time they left the land of Zarahemla until the time they were delivered out of the hands of the Lamanites.

So there you are on your map. See that everybody you've already drawn a line from Zenith. In Zarahemla, going down to the land of the high Nephi, that's why this map helps me because you didn't have it. You'd be like, no, wait, where, who, wait, what, where are we again in the story? Which again, I love that I have read by scholars.

They all agree that this book could not have been written by a man. Joseph Smith did not sit down and write out these stories because there are too many storylines that he wouldn't have been able to keep them straight. And I believe that as I'm reading this, I can barely keep it straight. How many times have we, how many times, Amy, have we read and studied the book of Mosiah?

And every time we come, we're like, wait, where am I? What?

[00:44:36] Amy Reading: Yeah. It's like camera one, now camera two. Yeah,

[00:44:40] Tammy Uzelac Hall: totally. So here we are, we are now going to go back in time because we're going to talk about what exactly happened with Zenith and his people. So here they are, they're in the land of Lehi Nephi. And in verse one of chapter nine, Zenith tells him, he's like, look, having been taught in all the language of the Nephites and having had a knowledge of the land of Nephi or the land of our father's first inheritance, and having been sent as a spy among the Lamanites that I might spy out their forces.

He says, listen, I went with that group. I was overzealous. I wanted to have. The land of Lehi, Nephi in verse three, he says, I would, there it is. I was overzealous to inherit the land of our fathers and I collected up as many as were desirous to go to possess the land. And we started again on our journey.

Remember, we read that in the book of Omni. So he gets these people and they come down into this land. And as they come into this land, they meet up with a king of the land. In verse six, it says, I went in unto the king and he covenanted with me that I might possess the land of Lehi, Nephi in the land of Shilam.

Now it's not interesting. The king's like, welcome Zenith. Please have our land. You know there's a trick. And

[00:45:42] Amy Reading: I've already used the word covenant, but he's a type of Satan for sure, right? Not, not Zenith necessarily, but the king. The king is. Yeah.

[00:45:51] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yeah. He, and he's using wording that Zenith might trust.

[00:45:53] Amy Reading: Yeah.

[00:45:54] Tammy Uzelac Hall: I covenant with you. I'm going to give you all of this land.

[00:45:57] Amy Reading: And you kind of love Zenith, right? At the end of verse one, he says, I saw that which was good among them. And I want to be the person that sees the good, but I don't want to be the person that is justifying in the good. Does that make sense?

It'll be okay if I do this. Well, I feel like sometimes we justify because we see the good in something, but the prophet has told us not to do it. I'm trying to think of a good example, but he's like, Oh, it's good. This'll be okay. I'll be the designated driver. That's my favorite one of my stupid ones. I'll be the designated, okay.

I love the idea, but you can't feel the spirit. You're removing yourself from the spirit and we don't want to do that. Right. And so Zenith is the same thing. I'm going to see the good, which you'd love that about him. But I think he might be trying to justify actions going against what the prophet has told him.

[00:46:42] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Well, isn't this so fascinating? Because when you go back to the book of Omni, Malachi, who's speaking or writing juxtaposes these two people, he says, Mosiah was led by the Lord. to leave the land and take these people that was never said about Zenith. It's just this and even seen if it's like I'm overzealous.

I just want to go back. The Lord did not tell me to do that. Slow to remember

[00:47:02] Amy Reading: the Lord our God at the end of verse three. Right?

[00:47:04] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, there it is. Yes.

[00:47:05] Amy Reading: Yeah.

[00:47:06] Tammy Uzelac Hall: So he's like, okay, well, here we are. We're in this land and he's thinking it's great. Now look at this. He gave us the land. This is fantastic. And so they're going to, they're going to till the ground in verse nine with all manners of seed.

They're going to go corn, wheat, barley. They're going to build up this land so amazingly well. And then verse 10, it was the cunning and the craftiness of King Laman. There's his name. So right down there in the land of Lehi, Nephi to the side of Zenith, because we have the genealogy of Zenith, Noah, Limhi off to the side of Zenith.

I wrote lazy King Laman. So I can remember it. Lazy King Layman, he It was his plan in verse 10. It came now. It was the cunning and craftiness of King Laman to bring my people into bondage that he yielded up the land that we might possess it. So they built it up. And then here we had it. Verse 12 is where I get the lazy from Amy reread verse 12.

