MR says: Want to learn how to better teach the gospel and keep the spirit in your home? Who better to teach these lessons than our beloved prophet?
Plastic little children
Made of Heaven’s clay
Oh Father, give us vision
To mold them right this day.
Potential gods in miniature,
We must have help from Thee,
For how they’re fashioned here today,
Will endure through all eternity.
President Boyd K. Packer, the late President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, shared this poem by an unknown author in his book Teach Ye Diligently.
The lesson of the poem is profound. Parents and other adults can have a lasting influence on children; a teacher’s actions may mold a child into something that can “endure through all eternity.”
“Children learn through gentle direction and persuasive teaching,” said President Thomas S. Monson during his October 1997 general conference address. “They search for models to imitate, knowledge to acquire, things to do, and teachers to please.”