Follow the Prophets

Pres. Holland’s powerful reminder of why we wear the temple garment

“I can’t answer every question you have. ... But I can, as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, promise you the help of a loving God."
Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

In the September 2024 issue of the Liahona (available online now), is an article from President Jeffrey R. Holland titled “The Garment of the Holy Priesthood.” President Holland discusses how the temple garment is a sacred physical reminder of our covenants.

“We are baptized once in our lives. We partake of the sacrament once a week. We attend the temple as circumstances permit. But the garment of the holy priesthood is different: this symbol we honor every day and night,” President Holland writes.

‘Eager to Put It Back On’

President Holland writes that he was endowed 64 years ago and has worn the garment appropriately ever since. The way he speaks of the temple garment shows his deep love for the practice.

“When we put on the garment, we are, as the First Presidency has taught, putting on a sacred symbol of Jesus Christ. That being the case, why would we ever look for an excuse to take that symbol off? Why would we deprive ourselves of the promise of power, protection, and mercy the garment represents?” President Holland says. “Whenever we do have to temporarily remove the garment, we should be eager to put it back on, as soon as possible, because we remember both the promises and the perils that give meaning to our covenants. Above all, we remember the cross and empty tomb of Christ.”

Questions about Wearing the Temple Garment

President Holland addresses members who might have questions about the garment. He pointed to resources where answers can be found, including:

  • Section 38.5 of the General Handbook.
  • Consulting trusted family members and leaders.
  • The “very clear direction given in the initiatory ordinances.”
  • Turning to “ever your Father in Heaven, who knows you and loves you and understands everything about your circumstances.”

He also reminded us that “the Spirit will not inspire you to do less than follow the instruction received in the temple and the prophetic counsel shared by the First Presidency. ... A loving Father will not help you rationalize doing less than you can to align with His standards of devotion and modesty that will bless you now and forever. But does He understand your questions, and will He help you receive the blessings of respecting the garment and keeping your covenants? Yes!”

He concludes: “I can’t answer every question you have. I can’t even answer every question I have. But I can, as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, promise you the help of a loving God, who seeks your every success and blessing, in ways you can’t now fathom or foresee, as you keep the covenants you have made with Him.”

Read the full article online now in the Liahona.

Read more on temple garments in the links below.

The simple thing my mom did that showed me the power of temple garments
Why saying ‘receive’ your endowment can be more helpful, accurate, and respectful
3 simple questions to ask yourself each time you participate in the endowment
Our favorite resources for anyone preparing to enter the temple
4 genius ways to study the temple from one of our favorite scholars (+ her book recommendations)

More from President Holland

In his decades as a teacher and an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, President Jeffrey R. Holland has often shared remarkable insights gleaned from his study of the New Testament. Our Day Star Rising compiles these insights: those about the history and context of the New Testament as well as teachings from the New Testament, wherein he uses its verses to cast new light on various doctrinal themes.

Among the many names of Christ is the Day Star—the sun—that "shineth in a dark place until the day your hearts" (2 Peter 1:19). Our lives will have difficult periods, which may go on for days, months, or even years. But in all of it, somehow, not only when He comes again but also during the anticipation of His coming, we can rest assured that His light will guide us unfailingly through. This book reminds us of the promise that, if we wait for it and watch for it and want it badly enough, our Day Star will most certainly arise in our hearts. Available at Deseret Book and

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