{Poll} Mother's Day vs. Father's Day

Sunday will be my first real Mother's Day. Last year on that day, I was unhappily sitting in church, very pregnant, one day overdue with my son. Why couldn't he have arrived in time for Mother's Day? I thought. (Obviously the wound is still fresh.) But I digress.

More than anything, I've been looking forward to the simple joy of holding my own child on that day for quite some time. But even before I was really a mother, I had been honored along with other women in my past wards for being a future mother. I've seen flowers, heard songs, and eaten chocolate (no complaints there). Occasionally the men of the ward have taken over the women's non-Relief Society Sunday callings so those women could attend Relief Society.

On the other hand, I vaguely remember that Father's Day has been celebrated in these wards, though I honestly can't remember if my dad or my husband received any small gifts. However, growing up, my dad got just as much attention as my mom did on her day (with perhaps slightly fewer presents).

What's been your experience? How have the two days compared in your life, and do they get a different amount of attention? 

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