Speaking of the Lamanites.

[00:48:01] Amy Reading: Now they were a lazy and an idolatrous people. Therefore, they were desires to bring us into bondage that they might glut themselves with the labors of our hands, yea, that they might feast themselves upon the flocks of our field.

[00:48:14] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Thank you. Oh, poor Zenith and all of his people.

And so it gets so bad that then all of the people who went with Zenith and the people who had built up this land and had it be amazing, they are now going to go into war with the Lamanites and it's going to be a pretty bad war and they're devastated. And so they come to the people, they're like, the Lamanites are trying to destroy us.

And so Xenuf arms his people in verse 16. He arms them with bows and arrows and swords and scimitars and clubs and slings. Any and I like it says any manner of weapon we could invent, grab anything, do whatever it takes to save your people. And then we have verses 17 and 18. We read those for us, Amy.

[00:48:57] Amy Reading: Yes.

Can I say one thing before we read? Please do. As I, as I just, I thought about what was the good he saw in him because it, like you said, he's idolatrous and he's lazy. And he's cunning and he's crafty. So I, I'm kind of wondering where the good was, but the seer, the prophet could see what was going to happen.

He knew of the destruction. And I just think we're always better if we follow the prophet, which is every single time. Even if we think we know, ah, this wasn't what he was talking about, right? Anyway.

[00:49:25] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yeah. All right. But I like how, I love so much how you started out in the very beginning because now we're in, now they're in a predicament and there's a problem here.

And so you would expect for the Lord to be like, good luck.

[00:49:37] Amy Reading: Yeah, I tried to tell you.

[00:49:38] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yeah, like you were overzealous and unfortunately now we're in this situation, but now these two verses just beautifully support what you taught us at the very beginning, Amy.

[00:49:48] Amy Reading: Well, and as you look for the character of Christ in these verses, it's just stunning that even though we didn't listen, he's still gonna be there for us, right?

That teaches us about his character. I love it. Yeah. Uh, Yea, in the strength of the Lord did we go forth to battle against the Lamanites. And I and my people did cry mightily to the Lord that he would deliver us out of the hands of our enemies. For we were awakened to a remembrance of the deliverance of our fathers.

And God did hear our cries and did answer our prayers. And we did go forth in his might, yet we did go forth against the Lamanites. And in one day and a night, we did slay 3, 043. We did slay them even until we had driven them out of our land.

[00:50:31] Tammy Uzelac Hall: So right there, he, he helps them. Now, go back to verse 17, though, because what struck you about that verse?

Why do you think they got the help they needed?

[00:50:41] Amy Reading: Uh, there's got to be something with crying mightily unto the Lord with prayer, right? And turning to him. And there's got to be something with remembering. What kind of a god he is. The deliverance of the fathers. Remember all the miracles that he told us about earlier.

This is the guy who parted the Red Sea and this is the guy who led us out of Egypt. And he will, he is a deliverer. That is a title of his, right? And so if we can cry unto him and return to him, repent, just turning back to Christ, right? Turn back to him, invite him back in. He will be there for us. He will hear and answer our prayers.

I love that in 18.

[00:51:13] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Absolutely. Well, and going to these verses, then we have the word deliver and deliverance in verse 17 twice. And so we both looked for conference talks that proved this point that we can be delivered and that God will always help us. And so what did you come up with Amy?

[00:51:31] Amy Reading: Um, I loved President Porter's when she talked about the gift of prayer is a blessing, right?

And she said, pray to know, pray to grow and pray to show, um, and that knowing he is there will give us the strength. And they knew the God that was there. They knew the God of deliverance and the God of miracles and the God of goodness. And when they decided to pray and awaken to a remembrance. Of what kind of a God they were worshiping.

He was there to answer. He's not one that says, Oh, I'm going to think about this for a minute. Right? He is just right there. Just like the prodigal son. The father was right there when the son came back and that just struck me.

[00:52:09] Tammy Uzelac Hall: And now I'm looking at my map because I'm like, wait a minute. So how would they have known when it says right there, awakened to a remembrance of the deliverance of our fathers.

The only way they could have known about that was from scripture and from what they had been taught. And it goes clear back to Mosiah one. How Mosiah 1 and Zarahemla united because of scripture, Zenith would have been a part of that. He would have been able to have access to scripture, to a knowledge of this.

