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Sunday on Monday

A weekly Come, Follow Me podcast hosted by Tammy Uzelac Hall where we dig into the scriptures together.

Sunday on Monday is a Bookshelf+ exclusive. Full episodes can be accessed with a Bookshelf+ subscription. Start your free 30-day trial!

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Latest Episodes

Doctrine and Covenants 19 is an account of our Savior, Jesus Christ telling us about His own personal suffering from His perspective. It is a deeply personal section–deeply personal for Martin Harris who it is directed towards and deeply personal for all of us who need a reminder of what Christ did. But no matter who we are, the Atonement of Christ is the answer when we are asking questions.
Doctrine and Covenants section 18 contains many eternal truths that have been immortalized in song. By the end of this week’s study you’ll be able to remember that the worth of souls is great, your joy will be great with those you love, and faith, hope, and charity are great attributes to strive for. And hopefully when doubts or struggles come, this music can be there can bring the spirit and remind you that you are God’s favorite.
Doctrine and Covenants 12–17 are about this great and marvelous work we call the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With regards to our time in this ongoing restoration process, President Nelson encouraged us to take our vitamins because we all have a great work to do.
Are you a notetaker during Sunday School or scripture study? Jotting down ideas can be a useful method for remembering your thoughts or asking questions. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery had lots of questions during the translation of the Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants 10–11 contain the answer to their desires. So, sit down and take note to see the hand of God.
There are only two women named in the Doctrine and Covenants, but Church history is filled with stories of strong women of the Restoration. And thanks to diaries, recorded speeches, and family histories, we know many of their names. This bonus series will serve as a companion to our weekly Come, Follow Me podcast this year. And today's episode features two young sisters, without whom we wouldn't have the pages recording the early revelations of this standard work.

Meet your Host

Tamara Uzelac Hall grew up in Utah and Missouri, fully intending to get married and then raise 12 children while putting her husband through medical school. God had other plans.

She went to college and received both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from BYU. She served a mission in Fresno, California, and worked as a social worker until God steered her life in a completely different direction, becoming a full-time seminary and institute teacher instead.

After buying a house and settling nicely into a family ward, she was set up on (another) blind date with a widower, which miraculously worked and catapulted her into married life and became an insta-mom to two little girls.

Currently, she and her husband are the parents to four girls and live in Utah. She is a host for Time Out for Women; a featured speaker at Temple Square Youth Conferences, Retreat for Girls, and girls’ camps; and has been a speaker at BYU Women’s Conference.

She loves all things scripture and is a lifelong student of the Hebrew language. A good flash mob makes her cry, she is a (self-proclaimed) champion Oreo eater, and she believes that cheese is God’s way of saying, “Hey, everything is going to be OK.”

Sunday on Monday Doctrine and Covenants Journal

This journal will aid you in your Doctrine and Covenants study for the year 2025 as you follow along with our podcast! Remember to print double-sided.

Past Years