San Luis Potosí Mexico Temple Groundbreaking
Under a radiant, springlike sun and in the presence of religious leaders, government representatives, local media, special guests, and dozens of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, ground was broken to mark the beginning of construction of the San Luis Potosí Mexico Temple.
Addressing those gathered on the 3.87-acre plot where the first house of the Lord in the state will be built, Elder Sean Douglas of the Mexico Area Presidency said that “God is mindful of every people,” quoting from a scripture in the Book of Mormon.
He quoted President Russell M. Nelson’s recent teachings about the importance of centering one’s life on the temple and spending more time in the temple:
“I promise that increased time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can.”
As part of his message, Elder Douglas cited the words of Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles about how this is the time of blessings for Mexico “and [also] for San Luis Potosí,” Elder Douglas added. …
Savai'i Samoa Temple Site Location
The First Presidency has released the location of a new house of the Lord in Samoa.
The Savai’i Samoa Temple will be built on a 5.5-acre site located at Lot 1098 to Lot 1105 in Fataloa, a subarea of Salelologa village. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 29,630 square feet.
Church President Russell M. Nelson announced this house of the Lord in October 2023.
“The Lord is directing us to build these temples to help us think celestial,” the prophet said as 20 new temples were announced, including the Savai’i Samoa Temple.
This house of the Lord will be the country’s second temple. The first house of the Lord in Samoa, the Apia Samoa Temple, was dedicated in 1983. After a 2003 fire destroyed the temple, it was rebuilt and rededicated.
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You can read more about both of these temple updates on Church Newsroom.