Did you know mormon.org is on Buzzfeed? Recently, two articles created by mormon.org were featured on Buzzfeed, and while the content of both reflected the Church's #LIGHTtheWORLD campaign by sharing acts of service, one had a surprisingly hilarious twist.
Here's just a taste of these incredible articles:
16 Simple Ways To Be Kind To Strangers During The Holidays
‘Tis the season to be nice!
Shovel snow or do yard work for a neighbor.
Amy Saxon White / Via Facebook: synyster.vengeance.fan
You already have to do your own yard work or shovel your own driveway, so why not help out a neighbor while you’re at it? Bonus points: Wear an interesting costume to increase the fun!
Bring some surprise treats for your co-workers.
It’s a great way to brighten everyone’s day, and who doesn’t love surprise treats?!
Try really, really hard to be the optimist of your friend group.
youtube.com / Via i.imgur.com
Make an effort to look at the bright side of things, and focus on the positive aspects of everything around you. It’s not always easy, but optimism is contagious. Eventually people around you will adopt a positive outlook and spread it to others!
Read the rest of the article here.
People Share Their “Random Acts Of Holiday Kindness” Stories
Kindness is everywhere!
The perfect words at the perfect time:
“It was the very end of a horrendous day of travel. Christmas was over, and I had spent the last 18 hours in cars, planes and airports trying to get home from my parents’ house. I finally made it back to my neighborhood in Brooklyn, neck pillow around my neck, still hazy from plane meds, dragging my little suitcase behind me and looking thoroughly spent. I trudged past a group of older women who were talking on the sidewalk, as I was literally counting the steps left until I reached my apartment door. One of the women - who I’m sure I’d never met before - stopped me and said, ‘Hey! Welcome home!’ It was the smallest thing, but it was so nice and well-timed that I almost cried.” - Kristin R.
A free ride that makes all the difference:
“Last winter, I was in the train station and trying to go home, but I couldn’t find my Metro card. The train was approaching and it was super late at night. The next train wouldn’t be by for another 35 minutes and it was so cold in the station. I started to panic because I just wanted to go home and I was too broke to afford a cab. A stranger saw me getting upset and insisted on swiping me in on his card. It was so considerate of him, it made my night.” - Kristen B.
Read the rest of the story here.