While speaking to nearly 24,000 Saints on Sunday, President Nelson answered a question many have wondered throughout history: Why does God allow His children to suffer?
A woman recently wrote President Nelson and shared with him the challenges of her 2-year-old daughter, who suffers from serious congenital malformations.
Humbly, the woman asked why God would allow that to happen to her daughter.
President Nelson observed that, in fact, most people face some kind of physical challenges. Some have diabetes. Others are intolerant of glutens. Some are prone to develop cancer or heart disease. And others are susceptible to alcoholism or other addictions.
But the Lord has promised strength for those who remain faithful despite their weaknesses.
Edward A. Ornelas, for the Deseret News
“That eternal perspective makes a huge difference in our comprehension of things that don’t seem fair in this life,” he said.
Expect to experience “serious storms” and perhaps even tragedy during one’s life.
“But with faith in a loving God and trust in his divine plan, the pain of such a tragedy can be endured. And if we truly understand who we are and why we are here, we can face the future with faith in God and his eternal plan of happiness. Our understanding is broadened when we realize there truly will be another life after death.”
Lead image by Edward A. Ornelas, for the Deseret News