Editor’s note: The exact moments the Savior shows up in our story may vary, but His role is the same. He comes to save. To save us from pain, stagnation, sin, fear—the list could (and does) go on and on. The Savior of us all offers to rescue us all from anything that impedes our joy or progress. And this precious Easter season gives us cause to celebrate and meditate on that beautiful truth. The mortal journeys of God’s children are evolving and complex, and they rarely feel to us like a straight line forward. But wherever we are or wherever we’ve walked, in each of our stories the comforting line repeats: because of Him, because of Him.
In this series, which first appeared in the March/April Issue of LDS Living magazine, we explore the way the Savior can help us take the unexpected chapters in our lives and turn them into something beautiful. First up, we hear from Cameron Victor.
When I was called to serve as bishop at age 26, I seriously wondered if I was good enough. And my uncertainty actually grew the first few months as the ward adjusted to having such a young bishop. I occasionally heard comments from members that were discouraging. But I didn’t give up because Christ had been transforming my life ever since I’d met missionaries on the street when I was 12.
I’d actually seen photos of missionaries in our home from when my parents had been baptized years ago. Our family hadn’t been to Church for years, but I invited the missionaries to come home with me that day. From then on, I met with them two or three times a week and was soon baptized.
I’d further my education at BYU–Idaho. Shortly after returning home, however, I met my future wife, Monique, and after much prayer and thought, we chose to stay in Trinidad and Tobago, partly because we hoped to help build up the Church here.
The Lord has provided a way for some amazing things to happen since I was called to be bishop 18 months ago. Before I was bishop, I had friends in the ward whom I would try to minister to, but nothing seemed to really change. But as their bishop, I’ve received very specific revelation about how to help them. A year ago, there were some returned missionaries who were spiritually far away from the Church, and now they are there each week asking what they can do to help. It’s been pretty amazing to see.

I am also grateful for the way I am changing into a more charitable person; I don’t get angry as easily and care more deeply about others. I am beginning to see that whether or not I am good enough wasn’t a question God was ever asking—He was inviting me to come and learn, to come and be changed. Monique and I recently welcomed our first baby, a daughter we named Mckenzie, and what I want most is to be the best father I can for her. And I know now, more than ever before, that embracing the call to serve Christ and letting Him work in me is how I will become the best I can be.
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