So that again just goes back to how important scriptures are and Jesus Christ and being united to him because they were awakened to that remembrance like, Oh, that's right. He did do that for them. Oh, he'll do that for us. Oh, I love scriptures,

[00:52:49] Amy Reading: right?

[00:52:50] Tammy Uzelac Hall: But this idea that they have these plates. know the scriptures and the people who followed him are like, Oh yeah, okay, awaken to that.

I think it's really cool how we both, we both listened to conference. We both knew what we were looking for and we came with such different examples because when I was listening, I'm like, Oh, she'll probably write this one down. That's what's so cool about conference is how everyone can glean something different because I Gong's talk and this part when he said, All things shall work together for your good.

And he says, all things for our good, a remarkable promise and assurance from God himself. And then he says this, Jesus Christ also intimately understands our every pain, affliction, sickness, sorrow, separation in time and eternity. That was, that blew my mind when he said that. Separation in time and eternity, his triumph over death and hell can make all things right.

He helps heal the broken and disparaged. He reconciles the angry and divided. He comforts the lonely and isolated. He encourages the uncertain and imperfect and brings forth miracles possible only with God. Oh, I just so good. Right. I mean, there's, and then he goes on, I mean, this thing where he says that all things can work together for our good.

He says, we can face life with confidence and not fear left on our own. This really surprised me because this is kind of, you brought this up left on our own. We may not know our own good. When I choose me, I'm also choosing my own limitations and weaknesses and inadequacies ultimately to do the most good.

We must be good since none save God is good. If we seek perfection in Jesus Christ, we become our truest best selves only as we put off the natural man or woman and become a child before God. Like that idea, like seeking me that never helped anybody, but I like that. Face. Yeah. Just like you said. Face outward.

Oh, that's exactly what these people do. They face outward and they win. They do great. They did lose some people in verse 19, 279 of their brethren are going to be slain, unfortunately.

[00:54:53] Amy Reading: But that's where that statement from Elder Gong that takes us into eternity. It's okay. Because we have the plan of salvation.

We know we'll get them again. So many trials of my life, I don't think will be fixed until eternity, but I have faith that they will then right. And that's okay because I know the God I worship and his character and that it will work out.

[00:55:14] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yes, exactly. And this is not the end of the miracles for these people.

If you go into Mosiah chapter 10, you can see again, they're going to come up to war again with the Lamanites. And we have in verse 10 and 11, let's get our scripture markers out. Cause we're going to mark these phrases right here. Verse 10, 11, and it came to pass that we did go up to battle against the Lamanites.

And I, even I in my old age did go up to battle against the Lamanites. And it came to pass that we did go up in the strength of the Lord to battle. Now the Lamanites knew nothing concerning the Lord nor the strength of the Lord. Therefore they depended upon their own strength, yet they were a strong people as to the strength of men.

So there it is just focusing on the me when really facing outward. Is where you find the strength of the Lord. So, so good. Such, so good discussion. Oh my gosh. Okay, well they do fight with the Lamanites, but we're gonna find out what brought on that fight and we'll do that in the next segment.

Segment 6


[00:56:18] Tammy Uzelac Hall: We are in Mosiah chapter 10, and we just got done talking about how the people of Zenif were fighting because they knew the strength of the Lord, but the Lamanites did not. They were just strong as to the strength of men. Now, verse 12 tells us some more interesting stuff about them. Amy, can you please read verse 12 tells us about the Lamanites.

[00:56:35] Amy Reading: They were a wild and ferocious and a bloodthirsty people believing in the tradition of their fathers, which is this, believing that they were driven out of the land of Jerusalem because of the iniquities of their fathers, that they had been wronged in the wilderness by their brethren, and that they were also wronged while crossing the sea.

[00:56:52] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Okay. In verse 12, highlight believing in the tradition of their fathers. And I like how there's a dash after it says, which is this dash? Then when we go with the word believing all the way to the end of verse 17, that's everything they believed. It is heartbreaking, heartbreaking beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation to generation.

Now in the come follow me manual, it brings up this idea how actions and attitudes of previous generations of the Lamanites affected the generations that followed. And then it says, what does this suggest about how the choices we make affect others for good or bad to people who are born or not even yet born?

