Ever have a hard time choosing between a laughing smiley face or regular smiley face emoji? Well, thanks to the Mormon emoji starter pack Mormoji, you just might have a hard time choosing between a Book of Mormon or CTR emoji.
But just imagine all the ways you can share your testimony and faith in creative, fun ways! As Elder Dallin H. Oaks said this conference, "Our young members' fascination and expertise with social media gives them unique opportunities to reach out to interest others in the gospel. Describing the Savior's appearance to the Nephites, Mormon writes 'he did teach and minister unto the children and he did loose their tongues that they could utter" (3 Nephi 26:14). Today I suppose we would say 'loose their (thumbs) that they could utter.' Go to it youth!"
Mormon Buzzz released the free app on Sept. 25 for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users. Mormojiincorporates LDS-themed emojis like missionary name tags or hymn books.
With plans to release a version for Android users, Mormoji could be your next favorite app.