The best parts of being a kid are the endless energy and imagination. Give them pipe cleaners and craft glue and they’re creating masterpieces; though sometimes after a few months of being cooped up during the winter they need a little spark to get them going. Here are a few craft ideas to keep little hands occupied.
Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeders
With a spread of peanut butter and a sprinkling of seeds, this easy craft will keep kids who love the outdoors glued to the windows as they watch birds grab a quick bite for lunch.
Button Artwork
Finally, a use for that box of mismatched buttons! These works of art will look terrific on the refrigerator or even on a nursery room wall.
Pipe Cleaner Creatures
Tigers, chameleons, and squirrels, oh my! These adorable creatures may be found climbing all over the house after a few days with your wild animal.
Popsicle Puzzle
Whether you use family photos or magazine pictures, this little craft is fun for kids to make and play with for hours after.
Colored Pasta
Does your little one’s macaroni necklace need some color? Helping create colored pasta will be just as much fun as creating with the pasta after!
Painted Toast
That looks good enough to eat! Turn an everyday snack into something unexpected with paint-your-own toast!
Glow-in-the dark Jell-O!
A little tonic water never hurt anyone, and making jello cutouts with this stuff will make a classic dessert new and exciting!
Stretching and squeezing this sludge will create squeals of laughter, and kids will love to help create this monstery-goo.
Here are a few assembly-required projects that can create hours of entertainment for you and your children!
Indoor hopscotch
Getting those wiggles out will be like 1, 2, 3!
Puppet Theater
With some fun-colored fabric, tension rods, and a little imagination, kids will have fun creating little plays for friends and family with this new puppet theater!
PVC Playhouse
With this sturdy structure, creating a fort will be easier on you and the furniture!
Fabric roads
Simple to make, set up, and store, fabric roads keep little cars from veering out of control!