From the Church

New Liahona article tells LGBTQ members: ‘You belong to Him—and you always will’


A new article in the October 2021 issue of the Liahona speaks directly to members who identify as gay or lesbian or experience same-sex attraction. The article seeks to offer hope and understanding for Church members who can feel confused about their place in the Church.

► You may also like: Ben Schilaty: Why I chose to stay at BYU and help LGBTQ students as an Honor Code administrator

“Your feelings may seem to be at odds with a lot of expectations,” the article says. “You may wonder: ‘Why is this happening to me? Does God really love me? Is there a place for me in His kingdom?’”

The article then offers four reminders to those who are struggling:

  • God Loves You
  • You Belong
  • Turn to God—He Will Help You
  • You Can Find Peace

Read more about these principles in the Liahona article.

And also check out this related article in the October Liahona: “Understanding and Including Our LGBT Brothers and Sisters.”

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