Lesson Helps

May 2017 Visiting and Home Teaching Message: General Conference


For this month's visiting and home teaching messages, focus on ministering to the those you teach. Pick a message from April general conference to share. You may even consider bringing a copy of the general conference issue of the Ensign or Liahona to share with them. Here are a few talks that stood out to us to help you get started. 

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Greatest Among You"

My dear brothers, dear friends, how grateful I am to be with you in this inspiring worldwide priesthood meeting. President Monson, thank you for your message and blessing. We will always take to heart your words of direction, counsel, and wisdom. We love and sustain you, and we always pray for you. You are indeed the Lord’s prophet. You are our President. We sustain, we love, you.

Almost two decades ago, the Madrid Spain Temple was dedicated and began its service as a sacred house of the Lord. Harriet and I remember it well because I was serving in the Europe Area Presidency at the time. Along with many others, we spent countless hours attending to the details of planning and organizing the events leading up to the dedication.

As the date of the dedication approached, I noticed that I had not yet received an invitation to attend. This was a bit unexpected. After all, in my responsibility as the Area President, I had been greatly involved in this temple project and felt a small amount of ownership for it.

I asked Harriet if she had seen an invitation. She had not.

Days passed and my anxiety increased. I wondered if our invitation had gotten lost—perhaps it was buried between the cushions of our sofa. Maybe it had been mixed up with junk mail and thrown away. The neighbors had an inquisitive cat, and I even began to look suspiciously at him.

Finally I was forced to accept the fact: I had not been invited.

Read the entire talk on lds.org.

Sister Linda K. Burton, "Certain Women"

My beloved sisters, how we love you and thank you for your tenderhearted and enthusiastic response to the First Presidency’s invitation and the #IWasAStranger effort. Please keep praying, listening to the whisperings of the Spirit, and acting on the promptings you receive.

Whether I travel locally or throughout the world, it is not unusual for someone to ask, “Do you remember me?” Because I am painfully imperfect, I must admit I often can’t remember names. However, I do remember the very real love Heavenly Father has allowed me to feel as I meet His precious daughters and sons.

Recently I had the opportunity to visit some beloved women who are in prison. As we said our heartfelt goodbyes, one darling woman pleaded, “Sister Burton, please don’t forget us.” I hope she and others who want to be remembered will feel so as I share a few thoughts with you.

Certain Women in the Savior’s Day: Centered in the Savior Jesus Christ

Our sisters across the ages have demonstrated the faithful pattern of discipleship that we too strive for. “The New Testament includes accounts of [certain] women, named and unnamed, who exercised faith in Jesus Christ [and in His Atonement], learned and lived His teachings, and testified of His ministry, miracles, and majesty. These women became exemplary disciples and important witnesses in the work of salvation.”

Read the entire talk on lds.org.

Elder Dale G. Renlund, "Our Good Shepherd"

We get a glimpse into our Heavenly Father’s character as we recognize the immense compassion He has for sinners and appreciate the distinction He makes between sin and those who sin. This glimpse helps us have a more “correct [understanding of] his character, perfections, and attributes” and is foundational to exercising faith in Him and in His Son, Jesus Christ. The Savior’s compassion in the face of our imperfections draws us toward Him and motivates us in our repeated struggles to repent and emulate Him. As we become more like Him, we learn to treat others as He does, regardless of any outward characteristic or behavior.

The impact of distinguishing between the outward characteristics of an individual and the individual himself is central to the novel Les Misérables, by the French author Victor Hugo. As the novel opens, the narrator introduces Bienvenu Myriel, the bishop of Digne, and discusses a dilemma facing the bishop. Should he visit a man who is an avowed atheist and is despised in the community because of his past behavior in the French Revolution?

The narrator states that the bishop could naturally feel a deep aversion for the man. Then the narrator poses a simple question: “All the same, should the scabs of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil?” Answering for the bishop, the narrator provides a definitive answer, “No”—and then adds a humorous comment: “But what a sheep!”

Read the entire talk on lds.org.

Elder Joaquin E. Costa, "To the Friends and Investigators of the Church

On a Friday afternoon, September 16, 1988, in the Vicente López Ward meetinghouse in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A very good friend, Alin Spannaus, baptized me that day, and I felt happy, lighter, eager to learn more.

Today, I would like to share some lessons I learned on my path to baptism—lessons that I hope may help those of you listening who are not members of the Church yet. I pray that your hearts may be touched by the Spirit, as was mine.

First, Meeting the Missionaries

Why would a person without compelling challenges, needs, or questions be interested in meeting the missionaries and listening to their lessons? Well, in my case it was love—love for a girl, a girl named Renee. I fell in love with her, and I wanted to marry her. She was different and had standards different from most young women I knew. But I fell for her and asked her to marry me—and she said no!

Read the entire talk and see some fun pictures from Elder Costa on lds.org.

Lead image from Mormon Newsroom
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