“The sacred ordinances performed in this holy temple will unite families for eternity," President Russell M. Nelson said of the Rome Italy Temple. "God loves all His children equally and has provided a way for them to be linked in love, generation to generation. We are thrilled to be able to dedicate a temple in this city replete with historical importance throughout the ages.”
Rome has been the heart and historical center of Christianity for centuries, and now the "Eternal City" will see the dawning of a new significant event—the dedication of the Rome Italy Temple. Set to take place this March, the dedication of the Rome temple is a story over a decade in the making. Here is a quick visual history of all that went into building this sacred house of the Lord.
October 4, 2008—President Thomas S. Monson announces a temple will be built in Rome, Italy.
Image a screenshot from YouTube.
During his opening remarks in October 2008 general conference, President Thomas S. Monson announced the location of five new temples: Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Córdoba, Argentina; the greater Kansas City area; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Rome, Italy.
October 23, 2010—President Monson performs the groundbreaking and site dedication for the Rome temple.
Images from Newsroom.
"I cannot adequately convey to you the joy I feel on this historic occasion," President Monson said during the groundbreaking ceremony of the Rome Italy Temple. "Let this day be a day of rededication in our lives as it is a day of dedication for this ground."
"We just shouted for joy," a Church member said of the impending construction of the temple. "It was a dream realized."
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President Monson Breaks Ground for Rome Italy Latter-day Saint Temple
2010—The Church releases the first artistic rendering of the Rome Italy Temple.
Images from Newsroom.
In 2010, the Church released the first artistic renderings of the Rome Italy Temple, showing the temple, meetinghouse, visitors’ center, family history center, and patron housing, which now created a beautiful piazza filled with powerfully symbolic gardens, olive trees, and a fountain that runs from the temple to the Christus statue in the visitors' center.
March 25, 2017—The angel Moroni statue is placed atop the Rome Italy Temple.
Images from Newsroom.
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Angel Moroni Statue Tops Rome Italy Temple
In March 2017, an angel Moroni soared over 150 feet in the air to the top of the Rome Italy Temple, a significant milestone in the temple's completion. Elder Larry Wilson said of this historic event, “The eternal city is known for its history, its beauty and as a place of worship and faith. We are so pleased to add our sacred temple to this Christian tradition.”
March 2017—Replicas of Bertel Thorvaldsen's Christus and the Twelve Apostles are placed in the Rome Italy Temple Visitors' Center.
Image of the completed visitors' center by Kristin Murphy, Deseret News.
Image by Nathan Smith, retrieved from churchofjesuschristtemples.org.
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Rome Italy Temple Receives Statue of Christ and the Original Twelve Apostles
In March 2017, the temple reached another benchmark as a marble statue of the resurrected Christ and His 12 apostles were placed in the visitors' center, replicas crafted from marble taken from the original Michelangelo cave in Carrara, Italy. “One of the things that was important to us was to do something that would make this part of the country but more importantly for recognizing the Savior, Jesus Christ,” said Mark Lusvardi, director of public programs for the Church’s Missionary Department.
2017 to 2018—Construction progresses on the Rome Italy Temple and its grounds.
From spring 2017 to spring 2018, the Rome Italy Temple and its grounds began truly taking shape amidst heavy snowstorms and visits from apostles.
March 2017, photo by Simon D. Jones from the Deseret News.
March 2017, photo by Scott Taylor from the Deseret News.
October 8, 2017, photo by Jaime Verrillo Curren retrieved from LDS Church Temples.
Mid-January 2018, photo retrieved from LDS Church Temples.
February 12, 2018, photos by of Joe Mount retrieved via LDS Church Temples
Late February 2018, photo retrieved from LDS Church Temples.
February 26, 2018, photo by Daniele Salerno retrieved from LDS Church Temples.
March 2018, images from Newsroom.
March 2018, images from Newsroom.
Summer 2018—The scaffolding around the Rome temple is removed.
Latter-day Saints from around the world and around the world celebrated the construction progress of the Rome Italy Temple by posting stunning images of this house of the Lord on social media.
Now that the scaffolding has all come off, the Rome Temple looks more beautiful than ever! 😍 I can’t wait to go to the open house next year! #rometemple #forzaroma #GIRM A post shared by Parker Hughes (@phughes997) on Jun 23, 2018 at 7:51am PDT
Photo by Heather Evertsen from the LDS Italy/ Rome Temple Visitors Facebook page.
Rome, Italy PC: @shayleejeanphotography #ldstempleaday #lds #ldstemple #mormon #rometemple A post shared by LDS Temple A Day (@ldstempleaday) on May 31, 2018 at 12:57pm PDT
Too many #’s. #cortona a new favorite place to be visited again. #rometemple so beautiful the blessings it will bring. #trevifountain a coin over our shoulder for good luck. #pantheon so magical and then the heavens opened. #spanishsteps people watching at its best. #polignanoamare a special place for #willfamwilltravel A post shared by Shane Williams (@dahooke) on Jun 18, 2018 at 5:13pm PDT
January 14, 2019—The first tours of the Rome Italy Temple begin, and the Church releases the first official photos inside the temple.
Elder David A. Bednar and Elder Ronald A. Rasband led the first tours through the Rome Italy Temple on January 14, 2019. “It is beautiful,” Elder Bednar said of the temple. “The temple is an expression of our love and devotion to the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing is too good for the Lord.”
Guests on these tours included political and religious leaders from around the world in addition to members of news and media outlets. The public open house for the Rome temple, the Church’s 162nd temple, began on January 28.
“In our holy temples, available are the most sacred and important sacrament or ordinances that we receive as members of our Church,” taught Elder Bednar. “And those ordinances bring peace. They bring purpose. They’re a source of remarkable joy.”
A decade's worth of excitement built prior to the dedication and opening of the Rome Italy Temple in early 2019. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from around the world and all others will be welcomed at the Rome Temple visitors' center, where the first thing they see is a stunning 20' x 7' art-glass window created by Tom Holdman and his associates at Holdman Studios.
This beautiful masterpiece, entitled "Come unto Me," was created to boldly testify that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, our Savior, Redeemer, and ultimate Healer. In this powerful five-panel window, viewers discover the prodigal son, the good Samaritan, the woman reaching out to touch the Savior's robe, and many symbolic representations of Christ's life and teachings.
Like light through that stained-glass window, this book seeks to illuminate the mission, parable, and miracles of Christ. The authors, a team of respected gospel teachers, share stunning insights and new perspectives that allow for deeper understanding and, more important, greater application of Christ's teachings in our lives today. open the pages and see the beautiful depictions of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the loaves and fishes. Then read the passages and find yourself in each parable and miracle. This book will help us all listen for—and respond to—Christ's eternal plea: "Come unto me."