From the Church

President Monson Absent from Session of Conference to Conserve Energy


Many who have tuned into conference this weekend noticed that President Thomas S. Monson, who was present at the Saturday morning session, was absent from the Saturday afternoon session.

A Church spokesman said that President Monson was "conserving energy" for the priesthood session later tonight and other sessions later this weekend.

Our beloved prophet turns 90 later this year. We love him and sustain him, and we are grateful that our Church is lead by a prophet and 14 other chosen apostles who can come together to fulfill the Lord's work. While we missed President Monson during the Saturday afternoon session, it's wonderful that our Church is structured in a way that allows the work of the Lord to go forward despite unexpected circumstances or illness.

"While each feels his own limitation," President Boyd K. Packer said in a 1996 conference address, "there is strength in unity. Never in the history of the Church have the Brethren of the First Presidency and the Twelve been more united."

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