
Polishing up your ‘armor of God’

Spanish Medieval Armour
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Busy week? Me too. LDSLiving is here to catch you up and get you ready for discussions on Sunday. Here’s a nugget of wisdom from this week’s Come, Follow Me study of Ephesians.

Whole Armor of God

The Epistle to the Ephesians has some great wisdom about prayer and missionary work. The passages that spoke the most to me though were in chapter six when Paul introduces the Armor of God. So let’s recap what kind of armor we’re supposed to put on every morning:

    • Loins girt about with truth
    • Breastplate of righteousness
    • Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace
    • Shield of faith
    • Helmet of salvation
    • Sword of the spirit, which is the word of God

    Truth, righteousness, the gospel (especially its message of peace), faith, salvation, and the Spirit can help prepare us for any conflict that might come upon us at any time, on any day. In this week’s episode this week, Tammy brought up a great point that takes the Armor of God metaphor one step further. Sure, every day it’s important to don God’s armor, but there is one day in our week that we get to take off our armor for about two hours and let it get buffed, shined, and even more ready for battle. When we take the sacrament, we are pounding out the dents in our armor. When we hear other people’s testimonies, we are reinforcing our shield. When we participate in Sunday School, we are sharpening our swords.

    Metal armor will get old and rusty if we let it. And without regular upkeep, our defenses can start to weaken and let in the fiery darts of the wicked. Blacksmiths repaired armor in the old days, and joining forces with other ward members can help us stay sharp today.

    It was definitely an obvious but “ah-ha” moment for me: If welding keeps the breastplate of metal at its best, then keeping our covenants will keep the breastplate of righteousness even stronger.

    So that was my takeaway this week. To hear more takeaways from other Latter-day Saints on this block of scripture, join our study group on Facebook and Instagram.

    Sunday on Monday is a Come, Follow Me podcast hosted by Tammy Uzelac Hall that is released every Monday to guide you through the scripture readings for the week. This week covers Ephesians. Our podcast guests this week were Elijah Beck, Easton Sargent, and Cooper Sargent. You can listen to full episodes on Deseret Bookshelf Plus and find out more at ldsliving.com/sundayonmonday.

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