Salt Lake City, UT: CleansingMusic, a web-based group of radio stations, has been launched to provide a unique clean streaming option for music listeners. All music has been reviewed and categorized into 12 separate stations plus a Christmas stream. These stations include music from the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and 2000's plus inspirational, new age/jazz, country, classical as well as non-single album cuts and a blended stream. Streams are accessed through the website and through Tunein Radio, iTunes Radio,, Streema and others. They can be found under cleansingmusic, all one word.
CleansingMusic founder Tally Pond states: “We love music. But even more, we love music you can listen to in the home or office and which your children, co-workers, and others can listen to without the many offensive messages that some contain. We know there is music out there that is very enjoyable, but when certain lyrics or messages are expressed, they take away from the quality that is found in the rest of the song. Hence, our music is cleansing and when we say that, it means that cleansing is spelled with two words, clean and sing.”
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