And that was a fun thing to think about when I was listening to conference. Were there any talks that talked about this idea that who we are today really does affect future generations?

[00:57:44] Amy Reading: For sure. But I kind of went opposite because the Lamanites felt wronged and then they got angry and then they turned against, right?

They were kind of, If I can say in victim mode, I liked in conference the opposite. And it stood out to me was, um, Elder Bangerter, and he talked about his dad. Remember, he calls him in and he has this little sit down and he says, I want you to protect the private times of your life. Oh, gosh, that was so good.

So there's wisdom from a dad to a son. Changed my brain. Like, what am I doing with those private times that only God knows about? Am I worshiping? Am I pointing towards Christ? Or am I going to victim, woe is me, life isn't fair, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I just think what a gift that he taught us and testified.

He said, I have more meaning in my worship as he protected those private times. And so that carried down to a generation and that will for sure carry down. Cause that is something I will teach my children. I remember elder Irene shared a story about this years ago, but his dad said, uh, how, what do you think about when you have nothing else to think about?

Because he had the same math problem two days in a row. And he's like, well, what have you been thinking about? And resident Irene realized that wasn't what he wanted to go into then. But those private times, what do we think about when there's nothing else to think about? What do we think about when it's just you and the Lord?

Are we trying to be better? Are we trying to emulate Christ? Are we trying to see his hand in our life? Are we looking for miracles and expecting miracles and thinking celestial and all the things? Our prophet has said, right. Or are we being a victim and life isn't fair and why, why, why? I don't know. It was such a contrast to me.

[00:59:17] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh, that was such a great direction to take with that. That was perfect. That talk was so good. It really struck me. What are you doing with the private times if you're like, yeah,

[00:59:26] Amy Reading: like that was my life forever.

[00:59:29] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Mm hmm. No, I completely agree. In fact, you could almost, I will now because I'm going to apply that to everything I'm teaching right here, especially as we move on in the stories.

Like what are these people doing with the private times of their life? What are they thinking about? Gosh, you get to the story of Alma and then Alma, the younger, I mean, that was so great. What a great way to take that

[00:59:49] Amy Reading: is powerful. That was all. That was all elder Bangerter.

[00:59:52] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yeah, for mine, I took elder Rasband when he talked about words, set a tone and words matter.

And I like how he just said words matter a lot. Let me say that again. Words matter. Um, that's immediately what it struck me like, what are the words that I'm using? What are the words that I'm saying? Especially when he said this part right here, the words, they can weigh heavily on us. On the other hand, words can celebrate victory and be hopeful and encouraging.

They can prompt us to rethink, reboot, and redirect our course. Words can open our minds to truth. That is why first and foremost, the Lord's words matter. Going back to this idea of scriptures and reading. And so then it just had me this, this idea of what are my words? What am I teaching? My kids, my family, my friends, what are my examples and how they really do affect generations.

That's powerful. Oh, yeah.

[01:00:43] Amy Reading: And if we circle back to Mosiah 7, are we testifying boldly? Are we testifying with all of our words that Jesus is the Christ? And gathering in Israel because everybody needs to know about Jesus Christ, right? Yeah. It's just the perfect circle back.

[01:00:58] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yeah. Like what is the tradition?

When it says believing in the tradition of their fathers. Huh. What will be the tradition of their mother? What's my tradition that I'm leaving my kids? I want to know, Amy, what tradition do you want to leave your kids?

[01:01:14] Amy Reading: I love, and maybe it's just because I'm reading right here, where Nephi says he was favored of the Lord.

And I hope there was a time in our life where one of my children had a pretty serious medical diagnosis and it, it was, it was overwhelming to the whole family. And it was one of those times where it's hard to breathe. I don't know if we've all had those, right? And so we started as a family sharing every day how we'd see the hand of God.

in, in our life that day. And just remembering that he was aware and he was there. And for me, when, when Nephi says he was favored of the Lord. It's not that he was the favorite, right? Do your kids ever say who's favorite? Oh, for sure. Yeah. Um, but it was, he was favored because he kept the commandments of the Lord and was more, it was faithful, right?

Right above that in verse 13. And I think I want my children to remember that they were favored of the Lord, that his hand was there every single day of their life. Every single day, I write down three ways that I saw God's hand before I go to bed. Elder Irene taught us that, right? And I just, I want them to know that God is intimately aware of them.

