Life is rarely easy. And usually, right when we feel we finally have reached a point of comfort, we have to move onto the next, unfamiliar stage of life. However, even if life can be unpredictable, we know there is also a promised joy that comes with living life the best we can.
In a recent Facebook post, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf shared the small things disciples of Christ can do even when discouraged or overwhelmed that will lead them to eventual joy.
Rarely is our journey smooth or without trial. We each have our heartaches, our disappointments, our sorrows. We may even feel discouraged and at times overwhelmed. But those who live a disciple’s life—who remain faithful and keep moving forward in faith; who trust God and keep His commandments; who live the gospel day by day and hour by hour; who give Christlike service to those around them, one good deed at a time—are those whose small acts often make a big difference.
Those who are a little kinder, a bit more forgiving, and a touch more merciful are the merciful who will receive mercy. Those who make this world a better place, one caring and loving act at a time, and who strive to live the blessed, satisfying, and peaceable life of a disciple of Jesus Christ are those who will eventually find joy.