Latter-day Saint Life

Mission Possible: Financial Preparation for Sisters

With the fairly recent announcement lowering the missionary age to 19 for sisters, there has been a sharp increase in the number of young women signing up to serve missions. This is wonderful and exciting! If you are one of those young women considering serving a mission I can tell you from experience that it’s hard work and also one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever have.

With all of the excitement that comes along with serving a mission, there is also the responsibility to fund your mission. As Mormon women we are taught and encouraged to be self-reliant.

“Church leaders have long counseled prospective missionaries to prepare to pay for as much of their missionary service as possible. You and your family should consider your financial circumstances carefully. Counsel with your bishop or branch president if you have questions. While financial challenges outside of your control don’t automatically disqualify you from service, Heavenly Father expects you to do what is within your control.” [1]

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