Prepper Style New Year's Resolutions: Survival Skills

This week we're talking about survival skills. Take a look at last week’s resolutions for Food and Water Storage.

Here is what our Emergency Essentials’ bloggers plan on doing to hone their Survival Skills in 2014:

New Year’s Resolution Prepper Style: Survival Skills


I resolve to experiment with and learn different alternative cooking skills, such as basic thermos cooking and one-pot meals on a single burner folding stove with a heat cell canister. I hope to get a Volcano collapsible grill with an oven lid and learn to use it for both grilling and baking using the Volcano dutch oven. I also plan to continue learning how to grow vegetables successfully in pots. (Last summer’s results were mixed: the cucumbers and peppers were great, but the eggplants were so small I kept waiting for them to grow large enough to harvest while they were actually growing old!) 


You may or may not know that, growing up, I used to go camping and hiking with my family all the time. As I grew older, I kicked my inner tomboy to the curb and embraced the world of stilettos and manicures. This year I’m letting the pendulum swing back to middle ground and I’ll be spending some more time outdoors, practicing and learning some survival skills (like building a fire or a shelter, orienteering, etc.). I’m also going to do some canning and dehydrating this year, which will be a totally new experience for me. There are dozens of skills I want to learn, but I’m trying to pace myself, so the first thing I’m going to do is a winter camping trip where I’ll practice building an emergency shelter and a fire. (Wish me luck. But if you’re worried about me, also know that I’m absolutely taking a tent. And an armful of hand and body warmers.)


Sometimes my husband acts like he’s a “dead body” and tells me to try to carry him out of a “burning house” (yes, I know this is weird). It’s annoying when he does it, but I fail at dragging him even two feet every time. This makes me think that I need to strength train to be able to get him to safety if something happened. So my New Year’s Resolution for skills is to learn various methods for carrying another person, strength training (so that I can lift more than 30 pounds . . .), and exercising more in case we have to evacuate on foot, or build a shelter. 


Once upon a time I was CPR and first aid certified . . . that was like 6 ½ years ago. This New Year, I resolve to relearn (and get re-certified) in first aid and CPR. I just hit my one year wedding anniversary this last December and it’s made me realize that I want to be able to be self-reliant in protecting my family, if it comes to that. My husband and I ski . . . a lot. By developing First Aid skills, I will be better prepared to take care of my husband if he gets hurt while we’re skiing (before ski patrol arrives, of course). Knowing CPR and First Aid will also help me in the future when I have children. Learning these skills now will give me confidence to heal/help my children when they are ill or get injured. 

What type of Survival Skills do you want to develop in 2014? 

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