This week, our beloved prophet Thomas S. Monson posted a message on Facebook reminding Church members about what truly deserves our focus this holiday season.
With so many activities, decorations, and gifts, sometimes the chaos or pressures of Christmas can smother a little of the spirit of the holiday. But President Monson gave the perfect counsel to help Latter-day Saints know what matters most and to feel our Savior's love.
As we contemplate how we’re going to spend our money to buy gifts this holiday season, let us plan also for how we will spend our time in order to help bring the true spirit of Christmas into the lives of others.
The Savior gave freely to all, and His gifts were of value beyond measure. Throughout His ministry, He blessed the sick, restored sight to the blind, made the deaf to hear, and the halt and the lame to walk. He gave cleanliness to the unclean. He restored breath to the lifeless. He gave hope to the despairing and bestowed light in the darkness. He gave us His love, His service, and His life.
What is the spirit we feel at Christmastime? It is His spirit—the Spirit of Christ.
This message originally appeared in President Monson's 2009 First President Christmas Devotional message. Read the full talk here.