Infuse your family gatherings with inspired ideas from Emily Belle Freeman, and update your home’s decor with pieces from the beautiful new collaboration, “The Gathering Collection,” from Freeman and Latter-Day Home. Little decor details can add so much elegance and meaning to your home and will make your time together feel even more special. This new book of resources plus these eight great home decor pieces will help you inspire a feeling of welcome, warmth, and love throughout your home.
Inside The Gathering Home, you will find stories, ideas, and resources to help you plan intentional gatherings. Bring the spirit of Christ into your everyday gatherings and weekly rhythms by creating deliberate celebrations and seasonal gatherings for your family, friends, and neighbors. Whether you have a few minutes or a few hours, you can make your home a gathering home as you create the space, gather the people, and give your love.
Matthew 28:10 reads “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” One of the most important elements of the Gathering Collection is the focus on Christ-centered celebrations. This beautifully designed plaque is a reminder that even the smallest gatherings are an invitation for Jesus Christ to be found in our midst.
Featuring the signature olive branch design found on most of the Gathering Collection pieces, this charcuterie board will look lovely at any type of gathering and doubles as the perfect accent piece when not being used to entertain. Let the olive leaf become a reminder of a peaceful welcome and the fruitful love of a home filled with hospitality.
Make your home an inviting place to gather loved ones with an inspiring message before they even enter the front door! Let your welcoming in begin on the porch with a heartfelt invitation –– come and stay.
A serving platter with a message central to the theme of the Gathering Collection––create the celebration, gather the people, give your love. It is a beautiful reminder to create deliberate and intentional gatherings focused on those you love.
This gorgeous cotton linen-blend table runner is beautifully embroidered with a simple and elegant olive leaf design, reminiscent of hospitality and the welcoming in. This is a product meant to encourage and invite gatherings around the family table, one of the most important gathering places in a home.
This canvas quote comes from D&C 124:23: "Let it be a good house, worthy of all acceptation, that the weary traveler may find health and safety while he shall contemplate the word of the Lord." A simple reminder either hung on a wall or placed on a mantle that will remind you and your family of the home you are building together. A place of refuge. A safe haven. A good house.