With so many inspiring stories, profound insights, and spiritual promptings concentrated into conference weekend, it can be difficult to remember all we have learned and felt. Here is one powerful quote from each talk given during the April 2019 general conference to help you remember the inspired words from our Church leaders and the wonderful experiences we had together as members of the Church this spring even as we prepare for more meaningful messages and memories this conference weekend.
Saturday Morning Session

"Remember always that hope is an important part of the gospel plan."

"Although we may not be perfect, brothers and sisters, we can be worthy—worthy to partake of the sacrament, worthy of temple blessings, and worthy to receive personal revelation."

"When our worthy desires are not granted in the way we hoped, it may actually be for our ultimate benefit."

"Try to truly feel and see everyone around you as a child of God. . . . Laugh with them. Rejoice with them. Weep with them. Respect them. Heal, lift, and strengthen them."

"In modeling our ministering after Jesus Christ, it is important to remember that His efforts to love, to lift, to serve and bless had a higher goal than meeting the immediate need."

"Because none of us is perfect and feelings are easily hurt, families can become sacred sanctuaries only as we repent early and sincerely."
Saturday Afternoon Session

""Do the best you can do day after day, and before you know it, you will come to realize that your Heavenly Father knows you and that He loves you."

"We can fully trust in a loving Heavenly Father who is constantly trying to help us become the person He knows we can become."

"Some will say, 'You don't understand my situation.' I may not, but I testify there is One who does understand. There is One who knows your burdens because of His sacrifice made in the garden and on the cross."

"When we struggle with our own identity and lack of self-esteem, the pleasing word of God in the scriptures will help us know who we really are and give us strength beyond our own."

"The Spirit speaks to different people in different ways, and He may speak to the same person in different ways at different times."

"One way to always remember Him would be to join the Great Physician in His never-ending task of lifting the load from those who are burdened and relieving the pain of those who are distraught."
Priesthood Session

"You might be thinking that you are no one special, that you are not all-star material. But that is not true."

"No one can be left behind."

"As in all things, the Savior has shown us the way. We need to look to and serve Jesus Christ as He looked to and served His Father."

"As we grow in that pure love of Christ, our hearts soften. That love will humble us and lead us to repent. Our confidence in the Lord and in each other will grow."

"As we see threats creeping up on persons of things we love, we have the choice of speaking or acting or remaining silent."

"The Lord does not expect perfectionism from us at this point in our eternal progressions, but He does expect us to become increasingly pure."
Sunday Morning Session

"Most blessings that God desires to give us require action on our part, action based on our faith in Jesus Christ."

"When expectations overwhelm us, we can step back and ask Heavenly Father what to let go of. Part of our life experience is knowing what not to do."

"What is needed is a loving, compassionate, spiritual commitment by each of us men, women, youth, and children to share the gospel of Jesus Christ."

"Crucial for the Lord's return is the presence on the earth of a people prepared to receive Him at His coming."

"Because of His Atonement, the Savior has enabling powers, sometimes referred to as grace, that can help us overcome our weaknesses and imperfections, and thus assist us in our pursuit to become more like Him."

"Put yourself in a position to begin having experiences with Him. . . . Ask Him to tell you if He is really there—if He knows you. Ask Him how He feels about you. And then, listen."
Sunday Afternoon Session

"When we repent, we have the Lord's assurance that our sins, including our acts and desires, will be cleansed, and our merciful Final Judge will remember them no more."

"If we want to increase our faith, then let's do things that require faith."

"Our Savior desires that what we do and who we are becoming will invite others to come follow Him."

"The overarching purpose of Heavenly Father's plan is for His children to become more like Him."

"Even while we are patiently waiting upon the Lord, there are certain blessings that come to us immediately."

"Our homes are fortresses against the evils of the world."

"God's objective should be our objective."