Paula Crnkovich Millington was born in Idaho to the best parents and family in the world. After she graduated from BYU (BS), she took a ministerial leave of absence from LDS Hospital to serve in the Kaohsiung Taiwan mission. Paula also received degrees from the University of Utah (M.Ed and Ph.D). Seven years after she returned from her mission in Taiwan, she met her husband, Jeff Millington, who served in the Taipei Taiwan mission. Paula recently retired from the University of Utah and she and Jeff are currently serving together as missionaries in the Taipei Taiwan mission. Paula loves the Savior and His gospel and takes so much comfort in the plan of redemption and her covenants, constantly recognizing tender mercies in her life. Faith! Family! Friends! Are her priorities. She loves chocolate (an understatement) and jigsaw puzzles and morning walks. Paula’s father’s parents (Crnković/Gasparac and Palijan/Krizmanić) are from Croatia and she and her siblings have been able to visit their grandparents’ birthplaces and meet Croatian cousins. It turns out they are pretty much related to everyone in both villages so family and friends have been busy doing temple work for every relative they can find. It’s a labor of love.
加油 !! (pronounced Jiāyóu which means “Let’s go!” or literally, “Step on the gas!”)