What's It Like To Be a Mormon in the Entertainment Business?
[Karen] How do you renew yourself when you’re not under the lights?
[Nikki] That’s tough. And you know, you talked earlier about the challenges of being on the road. A good majority of my career has been spent touring the country: where I’m alone, I go to the theater, I go home to a different hotel room every night of the week. I have had to find things that make me feel like a real person and not just a touring machine.
I think you start at the foundation, with prayer and scriptures: consistent study and a consistent relationship with God. That keeps you connected, grounded; it’s a steadfast consistency throughout your life. I have made huge efforts in the last 5 years to go to church every Sunday. I’ll do whatever it takes; I don’t care how expensive the taxis are, or how far I have to go, I’ve made a commitment to do whatever it takes to go to church every Sunday.