Mark D. Ogletree

October 13, 2018 11:00 AM MDT
One of the most profound love stories in the Old Testament centers on the love between Jacob and Rachel. When Jacob first saw Rachel, she was tending her father’s sheep (Genesis 29:9–10). Jacob wasted no time rolling back a stone from the “well’s mouth” so that the sheep could drink. We learn from the Genesis account that no sooner did Jacob meet Rachel than he was kissing her. Either we are missing a few key verses, or Jacob wasted no time in getting to know his future wife!
6 Min Read
June 25, 2018 09:24 AM MDT
Becoming a grandparent is an incredible gift from our Father in Heaven. In a merciful way, grandparenting extends the time that adults have to be with babies, children, and teenagers. In some ways, grandparenting can give older parents a “second chance” to improve upon some of their previous parenting experiences. Becoming a grandparent is certainly one of the most significant blessings in this life. Some have argued that being a grandparent is God’s reward for becoming old!
9 Min Read
June 20, 2018 09:58 AM MDT
Our Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ, are both childlike, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, and willing to submit to all things (Mosiah 3:19). However, the natural man is the opposite of these qualities.
8 Min Read
October 16, 2017 09:30 AM MDT
In the October 2012 general conference, President Thomas S. Monson announced that young men could now be recommended for missionary service at age 18, and young women could serve at age 19. At a press conference held between the Saturday morning and afternoon conference sessions, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland invited parents “to take a strong hand in this preparation and not expect that it is somehow the responsibility of local church leaders, or the missionary department of the church or MTC’s to provide and direct all of that.” Notice where Elder Holland placed the responsibility to train the future missionary force—not on local church units or missionary training centers but on mothers and fathers!
6 Min Read
June 10, 2017 09:00 AM MDT
The following is an excerpt from No Other Success: The Parenting Practices of David O. McKay by Mark D. Ogletree.
7 Min Read