While in Uruguay during his 2018 ministry visit to South America, President Russell M. Nelson had an extensive interview with Sergio Rubin, Pope Francis’s official biographer. During this interview, the two discussed the Rome Italy Temple, mass shootings, the growth of the Church, polygamy, abortion, same-sex attraction, and much more. During the conversation, the status of women in the Church also arose. Sarah Jane Weaver from the Church News wrote about this question and President Nelson's inspired response.
“Many churches are ruled by men, at the exclusion of women,” said Mr. Rubin. “Is this the case for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?”
“Well,” said President Nelson, “you should talk to a woman about that.”
President Nelson then turned and looked at Sheri Dew, executive vice president of Deseret Management Corporation, the CEO of Deseret Book Company, and former Relief Society general presidency member.
“Can you help with this answer about the role of women in the Church?” he asked her. He motioned her into camera range.
Sister Dew told Mr. Rubin that he would have a hard time finding a church where more women have more authority than in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“There are hundreds of thousands of women, right now, who have legitimate leadership opportunities and expectations. As women in the Church we teach and preach, we expound doctrine, we serve missions as full-time proselyting missionaries, and we have leadership responsibilities,” she said.
Then she added, “I actually feel ennobled by being a Latter-day Saint woman. Every opportunity for growth I have ever had has come because of the Church.”