Moriah Nash

July 02, 2018 12:13 PM MDT
My experience with ward service truly started on my mission. It was exciting because in our wards we were invited to ward council, and since there weren't as many active members, we got to participate in a lot. We were in charge of large parts of activities and would frequently be the setup crew as well as be in close communication with leaders to help include less-active members and investigators in the process. When I got home, I thought that this would be the way that every ward functioned.
2 Min Read
June 09, 2018 12:00 PM MDT
Sitting in Sunday School a few weeks ago, we were talking about scripture study and how we needed to be reading with our families. While I’m sure that most of us could be doing better at this, it can be difficult to find motivation and creativity every day. This can easily lead to us skipping the reading and missing out on the spirit. These are a few ideas to help your scripture reading be a joy!
2 Min Read