And if, if they remember nothing else, I want them to know that they are favored and that God is aware of them and they can expect miracles and to see his hand every single day.

[01:02:24] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh, Amy, what a beautiful tradition to leave with your kids and your grandkids. Absolutely. That will be said of you though. Well, and then it makes me think of President Porter's words because I also included hers, that idea, pray to grow and her words were just so perfect. Like whatever your tradition is now continue to grow. And continue to add to that tradition. And I think everything we do does that praying to grow.

How can I grow my family? How can I grow my testimony? How can I grow my traditions?

[01:02:55] Amy Reading: So how can I speak more boldly?

[01:02:57] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yeah. Like just what you shared right now. I want to add those to my things that I'm doing. I've been writing down all these notes as you've been talking. Well, well, thank you, Amy. That's the end.

That's the end of our discussion. We're done with Mosiah seven through 10. That was so delightful.

[01:03:12] Amy Reading: Thank you for having me. I, this is so fun. We could talk about the book of Mormon all day.

[01:03:18] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Oh my gosh. I absolutely agree. Okay. So gather your thoughts. And then what's one takeaway from our discussion today?

What's something you'll remember or something you're like, Oh, that's cool. Or anything like that.

[01:03:29] Amy Reading: I think my favorite takeaway is the words matter. I liked your bringing it back to elder Rasband, that the words of the prophets matter and the words of scriptures matter. And I need those in the fleshy tablets of my heart.

I need to know what our prophet is saying. He's a seer. He knows what's coming. He knows the trials for my family. He knows the trials for the people that I love. Um, and I need to, I need his words to matter. I, I want the, I, I can't imagine a day without the Book of Mormon. I, I can't, I, I, no, uh, I can't, I've had enough experiences that I can, I can count on one hand since my cute daughter was born, times I've misread the Book of Mormon, I need it every single day.

And words matter and Jesus's words matter and the prophets words matter and my words matter. I need to testify more boldly and share my love of the Savior because everything good in my life is because of Jesus Christ. And I love when you said that, that the words matter. And I think that's my What I'm going to noodle on for the next little while.

[01:04:29] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Thank you. Uh, mine is, Amy, you, I, I would have you on my wagon train. When you asked, who are my 16 strong people? Yeah.

[01:04:39] Amy Reading: We would have so much fun together.

[01:04:41] Tammy Uzelac Hall: We would. I think it's just, I love how you asked me that question and you connected it to the scriptures. I've never thought of those 16 people like that.

Like who would my 16 people be that I would choose? Go with me into the wilderness. I mean, they're going to have to like to camp. So already some of you ladies are out. Some of you friends of mine can't even hack it. Just kidding. I love to camp. I, I like how you brought that up and it just made me think, Oh yeah, I like that.

I'm looking at this map and there's these little tents I drew where the 16 people stayed for 40 days and like, what would that be like and who would I take? And knowing what they would have to do later on and what that would mean for the people. So yeah, that was a fun discussion. So thank you. Thank you.

[01:05:21] Amy Reading: This was a treat. I appreciate it, Tammy.

[01:05:23] Tammy Uzelac Hall: Yay. All right. Well, for those of you listening, I would love to know, what was your takeaway? Go join our group on Facebook or follow us on Instagram to share what you have learned. And then you can even ask questions throughout the week. That is so fun. People answer and we have a great community.

So ask any question. But then on a Saturday, We're going to post a question from this specific episode. Maybe it might be who are your 16 people? I cannot wait to find out who they are for you. So comment on the post that relates to this lesson and share your thoughts. You can get to both our Facebook and Instagram by going to the show notes for this episode at LDS living.

com slash Sunday on Monday. And it's not a bad idea to go there anyway. It's where we're going to have links to all the references we use today as well as a transcript of this whole discussion. So go check it out. The Sunday on Monday study group is a Deseret Bookshelf plus original brought to you by LDS living.

It's written and hosted by me, Tammy Uzelac Hall. And today our fabulous, perfect study group participant was Amy Reading, and you can find more information about her at LDS living. com slash Sunday on Monday. Our podcast is produced by Cole Wissinger and me. It is edited and mixed by Cole Wissinger and our executive producer is Erin Hallstrom.

Thanks for being here. We'll see you next week. And please remember, oh, please remember that you are God's favorite.