Primary can be a difficult but also very rewarding calling. Sometimes short attention spans and boundless energy can make it seem almost impossible to focus the lesson on the gospel and keep the class in control--and that's when you're really greatful for "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes," "If You're Happy and You Know It," and the snowman and popcorn songs.
Sometimes, though, music can also produce a calming spirit that can touch the children in a way your words just can't seem to get through to them, and those moments can be beautiful. The Children's Songbook can be a great tool for this, but there are also other resources available to you that can be a great help.

I Am a Child of God: Songs for Children in 2013
New for 2013, I Am a Child of God features traditional selections as well as new songs for the 2013 children’s theme and program. Each song is sung by children, with brightness and sincerity, and captures the spirit that is ignited within children as they sing about the gospel.

Teach Me to Walk in the Light & Other Favorite Children's Songs
You may not associate the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square with children' songs, but their newest album is exactly that. Bringing your favorite Primary songs to life in this unprecedented collection of all-new arrangements and recordings and complete with sacred childhood hymns like “Teach Me to Walk in the Light," "Give, Said the Little Stream," "If the Savior Stood Beside Me,” and “When He Comes Again,” these new renditions provide the perfect dose of nostalgia and fondness for listeners of any age.

Popcorn Bopping and Scripture Power
If you do need to help your class shake out the wiggles and giggles, these two albums of dance-along mixes of favorite Primary songs are sure to do the trick. Contagiously fun and upbeat, these can be used to help let out extra energy before starting a Primary lesson or any other time at home and while driving around town.
For other suggestions for helping your kids get the most out of Church, check out these articles: