Randal A. Wright

January 25, 2015 10:34 PM MST
As Elder Mark E. Petersen observed, “The Book of Mormon is a literary and a religious masterpiece, and is far beyond even the fondest hopes or abilities of any farm boy” (“It Was a Miracle!” Ensign, November 1977, 11). From its discovery to its translation and publication, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon was simply miraculous—and the book itself continues to be a miracle in the lives of people all over the world. Here are three reasons why the Book of Mormon is such a miraculous work.
6 Min Read
April 17, 2014 04:58 AM MDT
Our day is like no other in the history of the world. Think of the tremendous progress made in technology just during your lifetime. For example, we now have “smart phones” that are also a camera, GPS, calculator, clock, flashlight, game console, search engine, and much more.
7 Min Read