On Sunday, December 13, President Uchtdorf dedicated the 13th temple in Mexico and the 149th temple worldwide, the Tijuana Mexico Temple.
The night before the dedication, hundreds of youth from Mexico participated in a cultural celebration entitled “Venid a Mi,” which means "Come Unto Me."
“I can only repeat 'Venid a Mi',” said President Dieter F. Uchtdorfat the program. “That is what the temple is all about. 'Come unto Christ' and you will be a lighthouse to the nation. A lighthouse to your friends. A lighthouse to your communities.”
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, second counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, dedicated the Tijuana Mexico Temple on Sunday, December 13, 2015.
During the traditional cornerstone ceremony signifying that the temple is complete, President Uchtdorf called on the assistance of Church leaders and local Latter-day Saints to help him place mortar around the cornerstone.
“We love you," said President Uchtdorf. “We bring you the love and greetings of President Monson. His heart is here. He will participate by internet, by television. He will see it. He will hear you. He will feel your spirit. So, blessings to you from him. Blessings to you from us.”
Images from Mormon Newsroom.

During the finale of the December 12 cultural event, young people reenact the building of the Tijuana Mexico Temple. Photo by Jason Swensen via Mormon Newsroom.