From the Church

President Uchtdorf Shares What Often Keeps Us from Experiencing Christ's Light: "Let God Open Your Eyes"


"Let God open your eyes. Let Him give you a new heart. Standing in His light, you will be able to navigate the course of your life."

I wish to offer a bit of help to those of you who are young. I know you struggle to find your place amid the commotion of our world. You face important, life-changing decisions every day. You may see things online and wonder how to reconcile them with your testimony or with the gospel. You may wonder if your cries for help are heard—both by Church leaders and by God. You may feel like you are walking blindly through the dark as you navigate your life.

My message to you is this: Step away from the shadows of the world and into the everlasting Light of Christ. I testify that He is always there, even when you can’t see or feel His light.

The Appearance of No Light

Darkness is not an indication that there is no light. Most often, it simply means you’re not in the right place to receive the light. Perhaps you have become distracted by overusing social media. Maybe you slowly stopped reading the scriptures each day. Maybe you have slipped into viewing pornography, in any of its forms. Christ’s light will not reach you if you are not in the right place.

The truth is that spiritual light continually shines upon all of God’s creation.

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