Thanks for your interest in contributing to LDS Living and our mission to inspire joy in living the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are always looking for a diversity of voices to add to our website library and bimonthly magazine publication.
The following guidelines will help you know more about working with us.
Editorial Focus
Our target audience is women and men (30–65+) who are actively living a Latter-day Saint life and looking for insights and encouragement to inspire their daily efforts. To serve our audience, we seek casual, informative articles that share personal perspectives and insights on the following topics:
- Spiritual growth and relationship with God: personal learnings and takeaways on prayer, scripture study, Sabbath worship, temple worship, etc.
- Loving and ministering to others: thoughtful new takes on loving one another better in our families, congregations, neighborhoods, and communities
- Living, learning, and teaching the gospel at home: faith-building family routines or traditions; ideas, tips, and insights for Come, Follow Me study, applying general conference teachings, etc.
- Navigating life’s challenges: personal narratives on finding hope, help, and healing through the gospel of Jesus Christ
We have found that an article is most compelling when the topic is relevant to a broad audience and offers a clear value proposition. We assess an article using the following criteria:
- Relevant: topic is specific and applicable to a broad demographic of Latter-day Saints
- Engaging: strong hook or reason to care with a fresh perspective and point of view
- Skimmable: clear subheadings that break down the content into manageable sections, short paragraphs, concise sentences that get to the point quickly, a catchy title that grabs the reader’s attention
- Doctrinally sound: supported by scripture and teachings of the modern-day prophets and leaders
Web articles are limited to 1000 words or less. Magazine articles can be longer, up to 2200 words.
Tone and Style
The tone and style for and LDS Living magazine differ slightly. Based on the type of article you are submitting we recommend you peruse the content on the website and/or magazine to become familiar with tone and style.
- Web content: Our web content reads more like a blog post, with an informal tone and conversational style.
- Magazine content: Our magazine content is slightly more formal and follows the Chicago Manual of Style.
Ready to Pitch Us?
Send an email to with your article idea and answers to the following questions.
- What is your angle? Topics are broad. Angles are narrow and specific. The angle identifies what is new and different to advance the topic.
- What is your headline? Tell us in a few words what you would write to grab the reader and draw them in. Good headlines make a claim about what they will get by reading your article.
- What should we know about you? Tell us a little about yourself in a brief bio.
- Submissions are not guaranteed to be published and are received solely at the creator’s risk.
- If your article is selected for publication, an editor will contact you with a contributor agreement. No work is published without a signed copy of the contributor agreement.
- We don’t accept submissions of previously published works.
- We don’t accept AI generated content.
LDS Living is a division of Deseret Book Company, published in Salt Lake City, Utah.