
LDS Small-Business Owners Become Finalists in National Competition


LDS couple Kristin and Jared Fitzgerald of Nashville, Tennessee, are both woodworkers and small business owners. And they’re in the running to win a national competition.

Kristin entered the contest, “The Right Van for the Job” earlier this year, but forgot about it because their business keeps both Kristin and Jared very busy.

Neither expected they would be selected as a top four finalist (out of tens of thousands) and that they would eventually be heading to Palm Springs, California, to attend the Inc. 5000 Conference.

“It has been an amazing experience to see so many friends and family taking time to vote for us every day,” Kristin says.

Winning the whole competition gave the couple a new, much-needed upgrade to their work vehicle.

“We put so much thought into every aspect of our company and our work vehicle has always been the missing piece of the puzzle. It’s always fallen down as the lowest priority on our list,” Kristin told in a video.

The couple has had their truck for a long time; it has more than 250,000 miles on it, no A/C, and a leaky transmission. In addition, it takes up a lot of time to move supplies because it doesn’t have a canopy and leaves the tools exposed.

Kristin said winning the new van would completely change their lives, not only for their business but also for family.

“When I get home I don’t have to worry about unloading tools, putting them into the shed, and reloading them in the morning. You’re looking at an extra two hours a day at least I can spend with my wife and three boys,” Jared says.

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