Every month, prophets and Church leaders send out inspired, specific, and directed messages to the members of the Church that we can share through home and visiting teaching. And each week, we learn gospel insights from the scriptures in Sunday School.
While these messages can often provide an answer to desperate prayers from a family, sister, or a member of your class, it can sometimes be difficult to find the time to read over let alone ponder each and every message, leaving most of us to leaf through the Ensign frantically right before a visit or skim through the manual the night before a lesson.
But it's hard to leave room for the Spirit when you're frantically cramming. Believe me. I've been there.
Recently, LDS Living designed a podcast that allows you to listen to these inspired messages anywhere you want: at the gym, on your commute into work, while you clean the house, etc. In addition to the monthly First Presidency and visiting teaching messages, these podcasts provide extra insights excerpted from books written by LDS apostles or authors that address the same topic, providing a little food for thought to help you think deeper about each month's message.
In addition to home and visiting teaching podcasts, you'll also be able to access Sunday school lesson insights that highlight three interesting thoughts from the lesson. Each lesson insight can be found as both a written outline or a podcast, making it easier for you to think about the lesson all week—even while you are on-the-go.
All the podcasts are free and can be found onDeseret Bookshelf, a free app that gives readers access to free Church materials, eBooks, audiobooks, as well as inspiring LDS quotes, not to mention hundreds of other titles by LDS authors.

To download the Deseret Bookshelf app for free, click here. Once you've logged into your new app, you can access the free podcasts under the "Discover" tab in the lower left-hand of your screen. The podcasts are listed under "Sunday Lesson Insights" and "Monthly Messages."
You can also find these podcasts and lesson helps on the Deseret Bookshelf PLUS app, which gives readers unlimited access to thousands of eBooks and audiobooks written by apostles, prophets, and LDS authors for just $6.99 a month.