
Our Ultimate Latter-day Saint Bracket Challenge Starts Tomorrow


Thursday, March 26  at noon,  LDS Living  will kick off its very own Latter-day Saint culture bracket.

While we know Latter-day Saints are not perfect, we love our culture—quirky traditions, classic cheesy films, jiggly green Jell-O and all. In order to help us remember some of the positive and fun things our culture has produced, beginning Thursday at noon, we will launch the tournament on  LDS Living's Instagram account, putting 32 lovable aspects head-to-head in a two-week battle! Follow us on Instagram and check the stories daily to never miss the chance to vote for what you feel is the most iconic thing associated with our culture.

The bracket  will feature aspects such as  Church basketball, CTR rings, food storage, Sunday naps, Primary programs, and so many more. Each day up will bring a new matchup as we whittle the contenders down for two rounds until we finally decide the single-most iconic Latter-day Saint culture  champion.

Download our bracket  today to see if you can predict what the LDS Living audience will choose.  Post a picture of your bracket on Instagram [using the hashtag #LDSLBracket] for a chance for us to share it! When it’s all over, we will post the final bracket so you can see how yours compares.


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