MR says: From her 53 years of experience living as a single Latter-day Saint, Sister Kristen Oaks, wife of Dallin H. Oaks shares insights into how single saints can find joy and satisfaction living the gospel.
Read more of Sister Oaks' insights as she recounts the time Elder Dallin H. Oaks answers the question: can I be happy if I am ugly?
Single members of the Church should not be marking time, waiting for life to happen, but continue preparing to serve God and receive His blessings.
“As men and women of covenant, our goal is to go forward and develop nurturing and caring hearts that will prepare us for our roles as parents in the eternities,” Sister Kristen M. Oaks told more than 600 young adults gathered September 12 for an annual tri-state regional YSA conference. . . .
Sister Oaks, who was 53 when she married Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, quipped that her many years as a single member of the Church “qualified me to marry an Apostle,” although “I always thought I’d marry someone with hair.”
The young-adult audience seemed to appreciate her candor as well as her advice; many said afterward they felt she could relate to their struggles.
For more stories on living happily single, see A Single Voiceby Kristen M. Oaks.
What is “the single best thing you can do” as a single person in the Church?Are there ways to ease the transition from a singles ward to a home ward? What are some specific ways to make single life happier and more fulfilling?What are some tips for coping with the unique challenges of holidays? What are the key decisions that singles need to make?
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